def addREnzyme(self): # select enzymes to be used in the Restrict results tab global userChoices sh.log("\nstart addREnzyme") if sh.debug: userChoices = [ "AanI", "BmeDI", "ZraI", "AquIII", "YkrI", "Bau1417V", "XmnI", "Ble402II" ] self.REnzSelect.clear() for enz in userChoices: self.REnzSelect.insertPlainText("{:s}\n".format(enz)) else: choice = self.REnzList.currentItem().text() sh.log("choice:" + choice) if choice in userChoices: userChoices.remove(choice) # remove existing item else: userChoices.append(choice) # add this item sh.log("user choices:" + str(userChoices)) self.REnzSelect.clear() for enz in userChoices: self.REnzSelect.insertPlainText("{:s}\n".format(enz)) self.detectPushButton.setEnabled(len(userChoices) > 0) self.clearArrayPushButton.setEnabled(len(userChoices) > 0)
def resetFasta(self): # erase the fasta file and clear all items depending on it global fastaRead, userChoices self.removeButton.setEnabled(False) self.genTextEdit.clear() self.submit_nWindow.clear() self.transTextEdit.clear() self.protTextEdit.clear() self.phageLabel.clear() self.restrictResults.clear() self.numeralResults.clear() self.REnzSelect.clear() userChoices = [] self.posnResults.clear() self.picture_results.clear() self.submit_nWindow.clear() self.nwindow_results.clear() self.nwindow_results_2.clear() self.target_seq.clear() self.lookupButton.setEnabled(True) self.clearArrayPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.detectPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.nPosPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.find_nWindows.setEnabled(False) self.acceptButton.setEnabled(False) fastaRead = False sh.log("Erased fasta file")
def putFasta(self): global fastaRead sh.log("\nstart putFasta") self.removeButton.setEnabled(True) self.lookupButton.setEnabled(False) self.find_nWindows.setEnabled(True) fastaName, fasta = fd.readFasta() self.phageLabel.setText("{:s}: {:s}".format(fastaName, fasta.phage)) # Ensure that the purine length is a multiple of 3. Truncate if needed. purnz = fasta.purines[:3 * ((len(fasta.purines) // 3))] self.genTextEdit.insertPlainText(purnz) self.submit_nWindow.setText(purnz) self.rawLabel_2.setText( "Use {:s} sequence or paste a new one below".format(fastaName)) self.sequence = Seq(purnz) RNA = self.sequence.transcribe() # DNA sequence -> RNA sequence self.transTextEdit.insertPlainText(str(RNA)) protein = RNA.translate("Standard", "#") # nucleotide sequence -> protein sequence self.protTextEdit.insertPlainText(str(protein)) (act, gct, cct, tct) = (self.sequence.count(x) for x in ('A', 'G', 'C', 'T')) gcCount = (gct + cct) / (act + gct + cct + tct) * 100 self.gcLabel.setText("{:5.2f}%".format(gcCount)) atgcRatio = ((act + tct) / (gct + cct)) self.atgcLabel.setText("{:4.2f}".format(atgcRatio)) fastaRead = True
def selectedFile(): # The user has selected a .fasta file for analysis global son, choice choice = son.sonAList.currentItem().text() sh.log("son choice: {:s}".format(choice)) son.close() # close the son dialog
def clearArray(self): global userChoices userChoices = [] self.REnzSelect.clear() sh.log("Clear choices") self.detectPushButton.setEnabled(len(userChoices) > 0) self.clearArrayPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.detectPushButton.setEnabled(False)
def addFile(self): sh.log("\nstart addFile") choice = self.dataList.currentItem().text() sh.log("choice: " + choice) if choice in self.fastaChoices: self.fastaChoices.remove(choice) # remove existing item else: self.fastaChoices.append(choice) # add this item sh.log(".fasta choices: " + str(self.fastaChoices)) self.fastaSelects.clear() for fast in self.fastaChoices: self.fastaSelects.insertPlainText("{:s}\n".format(fast)) self.acceptButton.setEnabled(len(self.fastaChoices) > 0)
def acceptFastas(self): # Show the chosen files sh.log("\nstart acceptFastas") self.acceptButton.setEnabled(False) savFile = "data/all.fasta" if Path(savFile).is_file(): Path(savFile).unlink() # delete old all.fasta sav = open(savFile, "a") # open for append self.showSelects.clear() first = True # first file ID = alfa for choice in self.fastaChoices: fast = fd.fasta("data/" + choice, reset=first) self.showSelects.insertPlainText("{:s}: {:s} -> {:s}\n".format( fast.ID, choice, fast.phage)) self.showSelects.insertPlainText( "length = {:,d} > {:s} ... {:s}\n\n".format( len(fast.purines), fast.purines[:20], fast.purines[-20:])) print("> {:s} {:s}".format(fast.ID, fast.phage), file=sav) print(, file=sav) # copy choice to all.fasta first = False sav.close() self.showSelects.insertPlainText( "The concatenation of these choices saved as {:s}".format(savFile))
def exitApp(): sh.logClose() sys.exit(0)
def markov(self): # Markov Model Algorithm gathered from Drexel University # # Equation used aBA=Pr(xi=B|xi-1=A) sh.log("\nstart markov") self.nPosPushButton.setEnabled( False) # Need new fasta to run this again seq = 'ATGC' single = [x for x in seq] double = [x + y for x in seq for y in seq] triple = [x + y + z for x in seq for y in seq for z in seq] monograms = { monos: self.sequence.count(monos) / len(self.sequence) for monos in single } mono_counts = sum(monograms.values()) # Must be = 1.0 # The following algorithm finds the probability of a dinucleotides in a sequence. -------------------------------------- # DIGRAMS are used so the full len is found. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- adjusted_sequence = self.sequence[:-1] bi_monograms = { items: adjusted_sequence.count(items) for items in single } bigrams = { items: self.sequence.count(items) / bi_monograms[items[0]] for items in double } sh.log("monograms: " + str(monograms)) sh.log("bi monograms " + str(bi_monograms)) sh.log("bigrams " + str(bigrams)) sh.log("double = " + str(double)) bi = {x + y: bigrams[x + y] for x in seq for y in seq} self.posnResults.insertPlainText("Results 20\n") # The following algorithm finds the probability of a dinucleotides in a sequence. -------------------------------------- # TRIGRAMS are used so the full len is found. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- adjusted_sequence = self.sequence[:-2] tri_monograms = { items: adjusted_sequence.count(items) for items in single } tri_bigrams = { items: adjusted_sequence.count(items) for items in double } trigrams = { items: self.sequence.count(items) / tri_bigrams[items[:-1]] for items in triple } sh.log("tri_monograms " + str(tri_monograms)) sh.log("tri_bigrams " + str(tri_bigrams)) sh.log("trigrams " + str(trigrams)) self.posnResults.insertPlainText("Results 30") tri = { x + y + z: trigrams[x + y + z] for x in seq for y in seq for z in seq } self.posnResults.clear() # Generate report on the probabilities sep = '-----------------------------------------' rpt = "{:s}\nMONOGRAM PROBABILITIES\n\n".format(sep) for mon in seq: rpt += "{:s}: {:11.9f} \n".format(mon, monograms[mon]) rpt += "\n\nTotal = {:3.1f}\n{:s}\nBIGRAM PROBABILITIES\n\n".format( sum(monograms.values()), sep) for duo in double: rpt += "{:2s}: {:11.9f} \n".format(duo, bi[duo]) if duo[1] == "C": rpt += "\n" rpt += "\nTotal = {:3.1f}\n{:s}\nTRIGRAM PROBABILITIES\n\n".format( sum(bi.values()), sep) spc = 4 for tre in triple: rpt += "{:s}: {:11.9f} \n".format(tre, tri[tre]) if tre[2] == "C": rpt += "\n" spc -= 1 if spc <= 0: rpt += "\n" # blank line between groups of 4 spc = 4 rpt += "Total = {:3.1f}\n{:s}\n".format(sum(tri.values()), sep) #sh.log(str(rpt)) self.posnResults.clear() # Ensure we print to a blank window self.posnResults.insertPlainText(rpt) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Create a Bar Graph of all transition probabilities. # prob = dictionary of mono-, bi-, tri- grams # Each dictionary item has 2 lists: # [leprober code] and corresponding [probability] # --------------------------------------------------------- prob = {xx: [[], []] for xx in seq} getStates(prob, monograms) getStates(prob, bigrams) getStates(prob, trigrams) for key, value in prob.items(): sh.log("prob[{:s}]: {:s}".format(key, str(value[0]))) sh.log(" {:s}".format(str(value[1]))) fig, a = plt.subplots(2, 2) graphs = [a[0][0], a[0][1], a[1][0], a[1][1]] fig.set_size_inches(10, 8) a[0][0].bar(prob["A"][0], prob["A"][1]) a[0][0].set_title('p(A) Transition States', fontsize=14) a[0][1].bar(prob["T"][0], prob["T"][1]) a[0][1].set_title('p(T) Transition States', fontsize=14) a[1][0].bar(prob["C"][0], prob["C"][1]) a[1][0].set_title('p(C) Transition States', fontsize=14) a[1][1].bar(prob["G"][0], prob["G"][1]) a[1][1].set_title('p(G) Transition States', fontsize=14) for subs in graphs: plt.setp(subs.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) subs.set_ylim(0, 1) plt.tight_layout(pad=1.5) if not Path('pictures').exists(): Path('pictures').mkdir() # create the directory if it is missing plt.savefig('pictures/Results.png', dpi=100) self.picture_results.setPixmap(QPixmap('pictures/Results.png'))
def run_p(self): global userChoices, enzymes, fastaRead sh.log("\nstart run_p") self.restrictResults.clear() self.numeralResults.clear() if not fastaRead: self.restrictResults.setPlainText( "You must select a fasta file first") return if len(userChoices) <= 0: self.restrictResults.setPlainText( "You must select R.Enzymes first") return self.detectPushButton.setEnabled(False) # can't run twice try: linear = self.linearCheckBox.isChecked() analysis = Analysis(userChoices, self.sequence, linear=linear) except: sh.log("analysis failed " + sys.exc_info()[0]) # print each enzyme with a list of it's matching sites cutSites = str( analysis.format_output( dct=None, title='', s1='\n Enzymes which do not cut the sequence\n')) self.restrictResults.setPlainText(cutSites) # ------------------------------- FIND PALINDROME HIT COUNTS ----------------------------------------------- try: endMarker = "END" enzymes.append(endMarker) # Extract enzymes and the index of their cutSites from cutSites palin = cutSites[:cutSites.find("Enzymes")].replace( '.', "").replace(':', "").split() palin.append(endMarker) sh.log("palin: " + str(palin)) except: sh.log("palin NG " + sys.exec_info()[0]) try: # Calculate and display the number of matching sites for each enzyme # enzPosn initally has a list of lists. Each sublist has the enzyme name # and the index of the enzyme in palin # enzPosn sublist later has the enzyme name and the number of matches. enzPosn = [] enzNone = [] sh.log("len palin " + str(len(palin))) sh.log("user choices " + str(userChoices)) allChoices = userChoices allChoices.append(endMarker) # matches last name in palin sh.log("allChoices " + str(allChoices)) for enz in allChoices: if enz in palin: enzPosn.append([enz, palin.index(enz)]) else: sh.log(enz + " not in palin") enzNone.append(enz) sh.log("enzPosn = " + str(enzPosn)) enzPosn.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort on index of name in palin for i in range(len(enzPosn) - 1): # Replace the index with the enzPosn[i][1] = enzPosn[ i + 1][1] - enzPosn[i][1] - 1 # length of palin entry del enzPosn[-1] # delete endMarker for enz in enzNone: enzPosn.append([enz, 0]) # add in enzymes not found; length = 0 enzPosn.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # sort on name sh.log("enzPosn = " + str(enzPosn)) for i in range(len( enzPosn)): # show the number of matches for each enzyme matchStr = "{0:7,d} : {1:s}\n\n".format( enzPosn[i][1], enzPosn[i][0]) self.numeralResults.insertPlainText(matchStr) except: sh.log('I cannot do that. ' + sys.exec_info()[0]) self.detectPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.nPosPushButton.setEnabled(True)
def find_windows(self): # creates a window of information based on user parameters that can be submitted to other sequence software # Raw to Defined to string[ start_index_pos: end_index_pos: step_size] global nwindow sh.log("\nStart find_windows") length = int(self.nWindow_length.value()) # First, identify user's FRAME reference. if self.frame_select.currentText() == 'Frame 1': #temp_hold = str(self.submit_nWindow.text()) temp_hold = self.submit_nWindow.text() elif self.frame_select.currentText() == 'Frame 2': temp_hold = self.submit_nWindow.text()[1:] elif self.frame_select.currentText() == 'Frame 3': temp_hold = self.submit_nWindow.text()[2:] elif self.frame_select.currentText() == 'Frame -1': temp_hold = self.submit_nWindow.text()[::-1] elif self.frame_select.currentText() == 'Frame -2': temp_hold = self.submit_nWindow.text()[-2::-1] elif self.frame_select.currentText() == 'Frame -3': temp_hold = self.submit_nWindow.text()[-3::-1] # Second, use BIOPYTHON to translate the initial text using the central dogma if self.type_nwindow.currentText() == 'basic': nwindow = Seq(temp_hold).complement() elif self.type_nwindow.currentText() == 'transcribe': nwindow = Seq(temp_hold).transcribe() elif self.type_nwindow.currentText() == 'translate': nwindow = Seq(temp_hold).translate() #print("nwindow", nwindow[:80]) window_out = [ str(nwindow)[i:i + length] for i in range(0, len(nwindow), length) ] sh.log("window_out ({:n}): {:s}".format(len(window_out), str(window_out)[:80])) # Third, identify the USER requested MOTTIF target and display the # Check that the user MTT entry is valid self.nwindow_results_2.clear() tgtMTT = self.target_seq.text().upper() # ensure MTT is all capitals if len(tgtMTT) > length: self.nwindow_results_2.insertPlainText \ ("MTT length must be <= {:n}".format (length)) else: if len(tgtMTT) == 0: self.nwindow_results_2.insertPlainText("No MTT selected") else: targetSet = set() # set of all MTT matches for finds in window_out: if finds.find(tgtMTT) >= 0: targetSet.add(finds) if len(targetSet) == 0: self.nwindow_results_2.insertPlainText( 'No matches found for {:s} ({:s})'.format( tgtMTT, self.type_nwindow.currentText().upper())) else: self.nwindow_results_2.insertPlainText( 'Target Spotted! - Displaying your {:s} ({:s}) report below\n\n' \ .format (tgtMTT, self.type_nwindow.currentText().upper())) for finds in targetSet: self.nwindow_results_2.insertPlainText(finds + '\n') for strings in window_out: if len(strings) < length: window_out.pop(window_out.index(strings)) xlate = str(list(window_out)).maketrans( "", "", "'[],") # don't show "[],'" self.nwindow_results.setPlainText( str(list(window_out)).translate(xlate))