def get_tx_info(tx_hex, block_parser=None, block_index=None):
    """Get the transaction info. Calls one of two subfunctions depending on signature type."""
    if not block_index:
        block_index = util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX
        if util.enabled('multisig_addresses', block_index=block_index):   # Protocol change.
            tx_info = get_tx_info2(tx_hex, block_parser=block_parser)
            tx_info = get_tx_info1(tx_hex, block_index, block_parser=block_parser)
    except (DecodeError, SCHOnlyError) as e:
        # NOTE: For debugging, logger.debug('Could not decode: ' + str(e))
        tx_info = b'', None, None, None, None

    return tx_info
Beispiel #2
def validate (db, source, possible_moves, wager, move_random_hash, expiration, block_index):
    problems = []

    if util.enabled('disable_rps'):
        problems.append('rps disabled')

    if not isinstance(possible_moves, int):
        problems.append('possible_moves must be a integer')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(wager, int):
        problems.append('wager must be in satoshis')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(expiration, int):
        problems.append('expiration must be expressed as an integer block delta')
        return problems

    if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in move_random_hash):
        problems.append('move_random_hash must be an hexadecimal string')
        return problems
    move_random_hash_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(move_random_hash)

    if possible_moves < 3:
        problems.append('possible moves must be at least 3')
    if possible_moves % 2 == 0:
        problems.append('possible moves must be odd')
    if wager <= 0:
        problems.append('non‐positive wager')
    if expiration < 0: problems.append('negative expiration')
    if expiration == 0 and not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):   # Protocol change.
        problems.append('zero expiration')
    if expiration > config.MAX_EXPIRATION:
        problems.append('expiration overflow')
    if len(move_random_hash_bytes) != 32:
        problems.append('move_random_hash must be 32 bytes in hexadecimal format')

    return problems
def validate (db, source, destination, asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description, block_index):
    problems = []
    fee = 0

    if asset in (config.SCH, config.SHP):
        problems.append('cannot issue {} or {}'.format(config.SCH, config.SHP))

    if call_date is None: call_date = 0
    if call_price is None: call_price = 0.0
    if description is None: description = ""
    if divisible is None: divisible = True

    if isinstance(call_price, int): call_price = float(call_price)
    #^ helps especially with calls from JS‐based clients, where parseFloat(15) returns 15 (not 15.0), which json takes as an int

    if not isinstance(quantity, int):
        problems.append('quantity must be in satoshis')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None
    if call_date and not isinstance(call_date, int):
        problems.append('call_date must be epoch integer')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None
    if call_price and not isinstance(call_price, float):
        problems.append('call_price must be a float')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None

    if quantity < 0: problems.append('negative quantity')
    if call_price < 0: problems.append('negative call price')
    if call_date < 0: problems.append('negative call date')

    # Callable, or not.
    if not callable_:
        if block_index >= 312500 or config.TESTNET: # Protocol change.
            call_date = 0
            call_price = 0.0
        elif block_index >= 310000:                 # Protocol change.
            if call_date:
                problems.append('call date for non‐callable asset')
            if call_price:
                problems.append('call price for non‐callable asset')

    # Valid re-issuance?
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                      ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset))
    issuances = cursor.fetchall()
    if issuances:
        reissuance = True
        last_issuance = issuances[-1]

        if last_issuance['issuer'] != source:
            problems.append('issued by another address')
        if bool(last_issuance['divisible']) != bool(divisible):
            problems.append('cannot change divisibility')
        if bool(last_issuance['callable']) != bool(callable_):
            problems.append('cannot change callability')
        if last_issuance['call_date'] > call_date and (call_date != 0 or (block_index < 312500 and not config.TESTNET)):
            problems.append('cannot advance call date')
        if last_issuance['call_price'] > call_price:
            problems.append('cannot reduce call price')
        if last_issuance['locked'] and quantity:
            problems.append('locked asset and non‐zero quantity')
        reissuance = False
        if description.lower() == 'lock':
            problems.append('cannot lock a non‐existent asset')
        if destination:
            problems.append('cannot transfer a non‐existent asset')

    # Check for existence of fee funds.
    if quantity or (block_index >= 315000 or config.TESTNET):   # Protocol change.
        if not reissuance or (block_index < 310000 and not config.TESTNET):  # Pay fee only upon first issuance. (Protocol change.)
            cursor = db.cursor()
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances \
                              WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (source, config.SHP))
            balances = cursor.fetchall()
            if util.enabled('numeric_asset_names'):  # Protocol change.
                if len(asset) >= 13:
                    fee = 0
                    fee = int(0.5 * config.UNIT)
            elif block_index >= 291700 or config.TESTNET:     # Protocol change.
                fee = int(0.5 * config.UNIT)
            elif block_index >= 286000 or config.TESTNET:   # Protocol change.
                fee = 5 * config.UNIT
            elif block_index > 281236 or config.TESTNET:    # Protocol change.
                fee = 5
            if fee and (not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < fee):
                problems.append('insufficient funds')

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if len(description) > 42:
            problems.append('description too long')

