def main():
  if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
    groups = int(sys.argv[1])
    size = int(sys.argv[2])
    weeks = int(sys.argv[3])
    timeout = int(sys.argv[4]) if len(sys.argv) == 5 else 600

    start = time()
    solution = get_solution(groups, size, weeks, timeout = timeout)
    print(time() - start, 'seconds')
    max_groups = 9
    max_size = 9
    max_weeks = 9

    # eigentlich sollte man hier gucken, ob alles gelöst wurde, allerdings wird das zu meinen Lebzeiten wohl nicht mehr fertig werden
    while True:
      for size in range(2, max_size):
        for groups in range(3, max_groups):
          for weeks in range(2, min(groups * size - 2, max_weeks)):
            print('SGP({}, {}, {}): '.format(groups, size, weeks), end='')
            # wurde schon eine Lösung gefunden?
            if already_solved(groups, size, weeks):
              print('already solved')
              solution = get_solution(groups, size, weeks)
              # brich ab, wenn keine Lösung gefunden ist, ansonsten Versuch es mit mehr wochen
              if sgp.violations(solution)[0] > 0:
  def solve(self):
    while not self.timeout:
      violats, solution = copy.deepcopy(random.choice(self.pool))

      if violats == 0:
        self.solution = solution
        return solution

      # Evolution
      # lokale tabu suche
      solution = self.learning(solution)

      # schlechteste Lösung rausschmeißen
      max_index, max_value = max(enumerate(self.pool), key=lambda t: t[1][0])
      self.pool[max_index] = (sgp.violations(solution)[0], solution)

      if self.pool[max_index][0] == 0: # es wurde eine korrekte Lösung gefunden

    best = min(self.pool, key=lambda t: t[0])
    self.solution = best[1]
    self.done = best[0] == 0
    return best[1]
  def __init__(self, groups, size, weeks, poolsize = 25, pool = None, timeout = 600, max_learning = 30):
    self.groups = groups
    self.size = size
    self.weeks = weeks

    self.stop_time = time() + timeout
    if pool:
      # check if pool is okay
      for v, solution in pool:
        assert len(solution) == weeks
        for week in solution:
          assert len(week) == groups
          for group in week:
            assert len(group) == size
      self.pool = pool
      self.pool = [ (lambda sigma: (sgp.violations(sigma)[0], sigma))(sgp.generateSolution(groups, size, weeks)) for i in range(poolsize) ]
    self.max_learning = max_learning
    self.solution = None
    self.done = False
  def learning(self, solution):
    tabu = [ {} for week in solution ]
    best_solution = copy.deepcopy(solution)
    best_violations = sgp.violations(solution)[0]

    # wie lange wird weiter gesucht, obwohl keine verbesserung eintritt
    #learning_semaphore = self.max_learning
    for iteration in range(self.groups * self.weeks):
      if best_violations == 0 or self.timeout: # were done

        # von allen Täuschen, den besten finden
        nex_viol, w, a, b = min(
            # entweder verbessert dieser Tausch diese Lösung zur Besten
            # oder er ist nicht tabu
            lambda t: t[0] < best_violations or not tuple(sorted((t[2], t[3]))) in tabu[t[1]] or tabu[t[1]][tuple(sorted((t[2], t[3])))] < iteration,
              lambda t: (sgp.evaluate_swap(solution, t), t[0], t[1], t[2]), 
        sgp.swap(solution, w, a, b)

        tabu[w][tuple(sorted((a, b)))] = iteration + random.randint(4, 100)

        if nex_viol < best_violations:
          best_solution = solution
          best_violations = nex_viol
          print(best_violations, end=' ')

      except ValueError as e:
    return best_solution
def save_state(solver):
  if solver.solution and sgp.violations(solver.solution)[0] == 0:
    with open(solution_filename(solver.groups, solver.size, solver.weeks), 'w') as f:
  json.dump(solver.pool, open(state_filename(solver.groups, solver.size, solver.weeks), 'w'))
 def test_violations(self):
   self.assertEqual(sgp.violations(self.solution)[0], 6)