def install_lumpy(env): """a general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery """ version = "github" repository = "git clone git://" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*")) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/* scripts/*"), post_unpack_fn=clean_libs)
def install_echo(env): """ECHO: A reference-free short-read error correction algorithm """ version = "1_11" url = "" "echo_v{0}.tgz".format(version) _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy())
def install_bowtie(env): """The bowtie short read aligner. """ version = "0.12.7" url = "" "" % (version, version) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'bowtie*'"))
def install_trinity(env): """Efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data. """ version = "r2012-05-18" url = "" "trinityrnaseq_%s.tar.gz" % version _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy())
def install_bowtie2(env): """bowtie2 short read aligner, with gap support. """ version = "2.0.0-beta6" url = "" "" % (version, version) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'bowtie2*'"))
def install_omssa(env): print "Installing OMSSA" default_version = "2.1.9" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = '' % (version, version) env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p '%s'" % env["system_install"]) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy(find_cmd="find -perm -100 -name 'omssa*'", do_make=False))
def install_lumpy(env): """a general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery """ version = "fca4706573" repository = "git clone" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"), revision=version)
def install_bedtools(env): """A flexible suite of utilities for comparing genomic features. """ version = "github" repository = "git clone git://" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"))
def install_samtools(env): """SAM Tools provide various utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM format. """ version = "0.1.18" url = "" "%s/samtools-%s.tar.bz2" % (version, version) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -type f"))
def install_tabix(env): """Generic indexer for TAB-delimited genome position files """ version = "0.2.6" url = "" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 tabix bgzip"))
def install_mosaik(env): """MOSAIK: reference-guided aligner for next-generation sequencing technologies """ version = "2.1.73" url = "" "MOSAIK-%s-binary.tar" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -type f", do_make=False))
def install_bedtools(env): """A flexible suite of utilities for comparing genomic features. """ version = "2.17.0" url = "" "BEDTools.v%s.tar.gz" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"))
def install_snap(env): """Scalable Nucleotide Alignment Program """ version = "0.15" url = "" "snap-%s-linux.tar.gz" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -type f", do_make=False))
def install_freebayes(env): repository = "git clone --recursive git://" def _fix_library_order(env): sed("vcflib/tabixpp/Makefile", "-ltabix", "-ltabix -lz") _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"), post_unpack_fn=_fix_library_order)
def install_transabyss(env): version = "1.2.0" url = "" "releases/%s/trans-ABySS-v%s.tar.gz" % ( version, version, ) _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy(do_make=False))
def install_hydra(env): version = "0.5.3" url = "{0}.tar.gz".format(version) def clean_libs(env): run("make clean") _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/* scripts/*"), post_unpack_fn=clean_libs)
def install_cufflinks(env): """Cufflinks assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples. """ default_version = "2.0.2" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" "cufflinks-%s.Linux_x86_64.tar.gz" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -type f", do_make=False))
def install_tophat(env): """TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads """ default_version = "2.0.7" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" "tophat-%s.Linux_x86_64.tar.gz" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -type f", do_make=False))
def install_omssa(env): default_version = "2.1.9" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = '' % (version, version) env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p '%s'" % env["system_install"]) ## OMSSA really wants mods.xml, usermods.xml, etc... in the same directory ## so just copying everything there. _get_install(url, env, _make_copy(find_cmd="ls -1", do_make=False))
def install_transabyss(env): """Analyze ABySS multi-k-assembled shotgun transcriptome data. """ version = "1.4.4" url = "" \ "releases/%s/trans-ABySS-v%s.tar.gz" % (version, version) _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy(do_make=False))
def install_bamutil(env): """Utilities for working with BAM files, from U of M Center for Statistical Genetics. """ version = "1.0.7" url = "" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bamUtil/bin/bam"), dir_name="bamUtil_%s" % version)
def install_lastz(env): version = "1.02.00" url = "" "lastz-%s.tar.gz" % version def _remove_werror(env): sed("src/Makefile", " -Werror", "") _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'lastz'"), post_unpack_fn=_remove_werror)
def install_ogap(env): """gap opening realigner for BAM data streams """ version = "652c525" repository = "git clone --recursive" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls ogap"), revision=version)
def install_grabix(env): """a wee tool for random access into BGZF files """ version = "fda4d2609" repository = "git clone" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 grabix"), revision=version)
def install_mosaik(env): """MOSAIK: reference-guided aligner for next-generation sequencing technologies """ version = "2.2.3" url = "" \ "MOSAIK-%s-Linux-x64.tar" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find . -perm -100 -type f", do_make=False))
def install_mosaik(env): repository = "git clone git://" def _chdir_src(work_cmd): def do_work(env): with cd("src"): work_cmd(env) return do_work _get_install(repository, env, _chdir_src(_make_copy("ls -1 ../bin/*")))
def install_crisp(env): version = "5" url = "" "CRISP-linux-v{0}.tar.gz".format(version) def _make_executable(): run("chmod a+x *.py") _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1", premake_cmd=_make_executable, do_make=False))
def install_stampy(env): """Stampy: mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference genome. """ base_version = "1.0.15" revision = "1360" version = "{0}r{1}".format(base_version, revision) url = "" "stampy-{0}.tgz".format(version) _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy(), dir_name="stampy-{0}".format(base_version))
def install_bowtie2(env): """bowtie2 short read aligner, with gap support. """ default_version = "2.1.0" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" \ "" % (version, version) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find . -perm -100 -name 'bowtie2*'"))
def install_bowtie(env): """The bowtie short read aligner. """ default_version = "1.0.0" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" \ "" % (version, version) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'bowtie*'"))
def install_velvet(env): """Sequence assembler for very short reads. """ default_version = "1.2.08" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" % version def _fix_library_order(env): """Fix library order problem in recent gcc versions error-installing-velvet-assembler-1-1-06-on-ubuntu-server """ env.safe_sed("Makefile", "Z_LIB_FILES=-lz", "Z_LIB_FILES=-lz -lm") _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'velvet*'"), post_unpack_fn=_fix_library_order)
def install_ray(env): """Ray -- Parallel genome assemblies for parallel DNA sequencing """ default_version = "2.2.0" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" % version def _ray_do_nothing(env): return _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find . -name Ray"), post_unpack_fn=_ray_do_nothing)
def install_freebayes(env): """Bayesian haplotype-based polymorphism discovery and genotyping. """ version = "296a0fa" repository = "git clone --recursive" def _fix_tabixpp_library_order(env): sed("vcflib/tabixpp/Makefile", "-ltabix", "-ltabix -lz") _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"), post_unpack_fn=_fix_tabixpp_library_order, revision=version)
def install_weblogo(env): """Weblogo """ version = "2.8.2" url = "" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find . -perm -100 -type f", do_make=False)) def _cp_pm(env): for perl_module in ["", "", "template.eps"]: env.safe_sudo("cp %s %s/lib/perl5" % (perl_module, env.system_install)) _get_install(url, env, _cp_pm(env))
def install_bwa(env): """BWA: aligns short nucleotide sequences against a long reference sequence. """ default_version = "0.7.4" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" % ( version) def _fix_makefile(): arch = env.safe_run_output("uname -m") # if not 64bit, remove the appropriate flag if arch.find("x86_64") == -1: env.safe_run("sed -i.bak -r -e 's/-O2 -m64/-O2/g' Makefile") _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bwa", _fix_makefile))
def install_hydra(env): """Hydra detects structural variation breakpoints in both unique and duplicated genomic regions. """ version = "0.5.3" url = "{0}.tar.gz".format( version) def clean_libs(env): env.safe_run("make clean") _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/* scripts/*"), post_unpack_fn=clean_libs)
def install_superhirn(env): default_version = "0.03" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" % version def _chdir(work_cmd): def do_work(env): with cd("SuperHirnv03/make"): work_cmd(env) return do_work _get_install( url, env, _chdir(_make_copy(find_cmd="find -perm -100 -name 'SuperHirn*'")))
def install_freec(env): """Control-FREEC: a tool for detection of copy number changes and allelic imbalances. """ version = "6.4" if env.distribution in ["ubuntu", "debian"]: if env.is_64bit: url = "" else: url = "" if not versioncheck.up_to_date(env, "freec", version, stdout_index=1): _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find . -name 'freec'"), dir_name=".")
