sheet.cell(column=colstart+coli,row=rowstart-1).value.split("-")[0]) data = np.asarray(data) return data,labels if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Script to make bar plots") argparser.add_argument('-xls','--xls',help="the filename of the XLSX file") argparser.add_argument('-sheets','--sheets',nargs="+",help="the sheet in the XLSX file") argparser.add_argument('-labels','--labels',nargs="+",help="the labels") argparser.add_argument('-out','--out',help="the output prefix") argparser.add_argument('-yunit','--yunit',help="the unit of the y axis",default="") args = argparser.parse_args() wb = sheetslib.open_book(args.xls) if len(args.sheets) == 2 : ncol = 1 nrow = 2 else: ncol = 2 nrow = int(np.ceil(len(args.sheets)/2.0)) props = dict(facecolor='white',edgecolor='white', alpha=0.8) letters = ["A)","B)","C)","D)"] widths = [0,3.25,7] figs = [plt.figure(i,figsize=(widths[ncol],5)) for i in range(1,4)] ylabels = ["AUD","MUD","MSD"]
description="Program to perform error analysis of order parameters") argparser.add_argument('-xls', '--xls', help="the filename of the XLSX file") argparser.add_argument('-sheet', '--sheet', help="the sheet in the XLSX file") argparser.add_argument('-sysoffs', '--sysoffs', nargs="+", type=int, help="the system column offset") argparser.add_argument('--hasexp', action="store_true", default=False) args = argparser.parse_args() wb = sheetslib.open_book(args.xls) allparams = [] for sysoff in args.sysoffs: res, labels, data, errors = sheetslib.extract_sheet( wb, args.sheet, sysoff) avparams = _average_group(data, res, args.hasexp) allparams.extend(avparams) resnames = sorted(list(set([p.resname for p in allparams]))) for resname in resnames: scoreddata = croc.ScoredData() bootdata = np.zeros((len(allparams), 2)) for i, param in enumerate(allparams): if param.resname == resname: scoreddata.add(param.value, 1)