Beispiel #1
class SGManager(object):
    def __init__(self, ec2_connection=None, vpc=False):
        Connect to EC2
        :param config: path to configuration file
        :param kwargs: parameters for boto.connect_ec2()
        global ec2

        if not ec2_connection:
            # Use supplied connection
                ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
            except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
                e.friendly = True
            # Try to connect on our own
            ec2 = ec2_connection

        if vpc:
            lg.debug("Working only with VPC security groups")

        self.vpc = vpc

        self.remote = None
        self.local = None
        self.config = None

    def unused_groups(self):
        Get list of unused remote groups
        groups_used = []

        # Get all instances and their security groups
        for instance in ec2.get_all_instances():
            for grp in instance.groups:

        # Compare with all remote groups present
        for grp in self.remote.groups.iterkeys():
            if grp not in groups_used:
                yield grp

    def remove_unused_groups(self, dry=False):
        for grp in self.unused_groups():

    def load_remote_groups(self):
        Load security groups and their rules from EC2
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :rtype : object
        self.remote = SecurityGroups(vpc=self.vpc)
        return self.remote

    def load_local_groups(self, config, mode):
        Load local groups from config file
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :param config: configuration file path
        :rtype : object
        self.local = SecurityGroups(vpc=self.vpc)
        self.local.load_local_groups(config, mode)
        return self.local

    def dump_remote_groups(self):
        Dump remote groups into YAML
        return self.remote.dump_groups()

    def dump_local_groups(self):
        Dump local groups into YAML
        return self.local.dump_groups()

    def apply_diff(self, remove_groups=True, remove_rules=True, dry=False):
        Apply diff between local and remote groups
        # Diff groups
        sg_added, sg_removed, sg_updated, sg_unchanged =

        # Create new groups
        # Firstly create all groups, then add all rules (to satisfy between group relations)
        for group in sg_added:
            group.create_group(dry, no_rules=True)

        for group in sg_added:
            for rule in group.rules:

        # Update groups (create / remove rules)
        for group in sg_updated:
            added, removed, unchanged =[])

            # Add new rules
            for rule in added:

            # Remove old rules
            if remove_rules is True:
                for rule in removed:

        # Delete groups
        # This should be done at last to avoid between group relations
        if remove_groups is True:
            for group in sg_removed:
Beispiel #2
class SGManager(object):
    def __init__(self, ec2_connection=None):
        Connect to EC2
        :param config: path to configuration file
        :param kwargs: parameters for boto.connect_ec2()
        global ec2

        if not ec2_connection:
            # Use supplied connection
                ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
            except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
                e.friendly = True
            # Try to connect on our own
            ec2 = ec2_connection

        self.remote = None
        self.local  = None
        self.config = None

    def load_remote_groups(self):
        Load security groups and their rules from EC2
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :rtype : object
        self.remote = SecurityGroups()
        return self.remote

    def load_local_groups(self, config):
        Load local groups from config file
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :param config: configuration file path
        :rtype : object
        self.local = SecurityGroups()
        return self.local

    def dump_remote_groups(self):
        Dump remote groups into YAML
        return self.remote.dump_groups()

    def dump_local_groups(self):
        Dump local groups into YAML
        return self.local.dump_groups()

    def apply_diff(self, remove_groups=True, remove_rules=True, dry=False):
        Apply diff between local and remote groups
        # Diff groups
        sg_added, sg_removed, sg_updated, sg_unchanged =

        # Create new groups
        # Firstly create all groups, then add all rules (to satisfy between group relations)
        for group in sg_added:
            group.create_group(dry, no_rules=True)

        for group in sg_added:
            for rule in group.rules:

        # Update groups (create / remove rules)
        for group in sg_updated:
            added, removed, unchanged =[])

            # Add new rules
            for rule in added:

            # Remove old rules
            if remove_rules is True:
                for rule in removed:

        # Delete groups
        # This should be done at last to avoid between group relations
        if remove_groups is True:
            for group in sg_removed:
Beispiel #3
class SGManager(object):
    def __init__(self, ec2_connection=None):
        Connect to EC2
        :param config: path to configuration file
        :param kwargs: parameters for boto.connect_ec2()
        global ec2

        if not ec2_connection:
            # Use supplied connection
                ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
            except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
                e.friendly = True
            # Try to connect on our own
            ec2 = ec2_connection

        self.remote = None
        self.local = None
        self.config = None

    def load_remote_groups(self):
        Load security groups and their rules from EC2
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :rtype : object
        self.remote = SecurityGroups()
        return self.remote

    def load_local_groups(self, config):
        Load local groups from config file
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :param config: configuration file path
        :rtype : object
        self.local = SecurityGroups()
        return self.local

    def dump_remote_groups(self):
        Dump remote groups into YAML
        return self.remote.dump_groups()

    def dump_local_groups(self):
        Dump local groups into YAML
        return self.local.dump_groups()

    def apply_diff(self, remove_groups=True, remove_rules=True, dry=False):
        Apply diff between local and remote groups
        # Diff groups
        sg_added, sg_removed, sg_updated, sg_unchanged =

        # Create new groups
        # Firstly create all groups, then add all rules (to satisfy between group relations)
        for group in sg_added:
            group.create_group(dry, no_rules=True)

        for group in sg_added:
            for rule in group.rules:

