Beispiel #1
def load_sgf_moves_exn(path):
    sgf_file = open(path, "rb")
    contents =

    game = Sgf.Sgf_game.from_bytes(contents)
    size = game.get_size()

    root = game.get_root()
    ab, aw, ae = root.get_setup_stones()
    setup = []
    if ab or aw:
        for (row, col) in ab:
            loc = Board.loc_static(col, size - 1 - row, size)
            setup.append((Board.BLACK, loc))
        for (row, col) in aw:
            loc = Board.loc_static(col, size - 1 - row, size)
            setup.append((Board.WHITE, loc))

        color, raw = root.get_raw_move()
        if color is not None:
            raise Exception(
                "Found both setup stones and normal moves in root node")

    #Walk down the leftmost branch and assume that this is the game
    moves = []
    prev_pla = None
    seen_white_moves = False
    node = root
    while node:
        node = node[0]
        if node.has_setup_stones():
            raise Exception("Found setup stones after the root node")

        color, raw = node.get_raw_move()
        if color is None:
            raise Exception("Found node without move color")

        if color == 'b':
            pla = Board.BLACK
        elif color == 'w':
            pla = Board.WHITE
            raise Exception("Invalid move color: " + color)

        rc = Sgf_properties.interpret_go_point(raw, size)
        if rc is None:
            loc = None
            (row, col) = rc
            loc = Board.loc_static(col, size - 1 - row, size)

        #Forbid consecutive moves by the same player, unless the previous player was black and we've seen no white moves yet (handicap setup)
        if pla == prev_pla and not (prev_pla == Board.BLACK
                                    and not seen_white_moves):
            raise Exception("Multiple moves in a row by same player")
        moves.append((pla, loc))

        prev_pla = pla
        if pla == Board.WHITE:
            seen_white_moves = True

    #If there are multiple black moves in a row at the start, assume they are more handicap stones
    first_white_move_idx = 0
    while first_white_move_idx < len(
            moves) and moves[first_white_move_idx][0] == Board.BLACK:
        first_white_move_idx += 1
    if first_white_move_idx >= 2:
        setup.extend((pla, loc) for (pla, loc) in moves[:first_white_move_idx]
                     if loc is not None)
        moves = moves[first_white_move_idx:]

    bname = root.get("PB")
    wname = root.get("PW")
    brank = (root.get("BR") if root.has_property("BR") else None)
    wrank = (root.get("WR") if root.has_property("WR") else None)
    komi = (root.get("KM") if root.has_property("KM") else None)

    metadata = Metadata(size, bname, wname, brank, wrank, komi)
    return metadata, setup, moves
Beispiel #2
def load_sgf_moves_exn(path):
  sgf_file = open(path,"rb")
  contents =

  game = Sgf.Sgf_game.from_bytes(contents)
  size = game.get_size()

  root = game.get_root()
  ab, aw, ae = root.get_setup_stones()
  setup = []
  if ab or aw:
    for (row,col) in ab:
      loc = Board.loc_static(col,size-1-row,size)
    for (row,col) in aw:
      loc = Board.loc_static(col,size-1-row,size)

    color,raw = root.get_raw_move()
    if color is not None:
      raise Exception("Found both setup stones and normal moves in root node")

  #Walk down the leftmost branch and assume that this is the game
  moves = []
  prev_pla = None
  seen_white_moves = False
  node = root
  while node:
    node = node[0]
    if node.has_setup_stones():
      raise Exception("Found setup stones after the root node")

    color,raw = node.get_raw_move()
    if color is None:
      raise Exception("Found node without move color")

    if color == 'b':
      pla = Board.BLACK
    elif color == 'w':
      pla = Board.WHITE
      raise Exception("Invalid move color: " + color)

    rc = Sgf_properties.interpret_go_point(raw, size)
    if rc is None: #pass
      loc = Board.PASS_LOC
      (row,col) = rc
      loc = Board.loc_static(col,size-1-row,size)

