def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 3: usage() elif len(sys.argv) == 4: if sys.argv[1] == "-c" or sys.argv[1] == "--no-color": shared.terminalRed = "" shared.terminalReset = "" filename = sys.argv[2] spaces = sys.argv[3] else: usage() else: filename = sys.argv[1] spaces = sys.argv[2] # open the input file and check to ensure 'spaces' is an integer f = shared.openFile(filename, "r") spaces = shared.toInt(spaces) # replace spaces with tabs ofile = "" for line in f: count = 0 while line[:spaces] == " " * spaces: line = line[spaces:] count += 1 ofile = ofile + "\t" * count + line f.close() newfile = shared.openFile(filename, "w") newfile.write(ofile)
def main(): print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] # Remove the name of the program from the arguments num_args = len(args) if num_args == 3: # There are three arguments, each of which is required input_file = shared.openFile(args[0], 'r') # The input parameter sets output_fname = args[1] output_file = shared.openFile(output_fname, 'w') # The output parameter sets num_output_params = shared.toInt( args[2] ) # How many parameters each set should have in the output file else: usage() print 'Converting each parameter set...' num_input_params = -1 for line in input_file: # For every parameter set if len(line) > 1 and line[0] != '#': # Skip blank lines and comments input_set = line.split(',') if num_input_params == -1: # Find the input format based on the first parameter set found num_input_params = len(input_set) else: output_file.write( '\n') # Print a newline before each non-first set input_set[num_input_params - 1].replace( '\n', '') # Get rid of the newline in the last parameter # Convert the set to the master (88) format base_set = ['0'] * 88 for par in range(num_input_params): base_index = set_formats[num_input_params][par] base_set[base_index] = input_set[par] # Convert the master format to the specified one output_set = ['0'] * num_output_params for par in range(num_output_params): output_index = set_formats[num_output_params][par] output_set[par] = base_set[output_index] # Write the results to the output file output_file.write(output_set[0]) for par in range(1, num_output_params): output_file.write(',' + output_set[par]) print 'Closing files...' input_file.close() output_file.close() print 'Done. Your newly formatted parameter sets are stored in ' + output_fname
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 3: usage() elif len(sys.argv) == 4: if sys.argv[1] == "-c" or sys.argv[1] == "--no-color": shared.terminalRed = "" shared.terminalReset = "" filename1 = sys.argv[2] filename2 = sys.argv[3] else: usage() else: filename1 = sys.argv[1] filename2 = sys.argv[2] # open input files f1 = shared.openFile(filename1, "r") f2 = shared.openFile(filename2, "r") # make a list for each file containing each line of it as an element list1 = [] list2 = [] for line in f1: list1.append(line) for line in f2: list2.append(line) f1.close() f2.close() size = len(mylist1) unique1 = 0 unique2 = 0 # add lines that are unique and in common for line in list1: if line not in list2: unique1 += 1 continue for line in list2: if line not in list1: unique2 += 1 continue # print the results print filename1, "has", unique1, "unique lines." print filename2, "has", unique2, "unique lines." print "There are", size - unique1, "lines that appear in both files."
def run_sensitivity( sense_args, sim_args, ppn, pbs_count, cluster_name = "biomath"): if " -a " not in sense_args: sense_args += " -a " sense_args += sim_args if cluster_name == None: return subprocess.Popen(space_split(sense_args)) else: memory_limit = "3GB" disk_limit = "500MB" wall_time = "24:00:00" job = shared.openFile("pbs-job-"+str(pbs_count), "w") job.write(''' #PBS -N ''' + JOB_NAME + ''' #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn='''+str(ppn)+''' #PBS -l mem=''' + memory_limit + ''' #PBS -l file=''' + disk_limit + ''' #PBS -q ''' + cluster_name + ''' #PBS -j oe #PBS -o sensitivity_'''+str(pbs_count)+'''.output #PBS -l walltime='''+wall_time+''' cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ''' + sense_args + '''\n''') job.close() return subprocess.Popen(["qsub", "pbs-job-"+str(pbs_count)])
def run_sensitivity(sense_args, sim_args, ppn, pbs_count, cluster_name="biomath"): if " -a " not in sense_args: sense_args += " -a " sense_args += sim_args if cluster_name == None: return subprocess.Popen(space_split(sense_args)) else: memory_limit = "3GB" disk_limit = "500MB" wall_time = "24:00:00" job = shared.openFile("pbs-job-" + str(pbs_count), "w") job.write(''' #PBS -N ''' + JOB_NAME + ''' #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=''' + str(ppn) + ''' #PBS -l mem=''' + memory_limit + ''' #PBS -l file=''' + disk_limit + ''' #PBS -q ''' + cluster_name + ''' #PBS -j oe #PBS -o sensitivity_''' + str(pbs_count) + '''.output #PBS -l walltime=''' + wall_time + ''' cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ''' + sense_args + '''\n''') job.close() return subprocess.Popen(["qsub", "pbs-job-" + str(pbs_count)])
def parse_files(file_in): # open the input file and ensure the directory exists fin = shared.openFile(file_in, "r") # split the lines to get data data = [] names = [] for line in fin: #print line if names == []: names = line.split(',')[1:] data += [line.split(',')[:-1]] #Number of parameters is the number of lines, minus one for the name line at the top params = len(data) - 1 #Number of sensitivity values is the length of any one line array, minus one for the "PASSED" or "FAILED" message, and minus one for the set number features = len(data[1]) - 2 #Create the sense array that will actually contain the data. sense = numpy.zeros(shape=(params, features)) #Put the sensitivity values into matrix. The +1's take into account that the indexing skips the first item in each loop. for i in range(1, params + 1): for j in range(1, features + 1): num = data[i][j] if ("FAILED" in num) or ( "PASSED" in num): #This shouldn't ever be true, but just in case... num = 0 num = num_check(float(num)) sense[i - 1][j - 1] = num # close the file fin.close() return sense, names
def parse_files(file_in): # open the input file and ensure the directory exists fin = shared.openFile(file_in, "r") # split the lines to get data data = [] names = [] for line in fin: #print line if names == []: names = line.split(',')[1:] data += [line.split(',')[:-1] ] #Number of parameters is the number of lines, minus one for the name line at the top params = len(data) - 1 #Number of sensitivity values is the length of any one line array, minus one for the "PASSED" or "FAILED" message, and minus one for the set number features = len(data[1]) - 2 #Create the sense array that will actually contain the data. sense = numpy.zeros(shape = (params, features)) #Put the sensitivity values into matrix. The +1's take into account that the indexing skips the first item in each loop. for i in range(1, params+1 ): for j in range(1, features + 1): num = data[i][j] if ("FAILED" in num) or ("PASSED" in num): #This shouldn't ever be true, but just in case... num = 0 num = num_check(float(num)) sense[i-1][j-1] = num # close the file fin.close() return sense, names
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 5: usage() else: f = shared.openFile(sys.argv[1], "r") directory = sys.argv[2] image_name = sys.argv[3] step_size = shared.toFlo(sys.argv[4]) print 'Plotting all the cells from ' + sys.argv[1] + '...' # split the lines to get data data = [line.split() for line in f] max_time = len(data) - 1 # calculate the tissue size cells_width = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) cells_height = shared.toInt(data[0][1]) total_cells = cells_width * cells_height + 1 # create a matrix to store the concentration values we obtain from the file cons = numpy.zeros(shape = (max_time, total_cells)) # put the concentration values from the file into the matrix for i in range(1, max_time + 1): cons[i - 1][0] = shared.toFlo(data[i][0]) * step_size for j in range(1, total_cells): cons[i - 1][j] = shared.toFlo(data[i][j]) # close the file f.close() # plot colors colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] color = 0 for i in range(0, total_cells,200): start = 0 # Adjust the plotting interval for each cell to account for different columns being staggered # as they enter the PSM at intervals of 6 minutes apart frome ach other while cons[start][i] == -1: # -1 stands for no data in the output file start += 1 end = max_time - 1 while cons[end][i] == -1: end -= 1; if (i % 4 == 0): pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'r') #elif (i % 4 == 1): #pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'g') #elif (i % 4 == 2): #pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'b') #else: #pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'c') #pl.ylim((-1,100)) pl.axis([400, 600, 0, 300]) pl.savefig(directory + "/" + image_name + ".png", format = "png") pl.close() print 'Done. Your plot is stored in ' + directory + "/" + image_name + ".png"
