def source_fetch(source):
    debug("SF: Doing fetch for source: {0}".format(source.url))
    result = _source_fetch(source)
    debug("SF: Done with source fetch for {0}; result type: {1}".format(source.url, (result.method if result else None)))
    added_any = False
    now =
    to_put = []
    tasks_to_enqueue = []
    if result:
        if result.feed_title:
            source.title = result.feed_title
        if result.brand:
            source.brand = result.brand
        titles = [entry['title'] for entry in result.entries if entry['title']]
        source.shared_title_suffix = shared_suffix(titles)
        entries = result.entries[:min(25, len(result.entries))]
        entry_ids = [Article.id_for_article(entry['url'], source.url) for entry in entries]
        print "ENTRY IDs:", entry_ids
        print "ENtry id lens: ", str(map(len, entry_ids))
        article_futures = [Article.get_or_insert_async(id) for id in entry_ids]
        articles = [future.get_result() for future in article_futures]
        print "ARTICLE_OBJECTS:", articles
        for i, (entry, article) in enumerate(zip(entries, articles)):
            if not article.url:
                added_any = True
                article.added_date = now
                article.added_order = i
                article.source = source.key
                article.url = canonical_url(entry.get('url'))
                article.submission_url = canonical_url(entry.get('submission_url'))
                if entry['published']:
                    article.published = entry['published']
                    article.published =
                if not article.title:
                    article.title = entry['title']
                delay = (i+1) * 4 # wait 5 seconds between each
    debug("SF: About to put {0} items".format(len(to_put)))
    if len(to_put):
    debug("SF: About to enqueue")
    if len(tasks_to_enqueue):
    debug("SF: done enqueuing")
    if added_any:
        source.most_recent_article_added_date = now
    source.last_fetched = now
def article_title_processor(articles):
    # takes article JSON, removes redundant suffixes
    good_titles = [a.get('title') for a in articles if a.get('fetch_failed') == False]
    suffix_to_strip = shared_suffix(good_titles) if len(good_titles) >= 2 else None
    def process(article):
        title = article.get('title') or ""
        if suffix_to_strip and len(title) > len(suffix_to_strip) and title[-len(suffix_to_strip):] == suffix_to_strip:
            title = title[:-len(suffix_to_strip)]
        title = title.split(u" | ")[0]
        article['title'] = title.strip()
        return article
    return map(process, articles)