def install_vcflib(env): """Utilities for parsing and manipulating VCF files. """ version = "06e664c" repository = "git clone --recursive" def _fix_tabixpp_library_order(env): sed("tabixpp/Makefile", "-ltabix", "-ltabix -lz") _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -type f -name 'vcf*'" " | grep -v '.sh$' | grep -v '.r$'"), post_unpack_fn=_fix_tabixpp_library_order, revision=version)
def install_lastz(env): """LASTZ sequence alignment program. """ default_version = "1.02.00" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" \ "lastz-%s.tar.gz" % version def _remove_werror(env): env.safe_sed("src/Makefile", " -Werror", "") _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find . -perm -100 -name 'lastz'"), post_unpack_fn=_remove_werror)
def install_crisp(env): """Detect SNPs and short indels from pooled sequencing data. """ version = "5" url = "" \ "CRISP-linux-v{0}.tar.gz".format(version) def _make_executable(): env.safe_run("chmod a+x *.py") _get_install( url, env, _make_copy("ls -1", premake_cmd=_make_executable, do_make=False))
def install_perm(env): """Efficient mapping of short sequences accomplished with periodic full sensitive spaced seeds. """ default_version = "4" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) url = "" % version def gcc44_makefile_patch(): gcc_cmd = "g++44" with settings(hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): result = env.safe_run("%s -v" % gcc_cmd) print result.return_code if result.return_code == 0: env.safe_sed("makefile", "g\+\+", gcc_cmd) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 perm", gcc44_makefile_patch))
def install_vcftools(env): """Work with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project. """ version = "0.1.11" url = "{v}.tar.gz".format( v=version) if versioncheck.up_to_date(env, "vcftools", version, stdout_flag="VCFtools"): return def _vcf_make(env): env.safe_sudo("make install PREFIX={dir}".format(dir=env.system_install)) for perl_module in ["", "", ""]: env.safe_sudo("cp perl/%s %s/lib/perl5" % (perl_module, env.system_install)) env.safe_sudo("make clean") _get_install(url, env, _vcf_make) _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy())
def install_dwgsim(env): """DWGSIM: simulating NGS data and evaluating mappings and variant calling. """ version = "0.1.10" samtools_version = "0.1.18" url = "" \ "dwgsim-{0}.tar.gz".format(version) samtools_url = "" \ "{ver}/samtools-{ver}.tar.bz2".format(ver=samtools_version) def _get_samtools(env): env.safe_run("wget {0}".format(samtools_url)) env.safe_run("tar jxf samtools-{0}.tar.bz2".format(samtools_version)) env.safe_run("ln -s samtools-{0} samtools".format(samtools_version)) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("ls -1 dwgsim dwgsim_eval scripts/"), post_unpack_fn=_get_samtools)
def install_stampy(env): """Stampy: mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference genome. """ version = "1.0.21" #version = base_version #revision = "1654" #version = "{0}r{1}".format(base_version, revision) #url = "" \ # "stampy-%s.tgz" % (version) # Ugh -- Stampy now uses a 'Stampy-latest' download target url = "" \ "Stampy-latest.tgz" def _clean_makefile(env): env.safe_sed("makefile", " -Wl", "") _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy(), dir_name="stampy-{0}".format(version), post_unpack_fn=_clean_makefile)
def install_lumpy(env): """a general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery """ version = "0.1.2" revision = "a8b9e14cc5" if versioncheck.up_to_date(env, "lumpy", version, stdout_flag="Program:"): return repository = "git clone" def _add_gsl_includes(): """Add multi-environment include and library links for finding GNU Scientific Libraries. """ env.safe_sed("defs.local", "^\([^#]\)", "#\1") env.safe_append("defs.local", ("GSL_INCLUDE=-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gsl " "-I/usr/include/gsl -I%s/include/gsl" % env.system_install)) env.safe_append("defs.local", ("GSL_LINK=-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -L%s/lib" % env.system_install)) _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*", _add_gsl_includes), revision=revision)