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 5: usage() else: f = shared.openFile(sys.argv[1], "r") directory = sys.argv[2] image_name = sys.argv[3] step_size = shared.toFlo(sys.argv[4]) print 'Plotting all the cells from ' + sys.argv[1] + '...' # split the lines to get data data = [line.split() for line in f] max_time = len(data) - 1 # calculate the tissue size cells_width = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) cells_height = shared.toInt(data[0][1]) total_cells = cells_width * cells_height + 1 # create a matrix to store the concentration values we obtain from the file cons = numpy.zeros(shape = (max_time, total_cells)) # put the concentration values from the file into the matrix for i in range(1, max_time + 1): cons[i - 1][0] = shared.toFlo(data[i][0]) * step_size for j in range(1, total_cells): cons[i - 1][j] = shared.toFlo(data[i][j]) # close the file f.close() # plot colors colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] color = 0 for i in range(1, total_cells): start = 0 # Adjust the plotting interval for each cell to account for different columns being staggered # as they enter the PSM at intervals of 6 minutes apart frome ach other while cons[start][i] == -1: # -1 stands for no data in the output file start += 1 end = max_time - 1 while cons[end][i] == -1: end -= 1; if (i % 4 == 0): pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'r') elif (i % 4 == 1): pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'g') elif (i % 4 == 2): pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'b') else: pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'c') pl.savefig(directory + "/" + image_name + ".png", format = "png") pl.close() print 'Done. Your plot is stored in ' + directory + "/" + image_name + ".png"
def main(): print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] # Remove the name of the program from the arguments num_args = len(args) if num_args == 3: # There are three arguments, each of which is required input_file = shared.openFile(args[0], 'r') # The input parameter sets output_fname = args[1] output_file = shared.openFile(output_fname, 'w') # The output parameter sets num_output_params = shared.toInt(args[2]) # How many parameters each set should have in the output file else: usage() print 'Converting each parameter set...' num_input_params = -1 for line in input_file: # For every parameter set if len(line) > 1 and line[0] != '#': # Skip blank lines and comments input_set = line.split(',') if num_input_params == -1: # Find the input format based on the first parameter set found num_input_params = len(input_set) else: output_file.write('\n') # Print a newline before each non-first set input_set[num_input_params - 1].replace('\n', '') # Get rid of the newline in the last parameter # Convert the set to the master (88) format base_set = ['0'] * 88 for par in range(num_input_params): base_index = set_formats[num_input_params][par] base_set[base_index] = input_set[par] # Convert the master format to the specified one output_set = ['0'] * num_output_params for par in range(num_output_params): output_index = set_formats[num_output_params][par] output_set[par] = base_set[output_index] # Write the results to the output file output_file.write(output_set[0]) for par in range(1, num_output_params): output_file.write(',' + output_set[par]) print 'Closing files...' input_file.close() output_file.close() print 'Done. Your newly formatted parameter sets are stored in ' + output_fname
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: usage() else: input_filename = sys.argv[1] output_filename = sys.argv[2] input_file = shared.openFile(input_filename, "r") output_file = shared.openFile(output_filename, "w") lines = [line for line in input_file] for i in range(len(lines)): if "Found a good set" in lines[i]: good_set = lines[i+1][:] starting_index = good_set.find(',') good_set = good_set[starting_index+1:] output_file.write(good_set) input_file.close() output_file.close()
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: usage() else: input_filename = sys.argv[1] output_filename = sys.argv[2] input_file = shared.openFile(input_filename, "r") output_file = shared.openFile(output_filename, "w") lines = [line for line in input_file] for i in range(len(lines)): if "Found a good set" in lines[i]: good_set = lines[i + 1][:] starting_index = good_set.find(',') good_set = good_set[starting_index + 1:] output_file.write(good_set) input_file.close() output_file.close()
def readData(filename): f = shared.openFile(filename, 'r') parsedFile = [] index = 0 width = height = 0 for line in f: line = line.strip() if (index == 0): width, height = shared.widthAndHeight(line.split(' '), filename) if width < 4 or height < 4 or (width % 2 != 0) or (height % 2 != 0): print 'The size of the tissue must be at least 4x4 and its width and height must be even numbers.' exit(2) else: aux = line.split(' ') parsedFile.append(aux) index += 1 f.close() return width, height, parsedFile
def findMinMax(filename): f = shared.openFile(filename, 'r') minCon = float('inf') maxCon = 0 first = True for line in f: if not first: lineNums = line.split() for i in range(len(lineNums)): lineNums[i] = shared.toFlo(lineNums[i]) num = min(lineNums[1:]) if (num < minCon): minCon = num num = max(lineNums[1:]) if (num > maxCon): maxCon = num first = False f.close() return minCon, maxCon
def main(): # check the given arguments with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: content = f.readlines() #f = shared.openFile(, "r") #directory = sys.argv[2] ''' data = [line.split() for line in f] max_time = len(data) - 1 # calculate the tissue size cons = numpy.zeros(shape = (max_time, 71)) # create array for row plotting # put the concentration values from the file into the matrix for i in range(0, len(data)): for j in range(0, 71): cons[i][j] = shared.toFlo(data[i][j]) print cons[i][j] ''' #print content f.close() wr= shared.openFile("newset.params","w") newline="" needlist= [0,2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15,17,18,20,21,23,24,29,30,31,33,38,39,40,42,47,48,49,51,53,54,56,57,59,60,62,63,65,66,67,68,69,70] #print len(needlist) for i in range(0, len(content)): #print content[i] newline="" newlist= [x.strip() for x in content[i].split(',')] #print len(newlist) #print len(needlist) for j in range(0, len(newlist)): if j in needlist: if newline=="": newline+= newlist[j] else: newline+=","+newlist[j] wr.write(newline) wr.write("\n") wr.close()
def write_bar_data(yvals, errorvals, out_file, ynames=None, xnames=None): data_file = shared.openFile(out_file, "w") data_file.write("Feature,") if xnames != None: for name in xnames: data_file.write(str(name) + ',') else: data_file.write("Parameters...") data_file.write('\n') for feature in range(len(yvals)): data_file.write('\n') if ynames != None: data_file.write(str(ynames[feature]) + ',') for param in range(len(yvals[feature])): data_file.write(str(yvals[feature][param]) + ',') data_file.write('\nstdev:,') for param in range(len(errorvals[feature])): data_file.write(str(errorvals[feature][param]) + ',') data_file.close() return
def main(): print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 2: cons_fname = args[0] directory = args[1] else: usage() print 'Reading the concentrations file...' min_con = float('inf') max_con = 0 cons_data = [] if cons_fname.endswith('.cons'): # Read ASCII file cons_file = shared.openFile(cons_fname, 'r') width, height = map(lambda num: shared.toInt(num), cons_file.readline().split(' ')) # The first line contains the width and height checkSize(width, height) for line in cons_file: cons = map(lambda num: shared.toFlo(num), line.split(' ')[1:-1]) # Remove the time step column and newline when taking the concentrations for con in cons: min_con = min(min_con, con) max_con = max(max_con, con) cons_data.append(cons) elif cons_fname.endswith('.bcons'): # Read binary file cons_file = shared.openFile(cons_fname, 'rb') # Read the file as a binary # The first two ints are the width and height width, = struct.unpack('i', height, = struct.unpack('i', checkSize(width, height) size = width * height cons = [] cons_length = 0 while True: con_str = if con_str == '': # While not EOF break; else: # There are width * height concentration floats per time step con, = struct.unpack('f', con_str) min_con = min(min_con, con) max_con = max(max_con, con) cons.append(con) cons_length += 1 if cons_length == height: cons_data.append(cons) cons = [] else: usage() print 'Creating the directory if necessary...' directory = shared.ensureDir(directory) if (directory[-1] != '/'): directory = directory + '/' print 'Creating snapshots...' edge, size = findSizes(width, height) # Configure the hexagon edge and window size based on the grid size index = 0 for line in cons_data: if (index % 10 == 0 and index >= 50000): plotHexagons(directory, size, index, line, min_con, max_con, edge, width, height) index += 1 print 'Done. Your snapshots are stored in ' + directory
def main(): print 'Reading command line arguments...' # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 8: usage() else: folder = sys.argv[1] parsets = shared.toInt(sys.argv[2]) image_name = sys.argv[3] feature = sys.argv[4] ofolder = sys.argv[5] post_width = shared.toInt(sys.argv[6]) excel_name = sys.argv[7] num_mutants = 6 index = 0 mutants = ["wildtype", "delta", "her1", "her7", "her7her13", "her13"] markers = ['o', '^', 's', '*', 'h', 'D'] colors = ['k', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm'] features = [] if (feature == "period" or feature == "amplitude"): features.append(feature) else: features.append("period") features.append("amplitude") for feat in features: # Create excel file in which the data used to create the plots will be stored excel_file = shared.openFile( ofolder + "/" + excel_name + "-" + feat + ".csv", "w") print "Plotting ", feat, "..." first_avg = 0 num_first = 0 for index in range(num_mutants): mutant = mutants[index] print ' Running ' + mutant + '...' marker = markers[index] color = colors[index] # open the input file f = shared.openFile( folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_0_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] # calculate the tissue size height = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) width = shared.toInt(data[0][1]) xmin = 0 xmax = 0.9 * width buckets = 9 # split the interval into 9 chunks chunk = (width - post_width) / ( buckets - 1) # the width of the intervals after the posterior indexes = [0 for i in range(buckets)] for bucket in range(buckets): if bucket == 0: indexes[bucket] = post_width / 2 else: indexes[bucket] = (post_width + (bucket - 1) * chunk) + (chunk / 2.0) averages = [0 for i in range(buckets)] num_points = [0 for i in range(buckets)] stderr = [0 for i in range(buckets)] if mutant == "wildtype": excel_file.write("mutant,") for index in indexes: excel_file.write(str(index) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") print ' Averaging the first bucket for the wildtype...' # all other data points will be averaged to this value for parset in range(parsets): # open the input file and ensure the directory exists f = shared.openFile( folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] lines = len(data) for line in range(1, lines, 2): for col in range(len(data[line]) - 1): pos = shared.toInt(data[line][col]) val = shared.toFlo(data[line + 1][col]) if pos < post_width: first_avg += val num_first += 1 first_avg /= num_first for parset in range(parsets): print ' Normalizing and analyzing data from set ' + str( parset) + '...' # open the input file and ensure the directory exists f = shared.openFile( folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] lines = len(data) for line in range(1, lines, 2): for col in range(len(data[line]) - 1): pos = shared.toInt(data[line][col]) val = shared.toFlo(data[line + 1][col]) / first_avg if pos < post_width: averages[0] += val num_points[0] += 1 else: averages[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1] += val num_points[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1] += 1 # ignore the buckets which don't have data buckets_with_data = buckets for bucket in range(buckets): if post_width + ( (bucket - 1) * chunk) + chunk - 1 > (0.9 * width): buckets_with_data -= 1 else: if num_points[bucket] > 0: averages[bucket] /= num_points[bucket] elif feat == "amplitude": averages[bucket] = 0 else: buckets_with_data -= 1 buckets = buckets_with_data print ' Calculating standard error...' for parset in range(parsets): f = shared.openFile( folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") data = [line.split(",") for line in f] lines = len(data) for line in range(1, lines, 2): for col in range(len(data[line]) - 1): pos = shared.toInt(data[line][col]) val = shared.toFlo(data[line + 1][col]) / first_avg if pos < post_width: stderr[0] += (val - averages[0])**2 else: stderr[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1] += ( val - averages[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1])**2 for bucket in range(buckets): if (num_points[bucket] > 0): stderr[bucket] = math.sqrt(stderr[bucket] / num_points[bucket]) stderr[bucket] /= math.sqrt(num_points[bucket]) else: stderr[bucket] = 0 indexes = indexes[:buckets] averages = averages[:buckets] stderr = stderr[:buckets] # Print the means and standard deviations to the excel_file excel_file.write(mutant + ",") for average in averages: excel_file.write(str(average) + ",") excel_file.write("\n,") for stder in stderr: excel_file.write(str(stder) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") plt.errorbar(indexes, averages, stderr, fmt='ro', linestyle='-', marker=marker, color=color, label=mutant) plt.legend(prop={'size': 8}, loc=2) pylab.xlim([xmin, xmax]) excel_file.close() plt.savefig(ofolder + "/" + image_name + "_" + feat + ".png", format="png") plt.close() print "Done. Your " + feat + " plot is stored in " + ofolder + "/" + image_name + "_" + feat + ".png" print "The data behind the plot can be found in " + ofolder + "/" + excel_name + "-" + feat + ".csv"
def main(): gradients = { 0: ['28', '29'], 1: ['37'], 2: ['41'], 3: ['34', '35'], 4: ['38', '39'], 5: ['4', '5'], 6: ['34', '35', '37'], 7: ['38', '39', '41'], 8: ['4', '5', '7'], 9: ['28', '32', '15'] } end_rate = [-1, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, -1, 1001, 1001, -1, -1] incs = [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1] print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] # Remove the name of the program from the arguments num_args = len(args) num_req_args = 2 req_args = [ False ] * num_req_args # If every required argument was given then req_args will be all true if num_args >= num_req_args: # Arguments with default values base_gradients_file = None simulation = './simulation' sim_arguments = "" for arg in range(0, num_args - 1, 2): option = args[arg] value = args[arg + 1] if option == '-s' or option == '--sets': sets_fname = value # Parameter sets file req_args[0] = True elif option == '-o' or option == '--output-dir': odir = value req_args[1] = True elif option == '-g' or option == '--base-gradients': base_gradients_file = shared.openFile( value, 'r' ) # Gradients to add to every simulation on top of the changing ones elif option == '-S' or option == '--simulation': simulation = value # Filename of the simulation elif option == '-a' or option == '--arguments': for a in range( arg + 1, num_args): # Arguments to pass to the simulation sim_arguments += ' ' + args[a] break else: usage() for arg in req_args: # Check to ensure every required argument was entered if not arg: usage() else: usage() print 'Reading the base gradients file...' # Add any given base gradients to a string to be passed to each simulation's gradients file if base_gradients_file is None: base_gradients = '' else: base_gradients = '' for line in base_gradients_file: base_gradients += line print 'Start creating gradient files and pbs-jobs for each gradient combination' start_point = '9' end_point = '49' # For every gradient option num_gradients = len(gradients) jobs_to_submit = [] for i in range(num_gradients): si = str(i) for j in range(100, end_rate[i], incs[i]): sj = str(j) grad_id = '-' + si + '-' + sj grad_fname = odir + "/grad" + grad_id + ".gradient" scores_fname = odir + "/scores" + grad_id + ".csv"["mkdir", "-p", odir]) grad_file = shared.openFile(grad_fname, 'w') # Write the base gradient to the file grad_file.write(base_gradients) for rate in gradients[i]: grad_file.write(rate + ' (' + start_point + ' 100) (' + end_point + ' ' + sj + ')\n') # Create the PBS job file pbs_fname = odir + '/pbs-job' + grad_id jobs_to_submit.append(pbs_fname) pbs_file = shared.openFile(pbs_fname, 'w') pbs_file.write(""" #PBS -N gradient-run""" + grad_id + """ #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 #PBS -l mem=500MB #PBS -l file=500MB #PBS -q biomath #PBS -j oe #PBS -o output.txt #PBS -l walltime=360:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n""") # Write the simulation call to the PBS job file pbs_file.write(simulation + sim_arguments + ' -i ' + sets_fname + ' -r ' + grad_fname + ' -E ' + scores_fname) pbs_file.close() if j % 50 == 0: queue_jobs = get_num_jobs() # Add parsing of queue_jobs while (queue_jobs > 150): time.sleep(300) queue_jobs = get_num_jobs() for job in range(min(100, len(jobs_to_submit))): print("Submitting job " + jobs_to_submit[job])['qsub', jobs_to_submit[job]]) jobs_to_submit = jobs_to_submit[100:]
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 6: usage() else: folder = sys.argv[1] parsets = shared.toInt(sys.argv[2]) ofolder = sys.argv[3] image_name = sys.argv[4] excel_name = sys.argv[5] mutants = ["wildtype", "delta", "her1", "her7", "her7her13", "her13"] markers = ['o', '^', 's', '*', 'h', 'D'] colors = ['k', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm'] num_mutants = 6 # Create excel file in which the data used to create the plots will be stored excel_file = shared.openFile(ofolder + "/" + excel_name + "-sync.csv", "w") for index in range(num_mutants): mutant = mutants[index] marker = markers[index] color = colors[index] # open the first file to get the height, width and interval f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_0_sync_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] # calculate the tissue size height = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) interval = shared.toFlo(data[0][1]) #split_time = shared.toFlo(data[0][2]) width = len(data[1]) - 1 indexes = [0 for i in range(width)] averages = [0 for i in range(width)] stderr = [0 for i in range(width)] for parset in range(parsets): f = shared.openFile( folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_sync_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] for col in range(width): for line in range(1, height + 1): averages[col] += shared.toFlo(data[line][col]) f.close() for col in range(width): indexes[col] = (((interval / 2) * col + (interval / 2) * col + interval) / 2) / 6 averages[col] /= height * parsets if mutant == "wildtype": excel_file.write("mutant,") for index in indexes: excel_file.write(str(index) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") for parset in range(parsets): f = shared.openFile( folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_sync_mh1.feats", "r") data = [line.split(",") for line in f] # std error = std deviation / sqrt(num data points) for col in range(width): for line in range(1, height + 1): stderr[col] += (shared.toFlo(data[line][col]) - averages[col])**2 stderr[col] = math.sqrt(stderr[col] / (height * parsets)) stderr[col] /= math.sqrt(height * parsets) # Print the means and standard deviations to the excel_file excel_file.write(mutant + ",") for average in averages: excel_file.write(str(average) + ",") excel_file.write("\n,") for stder in stderr: excel_file.write(str(stder) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") plt.errorbar(indexes, averages, stderr, fmt='ro', linestyle='-', marker=marker, color=color, label=mutant) plt.legend(prop={'size': 8}, loc=3) pylab.xlim([0, (width + 1) * (interval / 2) / 6]) plt.savefig(ofolder + "/" + image_name + ".png", format="png") plt.close()
