def run_concurrent_readers_test(allocator_type):
  print('-- [%s] concurrent readers' % allocator_type)

  table = sharedstructures.HashTable('test-table', allocator_type)
  del table

  child_pids = set()
  while (len(child_pids) < 8) and (0 not in child_pids):

  if 0 in child_pids:
    # child process: try up to a second to get the key
    table = sharedstructures.HashTable('test-table', allocator_type)

    value = 100
    start_time = int(time.time() * 1000000)
    while (value < 110) and \
        (int(time.time() * 1000000) < (start_time + 1000000)):
        res = table[b'key1']
      except KeyError:
        if res == value:
          value += 1

    os._exit(int(value != 110))

    # parent process: write the key, then wait for children to terminate
    table = sharedstructures.HashTable('test-table', allocator_type)

    for value in range(100, 110):
      table[b'key1'] = value

    num_failures = 0
    while child_pids:
      pid, exit_status = os.wait()
      if os.WIFEXITED(exit_status) and (os.WEXITSTATUS(exit_status) == 0):
        print('-- [%s]   child %d terminated successfully' % (
            allocator_type, pid))
        print('-- [%s]   child %d failed (%d)' % (
            allocator_type, pid, exit_status))
        num_failures += 1

    assert 0 == len(child_pids)
    assert 0 == num_failures
def run_collision_test(allocator_type):
    print("-- [%s] collision" % allocator_type)

    table = sharedstructures.HashTable(POOL_NAME_PREFIX + allocator_type,
                                       allocator_type, 0, 2)
    expected = {}

    def insert_both(e, t, k, v):
        t[k] = v
        e[k] = v

    def delete_both(e, t, k):
        del t[k]
        del e[k]

    # writing 5 keys to a 4-slot hashtable forces a collision
    assert 2 == table.bits()
    assert 0 == len(table)

    insert_both(expected, table, b'key1', b'value1')
    insert_both(expected, table, b'key2', b'value2')
    insert_both(expected, table, b'key3', b'value3')
    insert_both(expected, table, b'key4', b'value4')
    insert_both(expected, table, b'key5', b'value5')
    verify_state(expected, table)

    while expected:
        k, _ = expected.popitem()
        del table[k]
        verify_state(expected, table)
def run_basic_test(allocator_type):
    print("-- [%s] basic" % allocator_type)
    before_lsof_count = len(get_current_process_lsof().splitlines())

    table = sharedstructures.HashTable(POOL_NAME_PREFIX + allocator_type,
    expected = {}

    def insert_both(e, t, k, v):
        t[k] = v
        e[k] = v

    def delete_both(e, t, k):
        del t[k]
        del e[k]

    verify_state(expected, table)
    insert_both(expected, table, b'key1', b'value1')
    verify_state(expected, table)
    insert_both(expected, table, b'key2', b'value2')
    verify_state(expected, table)
    insert_both(expected, table, b'key3', b'value3')
    verify_state(expected, table)

    delete_both(expected, table, b'key2')
    verify_state(expected, table)
        del table[b'key2']
        assert False, "del table[\'key2\'] did not raise KeyError"
    except KeyError:
    verify_state(expected, table)

    insert_both(expected, table, b'key1', b'value0')
    verify_state(expected, table)
    delete_both(expected, table, b'key1')
    verify_state(expected, table)
    delete_both(expected, table, b'key3')
    verify_state(expected, table)

    assert {} == expected

    del table  # this should unmap the shared memory pool and close the fd
    sharedstructures.delete_pool(POOL_NAME_PREFIX + allocator_type)

    # this will fail if the test prints anything after before_lsof is taken since
    # the stdout/stderr offsets will be different
    assert before_lsof_count == len(get_current_process_lsof().splitlines())
def run_conditional_writes_test(allocator_type):
    print("-- [%s] conditional writes" % allocator_type)

    table = sharedstructures.HashTable(POOL_NAME_PREFIX + allocator_type,
    expected = {}

    def insert_both(e, t, k, v):
        t[k] = v
        e[k] = v

    def delete_both(e, t, k):
        del t[k]
        del e[k]

    def conditional_insert_both(e, t, check_k, check_v, target_k, target_v,
        if t.check_and_set(check_k, check_v, target_k, target_v):
            e[target_k] = target_v
            assert written
            assert not written

    def conditional_missing_insert_both(e, t, check_k, target_k, target_v,
        if t.check_missing_and_set(check_k, target_k, target_v):
            e[target_k] = target_v
            assert written
            assert not written

    def conditional_delete_both(e, t, check_k, check_v, target_k, written):
        if t.check_and_set(check_k, check_v, target_k):
            del e[target_k]
            assert written
            assert not written

    def conditional_missing_delete_both(e, t, check_k, target_k, written):
        if t.check_missing_and_set(check_k, target_k):
            del e[target_k]
            assert written
            assert not written

    verify_state(expected, table)

    insert_both(expected, table, b"key1", b"value1")
    verify_state(expected, table)
    insert_both(expected, table, b"key2", b"value2")
    verify_state(expected, table)

