Beispiel #1
def get_image_dataset(render_config, cat_id, view_index):
    from shapenet.image import with_background
    import random
    if isinstance(view_index, int):
        dataset = render_config.get_dataset(cat_id, view_index)
    elif isinstance(view_index, (list, tuple)):
        dataset = render_config.get_multi_view_dataset(cat_id)

        def key_fn(example_id):
            return example_id, random.sample(view_index, 1)[0]

        dataset = dataset.map_keys(key_fn)
        raise TypeError('view_index must be an int or list/tuple of ints')
    return x: with_background(x, 255))
def save():
    import tensorflow as tf
    from util3d.mesh.obj_io import write_obj
    from shapenet.image import with_background
    from template_ffd.model import get_builder
    builder = get_builder(model_id)

    mesh_fn = builder.get_prediction_to_mesh_fn(0.02)
    cloud_fn = builder.get_prediction_to_cloud_fn()

    graph = tf.Graph()
    with graph.as_default():
        image = tf.placeholder(shape=(192, 256, 3), dtype=tf.uint8)
        std_image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)
        std_image = tf.expand_dims(std_image, axis=0)
        example_id = tf.constant(['blah'], dtype=tf.string)
        spec = builder.get_estimator_spec(
            dict(example_id=example_id, image=std_image),
            None, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT)
        predictions = spec.predictions
        probs_tf = predictions['probs']
        dp_tf = predictions['dp']
        saver = tf.train.Saver()

    with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
        saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(builder.model_dir))
        for fn in fns:
            path = os.path.join(folder, fn)
            image_data = np.array(imread(path))
            if image_data.shape[-1] == 4:
                image_data = with_background(image_data, (255, 255, 255))
            probs, dp =
                [probs_tf, dp_tf], feed_dict={image: image_data})
            probs = probs[0]
            dp = dp[0]
            mesh = mesh_fn(probs, dp)
            cloud = cloud_fn(probs, dp)['cloud']
            v, ov, f = (
                mesh[k] for k in('vertices', 'original_vertices', 'faces'))
            path = '%s.obj' % path[:-4]
            write_obj(path, v, f)
            p2 = '%s_template.obj' % path[:-4]
  '%s_cloud.npy' % path[:-4], cloud)
            write_obj(p2, ov, f)
Beispiel #3
def get_image_dataset(cat_ids, example_ids, view_indices, render_config=None):
    from shapenet.image import with_background
    from dids.core import BiKeyDataset
    if render_config is None:
        from shapenet.core.blender_renderings.config import RenderConfig
        render_config = RenderConfig()
    if isinstance(cat_ids, str):
        cat_ids = [cat_ids]
        example_ids = [example_ids]
    if isinstance(view_indices, int):
        view_indices = [view_indices]
    datasets = {
        c: render_config.get_multi_view_dataset(
            c, view_indices=view_indices, example_ids=eid)
        for c, eid in zip(cat_ids, example_ids)}
    dataset = BiKeyDataset(datasets).map(
        lambda image: with_background(image, 255))
    dataset = dataset.map_keys(
        lambda key: (key[0], (key[1], key[2])),
        lambda key: (key[0],) + key[1])
    return dataset
Beispiel #4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from shapenet.core import cat_desc_to_id
    # from zipfile import ZipFile
    # from shapenet.image import load_image_from_zip
    from shapenet.image import with_background
    cat_desc = 'plane'
    cat_id = cat_desc_to_id(cat_desc)
    view_index = 5
    config = RenderConfig()
    with config.get_dataset(cat_id, view_index) as ds:
        for k, v in ds.items():
            plt.imshow(with_background(v, 255))
    # with ZipFile(config.get_zip_path(cat_id)) as zf:
    #     for i in range(config.n_images):
    #         subpath = config.get_example_image_subpath(
    #             cat_id, example_id, config.view_angle(i))
    #         image = load_image_from_zip(zf, subpath)
    #         plt.figure()
    #         plt.imshow(np.array(image)[..., :3])
    #         image = with_background(image, 255)
    #         plt.figure()
    #         plt.imshow(image)
Beispiel #5
 def gen():
     for example_id, path in zip(example_ids, paths):
         image = np.array(
         image = with_background(image, 255)
         yield example_id, image
Beispiel #6
def get_fixed_meshes_dir():
    return os.path.join(blender_renderings_dir, '_fixed_meshes')

def get_fixed_meshes_zip_path(cat_id):
    return os.path.join(get_fixed_meshes_dir(), '' % cat_id)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from shapenet.core import cat_desc_to_id, get_example_ids
    from shapenet.image import load_image_from_zip, with_background
    import random
    import zipfile
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from config import RenderConfig
    cat_desc = 'plane'
    cat_id = cat_desc_to_id(cat_desc)
    example_ids = get_example_ids(cat_id)

    config = RenderConfig()
    with zipfile.ZipFile(config.get_zip_path(cat_id), 'r') as zf:
        for example_id in example_ids:
            subpath = get_example_image_subpath(cat_id, example_id,
            image = load_image_from_zip(zf, subpath)
            image = with_background(image, 255)
Beispiel #7
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapenet.image import with_background
from shapenet.core.blender_renderings.config import RenderConfig
from shapenet.core import cat_desc_to_id, get_example_ids

cat_desc = 'plane'
view_index = 5
config = RenderConfig()
view_angle = config.view_angle(view_index)
cat_id = cat_desc_to_id(cat_desc)
example_ids = get_example_ids(cat_id)

path = config.get_zip_path(cat_id)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
    raise IOError('No renderings at %s' % path)

with config.get_dataset(cat_id, view_index) as ds:
    ds = image: with_background(image, 255))
    for example_id in ds:
        image = ds[example_id]
 def map_np(self, example_id):
     return with_background(self._dataset[example_id], 255)
Beispiel #9
 def map_np(self, example_id):
     return with_background(self._dataset[example_id], 255)