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 6: usage() else: f = shared.openFile(sys.argv[1], "r") directory = sys.argv[2] image_name = sys.argv[3] step_size = shared.toFlo(sys.argv[4]) plot_style= sys.argv[5] plot_helper1= int(shared.toFlo(sys.argv[6])) plot_helper2= int(shared.toFlo(sys.argv[7])) print 'Plotting all the cells from ' + sys.argv[1] + '...' # split the lines to get data data = [line.split() for line in f] max_time = len(data) - 1 # calculate the tissue size cells_width = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) cells_height = shared.toInt(data[0][1]) total_cells = cells_width * cells_height + 1 #print cells_width # create a matrix to store the concentration values we obtain from the file cons = numpy.zeros(shape = (max_time, total_cells)) cons_t = [0]*max_time # create array for row plotting pos = [0]*50 for i in range (0, 49): pos[i]=i time = [0]*max_time for i in range (1,max_time+1): time[i-1]=i*step_size # put the concentration values from the file into the matrix for i in range(1, max_time + 1): cons[i - 1][0] = shared.toFlo(data[i][0]) * step_size for j in range(1, total_cells): cons[i - 1][j] = shared.toFlo(data[i][j]) # close the file f.close() # plot colors colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] color = 0 # decide which row/column/cells to plot #plot_col = 1 if (plot_style == "col"): startpoint = plot_helper1 interval = cells_width elif (plot_style == "all"): startpoint =1 interval =1 elif (plot_style =="cell"): startpoint = plot_helper1 interval = total_cells elif (plot_style == "col_t"): startpoint = plot_helper1 interval= cells_width start_time = plot_helper2 if (plot_style!= "row" and plot_style!="col_t"): print "not in row" for j in range(0,plot_helper2): for i in range(startpoint+j, total_cells, interval): start = 0 # Adjust the plotting interval for each cell to account for different columns being staggered # as they enter the PSM at intervals of 6 minutes apart frome ach other while cons[start][i] == -1: # -1 stands for no data in the output file start += 1 end = max_time - 1 while cons[end][i] == -1: end -= 1; if (i % 4 == 0): pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'r') elif (i % 4 == 1): pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'g') elif (i % 4 == 2): pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'b') else: pl.plot(cons[start:end, 0], cons[start:end, i], 'c') elif (plot_style == "row"): print "in row" pl.plot(pos[0:49],cons[plot_helper1, 1:50],'r') pl.plot(pos[0:49],cons[plot_helper1, 51:100],'g') pl.plot(pos[0:49],cons[plot_helper1, 101:150],'b') pl.plot(pos[0:49],cons[plot_helper1, 151:200],'c') elif (plot_style == "col_t"): difference=0 if start_time > 29999: difference= start_time-29999 print "tracking column" if (startpoint <=9): if start_time<29999: timetodie= 24000 timetilappear=0 i=1 while i<=29999: #print i #print startpoint #print cons[timetilappear+i,startpoint] cons_t[timetilappear+i]=cons[timetilappear+i,startpoint] i+=1 timetilappear=29999 else: for i in range (start_time): cons_t[i]=0 timetilappear=start_time timetodie= (cells_width-1- startpoint)*600-1 elif (startpoint>9 and startpoint <=49): print ">9" timetodie= (cells_width-1- startpoint)*600 timetilappear= (startpoint +1-10)*600+29999+difference #print timetodie #print timetilappear for i in range (timetilappear): cons_t[i]=0 growth=1 i=1 while i<=timetodie: #print i #print growth #print startpoint #print cons[timetilappear+i,startpoint] if (timetilappear+i>= 90000): break if (startpoint>= 93000): break cons_t[timetilappear+i]=cons[timetilappear+i,startpoint] growth+=1 i+=1 if (growth %600==0 ): startpoint+=1 growth=1 pl.plot(time[0:max_time], cons_t, 'r') #new_array=[500,520,540,560,580,600,620,640,660,680,700,720,740,760,780,800,820,840] #pl.grid(True) #pl.axis([600, 700,0,1100]) #pl.xticks(new_array) pl.savefig(directory + "/" + image_name + ".png", format = "png") pl.close() print 'Done. Your plot is stored in ' + directory + "/" + image_name + ".png"
def main(): #check the given arguments print "Reading command-line arguments..." args = sys.argv[1:] num_args = len(args) req_args = [False] * 6 num_seeds = 0 sim_arguments = "" if num_args >= 6: for arg in range(0, num_args - 1, 2): option = args[arg] value = args[arg + 1] if option == '-i' or option == '--input-file': ifile = value req_args[0] = True elif option == '-n' or option == '--num-params': num_params = shared.toInt(value) req_args[1] = True elif option == '-p' or option == '--pars-per-job': pars_per_job = shared.toInt(value) req_args[2] = True elif option == '-d' or option == '--directory': folder = value req_args[3] = True elif option == '-s' or option == '--simulation': simulation = value req_args[4] = True elif option == '-S' or option == '--seeds': num_seeds = int(value) req_args[5] = True elif option == '-a' or option == '--arguments': for a in range(arg + 1, num_args): sim_arguments += ' ' + args[a] break elif option == '-h' or option == '--help': usage() else: usage() for arg in req_args: if not arg: req_args usage() else: usage() index = 0 input_file = shared.openFile(ifile, "r") shared.ensureDir(folder) for parset in range(0, num_params, pars_per_job): params = shared.openFile(folder + "/input" + str(index) + ".params", "w") for line in range(pars_per_job): params.write(input_file.readline()) params.close() index += 1; for seeds in range(num_seeds): seed = (seeds + 1) * 1000 for parset in range(index): job = shared.openFile(folder + "/pbs-job-" + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset), 'w') job.write(''' #PBS -N robust-test #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 #PBS -l mem=500mb #PBS -l file=300mb #PBS -q biomath #PBS -j oe #PBS -o ''' + folder + '''/output''' + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset) + '''.txt #PBS -l walltime=06:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ''' + simulation + ' ' + sim_arguments + ' -p ' + str(pars_per_job) + ' -i ' + ifile + ''' -s ''' + str(seed) + " -M 6 -E " + folder + "/scores-" + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset) + ".csv") job.close()["qsub", folder + "/pbs-job-" + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset)])
def main(): print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] # Remove the name of the program from the arguments num_args = len(args) req_args = [False] * 3 # If every required argument was given then req_args will be all true if num_args >= 3: # Arguments with default values stdevs_away = 2 round_to = 5 for arg in range(0, num_args - 1, 2): option = args[arg] value = args[arg + 1] if option == '-s' or option == '--sets': sets_file = shared.openFile(value, 'r') req_args[0] = True elif option == '-c' or option == '--current-ranges': cur_ranges_file = shared.openFile(value, 'r') req_args[1] = True elif option == '-n' or option == '--new-ranges': new_ranges_fname = value new_ranges_file = shared.openFile(new_ranges_fname, 'w') req_args[2] = True elif option == '-d' or option == '--standard-dev': stdevs_away = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-r' or option == '--round-to': round_to = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-h' or option == '--help': usage() else: usage() for arg in req_args: # Check to ensure every required argument was entered if not arg: usage() else: usage() print 'Reading the parameter sets file...' # Parse the sets file to get the list of parameter sets sets = [] for line in sets_file: if not(line == '' or line[0] == '#'): # Ignore blank lines and comments sets.append(line) if len(sets) < 1: # Ensure at least one set was given usage() print 'Reading the current ranges file...' # Parse the current ranges file to find the existing ranges par_names = [] cur_ranges = [] for line in cur_ranges_file: line = line.replace('\t', ' ') if not(line == '' or line[0] == '#'): # Ignore blank lines and comments # Get the human-readable description space = line.find(' ') if space <= 0: parsing_error() par_names.append(line[: space]) line = line[space + 1:] # Skip past the description # Find the range bounds start = 0 if line[start] == '\0': parsing_error() while line[start] == ' ': start += 1 if line[start] != '[': parsing_error() end = start + 1 while line[end] != ']' and line[end] != '\0': end += 1 if line[end] == '\0': parsing_error() line = line[start + 1 : end] bounds = map(shared.toFlo, line.split(',')) # Convert the bounds to floats if len(bounds) != 2: parsing_error() cur_ranges.append(bounds) print 'Calculating new ranges...' # Calculate each parameter's new range flo_sets = map(lambda ls: map(shared.toFlo, ls), map(lambda s: s.split(','), sets)) # Convert each parameter set string into an array of floats num_sets = len(flo_sets) new_ranges = [] for p in range(len(cur_ranges)): # For every range # Get the mean range based on every set vals = [] for s in flo_sets: vals.append(s[p]) mean = sum(vals) / num_sets # Calculate the standard deviation from the mean stdev_sum = 0 for f in vals: stdev_sum += (f - mean) ** 2 stdev = math.sqrt(stdev_sum / num_sets) # Define new ranges based on the mean and standard deviation that are at least as narrow as the current ranges lower_bound = max(cur_ranges[p][0], round(mean - stdev * stdevs_away, round_to)) upper_bound = min(cur_ranges[p][1], round(mean + stdev * stdevs_away, round_to)) new_ranges.append([lower_bound, upper_bound]) print 'Writing the new ranges to the specified output file...' # Write the parameter ranges to the new ranges file for r in range(len(new_ranges)): new_ranges_file.write(par_names[r] + ' [' + str(new_ranges[r][0]) + ',' + str(new_ranges[r][1]) + ']\n') new_ranges_file.close() print 'Done. The new ranges are in ' + new_ranges_fname