def install_tophat(env): """TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads """ default_version = "2.0.9" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) if versioncheck.is_version(env, "tophat", version, args="--version", stdout_flag="TopHat"): "tophat version {0} is up to date; not installing".format(version)) return platform = "OSX" if env.distribution == "macosx" else "Linux" url = "" \ "tophat-%s.%s_x86_64.tar.gz" % (version, platform) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find . -perm -100 -type f", do_make=False))
def install_freebayes(env): """Bayesian haplotype-based polymorphism discovery and genotyping. """ version = "" revision = "c0cca0b5e" if versioncheck.up_to_date(env, "freebayes", version, stdout_flag="version:"): return repository = "git clone --recursive" def _fix_tabixpp_library_order(env): env.safe_sed("vcflib/tabixpp/Makefile", "-ltabix", "-ltabix -lz") def _fix_autoversion(env): env.safe_sed("src/Makefile", "all: autoversion ../bin/freebayes ../bin/bamleftalign", "all: ../bin/freebayes ../bin/bamleftalign") def _freebayes_fixes(env): _fix_tabixpp_library_order(env) _fix_autoversion(env) _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"), post_unpack_fn=_freebayes_fixes, revision=revision)
def install_featurecounts(env): """ featureCounts from the subread package for counting reads mapping to genomic features """ default_version = "1.4.4" version = env.get("tool_version", default_version) if versioncheck.up_to_date(env, "featureCounts", version, stdout_flag="Version"): return platform = "MacOS" if env.distribution == "macosx" else "Linux" url = ("" "subread-%s/subread-%s-%s-x86_64.tar.gz" % (version, version, platform)) _get_install( url, env, _make_copy("find . -type f -perm -100 -name 'featureCounts'", do_make=False))
def install_grabix(env): """a wee tool for random access into BGZF files """ version = "0.1.2" revision = "a78cbaf488" try: uptodate = versioncheck.up_to_date(env, "grabix", version, stdout_flag="version:") # Old versions will not have any version information except IOError: uptodate = False if uptodate: return repository = "git clone" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 grabix"), revision=revision)
def install_fido(env): version = "2011" url = '' # Adapted from Jorrit Boekel's mi-deployment fork # def _chdir_src(work_cmd): def do_work(env): with cd("src/cpp"): append('tmpmake', 'SHELL=/bin/bash') append('tmpmake', 'prefix=%s' % env.get("system_install")) append( 'tmpmake', 'CPPFLAGS=-Wall -ffast-math -march=x86-64 -pipe -O4 -g') run('cat makefile |grep BINPATH -A 9999 >> tmpmake') run('cp tmpmake makefile') work_cmd(env) return do_work _get_install( url, env, _chdir_src( _make_copy(find_cmd="find ../../bin -perm -100 -name 'Fido*'")))
def install_trinity(env): version = "03122011" url = "" \ "trinityrnaseq-%s.tgz" % version _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy())
def install_samtools(env): version = "0.1.17" url = "" \ "%s/samtools-%s.tar.bz2" % (version, version) _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -type f"))
def install_velvet(env): version = "1.0.13" url = "" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'velvet*'"))
def install_bedtools(env): repository = "git clone git://" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"))
def install_sabre(env): repo = "git clone git://" _get_install(repo, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'sabre*'"))
def install_freebayes(env): repository = "git clone --recursive git://" _get_install(repository, env, _make_copy("ls -1 bin/*"))
def install_transabyss(env): version = "1.2.0" url = "" \ "releases/%s/trans-ABySS-v%s.tar.gz" % (version, version) _get_install_local(url, env, _make_copy(do_make=False))
def install_lastz(env): version = "1.02.00" url = "" \ "lastz-%s.tar.gz" % version _get_install(url, env, _make_copy("find -perm -100 -name 'lastz'"))