    #Forbid consecutive moves by the same player, unless the previous player was black and we've seen no white moves yet (handicap setup)
    if pla == prev_pla and not (prev_pla == Board.BLACK and not seen_white_moves):
      raise Exception("Multiple moves in a row by same player")

    prev_pla = pla
    if pla == Board.WHITE:
      seen_white_moves = True

  #If there are multiple black moves in a row at the start, assume they are more handicap stones
  first_white_move_idx = 0
  while first_white_move_idx < len(moves) and moves[first_white_move_idx][0] == Board.BLACK:
    first_white_move_idx += 1
  if first_white_move_idx >= 2:
    setup.extend((pla,loc) for (pla,loc) in moves[:first_white_move_idx] if loc is not None)
    moves = moves[first_white_move_idx:]

  bname = root.get("PB")
  wname = root.get("PW")
  brank = (root.get("BR") if root.has_property("BR") else None)
  wrank = (root.get("WR") if root.has_property("WR") else None)
  komi = (root.get("KM") if root.has_property("KM") else None)
  rulesstr = (root.get("RU") if root.has_property("RU") else None)

  rules = None
  if rulesstr is not None:
    if rulesstr.lower() == "japanese" or rulesstr.lower() == "jp":
      rules = {
        "koRule": "KO_SIMPLE",
        "scoringRule": "SCORING_TERRITORY",
        "multiStoneSuicideLegal": False,
        "encorePhase": 0,
        "passWouldEndPhase": False,
        "whiteKomi": komi
    elif rulesstr.lower() == "chinese":
      rules = {
        "koRule": "KO_SIMPLE",
        "scoringRule": "SCORING_AREA",
        "multiStoneSuicideLegal": False,
        "encorePhase": 0,
        "passWouldEndPhase": False,
        "whiteKomi": komi
    elif rulesstr.startswith("ko"):
      rules = {}
      origrulesstr = rulesstr
      rulesstr = rulesstr[2:]
      if rulesstr.startswith("SIMPLE"):
        rules["koRule"] = "KO_SIMPLE"
        rulesstr = rulesstr[6:]
      elif rulesstr.startswith("POSITIONAL"):
        rules["koRule"] = "KO_POSITIONAL"
        rulesstr = rulesstr[10:]
      elif rulesstr.startswith("SITUATIONAL"):
        rules["koRule"] = "KO_SITUATIONAL"
        rulesstr = rulesstr[11:]
      elif rulesstr.startswith("SPIGHT"):
        rules["koRule"] = "KO_SPIGHT"
        rulesstr = rulesstr[6:]
        raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

      if rulesstr.startswith("score"):
        rulesstr = rulesstr[5:]
        raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

      if rulesstr.startswith("AREA"):
        rules["scoringRule"] = "SCORING_AREA"
        rulesstr = rulesstr[4:]
      elif rulesstr.startswith("TERRITORY"):
        rules["scoringRule"] = "SCORING_TERRITORY"
        rulesstr = rulesstr[9:]
        raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

      if rulesstr.startswith("sui"):
        rulesstr = rulesstr[3:]
        raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

      if rulesstr.startswith("false"):
        rules["multiStoneSuicideLegal"] = False
        rulesstr = rulesstr[5:]
      elif rulesstr.startswith("true"):
        rules["multiStoneSuicideLegal"] = True
        rulesstr = rulesstr[4:]
        raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

  metadata = Metadata(size, bname, wname, brank, wrank, komi)
  return metadata, setup, moves, rules
def load_sgf_moves(path):
	"""Load a sgf file and return (gamedata, setup, moves, rules) """
	with open(path, "rb") as sgf_file:
		content =

	game = Sgf.Sgf_game.from_bytes(content)
	size = game.get_size()
	root = game.get_root()
	ab, aw, ae = root.get_setup_stones()
	setup = []
	if ab or aw:
		for (row, col) in ab:
			setup.append((Board.BLACK, size-1-row, col))
		for (row, col) in aw:
			setup.append((Board.WHITE, size-1-row, col))
		color,raw = root.get_raw_move()
		if color is not None:
			raise Exception("Found both setup stones and normal moves in root node")