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 3: usage() elif len(sys.argv) == 4: if sys.argv[1] == "-c" or sys.argv[1] == "--no-color": shared.terminalRed = "" shared.terminalReset = "" directory = sys.argv[2] filename = sys.argv[3] else: usage() else: directory = sys.argv[1] filename = sys.argv[2] # ensure the directory exists and open the output file directory = shared.ensureDir(directory) ofile = shared.openFile(filename, "w") fsize = 0 filename = directory + "/run0.txt" f = shared.openFile(filename) width, height = shared.widthAndHeight(f.readline().split(), filename) for line in f: data = line.split() fsize = shared.toFlo(data[0]) avg = [[-1 for i in range(w * h)] for j in range(int(fsize * 10) + 50)] end = 0 f.close() for run in range(0, runs): filename = directory + "/run" + str(run)+ ".txt" f = open(filename) width, height = shared.widthAndHeight(f.readline().split(), filename) for line in f: lineList = line.split(",") temptime = shared.toFlo(lineList[0]) place = int(temptime * 10) if float(place + 1) - (temptime * 10) < (temptime * 10 - float(place)): index = place + 1 else: index = place if (index > end): end = index for cell in range(0, w * h): if (avg[index][cell] == -1): avg[index][cell] = shared.toFlo(lineList[cell + 1]) else: avg[index][cell] += shared.toFlo(lineList[cell + 1]) ofile.write(str(width) + " " + str(height) + "\n") for cell in range(0, width * height): i = 0 minend = end while (i < end): if (avg[i + 1][cell] == -1): x1 = i y1 = avg[i][cell] y2 = 0 x2 = -1 for k in range(i + 2, end + 1): if (avg[k][cell] != -1): y2 = avg[k][cell] x2 = k break if (x2 != -1): m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) for k in range (i + 1, x2): avg[k][cell] = y1 + m * h * (k - i) i = x2 else: end = i if (end < minend): minend = end break else: i += 1 end = minend for i in range(1, end + 1): list = avg[i] ofile.write(str(float(i) / 10) + " ") for cell in range(0, w * h): ofile.write(str(list[cell] / runs) + " ") ofile.write("\n") index += 1 ofile.close()
def main(): #check the given arguments print "Reading command-line arguments..." args = sys.argv[1:] num_args = len(args) req_args = [False] * 6 num_seeds = 0 sim_arguments = "" if num_args >= 6: for arg in range(0, num_args - 1, 2): option = args[arg] value = args[arg + 1] if option == '-i' or option == '--input-file': ifile = value req_args[0] = True elif option == '-n' or option == '--num-params': num_params = shared.toInt(value) req_args[1] = True elif option == '-p' or option == '--pars-per-job': pars_per_job = shared.toInt(value) req_args[2] = True elif option == '-d' or option == '--directory': folder = value req_args[3] = True elif option == '-s' or option == '--simulation': simulation = value req_args[4] = True elif option == '-S' or option == '--seeds': num_seeds = int(value) req_args[5] = True elif option == '-a' or option == '--arguments': for a in range(arg + 1, num_args): sim_arguments += ' ' + args[a] break elif option == '-h' or option == '--help': usage() else: usage() for arg in req_args: if not arg: req_args usage() else: usage() index = 0 input_file = shared.openFile(ifile, "r") shared.ensureDir(folder) for parset in range(0, num_params, pars_per_job): params = shared.openFile(folder + "/input" + str(index) + ".params", "w") for line in range(pars_per_job): params.write(input_file.readline()) params.close() index += 1 for seeds in range(num_seeds): seed = (seeds + 1) * 1000 for parset in range(index): job = shared.openFile( folder + "/pbs-job-" + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset), 'w') job.write(''' #PBS -N robust-test #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 #PBS -l mem=500mb #PBS -l file=300mb #PBS -q biomath #PBS -j oe #PBS -o ''' + folder + '''/output''' + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset) + '''.txt #PBS -l walltime=06:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ''' + simulation + ' ' + sim_arguments + ' -p ' + str(pars_per_job) + ' -i ' + ifile + ''' -s ''' + str(seed) + " -M 6 -E " + folder + "/scores-" + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset) + ".csv") job.close() ["qsub", folder + "/pbs-job-" + str(seed) + "-" + str(parset)])
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 6: usage() elif len(sys.argv) == 7: if sys.argv[1] == "-c" or sys.argv[1] == "--no-color": shared.terminalRed = "" shared.terminalReset = "" filename = sys.argv[2] filename2 = sys.argv[3] directory = sys.argv[4] measuring = sys.argv[5] mutation = sys.argv[6] else: usage() else: filename = sys.argv[1] directory = sys.argv[2] measuring = sys.argv[3] mutation = sys.argv[4] # open the input file and ensure the directory exists f = shared.openFile(filename, "r") f2 = shared.openFile(filename2, "r") directory = shared.ensureDir(directory) # split the lines to get data data = [line.split() for line in f] file_len = len(data) - 1 max_x = file_len f.close() data2 = [line.split() for line in f2] file_len2 = len(data2) - 1 max_x2 = file_len2 f2.close() if (max_x == max_x2): print "test" # number of columns we have in the files cn = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) * shared.toInt(data[0][1]) + 1 cn2 = shared.toInt(data2[0][0]) * shared.toInt(data2[0][1]) + 1 # create matrices to store the data we obtained from the files m2p = numpy.zeros(shape=(max_x, cn + cn2)) # put the data coming from the files to the matrix for i in range(2, file_len): for j in range(0, cn + cn2): if (j < cn): m2p[i][j] = shared.toFlo(data[i][j]) elif (j == cn): print data2[i][j - cn] else: m2p[i][j] = 2 * shared.toFlo(data2[i][j - cn]) # plot colors colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] color = 0 for i in range(1, cn + cn2): if (i % 4 == 0): pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'r') elif (i % 4 == 1): pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'g') elif (i % 4 == 2): pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'b') else: pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'c') pl.title(measuring + " " + mutation + " All Cells") pl.savefig(directory + "/" + mutation + "_all.png", format="png") pl.close() # plot the data average = [] for i in range(0, max_x): average.append(float(sum(m2p[i][1:])) / float(len(m2p[i][1:]))) pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], average, colors[color]) if color == len(colors) - 1: color = 0 else: color += 1 pl.title(measuring + " " + mutation + " Average") pl.savefig(directory + "/" + mutation + "_avg.png", format="png") pl.close()
def main(): print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] # Remove the name of the program from the arguments num_args = len(args) req_args = [ False ] * 3 # If every required argument was given then req_args will be all true if num_args >= 3: # Arguments with default values stdevs_away = 2 round_to = 5 for arg in range(0, num_args - 1, 2): option = args[arg] value = args[arg + 1] if option == '-s' or option == '--sets': sets_file = shared.openFile(value, 'r') req_args[0] = True elif option == '-c' or option == '--current-ranges': cur_ranges_file = shared.openFile(value, 'r') req_args[1] = True elif option == '-n' or option == '--new-ranges': new_ranges_fname = value new_ranges_file = shared.openFile(new_ranges_fname, 'w') req_args[2] = True elif option == '-d' or option == '--standard-dev': stdevs_away = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-r' or option == '--round-to': round_to = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-h' or option == '--help': usage() else: usage() for arg in req_args: # Check to ensure every required argument was entered if not arg: usage() else: usage() print 'Reading the parameter sets file...' # Parse the sets file to get the list of parameter sets sets = [] for line in sets_file: if not (line == '' or line[0] == '#'): # Ignore blank lines and comments sets.append(line) if len(sets) < 1: # Ensure at least one set was given usage() print 'Reading the current ranges file...' # Parse the current ranges file to find the existing ranges par_names = [] cur_ranges = [] for line in cur_ranges_file: line = line.replace('\t', ' ') if not (line == '' or line[0] == '#'): # Ignore blank lines and comments # Get the human-readable description space = line.find(' ') if space <= 0: parsing_error() par_names.append(line[:space]) line = line[space + 1:] # Skip past the description # Find the range bounds start = 0 if line[start] == '\0': parsing_error() while line[start] == ' ': start += 1 if line[start] != '[': parsing_error() end = start + 1 while line[end] != ']' and line[end] != '\0': end += 1 if line[end] == '\0': parsing_error() line = line[start + 1:end] bounds = map(shared.toFlo, line.split(',')) # Convert the bounds to floats if len(bounds) != 2: parsing_error() cur_ranges.append(bounds) print 'Calculating new ranges...' # Calculate each parameter's new range flo_sets = map( lambda ls: map(shared.toFlo, ls), map(lambda s: s.split(','), sets)) # Convert each parameter set string into an array of floats num_sets = len(flo_sets) new_ranges = [] for p in range(len(cur_ranges)): # For every range # Get the mean range based on every set vals = [] for s in flo_sets: vals.append(s[p]) mean = sum(vals) / num_sets # Calculate the standard deviation from the mean stdev_sum = 0 for f in vals: stdev_sum += (f - mean)**2 stdev = math.sqrt(stdev_sum / num_sets) # Define new ranges based on the mean and standard deviation that are at least as narrow as the current ranges lower_bound = max(cur_ranges[p][0], round(mean - stdev * stdevs_away, round_to)) upper_bound = min(cur_ranges[p][1], round(mean + stdev * stdevs_away, round_to)) new_ranges.append([lower_bound, upper_bound]) print 'Writing the new ranges to the specified output file...' # Write the parameter ranges to the new ranges file for r in range(len(new_ranges)): new_ranges_file.write(par_names[r] + ' [' + str(new_ranges[r][0]) + ',' + str(new_ranges[r][1]) + ']\n') new_ranges_file.close() print 'Done. The new ranges are in ' + new_ranges_fname
