Beispiel #1
def test_project(typecode, dim, ST, quad):
    # Using sympy to compute an analytical solution
    x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
    sizes = (25, 24)

    funcs = {
        (1, 0): (cos(4 * y) * sin(2 * np.pi * x)) * (1 - x**2),
        (1, 1): (cos(4 * x) * sin(2 * np.pi * y)) * (1 - y**2),
        (2, 0): (sin(6 * z) * cos(4 * y) * sin(2 * np.pi * x)) * (1 - x**2),
        (2, 1): (sin(2 * z) * cos(4 * x) * sin(2 * np.pi * y)) * (1 - y**2),
        (2, 2): (sin(2 * x) * cos(4 * y) * sin(2 * np.pi * z)) * (1 - z**2)
    syms = {1: (x, y), 2: (x, y, z)}
    xs = {0: x, 1: y, 2: z}

    for shape in product(*([sizes] * dim)):
        bases = []
        for n in shape[:-1]:
            bases.append(Basis(n, 'F', dtype=typecode.upper()))
        bases.append(Basis(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode))

        if dim < 3:
            n = min(shape)
            if typecode in 'fdg':
                n //= 2
                n += 1
            if n < comm.size:
        for axis in range(dim + 1):
            ST0 = ST(shape[-1], quad=quad)
            bases.insert(axis, ST0)
            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm,
            X = fft.local_mesh(True)
            ue = funcs[(dim, axis)]
            ul = lambdify(syms[dim], ue, 'numpy')
            uq = ul(*X).astype(typecode)
            uh = Function(fft)
            uh = fft.forward(uq, uh)
            due = ue.diff(xs[axis], 1)
            dul = lambdify(syms[dim], due, 'numpy')
            duq = dul(*X).astype(typecode)
            uf = project(Dx(uh, axis, 1), fft)
            uy = Array(fft)
            uy = fft.backward(uf, uy)
            assert np.allclose(uy, duq, 0, 1e-6)
            for ax in (x for x in range(dim + 1) if x is not axis):
                due = ue.diff(xs[axis], 1, xs[ax], 1)
                dul = lambdify(syms[dim], due, 'numpy')
                duq = dul(*X).astype(typecode)
                uf = project(Dx(Dx(uh, axis, 1), ax, 1), fft)
                uy = Array(fft)
                uy = fft.backward(uf, uy)
                assert np.allclose(uy, duq, 0, 1e-6)

def test_project2(typecode, dim, ST, quad):
    # Using sympy to compute an analytical solution
    x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
    sizes = (18, 17)

    funcx = ((2*np.pi**2*(x**2 - 1) - 1)* cos(2*np.pi*x) - 2*np.pi*x*sin(2*np.pi*x))/(4*np.pi**3)
    funcy = ((2*np.pi**2*(y**2 - 1) - 1)* cos(2*np.pi*y) - 2*np.pi*y*sin(2*np.pi*y))/(4*np.pi**3)
    funcz = ((2*np.pi**2*(z**2 - 1) - 1)* cos(2*np.pi*z) - 2*np.pi*z*sin(2*np.pi*z))/(4*np.pi**3)

    funcs = {
        (1, 0): cos(4*y)*funcx,
        (1, 1): cos(4*x)*funcy,
        (2, 0): sin(3*z)*cos(4*y)*funcx,
        (2, 1): sin(2*z)*cos(4*x)*funcy,
        (2, 2): sin(2*x)*cos(4*y)*funcz
    syms = {1: (x, y), 2:(x, y, z)}
    xs = {0:x, 1:y, 2:z}

    for shape in product(*([sizes]*dim)):
        bases = []
        for n in shape[:-1]:
            bases.append(Basis(n, 'F', dtype=typecode.upper()))
        bases.append(Basis(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode))