    # For SQLite3
    call_date = min(call_date, config.MAX_INT)
    total = sum([issuance['quantity'] for issuance in issuances])
    assert isinstance(quantity, int)
    if total + quantity > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('total quantity overflow')

    if destination and quantity:
        problems.append('cannot issue and transfer simultaneously')

    return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance
def get_tx_info2(tx_hex, block_parser=None):
    """Get multisig transaction info.
    The destinations, if they exists, always comes before the data output; the
    change, if it exists, always comes after.
    # Decode transaction binary.
    ctx = backend.deserialize(tx_hex)

    def arc4_decrypt(cyphertext):
        '''Un‐obfuscate. Initialise key once per attempt.'''
        key =[0].prevout.hash[::-1])
        return key.decrypt(cyphertext)

    def get_opreturn(asm):
        if len(asm) == 2 and asm[0] == 'OP_RETURN':
            pubkeyhash = asm[1]
            if type(pubkeyhash) == bytes:
                return pubkeyhash
        raise DecodeError('invalid OP_RETURN')

    def decode_opreturn(asm):
        chunk = get_opreturn(asm)
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(chunk)
        if chunk[:len(config.PREFIX)] == config.PREFIX:             # Data
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
            raise DecodeError('unrecognised OP_RETURN output')

        return destination, data

    def decode_checksig(asm):
        pubkeyhash = script.get_checksig(asm)
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(pubkeyhash)
        if chunk[1:len(config.PREFIX) + 1] == config.PREFIX:        # Data
            # Padding byte in each output (instead of just in the last one) so that encoding methods may be mixed. Also, it’s just not very much data.
            chunk_length = chunk[0]
            chunk = chunk[1:chunk_length + 1]
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
        else:                                                       # Destination
            pubkeyhash = binascii.hexlify(pubkeyhash).decode('utf-8')
            destination, data = script.base58_check_encode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION), None

        return destination, data

    def decode_checkmultisig(asm):
        pubkeys, signatures_required = script.get_checkmultisig(asm)
        chunk = b''
        for pubkey in pubkeys[:-1]:     # (No data in last pubkey.)
            chunk += pubkey[1:-1]       # Skip sign byte and nonce byte.
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(chunk)
        if chunk[1:len(config.PREFIX) + 1] == config.PREFIX:        # Data
            # Padding byte in each output (instead of just in the last one) so that encoding methods may be mixed. Also, it’s just not very much data.
            chunk_length = chunk[0]
            chunk = chunk[1:chunk_length + 1]
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
        else:                                                       # Destination
            pubkeyhashes = [script.pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(pubkey) for pubkey in pubkeys]
            destination, data = script.construct_array(signatures_required, pubkeyhashes, len(pubkeyhashes)), None

        return destination, data

    # Ignore coinbase transactions.
    if ctx.is_coinbase():
        raise DecodeError('coinbase transaction')

    # Get destinations and data outputs.
    destinations, shell_amount, fee, data = [], 0, 0, b''
    for vout in ctx.vout:
        # Fee is the input values minus output values.
        output_value = vout.nValue
        fee -= output_value

        # Ignore transactions with invalid script.
          asm = script.get_asm(vout.scriptPubKey)
        except CScriptInvalidError as e:
          raise DecodeError(e)

        if asm[0] == 'OP_RETURN':
            new_destination, new_data = decode_opreturn(asm)
        elif asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKSIG':
            new_destination, new_data = decode_checksig(asm)
        elif asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG':
            new_destination, new_data = decode_checkmultisig(asm)
            raise DecodeError('unrecognised output type')
        assert not (new_destination and new_data)
        assert new_destination != None or new_data != None  # `decode_*()` should never return `None, None`.

        if util.enabled('null_data_check'):
            if new_data == []:
                raise DecodeError('new destination is `None`')

        # All destinations come before all data.
        if not data and not new_data and destinations != [config.UNSPENDABLE,]:
            shell_amount += output_value
            if new_destination:     # Change.
            else:                   # Data.
                data += new_data

    # Only look for source if data were found or destination is `UNSPENDABLE`,
    # for speed.
    if not data and destinations != [config.UNSPENDABLE,]:
        raise SCHOnlyError('no data and not unspendable')

    # Collect all (unique) source addresses.
    sources = []
    for vin in[:]:                   # Loop through inputs.
        # Get the full transaction data for this input transaction.
        if block_parser:
            vin_tx = block_parser.read_raw_transaction(ib2h(vin.prevout.hash))
            vin_ctx = backend.deserialize(vin_tx['__data__'])
            vin_tx = backend.getrawtransaction(ib2h(vin.prevout.hash))
            vin_ctx = backend.deserialize(vin_tx)
        vout = vin_ctx.vout[vin.prevout.n]
        fee += vout.nValue

        asm = script.get_asm(vout.scriptPubKey)
        if asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKSIG':
            new_source, new_data = decode_checksig(asm)
            if new_data or not new_source:
                raise DecodeError('data in source')
        elif asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG':
            new_source, new_data = decode_checkmultisig(asm)
            if new_data or not new_source:
                raise DecodeError('data in source')
            raise DecodeError('unrecognised source type')

        # Collect unique sources.
        if new_source not in sources:

    sources = '-'.join(sources)
    destinations = '-'.join(destinations)
    return sources, destinations, shell_amount, round(fee), data