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 3: usage() elif len(sys.argv) == 4: if sys.argv[1] == "-c" or sys.argv[1] == "--no-color": shared.terminalRed = "" shared.terminalReset = "" filename = sys.argv[2] startTime = sys.argv[3] else: usage() else: filename = sys.argv[1] startTime = sys.argv[2] # open the input file and ensure 'startTime' is a number f = shared.openFile(filename, "r") startTime = shared.toFlo(startTime) startIndex = 0 # extract the width and height from the concentrations file width, height = shared.widthAndHeight(f.readline().split(), filename) cellCount = width * height sums = [0 for i in range(cellCount)] cells = [] # for every line in the file, get the sum of the concentration levels as well as each individual value cast as a float, and calculate the starting index based off of the starting time for line in f: data = line.split() curdata = [] if data[0] < startTime: startIndex += 1 for cell in range(cellCount): sums[cell] += shared.toFlo(data[cell + 1]) curdata.append(shared.toFlo(data[cell + 1])) cells.append(curdata) # ensure there was data to retrieve if len(cells) == 0: print shared.terminalRed + "Couldn't get any cell data! Make sure '" + filename + "' is properly formatted. Exit status 3.", shared.terminalReset exit(3) # calculate the mean of each cell means = [] for cell in range(cellCount): means.append(sums[cell] / len(cells)) # calculate the total average score avgscore = 0.0 for cell in range(1, cellCount): numerator = 0 sqr1 = 0 sqr2 = 0 for i in range(startIndex, len(cells)): tstep = cells[i] xi = tstep[0] yi = tstep[cell] numerator += ((xi - means[0]) * (yi - means[cell])) sqr1 += (xi - means[0]) ** 2 sqr2 += (yi - means[cell]) ** 2 sqr1 = math.sqrt(sqr1) sqr2 = math.sqrt(sqr2) if sqr1 == 0 or sqr2 == 0: r = 1 else: r = numerator / (sqr1 * sqr2) avgscore += r # print the synchronization score print round(avgscore / (cellCount - 1), 10) f.close()
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 6: usage() elif len(sys.argv) == 7: if sys.argv[1] == "-c" or sys.argv[1] == "--no-color": shared.terminalRed = "" shared.terminalReset = "" filename = sys.argv[2] filename2 = sys.argv[3] directory = sys.argv[4] measuring = sys.argv[5] mutation = sys.argv[6] else: usage() else: filename = sys.argv[1] directory = sys.argv[2] measuring = sys.argv[3] mutation = sys.argv[4] # open the input file and ensure the directory exists f = shared.openFile(filename, "r") f2 = shared.openFile(filename2, "r") directory = shared.ensureDir(directory) # split the lines to get data data = [line.split() for line in f] file_len = len(data) - 1 max_x = file_len f.close() data2 = [line.split() for line in f2] file_len2 = len(data2) - 1 max_x2 = file_len2 f2.close() if (max_x == max_x2): print "test" # number of columns we have in the files cn = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) * shared.toInt(data[0][1]) + 1 cn2 = shared.toInt(data2[0][0]) * shared.toInt(data2[0][1]) + 1 # create matrices to store the data we obtained from the files m2p=numpy.zeros(shape = (max_x,cn + cn2)) # put the data coming from the files to the matrix for i in range(2, file_len): for j in range(0, cn+cn2): if (j <cn): m2p[i][j] = shared.toFlo(data[i][j]) elif (j==cn): print data2[i][j-cn] else: m2p[i][j] = 2*shared.toFlo(data2[i][j-cn]) # plot colors colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] color = 0 for i in range(1, cn+cn2): if (i % 4 == 0): pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'r') elif (i % 4 == 1): pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'g') elif (i % 4 == 2): pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'b') else: pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], m2p[0:max_x, i], 'c') pl.title(measuring + " " + mutation + " All Cells") pl.savefig(directory + "/" + mutation + "_all.png", format = "png") pl.close() # plot the data average = [] for i in range(0, max_x): average.append(float(sum(m2p[i][1:])) / float(len(m2p[i][1:]))) pl.plot(m2p[0:max_x, 0], average, colors[color]) if color == len(colors) - 1: color = 0 else: color += 1 pl.title(measuring + " " + mutation + " Average") pl.savefig(directory + "/" + mutation + "_avg.png", format = "png") pl.close()
def main(): print "Reading command-line arguments..." args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 3: cons_fname1 = args[0] cons_fname2 = args[1] directory = args[2] else: usage() print "Reading concentrations file 1..." min_con1 = float("inf") max_con1 = 0 cons_data1 = [] if cons_fname1.endswith(".cons"): # Read ASCII file cons_file1 = shared.openFile(cons_fname1, "r") width, height = map( lambda num: shared.toInt(num), cons_file1.readline().split(" ") ) # The first line contains the width and height checkSize(width, height) for line in cons_file1: cons = map( lambda num: shared.toFlo(num), line.split(" ")[1:-1] ) # Remove the time step column and newline when taking the concentrations for con in cons: min_con1 = min(min_con1, con) max_con1 = max(max_con1, con) cons_data1.append(cons) elif cons_fname1.endswith(".bcons"): # Read binary file cons_file1 = shared.openFile(cons_fname1, "rb") # Read the file as a binary # The first two ints are the width and height width, = struct.unpack("i", height, = struct.unpack("i", checkSize(width, height) size = width * height cons1 = [] cons_length1 = 0 while True: con_str1 = if con_str1 == "": # While not EOF break else: # There are width * height concentration floats per time step con, = struct.unpack("f", con_str1) min_con1 = min(min_con1, con) max_con1 = max(max_con1, con) cons1.append(con) cons_length1 += 1 if cons_length1 == height: cons_data1.append(cons) cons1 = [] else: usage() print "Reading concentrations file 2..." min_con2 = float("inf") max_con2 = 0 cons_data2 = [] if cons_fname2.endswith(".cons"): # Read ASCII file cons_file2 = shared.openFile(cons_fname2, "r") width, height = map( lambda num: shared.toInt(num), cons_file2.readline().split(" ") ) # The first line contains the width and height checkSize(width, height) for line in cons_file2: cons = map( lambda num: shared.toFlo(num), line.split(" ")[1:-1] ) # Remove the time step column and newline when taking the concentrations for con in cons: min_con2 = min(min_con2, con) max_con2 = max(max_con2, con) cons_data2.append(cons) elif cons_fname2.endswith(".bcons"): # Read binary file cons_file2 = shared.openFile(cons_fname2, "rb") # Read the file as a binary # The first two ints are the width and height width, = struct.unpack("i", height, = struct.unpack("i", checkSize(width, height) size = width * height cons2 = [] cons_length2 = 0 while True: con_str2 = if con_str2 == "": # While not EOF break else: # There are width * height concentration floats per time step con, = struct.unpack("f", con_str2) min_con2 = min(min_con2, con) max_con2 = max(max_con2, con) cons2.append(con) cons_length2 += 1 if cons_length2 == height: cons_data2.append(cons) cons2 = [] else: usage() print "Creating the directory if necessary..." directory = shared.ensureDir(directory) if directory[-1] != "/": directory = directory + "/" cons_data = combine_cons(cons_data1, cons_data2, max_con1, min_con1, max_con2, min_con2) print "Creating snapshots..." edge, size = findSizes(width, height) # Configure the hexagon edge and window size based on the grid size index = 0 for line in cons_data: if index % 10 == 0 and index >= 21000: plotHexagons(directory, size, index, line, edge, width, height) index += 1 print "Done. Your snapshots are stored in " + directory
def main(): gradients = {0: ['28', '29'], 1: ['37'], 2: ['41'], 3: ['34', '35'], 4: ['38', '39'], 5: ['4', '5'], 6: ['34', '35', '37'], 7: ['38', '39', '41'], 8: ['4', '5', '7'], 9: ['28', '32', '15']} end_rate = [-1, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, -1, 1001, 1001, -1, -1] incs = [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1] print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] # Remove the name of the program from the arguments num_args = len(args) num_req_args = 2 req_args = [False] * num_req_args # If every required argument was given then req_args will be all true if num_args >= num_req_args: # Arguments with default values base_gradients_file = None simulation = './simulation' sim_arguments = "" for arg in range(0, num_args - 1, 2): option = args[arg] value = args[arg + 1] if option == '-s' or option == '--sets': sets_fname = value # Parameter sets file req_args[0] = True elif option == '-o' or option == '--output-dir': odir = value req_args[1] = True elif option == '-g' or option == '--base-gradients': base_gradients_file = shared.openFile(value, 'r') # Gradients to add to every simulation on top of the changing ones elif option == '-S' or option == '--simulation': simulation = value # Filename of the simulation elif option == '-a' or option == '--arguments': for a in range(arg + 1, num_args): # Arguments to pass to the simulation sim_arguments += ' ' + args[a] break else: usage() for arg in req_args: # Check to ensure every required argument was entered if not arg: usage() else: usage() print 'Reading the base gradients file...' # Add any given base gradients to a string to be passed to each simulation's gradients file if base_gradients_file is None: base_gradients = '' else: base_gradients = '' for line in base_gradients_file: base_gradients += line print 'Start creating gradient files and pbs-jobs for each gradient combination' start_point = '9' end_point = '49' # For every gradient option num_gradients = len(gradients) jobs_to_submit = [] for i in range(num_gradients): si = str(i) for j in range(100, end_rate[i], incs[i]): sj = str(j) grad_id = '-' + si + '-' + sj grad_fname = odir + "/grad" + grad_id + ".gradient" scores_fname = odir + "/scores" + grad_id + ".csv"["mkdir", "-p", odir]) grad_file = shared.openFile(grad_fname, 'w') # Write the base gradient to the file grad_file.write(base_gradients) for rate in gradients[i]: grad_file.write(rate + ' (' + start_point + ' 100) (' + end_point + ' ' + sj + ')\n') # Create the PBS job file pbs_fname = odir + '/pbs-job' + grad_id jobs_to_submit.append(pbs_fname) pbs_file = shared.openFile(pbs_fname, 'w') pbs_file.write(""" #PBS -N gradient-run""" + grad_id + """ #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 #PBS -l mem=500MB #PBS -l file=500MB #PBS -q biomath #PBS -j oe #PBS -o output.txt #PBS -l walltime=360:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n""") # Write the simulation call to the PBS job file pbs_file.write(simulation + sim_arguments + ' -i ' + sets_fname + ' -r ' + grad_fname + ' -E ' + scores_fname) pbs_file.close() if j % 50 == 0: queue_jobs = get_num_jobs() # Add parsing of queue_jobs while (queue_jobs > 150): time.sleep(300) queue_jobs = get_num_jobs() for job in range(min(100, len(jobs_to_submit))): print ("Submitting job " + jobs_to_submit[job])['qsub', jobs_to_submit[job]]) jobs_to_submit = jobs_to_submit[100:]
def main(): print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] # Remove the name of the program from the arguments num_args = len(args) cons_file = None # Concentrations file figure_fname = 'st' # Filename to give the figure minus its extension image_format = 'png' # Format in which to save the figure, also serving as its extension image_width = 1000 # Width of the image in pixels image_height = 250 # Height of the image in pixels steps_til_growth = 60000 # Steps before growth starts steps_to_split = 600 # Steps each split takes initial_width = 10 # Initial width of the PSM in cells granularity = 1 # Use each <granularity> time steps of data start_step = 0 # Start time step relative to steps_til_growth end_step = 60000 # End time step relative to steps_til_growth for arg in range(0, num_args - 1, 2): option = args[arg] value = args[arg + 1] if option == '-c' or option == '--cons-file': cons_file = shared.openFile(value, 'r') elif option == '-f' or option == '--figure-name': figure_fname = value elif option == '-i' or option == '--image-format': image_format = value elif option == '-w' or option == '--image-width': image_width = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-h' or option == '--image-height': image_height = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-G' or option == '--steps-til-growth': steps_til_growth = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-S' or option == '--steps-to-split': steps_to_split = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-n' or option == '--initial-width': initial_width = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-g' or option == '--granularity': granularity = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-s' or option == '--start-step': start_step = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-e' or option == '--end-step': end_step = shared.toInt(value) elif option == '-h' or option == '--help': usage() else: usage() if cons_file is None: # The concentrations file is required usage() print 'Parsing concentrations file...' raw_data = [line.split() for line in cons_file] # Split the data into lines and split each line by spaces into an array cons_file.close() print 'Converting data to the appropriate sizes...' # Take the width and height from the first line of the file psm_width = shared.toInt(raw_data[0][0]) psm_height = shared.toInt(raw_data[0][1]) raw_data = raw_data[1 + steps_til_growth:] # Remove all data before growth starts # Adjust step sizes for the given granularity steps_til_growth /= granularity steps_to_split /= granularity data = [] # Like raw data, but takes only each <granularity> time steps of data and removes the time steps column for line in range(len(raw_data)): if line % granularity == 0: data.append(raw_data[line]) total_steps = len(data) for row in range(total_steps): data[row] = data[row][1:] # Remove the time steps column steps_when_full = (psm_width - initial_width) * steps_to_split # When the PSM is done growing total_width = psm_width + (total_steps - steps_when_full) / steps_to_split # The width of every cell that exists at any point table = [[0 for i in range(total_steps)] for j in range(total_width)] # A table containing the data formatted more closely to what the figure requires print 'Accounting for cell growth and averaging cell columns...' min_con = float('inf') max_con = 0 # Fill in the table with all data from when the PSM is growing current_width = initial_width row_start = current_width - 1 steps_elapsed = 0 for column in range(steps_when_full): for row in range(current_width): avg_con = 0 cell_x = row_start - row # Posterior cells should be printed on the right for cell_y in range(psm_height): # Average each column of cells cell_index = cell_y * psm_width + cell_x avg_con += shared.toFlo(data[column][cell_index]) avg_con /= psm_height table[row][column] = avg_con # Update the minimum and maximum concentrations min_con = min(min_con, avg_con) max_con = max(max_con, avg_con) for row in range(current_width, total_width): # Nonexistent cells get concentrations of 0 table[row][column] = -10 steps_elapsed += 1 if steps_elapsed == steps_to_split: # Split the PSM every steps_to_split time steps current_width += 1 row_start += 1 # Adjust because the first cell in data is the new, posterior-most cell steps_elapsed = 0 for column in range(steps_when_full, total_steps): for row in range(current_width, total_width): table[row][column] = -10 # Fill in the table with all data from when the PSM is done growing arrested_cells = [] row_start = psm_width - 1 row_offset = 0 for column in range(steps_when_full, total_steps): for row in range(psm_width): avg_con = 0 cell_x = (row_start - row) % psm_width # Posterior cells should be printed on the right for cell_y in range(psm_height): # Average each column of cells cell_index = cell_y * psm_width + cell_x avg_con += shared.toFlo(data[column][cell_index]) avg_con /= psm_height table[row + row_offset][column] = avg_con # Update the minimum and maximum concentrations min_con = min(min_con, avg_con) max_con = max(max_con, avg_con) for cell in arrested_cells: # Print the last value each arrested cell had for the rest of time table[cell[0]][column] = -10 steps_elapsed += 1 if steps_elapsed == steps_to_split: # Split the PSM every steps_to_split time steps arrested_cells.append((row_offset, table[row_offset][column])) row_offset += 1 steps_elapsed = 0 max_con += 1 print 'Cropping to the specified time range...' start_step /= granularity end_step /= granularity total_steps = end_step - start_step for row in range(total_width): table[row] = table[row][start_step:end_step] print 'Creating a blank image...' im ='RGB', (image_width, image_height), rgb('FFFFFF')) # Make an image with a blank, white canvas draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) # Get the drawing object print 'Filling the image with the concentrations...' # Find the factors to scale the table data into an image_width by image_height sized figure x_factor = shared.toFlo(total_steps) / image_width y_factor = shared.toFlo(total_width) / image_height # Darker shades indicate higher concentrations shades = [rgb('FEB4EF'), rgb('FEB4EF'), rgb('FE5A77'), rgb('FE2D3B'), rgb('FF0000'), rgb('BF0000'), rgb('7F0000'), rgb('3F0000'), rgb('000000'), rgb('FFFFFF')] num_shades = len(shades) for i in range(image_width): x = shared.toInt(i * x_factor) for j in range(image_height): reverse_j = image_height - j - 1 # In the figure, cell 0 is at the bottom, not top y = shared.toInt(reverse_j * y_factor) con = table[y][x] if con == -10: color = rgb('EEE5DE') else: color = shades[int((con - min_con) / (max_con - min_con) * (num_shades - 1))] # Find the color matching the concentration draw.point((i, j), fill = color) print 'Saving the image...' figure_fname_full = figure_fname + '.' + image_format.lower(), image_format.upper()) print 'Done. Your figure is stored in ' + figure_fname_full
def main(): print 'Reading command-line arguments...' args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 3: cons_fname1 = args[0] cons_fname2 = args[1] directory = args[2] else: usage() print 'Reading concentrations file 1...' min_con1 = float('inf') max_con1 = 0 cons_data1 = [] if cons_fname1.endswith('.cons'): # Read ASCII file cons_file1 = shared.openFile(cons_fname1, 'r') width, height = map( lambda num: shared.toInt(num), cons_file1.readline().split( ' ')) # The first line contains the width and height checkSize(width, height) for line in cons_file1: cons = map( lambda num: shared.toFlo(num), line.split(' ')[1:-1] ) # Remove the time step column and newline when taking the concentrations for con in cons: min_con1 = min(min_con1, con) max_con1 = max(max_con1, con) cons_data1.append(cons) elif cons_fname1.endswith('.bcons'): # Read binary file cons_file1 = shared.openFile(cons_fname1, 'rb') # Read the file as a binary # The first two ints are the width and height width, = struct.unpack('i', height, = struct.unpack('i', checkSize(width, height) size = width * height cons1 = [] cons_length1 = 0 while True: con_str1 = if con_str1 == '': # While not EOF break else: # There are width * height concentration floats per time step con, = struct.unpack('f', con_str1) min_con1 = min(min_con1, con) max_con1 = max(max_con1, con) cons1.append(con) cons_length1 += 1 if cons_length1 == height: cons_data1.append(cons) cons1 = [] else: usage() print 'Reading concentrations file 2...' min_con2 = float('inf') max_con2 = 0 cons_data2 = [] if cons_fname2.endswith('.cons'): # Read ASCII file cons_file2 = shared.openFile(cons_fname2, 'r') width, height = map( lambda num: shared.toInt(num), cons_file2.readline().split( ' ')) # The first line contains the width and height checkSize(width, height) for line in cons_file2: cons = map( lambda num: shared.toFlo(num), line.split(' ')[1:-1] ) # Remove the time step column and newline when taking the concentrations for con in cons: min_con2 = min(min_con2, con) max_con2 = max(max_con2, con) cons_data2.append(cons) elif cons_fname2.endswith('.bcons'): # Read binary file cons_file2 = shared.openFile(cons_fname2, 'rb') # Read the file as a binary # The first two ints are the width and height width, = struct.unpack('i', height, = struct.unpack('i', checkSize(width, height) size = width * height cons2 = [] cons_length2 = 0 while True: con_str2 = if con_str2 == '': # While not EOF break else: # There are width * height concentration floats per time step con, = struct.unpack('f', con_str2) min_con2 = min(min_con2, con) max_con2 = max(max_con2, con) cons2.append(con) cons_length2 += 1 if cons_length2 == height: cons_data2.append(cons) cons2 = [] else: usage() print 'Creating the directory if necessary...' directory = shared.ensureDir(directory) if (directory[-1] != '/'): directory = directory + '/' cons_data = combine_cons(cons_data1, cons_data2, max_con1, min_con1, max_con2, min_con2) print 'Creating snapshots...' edge, size = findSizes( width, height ) # Configure the hexagon edge and window size based on the grid size index = 0 for line in cons_data: if (index % 10 == 0 and index >= 21000): plotHexagons(directory, size, index, line, edge, width, height) index += 1 print 'Done. Your snapshots are stored in ' + directory
def main(): print 'Reading command line arguments...' # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 8: usage() else: folder = sys.argv[1] parsets = shared.toInt(sys.argv[2]) image_name = sys.argv[3] feature = sys.argv[4] ofolder = sys.argv[5] post_width = shared.toInt(sys.argv[6]) excel_name = sys.argv[7] num_mutants = 6 index = 0 mutants = ["wildtype", "delta", "her1", "her7", "her7her13", "her13"] markers = ['o', '^', 's', '*', 'h', 'D'] colors = ['k', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm'] features = [] if (feature == "period" or feature == "amplitude"): features.append(feature) else: features.append("period") features.append("amplitude") for feat in features: # Create excel file in which the data used to create the plots will be stored excel_file = shared.openFile(ofolder + "/" + excel_name + "-" + feat + ".csv", "w") print "Plotting ", feat, "..." first_avg = 0 num_first = 0 for index in range(num_mutants): mutant = mutants[index] print ' Running ' + mutant + '...' marker = markers[index] color = colors[index] # open the input file f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_0_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] # calculate the tissue size height = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) width = shared.toInt(data[0][1]) xmin = 0 xmax = 0.9 * width buckets = 9 # split the interval into 9 chunks chunk = (width - post_width) / (buckets - 1) # the width of the intervals after the posterior indexes = [0 for i in range(buckets)] for bucket in range(buckets): if bucket == 0: indexes[bucket] = post_width / 2 else: indexes[bucket] = (post_width + (bucket - 1) * chunk) + (chunk / 2.0) averages = [0 for i in range(buckets)] num_points = [0 for i in range(buckets)] stderr = [0 for i in range(buckets)] if mutant == "wildtype": excel_file.write("mutant,") for index in indexes: excel_file.write(str(index) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") print ' Averaging the first bucket for the wildtype...' # all other data points will be averaged to this value for parset in range(parsets): # open the input file and ensure the directory exists f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] lines = len(data) for line in range(1, lines, 2): for col in range(len(data[line]) - 1): pos = shared.toInt(data[line][col]) val = shared.toFlo(data[line + 1][col]) if pos < post_width: first_avg += val num_first += 1 first_avg /= num_first for parset in range(parsets): print ' Normalizing and analyzing data from set ' + str(parset) + '...' # open the input file and ensure the directory exists f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] lines = len(data) for line in range(1, lines, 2): for col in range(len(data[line]) - 1): pos = shared.toInt(data[line][col]) val = shared.toFlo(data[line + 1][col]) / first_avg if pos < post_width: averages[0] += val num_points[0] += 1 else: averages[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1] += val num_points[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1] += 1 # ignore the buckets which don't have data buckets_with_data = buckets for bucket in range(buckets): if post_width + ((bucket - 1) * chunk) + chunk - 1 > (0.9 * width): buckets_with_data -= 1 else: if num_points[bucket] > 0: averages[bucket] /= num_points[bucket] elif feat == "amplitude": averages[bucket] = 0 else: buckets_with_data -= 1 buckets = buckets_with_data print ' Calculating standard error...' for parset in range(parsets): f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_" + feat + "_mh1.feats", "r") data = [line.split(",") for line in f] lines = len(data) for line in range(1, lines, 2): for col in range(len(data[line]) - 1): pos = shared.toInt(data[line][col]) val = shared.toFlo(data[line + 1][col]) / first_avg if pos < post_width: stderr[0] += (val - averages[0]) ** 2 else: stderr[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1] += (val - averages[(pos - post_width) / chunk + 1]) ** 2 for bucket in range(buckets): if (num_points[bucket] > 0): stderr[bucket] = math.sqrt(stderr[bucket] / num_points[bucket]) stderr[bucket] /= math.sqrt(num_points[bucket]) else: stderr[bucket] = 0 indexes = indexes[:buckets] averages = averages[:buckets] stderr = stderr[:buckets] # Print the means and standard deviations to the excel_file excel_file.write(mutant + ",") for average in averages: excel_file.write(str(average) + ",") excel_file.write("\n,") for stder in stderr: excel_file.write(str(stder) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") plt.errorbar(indexes, averages, stderr, fmt='ro', linestyle='-', marker=marker, color=color, label=mutant) plt.legend(prop={'size':8}, loc=2) pylab.xlim([xmin, xmax]) excel_file.close() plt.savefig(ofolder + "/" + image_name + "_" + feat + ".png", format = "png") plt.close() print "Done. Your " + feat + " plot is stored in " + ofolder + "/" + image_name + "_" + feat + ".png" print "The data behind the plot can be found in " + ofolder + "/" + excel_name + "-" + feat + ".csv"
def main(): # check the given arguments if len(sys.argv) < 6: usage() else: folder = sys.argv[1] parsets = shared.toInt(sys.argv[2]) ofolder = sys.argv[3] image_name = sys.argv[4] excel_name = sys.argv[5] mutants = ["wildtype", "delta", "her1", "her7", "her7her13", "her13"] markers = ['o', '^', 's', '*', 'h', 'D'] colors = ['k', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm'] num_mutants = 6 # Create excel file in which the data used to create the plots will be stored excel_file = shared.openFile(ofolder + "/" + excel_name + "-sync.csv", "w") for index in range(num_mutants): mutant = mutants[index] marker = markers[index] color = colors[index] # open the first file to get the height, width and interval f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_0_sync_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] # calculate the tissue size height = shared.toInt(data[0][0]) interval = shared.toFlo(data[0][1]) #split_time = shared.toFlo(data[0][2]) width = len(data[1]) - 1 indexes = [0 for i in range(width)] averages = [0 for i in range(width)] stderr = [0 for i in range(width)] for parset in range(parsets): f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_sync_mh1.feats", "r") # split the lines to get data data = [line.split(",") for line in f] for col in range(width): for line in range(1, height + 1): averages[col] += shared.toFlo(data[line][col]) f.close() for col in range(width): indexes[col] = (((interval / 2) * col + (interval / 2) * col + interval) / 2) / 6 averages[col] /= height * parsets if mutant == "wildtype": excel_file.write("mutant,") for index in indexes: excel_file.write(str(index) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") for parset in range(parsets): f = shared.openFile(folder + "/" + mutant + "/set_" + str(parset) + "_sync_mh1.feats", "r") data = [line.split(",") for line in f] # std error = std deviation / sqrt(num data points) for col in range(width): for line in range(1, height + 1): stderr[col] += (shared.toFlo(data[line][col]) - averages[col]) ** 2 stderr[col] = math.sqrt(stderr[col] / (height * parsets)) stderr[col] /= math.sqrt(height * parsets) # Print the means and standard deviations to the excel_file excel_file.write(mutant + ",") for average in averages: excel_file.write(str(average) + ",") excel_file.write("\n,") for stder in stderr: excel_file.write(str(stder) + ",") excel_file.write("\n") plt.errorbar(indexes, averages, stderr, fmt='ro', linestyle='-', marker=marker, color=color, label=mutant) plt.legend(prop={'size':8}, loc=3) pylab.xlim([0, (width + 1) * (interval / 2) / 6]) plt.savefig(ofolder + "/" + image_name + ".png", format = "png") plt.close()