Beispiel #1
def get_thrift_service_module(root, tornado=False):
    if not thrift:
        pytest.skip('Thrift is not installed.')

    thrift_file = get_thrift_file(root)
    with root.as_cwd():
        options = 'py:new_style,utf8strings,dynamic'
        if tornado:
            options += ',tornado'
        thrift('-out', '.', '--gen', options, str(thrift_file))
        yield root.join('service', '').pyimport()
Beispiel #2
def get_thrift_service_module(root, tornado=False):
    if not thrift:
        pytest.skip('Thrift is not installed.')

    thrift_file = get_thrift_file(root)
    with root.as_cwd():
        options = 'py:new_style,utf8strings,dynamic'
        if tornado:
            options += ',tornado'
        thrift('-out', '.', '--gen', options, str(thrift_file))
        yield root.join('service', '').pyimport()
Beispiel #3
def get_thrift_service_module(root, tornado=False):
    if not thrift:
        pytest.skip("Thrift is not installed.")

    thrift_file = root.join("service.thrift")
        union Value {
            1: string stringValue
            2: i32 integerValue

        struct Item {
            1: string key
            2: Value value

        exception ItemAlreadyExists {
            1: Item item

        exception ItemDoesNotExist {
            1: string key

        service Service {
            // oneway void putItemAsync(1: Item item);
            // TODO: oneway not yet supported

            void putItem(1: Item item, 2: bool failIfPresent)
                 throws (1: ItemAlreadyExists alreadyExists);
            Item getItem(1: string key)
                 throws (1: ItemDoesNotExist doesNotExist);

            bool healthy();
    with root.as_cwd():
        options = "py:new_style,utf8strings,dynamic"
        if tornado:
            options += ",tornado"
        thrift("-out", ".", "--gen", options, str(thrift_file))
        yield root.join("service", "").pyimport()
Beispiel #4
def get_thrift_service_module(root, tornado=False):
    if not thrift:
        pytest.skip('Thrift is not installed.')

    thrift_file = root.join('service.thrift')
        union Value {
            1: string stringValue
            2: i32 integerValue

        struct Item {
            1: string key
            2: Value value

        exception ItemAlreadyExists {
            1: Item item

        exception ItemDoesNotExist {
            1: string key

        service Service {
            // oneway void putItemAsync(1: Item item);
            // TODO: oneway not yet supported

            void putItem(1: Item item, 2: bool failIfPresent)
                 throws (1: ItemAlreadyExists alreadyExists);
            Item getItem(1: string key)
                 throws (1: ItemDoesNotExist doesNotExist);

            bool healthy();
    with root.as_cwd():
        options = 'py:new_style,utf8strings,dynamic'
        if tornado:
            options += ',tornado'
        thrift('-out', '.', '--gen', options, str(thrift_file))
        yield root.join('service', '').pyimport()
Beispiel #5
def get_service_module(root, tornado=False):
    if not thrift:
        pytest.skip('Thrift is not installed.')

    thrift_file = root.join('service.thrift')
        union Value {
            1: string stringValue
            2: i32 integerValue

        struct Item {
            1: string key
            2: Value value

        exception ItemAlreadyExists {
            1: Item item

        exception ItemDoesNotExist {
            1: string key

        service Service {
            // oneway void putItemAsync(1: Item item);
            // TODO: oneway not yet supported

            void putItem(1: Item item, 2: bool failIfPresent)
                 throws (1: ItemAlreadyExists alreadyExists);
            Item getItem(1: string key)
                 throws (1: ItemDoesNotExist doesNotExist);
    with root.as_cwd():
        options = 'py:new_style,utf8strings,dynamic'
        if tornado:
            options += ',tornado'
        thrift('-out', '.', '--gen', options, str(thrift_file))
        yield root.join('service', '').pyimport()