"""TODO: High-level file comment.""" import sys def main(argv): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) import setup from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement driver = setup.MakeDriver(user="******") driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'close-notification']]) driver.ExpectContains([[By.NAME, 'game-summary-box']], '60') # current stun timer # Go to the Rules page, change the rules driver.DrawerMenuClick('mobile-main-page', 'Rules') driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'rules-card'], [ By.NAME, 'rules-icon' ]]) # Flaked once on remote, another icon would have received click -verdagon driver.SendKeys([[By.NAME, 'rules-card'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'textarea']], 'rules are cools') # If you click Cancel, the new words shouldn't show up.
# Test Setup playerNames = { 'zella': 'ZellaTheUltimate', 'deckerd': 'DeckerdTheHesitant', 'moldavi': 'MoldaviTheMoldavish', 'drake': 'Drackan', 'zeke': 'Zeke', 'jack': 'JackSlayerTheBeanSlasher' } xpathToUnseen = "//*[contains(@id, 'drawerChatItem-%s')]//div[contains(@name, 'unseenIcon')]" # Start Test actingPlayer = 'zella' # admin human actingPlayerName = playerNames[actingPlayer] driver = setup.MakeDriver() driver.WaitForGameLoaded() # Open the drawer if we need to if driver.is_mobile: driver.Click([[By.CLASS_NAME, 'visible-page'], [By.CLASS_NAME, 'header'], [By.NAME, 'drawerButton']]), # Empty chat shouldn't have an unseen badge driver.DontFindElement([[By.XPATH, xpathToUnseen % 'Global Chat']]) # Chats with messages should have an unseen badge driver.FindElement([[By.XPATH, xpathToUnseen % 'Resistance Comms Hub']]) driver.FindElement([[By.XPATH, xpathToUnseen % 'My Chat Room!']]) # Only desktop has chats on the dashboard
import sys import pdb import setup from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By def main(argv): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) # Sign in as a normal human. driver = setup.MakeDriver(user="******") # It's a dark and lonely night. The rash young human Jack is walking alone, unguarded, when # the sly zombie Zeke leaps from a bush and tears out his brain! # Jack self-infects driver.DrawerMenuClick('mobile-main-page', 'Infect') driver.SendKeys([[By.ID, 'lifeCodeInput'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'input']], 'grobble-forgbobbly') # Jack's code driver.Click([[By.ID, 'infect']]) driver.ExpectContains( [[By.NAME, 'infect-card'], [By.ID, 'selfInfectedMessage']], 'Welcome to the horde!') # TODO(aliengirl): Do we want/need an "are you sure" popup?
# limitations under the License. """TODO: High-level file comment.""" import sys def main(argv): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) import setup from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By driver = setup.MakeDriver(user="******", page="/createGame", populate=False) # Create game driver.Click([[By.ID, 'createGame']]) driver.SendKeys([[By.ID, 'idInput'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'input']], driver.GetGameId()) driver.SendKeys([[By.ID, 'nameInput'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'input']], 'My Game') driver.SendKeys([[By.ID, 'stunTimerInput'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'input']], '60') # Set game start time to sometime in the past driver.Backspace([[By.ID, 'form-section-start-time'], [By.ID, 'year'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'input']], 4) driver.SendKeys([[By.ID, 'form-section-start-time'], [By.ID, 'year'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'input']], "2016") # Set the declare resistance and declare horde end times to sometime in the future driver.Backspace([[By.ID, 'form-section-declare-resistance-end-time'],
assert oldTime >= maxTime, "%d is not greater than or equal to %d" % ( oldTime, maxTime) else: assert newTime < maxTime, "%d is not less than %d" % (newTime, maxTime) return newTime if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) import setup from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By INTITIAL_TIMER = 60 driver = setup.MakeDriver(user="******") if driver.is_mobile: driver.FindElement([[By.NAME, 'stuntimer-box']]) driver.DrawerMenuClick('mobile-main-page', 'Stun Timer') # Check that the timer actually counts down when you press start/stop driver.ExpectAttributeEqual( [[By.NAME, 'stuntimer-card'], [By.NAME, 'timer-startstop']], "innerText", "START") driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'stuntimer-card'], [By.NAME, 'timer-startstop']]) driver.ExpectAttributeEqual( [[By.NAME, 'stuntimer-card'], [By.NAME, 'timer-startstop']], "innerText", "STOP") time.sleep(2)
import sys def main(argv): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) import sys from driver import WholeDriver import setup from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By driver = setup.MakeDriver(user="******") # Make sure that an undeclared person can see rules, global chat, no missions: TODO(aliengirl): add this (and update declarezombie.py:35 if necessary) driver.DrawerMenuClick('mobile-main-page', 'Rules') driver.FindElement([[By.NAME, 'rules-card']]) driver.DrawerMenuClick('rules-card', 'Global Chat') driver.DrawerMenuClick('chat-card', 'Dashboard') # Time for Deckerd to choose a side driver.RetryUntil( lambda: driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'declareAllegiance']]), lambda: driver.FindElement([[By.NAME, 'joinGameStartingZombiePage'], [By.NAME, 'option0']])) # Choose zombie! driver.RetryUntil(
"""TODO: High-level file comment.""" import sys def main(argv): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) import setup from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By driver = setup.MakeDriver(user="******") if driver.is_mobile: # Moldavi shares his location driver.DrawerMenuClick('Global Chat') driver.Click([[By.TAG_NAME, 'ghvz-chat-location'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'paper-icon-button']]) driver.RetryUntil( lambda : True, lambda: driver.FindElement([[By.NAME, 'map-ready']])) driver.Click([[By.ID, 'sendLocationForm'], [By.ID, 'done']]) # NOTE: don't blindly copy this, it's very risky to use FindElement's return value. location = driver.FindElement([[By.NAME, 'message-Global Chat-'], [By.ID, 'mapContainer']]) location = location.get_attribute('src') assert "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap" in location; # Jack can see it
# limitations under the License. """TODO: High-level file comment.""" import sys def main(argv): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) import setup from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By driver = setup.MakeDriver(user="******") driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'joinGame']]) driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'joinGameIntroNext']]) driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'joinGameGfitNext']]) driver.SendKeys([[By.NAME, 'joinGameNamePage'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'paper-input'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'input']], 'ReggieTheRavager') driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'joinGameNamePage'], [By.TAG_NAME, 'paper-button']]) driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'joinGameBandPage'], [By.NAME, 'option1']]) driver.Click([[By.NAME, 'joinGameBandInfoPageNext']])