    # check that conditions on the same key work
    conditional_insert_both(expected, table, b"key1", b"value2", b"key1",
                            b"value1_1", False)
    verify_state(expected, table)
    conditional_insert_both(expected, table, b"key1", b"value1", b"key1",
                            b"value1_1", True)
    verify_state(expected, table)

    # check that conditions on other keys work
    conditional_insert_both(expected, table, b"key2", b"value1", b"key1",
                            b"value1", False)
    verify_state(expected, table)
    conditional_insert_both(expected, table, b"key2", b"value2", b"key1",
                            b"value1", True)
    verify_state(expected, table)

    # check that missing conditions work
    conditional_missing_insert_both(expected, table, b"key2", b"key3",
                                    b"value3", False)
    verify_state(expected, table)
    conditional_missing_insert_both(expected, table, b"key3", b"key3",
                                    b"value3", True)
    verify_state(expected, table)

    # check that conditional deletes work
    conditional_delete_both(expected, table, b"key1", b"value2", b"key1",
    verify_state(expected, table)
    conditional_delete_both(expected, table, b"key1", b"value1", b"key1", True)
    verify_state(expected, table)

    conditional_missing_delete_both(expected, table, b"key3", b"key2", False)
    verify_state(expected, table)
    conditional_missing_delete_both(expected, table, b"key1", b"key2", True)
    verify_state(expected, table)

    delete_both(expected, table, b"key3")

    assert expected == {}
def run_incr_test(allocator_type):
    print('-- [%s] incr' % allocator_type)
    table = sharedstructures.HashTable(POOL_NAME_PREFIX + allocator_type,
                                       allocator_type, 0, 6)
    expected = {}

    def insert_both(k, v):
        table[k] = v
        expected[k] = v

    def delete_both(k):
        del table[k]
        del expected[k]

    # giving garbage to incr() should cause a TypeError
        table.incr(b'missing', b'not a number, lolz')
        assert False
    except TypeError:
        table.incr(b'missing', {'still': 'not', 'a': 'number'})
        assert False
    except TypeError:

    assert 0 == len(table)
    insert_both(b'int8', struct.pack(b'@b', 40))
    insert_both(b'int16', struct.pack(b'@h', 4000))
    insert_both(b'int32', struct.pack(b'@l', 60000000))
    insert_both(b'int64', struct.pack(b'@q', 800000000000000))
    insert_both(b'float', struct.pack(b'@f', 10.0))
    insert_both(b'double', struct.pack(b'@d', 15.5))
    insert_both(b'string', b'7 bytes')
    assert 7 == len(table)

    # incr should create the key if it doesn't exist
    assert -10 == table.incr(b"int8-2", -10)
    assert -4000 == table.incr(b"int16-2", -4000)
    assert -60000000 == table.incr(b"int32-2", -60000000)
    assert -800000000000000 == table.incr(b"int64-2", -800000000000000)
    assert -10.0 == table.incr(b"float-2", -10.0)
    assert -15.5 == table.incr(b"double-2", -15.5)
    assert 13 == len(table)

    # all the keys should have the values we set, but the keys created by incr
    # should all be 64 bits
    assert struct.pack(b'@b', 40) == table[b"int8"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@h', 4000) == table[b"int16"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@l', 60000000) == table[b"int32"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', 800000000000000) == table[b"int64"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@f', 10.0) == table[b"float"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@d', 15.5) == table[b"double"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', -10) == table[b"int8-2"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', -4000) == table[b"int16-2"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', -60000000) == table[b"int32-2"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', -800000000000000) == table[b"int64-2"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@d', -10.0) == table[b"float-2"]
    assert struct.pack(b'@d', -15.5) == table[b"double-2"]
    assert 13 == table.size()

    # incr should return the new value of the key
    assert struct.pack(b'@b', 44) == table.incr(b"int8", 4)
    assert struct.pack(b'@h', 4010) == table.incr(b"int16", 10)
    assert struct.pack(b'@l', 60000100) == table.incr(b"int32", 100)
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', 800000000001000) == table.incr(b"int64", 1000)
    assert struct.pack(b'@f', 30.0) == table.incr(b"float", 20.0)
    assert struct.pack(b'@d', 25.5) == table.incr(b"double", 10.0)
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', -14) == table.incr(b"int8-2", -4)
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', -4010) == table.incr(b"int16-2", -10)
    assert struct.pack(b'@q', -60000100) == table.incr(b"int32-2", -100)
    assert struct.pack(b'@q',
                       -800000000001000) == table.incr(b"int64-2", -1000)
    assert struct.pack(b'@d', -30.0) == table.incr(b"float-2", -20.0)
    assert struct.pack(b'@d', -25.5) == table.incr(b"double-2", -10.0)
    assert 13 == table.size()

    # test incr() on keys of the wrong size
        table.incr(b"string", 14)
        assert False
    except ValueError:
        table.incr(b"string", 15.0)
        assert False
    except ValueError:

    # we're done here
    assert len(table) == 0