        # Update groups (create / remove rules)
        for group in sg_updated:
            added, removed, unchanged =

            # Add new rules
            for rule in added:

            # Remove old rules
            if remove_rules is True:
                for rule in removed:

        # Delete groups
        # This should be done at last to avoid between group relations
        if remove_groups is True:
            for group in sg_removed:
Beispiel #4
class SGManager(object):
    def __init__(self, ec2_connection=None, vpc=False, only_groups=[]):
        Connect to EC2
        :param config: path to configuration file
        :param kwargs: parameters for boto.connect_ec2()
        global ec2

        if not ec2_connection:
            # Use supplied connection
                ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
            except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
                e.friendly = True
            # Try to connect on our own
            ec2 = ec2_connection

        if vpc:
            lg.debug("Working only with VPC security groups")

        self.vpc = vpc

        self.remote = None
        self.local  = None
        self.config = None
        self.only_groups = only_groups

    def unused_groups(self):
        Get list of unused remote groups
        groups_used = []

        # Get all instances and their security groups
        for instance in ec2.get_all_instances():
            for grp in instance.groups:

        # Compare with all remote groups present
        for grp in self.remote.groups.iterkeys():
            if grp not in groups_used:
                yield grp

    def remove_unused_groups(self, dry=False):
        for grp in self.unused_groups():

    def load_remote_groups(self):
        Load security groups and their rules from EC2
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :rtype : object
        self.remote = SecurityGroups(vpc=self.vpc, only_groups=self.only_groups)
        return self.remote

    def load_local_groups(self, config, mode):
        Load local groups from config file
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :param config: configuration file path
        :rtype : object
        self.local = SecurityGroups(vpc=self.vpc, only_groups=self.only_groups)
        self.local.load_local_groups(config, mode)
        return self.local

    def dump_remote_groups(self):
        Dump remote groups into YAML
        return self.remote.dump_groups()

    def dump_local_groups(self):
        Dump local groups into YAML
        return self.local.dump_groups()

    def apply_diff(self, remove_groups=True, remove_rules=True, dry=False):
        Apply diff between local and remote groups
        # Diff groups
        sg_added, sg_removed, sg_updated, sg_unchanged =

        # Create new groups
        # Firstly create all groups, then add all rules (to satisfy between group relations)
        for group in sg_added:
            group.create_group(dry, no_rules=True)

        for group in sg_added:
            for rule in group.rules:

        # Update groups (create / remove rules)
        for group in sg_updated:
            added, removed, unchanged =[])

            # Add new rules
            for rule in added:

            # Remove old rules
            if remove_rules is True:
                for rule in removed:

        # Delete groups
        # This should be done at last to avoid between group relations
        if remove_groups is True:
            for group in sg_removed:
Beispiel #5
class SGManager(object):
    def __init__(self, ec2_connection=None, vpc=False, only_groups=[]):
        Connect to EC2
        :param config: path to configuration file
        :param kwargs: parameters for boto.connect_ec2()
        global ec2

        if isinstance(ec2_connection, boto.ec2.connection.EC2Connection):
            # Use supplied connection
            ec2 = ec2_connection
        elif ec2_connection:
            # Try to connect on our own
                ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
            except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
                e.friendly = True
            # Continue without connection
            ec2 = None

        if vpc:
            lg.debug("Working only with VPC security groups")

        self.vpc = vpc

        self.remote = None
        self.local  = None
        self.config = None
        self.only_groups = only_groups

    def unused_groups(self):
        Get list of unused remote groups
        groups_used = []

        # Get all instances and their security groups
        for instance in ec2.get_all_instances():
            for grp in instance.groups:

        # Compare with all remote groups present
        for grp in self.remote.groups.iterkeys():
            if grp not in groups_used:
                yield grp

    def remove_unused_groups(self, dry=False):
        for grp in self.unused_groups():

    def load_remote_groups(self):
        Load security groups and their rules from EC2
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :rtype : object
        self.remote = SecurityGroups(vpc=self.vpc, only_groups=self.only_groups)
        return self.remote

    def load_local_groups(self, config, mode):
        Load local groups from config file
        Save and return SecurityGroups object

        :param config: configuration file path
        :rtype : object
        self.local = SecurityGroups(vpc=self.vpc, only_groups=self.only_groups)
        self.local.load_local_groups(config, mode)
        return self.local

    def dump_remote_groups(self):
        Dump remote groups into YAML
        return self.remote.dump_groups()

    def dump_local_groups(self):
        Dump local groups into YAML
        return self.local.dump_groups()

    def apply_diff(self, remove_groups=True, remove_rules=True, dry=False, threshold=None):
        Apply diff between local and remote groups
        # Diff groups
        sg_added, sg_removed, sg_updated, sg_unchanged =
        if threshold:
            len_changes = len(sg_updated) + len(sg_added) + len(sg_removed)
            # don't count in threshold groups to be removed if --no-remove-groups specified
            if not remove_groups:
                len_changes -= len(sg_removed)
            if not remove_rules:
                for group in sg_updated:
                    added, removed, unchanged =[])
                    # if there is nothing to add we don't modify the group, don't count in threshold
                    if len(added) == 0:
                        len_changes -= 1
            changes_perc = (float(len_changes) / (float(len(sg_unchanged)) + float(len_changes))) * 100
            if (float(changes_perc) >= float(threshold)):
                raise ThresholdException(
                    "Threshold for changes reached, expected: < %s %%,"
                    " actual: %s %%" % (threshold, round(changes_perc, 2)))

        # Create new groups
        # Firstly create all groups, then add all rules (to satisfy between group relations)
        for group in sg_added:
            group.create_group(dry, no_rules=True)

        for group in sg_added:
            for rule in group.rules:

        # Update groups (create / remove rules)
        for group in sg_updated:
            added, removed, unchanged =[])

            # Add new rules
            for rule in added:

            # Remove old rules
            if remove_rules is True:
                for rule in removed:

        # Delete groups
        # This should be done at last to avoid between group relations
        if remove_groups is True:
            for group in sg_removed: