Beispiel #1
def comment_hr(editor=wingapi.kArgEditor):
    Enter a horizontal line of "#" characters going until character 79.
    Suggested key combination: `Insert H`

    assert isinstance(editor, wingapi.CAPIEditor)

    document = editor.GetDocument()
    assert isinstance(document, wingapi.CAPIDocument)

    with shared.UndoableAction(document):

        original_start, original_end = editor.GetSelection()
        original_end_line_number = document.GetLineNumberFromPosition(original_end)
        original_document_length = document.GetLength()
        original_line_count = document.GetLineCount()

        indent_size = shared.get_indent_size_in_pos(editor, original_start)

        string_to_write = (" " * indent_size) + ("#" * (79 - indent_size)) + "\n"

        assert len(string_to_write) == 79

        start_line_number = document.GetLineNumberFromPosition(original_start)
        start_line_first_char = document.GetLineStart(start_line_number)
        document.InsertChars(start_line_first_char, string_to_write)

Beispiel #2
def comment_hr(editor=wingapi.kArgEditor):
    Enter a horizontal line of "#" characters going until character 79.
    Suggested key combination: `Insert H`
    assert isinstance(editor, wingapi.CAPIEditor)
    document = editor.GetDocument()
    assert isinstance(document, wingapi.CAPIDocument)
    with shared.UndoableAction(document):
        original_start, original_end = editor.GetSelection()
        original_end_line_number = \
        original_document_length = document.GetLength()
        original_line_count = document.GetLineCount()
        indent_size = shared.get_indent_size_in_pos(editor, original_start)

        string_to_write = (' ' * indent_size) + ('#' * (79 - indent_size)) + \
        assert len(string_to_write) == 79
        start_line_number = document.GetLineNumberFromPosition(original_start)
        start_line_first_char = document.GetLineStart(start_line_number)
        document.InsertChars(start_line_first_char, string_to_write)

def comment_braces(title):
    Create "comment braces" with a title around a piece of code.
    For example, if you have this code:
        meow = frr + 7
    You can select it, then run the `comment_braces` script with a title of
    "doing inane stuff", to get this:
        ### Doing inane stuff: ################################################
        #                                                                     #
        meow = frr + 7
        #                                                                     #
        ### Finished doing inane stuff. #######################################
    (Don't try this inside a docstring, it works only in real code.)
    The title usually has a first word ending with "ing". Don't bother
    capitalizing the first letter or ending the sentence with any punctuation
    mark. You may also use an empty title to get a title-less comment line.

    Suggested key combination: `Insert B`
    editor = wingapi.gApplication.GetActiveEditor()
    assert isinstance(editor, wingapi.CAPIEditor)
    document = editor.GetDocument()
    assert isinstance(document, wingapi.CAPIDocument)    
    assert isinstance(title, basestring)
    if title.endswith(':') or title.endswith('.'):
        title = title[:-1]
    with shared.UndoableAction(document):
        original_start, original_end = editor.GetSelection()
        original_end_line_number = \
        original_document_length = document.GetLength()
        original_line_count = document.GetLineCount()
        indent_size = shared.get_indent_size_in_pos(editor, original_start)
        if title:
            raw_start_title = (' %s: ' % _capitalize(title))
            raw_end_title = (' Finished %s. ' % _decapitalize(title))
            assert title == ''
            raw_start_title = ''
            raw_end_title = ''
        start_title_head = (' ' * indent_size) + '###' + raw_start_title
        end_title_head = (' ' * indent_size) + '###' + raw_end_title
        start_title = \
            start_title_head + '#' * (79 - len(start_title_head)) + '\n'
        end_title = \
            end_title_head + '#' * (79 - len(end_title_head)) + '\n'        
        tips_string = \
            (' ' * indent_size) + '#' + (' ' * (79 - indent_size - 2)) + '#\n'
        start_line_number = document.GetLineNumberFromPosition(original_start)
        start_line_first_char = document.GetLineStart(start_line_number)
        document.InsertChars(start_line_first_char, start_title + tips_string)
        end_line_number = original_end_line_number + \
            (document.GetLineCount() - original_line_count) + 1
        end_line_first_char = document.GetLineStart(end_line_number)
        document.InsertChars(end_line_first_char, tips_string + end_title)
def comment_braces(title):
    Create "comment braces" with a title around a piece of code.
    For example, if you have this code:
        meow = frr + 7
    You can select it, then run the `comment_braces` script with a title of
    "doing inane stuff", to get this:
        ### Doing inane stuff: ################################################
        #                                                                     #
        meow = frr + 7
        #                                                                     #
        ### Finished doing inane stuff. #######################################
    (Don't try this inside a docstring, it works only in real code.)
    The title usually has a first word ending with "ing". Don't bother
    capitalizing the first letter or ending the sentence with any punctuation
    mark. You may also use an empty title to get a title-less comment line.

    Suggested key combination: `Insert B`

    editor = wingapi.gApplication.GetActiveEditor()
    assert isinstance(editor, wingapi.CAPIEditor)

    document = editor.GetDocument()
    assert isinstance(document, wingapi.CAPIDocument)

    assert isinstance(title, basestring)
    if title.endswith(':') or title.endswith('.'):
        title = title[:-1]

    with shared.UndoableAction(document):

        original_start, original_end = editor.GetSelection()
        original_end_line_number = \
        original_document_length = document.GetLength()
        original_line_count = document.GetLineCount()

        indent_size = shared.get_indent_size_in_pos(editor, original_start)

        if title:
            raw_start_title = (' %s: ' % _capitalize(title.strip()))
            raw_end_title = (' Finished %s. ' % _decapitalize(title.strip()))
            assert title == ''
            raw_start_title = ''
            raw_end_title = ''

        start_title_head = (' ' * indent_size) + '###' + raw_start_title
        end_title_head = (' ' * indent_size) + '###' + raw_end_title

        start_title = \
            start_title_head + '#' * (79 - len(start_title_head)) + '\n'
        end_title = \
            end_title_head + '#' * (79 - len(end_title_head)) + '\n'
        tips_string = \
            (' ' * indent_size) + '#' + (' ' * (79 - indent_size - 2)) + '#\n'

        start_line_number = document.GetLineNumberFromPosition(original_start)
        start_line_first_char = document.GetLineStart(start_line_number)
        document.InsertChars(start_line_first_char, start_title + tips_string)

        end_line_number = original_end_line_number + \
            (document.GetLineCount() - original_line_count) + 1
        end_line_first_char = document.GetLineStart(end_line_number)
        document.InsertChars(end_line_first_char, tips_string + end_title)