Beispiel #1
def in_polygon(xpts, ypts, x_poly, y_poly, lib='mpl'):
    Find points inside an arbitraty polygon.

    Given coordinates of 2D space (`xpts`, `ypts`), returns a
    boolean array of the same size as `xpts` and `ypts` where
    True values indicate coordinates inside the polygon
    defined by (`x_poly`, `y_poly`). Setting the `lib` parameter
    chooses to use tools from matplotlib.path or shapely.

    xpts, ypts : array_like
        Input coordinates.
    x_poly, y_poly: array_like
        Polygon coordinates.
    lib : str
        Library to use ('mpl' or 'shp')

    boolean array
        True for points inside polygon.

    if lib == 'shp':
        # Polygon border
        poly = Polygon([(xp, yp) for (xp, yp) in zip(x_poly, y_poly)])

        # Bool vector
        boolean = [
            poly.contains(Point(x_pt, y_pt))
            for (x_pt, y_pt) in zip(xpts, ypts)
        # Set up input
        pts = np.array([xpts, ypts]).T
        poly = mpltPath.Path([[xp, yp] for (xp, yp) in zip(x_poly, y_poly)])

        # Bool vector
        boolean = poly.contains_points(pts)

    return boolean
Beispiel #2
#open zip code file
pin_idx = {}
r = shp.Reader(plz)
print('Assigning coordinates to pin codes...')
for n,s in tqdm(enumerate(r.shapeRecords())):
    pin  = r.record(n)['plz']
    poly = Polygon(s.shape.points)
    x_i,y_i,x_j,y_j = poly.bounds
    start = np.logical_and(np.greater_equal(points[:,0],x_i),np.less_equal(points[:,1], y_j))
    end   = np.logical_and(np.less_equal(points[:,0],x_j),np.greater_equal(points[:,1], y_i))
    bidx = np.logical_and(start,end)
    poly = Path(s.shape.points) 
    idx  = poly.contains_points(points[bidx])
    if pin in pin_idx.keys():
        pin_idx[pin] += [*list(index[bidx][idx])]
        pin_idx[pin] = list(index[bidx][idx])

#save state
w = shp.Writer('plz_nodes')
w.fields = [('plz','N',8,0)]

for pin,idx in pin_idx.items():
    for i in idx: