Beispiel #1
def string_check(identifier,
    # Length check.
    if len(value) < min_length:
            "%s: Value '%s' for field %s is less than minimum length of %d." %
            (identifier, value, field, min_length)).handle_later()
    if max_length and len(value) > max_length:
            "%s: Value '%s' for field %s is greater than maximum length of %d."
            % (identifier, value, field, max_length)).handle_later()
    # Regex check.
    if regex and not re.match(regex, value):
            '%s: String value "%s" for %s is not matching pattern "%s".' %
            (identifier, value, field, regex)).handle_later()
Beispiel #2
    def check_name(self, name):
        if '#' in name:
            raise ParserError(
                'Error for histogram name "%s": "#" is not allowed.' % (name))

        # Avoid C++ identifier conflicts between histogram enums and label enum names.
        if name.startswith("LABELS_"):
            raise ParserError(
                'Error for histogram name "%s":  can not start with "LABELS_".'
                % (name))

        # To make it easier to generate C++ identifiers from this etc., we restrict
        # the histogram names to a strict pattern.
        # We skip this on the server to avoid failures with old Histogram.json revisions.
        if self._strict_type_checks:
            pattern = '^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+[a-z0-9]$'
            if not re.match(pattern, name, re.IGNORECASE):
                raise ParserError(
                    'Error for histogram name "%s": name does not conform to "%s"'
                    % (name, pattern))
Beispiel #3
    def check_whitelistable_fields(self, name, definition):
        # Use counters don't have any mechanism to add the fields checked here,
        # so skip the check for them.
        # We also don't need to run any of these checks on the server.
        if self._is_use_counter or not self._strict_type_checks:

        # In the pipeline we don't have whitelists available.
        if whitelists is None:

        for field in ['alert_emails', 'bug_numbers']:
            if field not in definition and name not in whitelists[field]:
                raise ParserError(
                    'New histogram "%s" must have a "%s" field.' %
                    (name, field))
            if field in definition and name in whitelists[field]:
                msg = 'Histogram "%s" should be removed from the whitelist for "%s" in ' \
                raise ParserError(msg % (name, field))
def from_Histograms_json(filename, strict_type_checks):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:

            def hook(ps):
                return load_histograms_into_dict(ps, strict_type_checks)

            histograms = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=hook)
        except ValueError, e:
            ParserError("error parsing histograms in %s: %s" %
                        (filename, e.message)).handle_now()
Beispiel #5
 def check(self, identifier, key, value):
     if len(value.keys()) < 1:
         raise ParserError(
             "%s: Failed check for %s - dict should not be empty." %
             (identifier, key))
     for x in value.iterkeys():
         if not isinstance(x, self.keys_instance_type):
             raise ParserError(
                 "%s: Failed dict type check for %s - expected key type %s, got "
                 "%s." %
                 (identifier, key, nice_type_name(
                     self.keys_instance_type), nice_type_name(type(x))))
     for k, v in value.iteritems():
         if not isinstance(v, self.values_instance_type):
             raise ParserError(
                 "%s: Failed dict type check for %s - "
                 "expected value type %s for key %s, got %s." %
                 (identifier, key, nice_type_name(
                     self.values_instance_type), k, nice_type_name(
    def test_missing_alert_emails(self):
                "record_in_processes": ["main", "content"],
                "bug_numbers": [1383793],
                "expires_in_version": "never",
                "kind": "boolean",
                "description": "Test histogram",
        histograms = load_histogram(SAMPLE_HISTOGRAM)


        self.assertRaises(SystemExit, ParserError.exit_func)

        # Set global whitelists for parse_histograms.
        parse_histograms.whitelists = {
            "alert_emails": [
            "bug_numbers": [],
            "n_buckets": [],
            "expiry_default": [],
            "kind": []

        hist = parse_histograms.Histogram('TEST_HISTOGRAM_WHITELIST_ALERT_EMAILS',

        self.assertEqual(hist.expiration(), 'never')
        self.assertEqual(hist.kind(), 'boolean')
        self.assertEqual(hist.record_in_processes(), ["main", "content"])
        self.assertEqual(hist.keyed(), False)

        parse_histograms.whitelists = None
    def test_unsupported_kind_flag(self):
                "record_in_processes": ["main", "content"],
                "expires_in_version": "never",
                "kind": "flag",
                "alert_emails": ["*****@*****.**"],
                "bug_numbers": [1383793],
                "description": "Test histogram",
        histograms = load_histogram(SAMPLE_HISTOGRAM)

        self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse_histograms.Histogram,

        # Set global whitelists for parse_histograms.
        parse_histograms.whitelists = {
            "alert_emails": [],
            "bug_numbers": [],
            "n_buckets": [],
            "expiry_default": [],
            "kind": [

        hist = parse_histograms.Histogram('TEST_HISTOGRAM_WHITELIST_KIND',

        self.assertEqual(hist.expiration(), 'never')
        self.assertEqual(hist.kind(), 'flag')
        self.assertEqual(hist.record_in_processes(), ["main", "content"])
        self.assertEqual(hist.keyed(), False)

        parse_histograms.whitelists = None
Beispiel #8
    def check_label_values(self, name, definition):
        labels = definition.get('labels')
        if not labels:

        invalid = filter(lambda l: len(l) > MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, labels)
        if len(invalid) > 0:
            raise ParserError('Label values for "%s" exceed length limit of %d: %s' %
                              (name, MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, ', '.join(invalid)))

        if len(labels) > MAX_LABEL_COUNT:
            raise ParserError('Label count for "%s" exceeds limit of %d' %
                              (name, MAX_LABEL_COUNT))

        # To make it easier to generate C++ identifiers from this etc., we restrict
        # the label values to a strict pattern.
        pattern = '^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+[a-z0-9]$'
        invalid = filter(lambda l: not re.match(pattern, l, re.IGNORECASE), labels)
        if len(invalid) > 0:
            raise ParserError('Label values for %s are not matching pattern "%s": %s' %
                              (name, pattern, ', '.join(invalid)))
Beispiel #9
    def set_dataset(self, definition):
        datasets = {
            'opt-in': 'DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTIN',
            'opt-out': 'DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTOUT'

        value = definition.get('releaseChannelCollection', 'opt-in')
        if value not in datasets:
            raise ParserError('Unknown value for releaseChannelCollection'
                              ' policy for histogram "%s".' % self._name)

        self._dataset = "nsITelemetry::" + datasets[value]
Beispiel #10
    def set_dataset(self, definition):
        datasets = {
            'opt-in': 'DATASET_PRERELEASE_CHANNELS',
            'opt-out': 'DATASET_ALL_CHANNELS'

        value = definition.get('releaseChannelCollection', 'opt-in')
        if value not in datasets:
            ParserError('Unknown value for releaseChannelCollection'
                        ' policy for histogram "%s".' % self._name).handle_later()

        self._dataset = "nsITelemetry::" + datasets[value]
Beispiel #11
    def validate_values(self, definition):
        """This function checks that the fields have the correct values.

        :param definition: the dictionary containing the scalar properties.
        :raises ParserError: if a scalar definition field contains an unexpected value.

        if not self._strict_type_checks:

        # Validate the scalar kind.
        scalar_kind = definition.get('kind')
        if scalar_kind not in SCALAR_TYPES_MAP.keys():
            raise ParserError(self._name + ' - unknown scalar kind: ' +
                              scalar_kind + '.\nSee: {}'.format(BASE_DOC_URL))

        # Validate the collection policy.
        collection_policy = definition.get('release_channel_collection', None)
        if collection_policy and collection_policy not in [
                'opt-in', 'opt-out'
            raise ParserError(
                self._name + ' - unknown collection policy: ' +
                collection_policy +
                '.\nSee: {}#optional-fields'.format(BASE_DOC_URL))

        # Validate the cpp_guard.
        cpp_guard = definition.get('cpp_guard')
        if cpp_guard and re.match(r'\W', cpp_guard):
            raise ParserError(
                self._name + ' - invalid cpp_guard: ' + cpp_guard +
                '.\nSee: {}#optional-fields'.format(BASE_DOC_URL))

        # Validate record_in_processes.
        record_in_processes = definition.get('record_in_processes', [])
        for proc in record_in_processes:
            if not utils.is_valid_process_name(proc):
                raise ParserError(self._name +
                                  ' - unknown value in record_in_processes: ' +
                                  proc + '.\nSee: {}'.format(BASE_DOC_URL))
Beispiel #12
    def validate_values(self, definition):
        """This function checks that the fields have the correct values.

        :param definition: the dictionary containing the scalar properties.
        :raises ParserError: if a scalar definition field contains an unexpected value.

        if not self._strict_type_checks:

        # Validate the scalar kind.
        scalar_kind = definition.get('kind')
        if scalar_kind not in SCALAR_TYPES_MAP.keys():
            ParserError(self._name + ' - unknown scalar kind: ' + scalar_kind +
                        '.\nSee: {}'.format(BASE_DOC_URL)).handle_later()

        # Validate the collection policy.
        collection_policy = definition.get('release_channel_collection', None)
        if collection_policy and collection_policy not in [
                'opt-in', 'opt-out'
            ParserError(self._name + ' - unknown collection policy: ' +
                        collection_policy +
                        '.\nSee: {}#optional-fields'.format(BASE_DOC_URL)

        # Validate the cpp_guard.
        cpp_guard = definition.get('cpp_guard')
        if cpp_guard and re.match(r'\W', cpp_guard):
            ParserError(self._name + ' - invalid cpp_guard: ' + cpp_guard +
                        '.\nSee: {}#optional-fields'.format(BASE_DOC_URL)

        # Validate record_in_processes.
        record_in_processes = definition.get('record_in_processes', [])
        for proc in record_in_processes:
            if not utils.is_valid_process_name(proc):
                ParserError(self._name +
                            ' - unknown value in record_in_processes: ' +
                            proc +
                            '.\nSee: {}'.format(BASE_DOC_URL)).handle_later()

        # Validate product.
        products = definition.get('products', [])
        for product in products:
            if not utils.is_valid_product(product):
                ParserError(self._name + ' - unknown value in products: ' +
                            product +
                            '.\nSee: {}'.format(BASE_DOC_URL)).handle_later()

        # Validate the expiration version.
        # Historical versions of Scalars.json may contain expiration versions
        # using the deprecated format 'N.Na1'. Those scripts set
        # self._strict_type_checks to false.
        expires = definition.get('expires')
        if not utils.validate_expiration_version(
                expires) and self._strict_type_checks:
                '{} - invalid expires: {}.\nSee: {}#required-fields'.format(
                    self._name, expires, BASE_DOC_URL)).handle_later()
Beispiel #13
    def check_expiration(self, name, definition):
        field = 'expires_in_version'
        expiration = definition.get(field)

        if not expiration:

        # We forbid new probes from using "expires_in_version" : "default" field/value pair.
        # Old ones that use this are added to the whitelist.
        if expiration == "default" and \
           whitelists is not None and \
           name not in whitelists['expiry_default']:
            raise ParserError('New histogram "%s" cannot have "default" %s value.' % (name, field))

        if expiration != "default" and not utils.validate_expiration_version(expiration):
            raise ParserError(('Error for histogram {} - invalid {}: {}.'
                               '\nSee: {}#expires-in-version')
                              .format(name, field, expiration, HISTOGRAMS_DOC_URL))

        expiration = utils.add_expiration_postfix(expiration)

        definition[field] = expiration
    def test_valid_histogram(self):
            "TEST_VALID_HISTOGRAM": {
                "record_in_processes": ["main", "content"],
                "alert_emails": ["*****@*****.**"],
                "bug_numbers": [1383793],
                "expires_in_version": "never",
                "kind": "boolean",
                "description": "Test histogram"
        histograms = load_histogram(SAMPLE_HISTOGRAM)

        hist = parse_histograms.Histogram('TEST_VALID_HISTOGRAM',

        self.assertTrue(hist.expiration(), "never")
        self.assertTrue(hist.kind(), "boolean")
        self.assertTrue(hist.record_in_processes, ["main", "content"])
Beispiel #15
def load_events(filename):
    """Parses a YAML file containing the event definitions.

    :param filename: the YAML file containing the event definitions.
    :raises ParserError: if the event file cannot be opened or parsed.

    # Parse the event definitions from the YAML file.
    events = None
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            events = yaml.safe_load(f)
    except IOError, e:
        raise ParserError('Error opening ' + filename + ': ' + e.message + ".")
Beispiel #16
 def set_bucket_parameters(self, low, high, n_buckets):
     self._low = low
     self._high = high
     self._n_buckets = n_buckets
     if whitelists is not None and self._n_buckets > 100 and type(
             self._n_buckets) is int:
         if self._name not in whitelists['n_buckets']:
             raise ParserError(
                 'New histogram "%s" is not permitted to have more than 100 buckets.\n'
                 'Histograms with large numbers of buckets use disproportionately high'
                 ' amounts of resources. Contact a Telemetry peer (e.g. in #telemetry)'
                 ' if you think an exception ought to be made:\n'
                 '' %
Beispiel #17
def load_scalars(filename, strict_type_checks=True):
    """Parses a YAML file containing the scalar definition.

    :param filename: the YAML file containing the scalars definition.
    :raises ParserError: if the scalar file cannot be opened or parsed.

    # Parse the scalar definitions from the YAML file.
    scalars = None
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            scalars = yaml.safe_load(f)
    except IOError, e:
        raise ParserError('Error opening ' + filename + ': ' + e.message)
Beispiel #18
def load_allowlist():
    global allowlists
        parsers_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        # The parsers live in build_scripts/parsers in the Telemetry module, while
        # the histogram-allowlists file lives in the root of the module. Account
        # for that when looking for the allowlist.
        # NOTE: if the parsers are moved, this logic will need to be updated.
        telemetry_module_path = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(parsers_path, os.pardir, os.pardir))
        allowlist_path = os.path.join(telemetry_module_path,
        with open(allowlist_path, 'r') as f:
                allowlists = json.load(f)
                for name, allowlist in allowlists.iteritems():
                    allowlists[name] = set(allowlist)
            except ValueError:
                ParserError('Error parsing allowlist: %s' %
    except IOError:
        allowlists = None
        ParserError('Unable to parse allowlist: %s.' %
def load_events(filename, strict_type_checks):
    """Parses a YAML file containing the event definitions.

    :param filename: the YAML file containing the event definitions.
    :strict_type_checks A boolean indicating whether to use the stricter type checks.
    :raises ParserError: if the event file cannot be opened or parsed.

    # Parse the event definitions from the YAML file.
    events = None
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            events = yaml.safe_load(f)
    except IOError, e:
        raise ParserError('Error opening ' + filename + ': ' + e.message + ".")
Beispiel #20
 def set_bucket_parameters(self, low, high, n_buckets):
     self._low = low
     self._high = high
     self._n_buckets = n_buckets
     max_n_buckets = 101 if self._kind in ['enumerated', 'categorical'
                                           ] else 100
     if (allowlists is not None and self._n_buckets > max_n_buckets
             and type(self._n_buckets) is int):
         if self._name not in allowlists['n_buckets']:
                 'New histogram "%s" is not permitted to have more than 100 buckets.\n'
                 'Histograms with large numbers of buckets use disproportionately high'
                 ' amounts of resources. Contact a Telemetry peer (e.g. in #telemetry)'
                 ' if you think an exception ought to be made:\n'
                 '' %
Beispiel #21
    def check_record_into_store(self, name, definition):
        if not self._strict_type_checks:

        field = 'record_into_store'
        DOC_URL = HISTOGRAMS_DOC_URL + "#record-into-store"

        if field not in definition:
            # record_into_store is optional

        record_into_store = definition.get(field)
        # record_into_store should not be empty
        if not record_into_store:
            ParserError('Histogram "%s" has empty list of stores, which is not allowed.\n%s' %
                        (name, DOC_URL)).handle_later()
Beispiel #22
    def compute_bucket_parameters(self, definition):
        bucket_fns = {
            'boolean': Histogram.boolean_flag_bucket_parameters,
            'flag': Histogram.boolean_flag_bucket_parameters,
            'count': Histogram.boolean_flag_bucket_parameters,
            'enumerated': Histogram.enumerated_bucket_parameters,
            'categorical': Histogram.categorical_bucket_parameters,
            'linear': Histogram.linear_bucket_parameters,
            'exponential': Histogram.exponential_bucket_parameters,

        if self._kind not in bucket_fns:
            raise ParserError('Unknown kind "%s" for histogram "%s".' % (self._kind, self._name))

        fn = bucket_fns[self._kind]
Beispiel #23
    def set_nsITelemetry_kind(self):
        # Pick a Telemetry implementation type.
        types = {
            'boolean': 'BOOLEAN',
            'flag': 'FLAG',
            'count': 'COUNT',
            'enumerated': 'LINEAR',
            'categorical': 'CATEGORICAL',
            'linear': 'LINEAR',
            'exponential': 'EXPONENTIAL',

        if self._kind not in types:
            raise ParserError('Unknown kind "%s" for histogram "%s".' % (self._kind, self._name))

        self._nsITelemetry_kind = "nsITelemetry::HISTOGRAM_%s" % types[self._kind]
Beispiel #24
    def check_operating_systems(self, name, definition):
        if not self._strict_type_checks:

        field = 'operating_systems'
        operating_systems = definition.get(field)

        DOC_URL = HISTOGRAMS_DOC_URL + "#operating_systems"

        if not operating_systems:
            # operating_systems is optional

        for operating_system in operating_systems:
            if not utils.is_valid_os(operating_system):
                ParserError('Histogram "%s" has unknown operating system "%s" in %s.\n%s' %
                            (name, operating_system, field, DOC_URL)).handle_later()
Beispiel #25
    def check_products(self, name, definition):
        if not self._strict_type_checks:

        field = 'products'
        products = definition.get(field)

        DOC_URL = HISTOGRAMS_DOC_URL + "#products"

        if not products:
            # products is optional

        for product in products:
            if not utils.is_valid_product(product):
                ParserError('Histogram "%s" has unknown product "%s" in %s.\n%s' %
                            (name, product, field, DOC_URL)).handle_later()
Beispiel #26
    def ranges(self):
        """Return an array of lower bounds for each bucket in the histogram."""
        bucket_fns = {
            'boolean': linear_buckets,
            'flag': linear_buckets,
            'count': linear_buckets,
            'enumerated': linear_buckets,
            'categorical': linear_buckets,
            'linear': linear_buckets,
            'exponential': exponential_buckets,

        if self._kind not in bucket_fns:
            raise ParserError('Unknown kind "%s" for histogram "%s".' % (self._kind, self._name))

        fn = bucket_fns[self._kind]
        return fn(self.low(), self.high(), self.n_buckets())
Beispiel #27
    def check_expiration(self, name, definition):
        field = 'expires_in_version'
        expiration = definition.get(field)

        if not expiration:

        # We forbid new probes from using "expires_in_version" : "default" field/value pair.
        # Old ones that use this are added to the whitelist.
        if expiration == "default" and \
           whitelists is not None and \
           name not in whitelists['expiry_default']:
            raise ParserError('New histogram "%s" cannot have "default" %s value.' % (name, field))

        if re.match(r'^[1-9][0-9]*$', expiration):
            expiration = expiration + ".0a1"
        elif re.match(r'^[1-9][0-9]*\.0$', expiration):
            expiration = expiration + "a1"

        definition[field] = expiration
Beispiel #28
    def set_bucket_parameters(self, low, high, n_buckets):
        self._low = low
        self._high = high
        self._n_buckets = n_buckets
        if whitelists is not None and self._n_buckets > 100 and type(
                self._n_buckets) is int:
            if self._name not in whitelists['n_buckets']:
                    'New histogram "%s" is not permitted to have more than 100 buckets.\n'
                    'Histograms with large numbers of buckets use disproportionately high'
                    ' amounts of resources. Contact a Telemetry peer (e.g. in #telemetry)'
                    ' if you think an exception ought to be made:\n'
                    '' %

        if (cytpes.c_int(low) < 0) or (ctypes.c_int(high) < 0):
                'Either low_bucket or high_bucket is over the maximum load for an integer\n'
                'For more information on Ctype please visit\n'
Beispiel #29
    def check_whitelisted_kind(self, name, definition):
        # We don't need to run any of these checks on the server.
        if not self._strict_type_checks or whitelists is None:

        # Disallow "flag" and "count" histograms on desktop, suggest to use
        # scalars instead. Allow using these histograms on Android, as we
        # don't support scalars there yet.
        hist_kind = definition.get("kind")
        android_target = "android" in definition.get("operating_systems", [])

        if not android_target and \
           hist_kind in ["flag", "count"] and \
           name not in whitelists["kind"]:
            ParserError(('Unsupported kind "%s" for histogram "%s":\n'
                         'New "%s" histograms are not supported on Desktop, you should'
                         ' use scalars instead:\n'
                         'Are you trying to add a histogram on Android?'
                         ' Add "operating_systems": ["android"] to your histogram definition.')
                        % (hist_kind, name, hist_kind, SCALARS_DOC_URL)).handle_now()
    def validate_names(self, category_name, probe_name):
        """Validate the category and probe name:
            - Category name must be alpha-numeric + '.', no leading/trailing digit or '.'.
            - Probe name must be alpha-numeric + '_', no leading/trailing digit or '_'.

        :param category_name: the name of the category the probe is in.
        :param probe_name: the name of the scalar probe.
        :raises ParserError: if the length of the names exceeds the limit or they don't
                conform our name specification.

        # Enforce a maximum length on category and probe names.
        MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 40
        for n in [category_name, probe_name]:
            if len(n) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH:
                    "Name '{}' exceeds maximum name length of {} characters.\n"
                    "See: {}#the-yaml-definition-file").format(
                        n, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, BASE_DOC_URL)).handle_later()

        def check_name(name, error_msg_prefix, allowed_char_regexp):
            # Check if we only have the allowed characters.
            chars_regxp = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9' + allowed_char_regexp + r']+$'
            if not, name):
                ParserError((error_msg_prefix +
                             " name must be alpha-numeric. Got: '{}'.\n"
                             "See: {}#the-yaml-definition-file").format(
                                 name, BASE_DOC_URL)).handle_later()

            # Don't allow leading/trailing digits, '.' or '_'.
            if'(^[\d\._])|([\d\._])$', name):
                ParserError((error_msg_prefix +
                             " name must not have a leading/trailing "
                             "digit, a dot or underscore. Got: '{}'.\n"
                             " See: {}#the-yaml-definition-file").format(
                                 name, BASE_DOC_URL)).handle_later()

        check_name(category_name, 'Category', r'\.')
        check_name(probe_name, 'Probe', r'_')