	# As in KataGo/python/, we assume the leftmost branch is the game
	moves = []
	prev_pla = None
	seen_white_moves = False
	node = root
	while node:
		node = node[0]
		if node.has_setup_stones():
			raise Exception("Found setup stones after the root node")

		color, raw = node.get_raw_move()
		if color is None:
			raise Exception("Found node without move color")

		if color == "b":
			pla = Board.BLACK
		elif color == "w":
			pla = Board.WHITE
			raise Exception("Invalide move color: {}".format(color))

		rc = Sgf_properties.interpret_go_point(raw, size)
		if rc is None:
			row, col = Board.PASS
			row, col = rc
			row = size-1-row

		if pla == prev_pla and not (prev_pla == Board.BLACK and not seen_white_moves):
			raise Exception("Multiple moves in a row by the same player")
		moves.append((pla, row, col))

		prev_pla = pla
		if pla == Board.WHITE:
			seen_white_moves = True

	first_white_move_idx = 0
	while first_white_move_idx < len(moves) and moves[first_white_move_idx][0] == Board.BLACK:
		first_white_move_idx += 1
	if first_white_move_idx >= 2:
		setup.extend((pla,loc) for (pla,loc) in moves[:first_white_move_idx] if loc is not None)
		moves = moves[first_white_move_idx:]

	bname = root.get("PB")
	wname = root.get("PW")
	brank = (root.get("BR") if root.has_property("BR") else None)
	wrank = (root.get("WR") if root.has_property("WR") else None)
	komi = (root.get("KM") if root.has_property("KM") else None)
	rulesstr = (root.get("RU") if root.has_property("RU") else None)

	rules = None
	if rulesstr is not None:
		if rulesstr.lower() == "japanese" or rulesstr.lower() == "jp":
			rules = {
				"koRule": "KO_SIMPLE",
				"scoringRule": "SCORING_TERRITORY",
				"multiStoneSuicideLegal": False,
				"encorePhase": 0,
				"passWouldEndPhase": False,
				"whiteKomi": komi
		elif rulesstr.lower() == "chinese":
			rules = {
				"koRule": "KO_SIMPLE",
				"scoringRule": "SCORING_AREA",
				"multiStoneSuicideLegal": False,
				"encorePhase": 0,
				"passWouldEndPhase": False,
				"whiteKomi": komi
		elif rulesstr.startswith("ko"):
			rules = {}
			origrulesstr = rulesstr
			rulesstr = rulesstr[2:]
			if rulesstr.startswith("SIMPLE"):
				rules["koRule"] = "KO_SIMPLE"
				rulesstr = rulesstr[6:]
			elif rulesstr.startswith("POSITIONAL"):
				rules["koRule"] = "KO_POSITIONAL"
				rulesstr = rulesstr[10:]
			elif rulesstr.startswith("SITUATIONAL"):
				rules["koRule"] = "KO_SITUATIONAL"
				rulesstr = rulesstr[11:]
			elif rulesstr.startswith("SPIGHT"):
				rules["koRule"] = "KO_SPIGHT"
				rulesstr = rulesstr[6:]
				raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

			if rulesstr.startswith("score"):
				rulesstr = rulesstr[5:]
				raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

			if rulesstr.startswith("AREA"):
				rules["scoringRule"] = "SCORING_AREA"
				rulesstr = rulesstr[4:]
			elif rulesstr.startswith("TERRITORY"):
				rules["scoringRule"] = "SCORING_TERRITORY"
				rulesstr = rulesstr[9:]
				raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

			if rulesstr.startswith("sui"):
				rulesstr = rulesstr[3:]
				raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

			if rulesstr.startswith("false"):
				rules["multiStoneSuicideLegal"] = False
				rulesstr = rulesstr[5:]
			elif rulesstr.startswith("true"):
				rules["multiStoneSuicideLegal"] = True
				rulesstr = rulesstr[4:]
				raise Exception("Could not parse rules: " + origrulesstr)

	gdata = GameData(size, bname, wname, brank, wrank, komi)
	return gdata, setup, moves, rules