Beispiel #1
def flip_case(editor=wingapi.kArgEditor):
    Flip the case of the current word between undercase and camelcase.
    For example, if the cursor is on `something_like_this` and you activate
    this script, you'll get `SomethingLikeThis`. Do it again and you'll get
    `something_like_this` again.

    Suggested key combination: `Insert C`
    assert isinstance(editor, wingapi.CAPIEditor)
    document = editor.GetDocument()
    assert isinstance(document, wingapi.CAPIDocument)
    with shared.UndoableAction(document):
        start, end = shared.select_current_word(editor)
        word = document.GetCharRange(start, end)
        is_lower_case = word.islower()
        is_camel_case = not is_lower_case 
        if is_lower_case:
            new_word = shared.lower_case_to_camel_case(word)
            assert is_camel_case
            new_word = shared.camel_case_to_lower_case(word)        
        document.DeleteChars(start, end-1)
        document.InsertChars(start, new_word)
        editor.SetSelection(start + len(new_word),
                            start + len(new_word))
def guess_class_name():
    Guess the class name based on file name, and replace class name.
    Imagine you had a file `` with a class `FooManager` defined
    in it, and you duplicated it, calling the new file ``. If you
    run `guess-class-name`, it'll replace all instances of `FooManager` in your
    new file to `BarGrokker`.
    (It finds the original class name by taking the first class defined in the
    file. If the file defined multiple classes, you might get the wrong
    Suggested key combination: `Insert Ctrl-C`
    app = wingapi.gApplication
    editor = app.GetActiveEditor()
    document = editor.GetDocument()
    file_name_without_extension = \
    guessed_class_name = \
    document_text = shared.get_text(document)
    matches = tuple(re.finditer(existing_class_name_pattern, document_text))
    if not matches:
    match = matches[-1]
    existing_class_name =
    n_occurrences = document_text.count(existing_class_name
    with shared.SelectionRestorer(editor):
        with shared.UndoableAction(document):
                document_text.replace(existing_class_name, guessed_class_name)
    app.SetStatusMessage('Replaced %s occurrences' % n_occurrences)
def guess_class_name():
    Guess the class name based on file name, and replace class name.
    Imagine you had a file `` with a class `FooManager` defined
    in it, and you duplicated it, calling the new file ``. If you
    run `guess-class-name`, it'll replace all instances of `FooManager` in your
    new file to `BarGrokker`.
    (It finds the original class name by taking the first class defined in the
    file. If the file defined multiple classes, you might get the wrong
    Suggested key combination: `Insert Ctrl-C`

    app = wingapi.gApplication
    editor = app.GetActiveEditor()
    document = editor.GetDocument()
    file_name_without_extension = \

    guessed_class_name = \

    document_text = shared.get_text(document)

    matches = tuple(re.finditer(existing_class_name_pattern, document_text))
    if not matches:
    match = matches[-1]
    existing_class_name =

    n_occurrences = document_text.count(existing_class_name)
    with shared.SelectionRestorer(editor):
        with shared.UndoableAction(document):
                document_text.replace(existing_class_name, guessed_class_name))

    app.SetStatusMessage('Replaced %s occurrences' % n_occurrences)