        for axis in range(dim+1):
            ST0 = ST(shape[-1], quad=quad)
            bases.insert(axis, ST0)
            # Spectral space must be aligned in nonperiodic direction, hence axes
            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm, bases, dtype=typecode, axes=axes[dim][axis])
            X = fft.local_mesh(True)
            ue = funcs[(dim, axis)]
            ul = lambdify(syms[dim], ue, 'numpy')
            uq = ul(*X).astype(typecode)
            uh = Function(fft)
            uh = fft.forward(uq, uh)
            due = ue.diff(xs[axis], 1)
            dul = lambdify(syms[dim], due, 'numpy')
            duq = dul(*X).astype(typecode)
            uf = project(Dx(uh, axis, 1), fft)
            uy = Array(fft)
            uy = fft.backward(uf, uy)
            assert np.allclose(uy, duq, 0, 1e-3)

            # Test also several derivatives
            for ax in (x for x in range(dim+1) if x is not axis):
                due = ue.diff(xs[ax], 1, xs[axis], 1)
                dul = lambdify(syms[dim], due, 'numpy')
                duq = dul(*X).astype(typecode)
                uf = project(Dx(Dx(uh, ax, 1), axis, 1), fft)
                uy = Array(fft)
                uy = fft.backward(uf, uy)
                assert np.allclose(uy, duq, 0, 1e-3)
Beispiel #3
def test_curl2():
    # Test projection of curl

    K0 = FunctionSpace(N[0], 'C', bc=(0, 0))
    K1 = FunctionSpace(N[1], 'F', dtype='D')
    K2 = FunctionSpace(N[2], 'F', dtype='d')
    K3 = FunctionSpace(N[0], 'C')

    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2))
    TT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K3, K1, K2))
    X = T.local_mesh(True)
    K = T.local_wavenumbers(False)
    Tk = VectorSpace(T)
    TTk = VectorSpace([T, T, TT])

    U = Array(Tk)
    U_hat = Function(Tk)
    curl_hat = Function(TTk)
    curl_ = Array(TTk)

    # Initialize a Taylor Green vortex
    U[0] = np.sin(X[0]) * np.cos(X[1]) * np.cos(X[2]) * (1 - X[0]**2)
    U[1] = -np.cos(X[0]) * np.sin(X[1]) * np.cos(X[2]) * (1 - X[0]**2)
    U[2] = 0
    U_hat = Tk.forward(U, U_hat)
    Uc = U_hat.copy()
    U = Tk.backward(U_hat, U)
    U_hat = Tk.forward(U, U_hat)
    assert allclose(U_hat, Uc)

    # Compute curl first by computing each term individually
    curl_hat[0] = 1j * (K[1] * U_hat[2] - K[2] * U_hat[1])
    curl_[0] = T.backward(
        curl_hat[0], curl_[0])  # No x-derivatives, still in Dirichlet space
    dwdx_hat = project(Dx(U_hat[2], 0, 1), TT)  # Need to use space without bc
    dvdx_hat = project(Dx(U_hat[1], 0, 1), TT)  # Need to use space without bc
    dwdx = Array(TT)
    dvdx = Array(TT)
    dwdx = TT.backward(dwdx_hat, dwdx)
    dvdx = TT.backward(dvdx_hat, dvdx)
    curl_hat[1] = 1j * K[2] * U_hat[0]
    curl_hat[2] = -1j * K[1] * U_hat[0]
    curl_[1] = T.backward(curl_hat[1], curl_[1])
    curl_[2] = T.backward(curl_hat[2], curl_[2])
    curl_[1] -= dwdx
    curl_[2] += dvdx

    # Now do it with project
    w_hat = project(curl(U_hat), TTk)
    w = Array(TTk)
    w = TTk.backward(w_hat, w)
    assert allclose(w, curl_)
Beispiel #4
def test_project_2dirichlet(quad):
    x, y = symbols("x,y")
    ue = (cos(4 * y) * sin(2 * x)) * (1 - x**2) * (1 - y**2)
    sizes = (25, 24)

    D0 = lbases.ShenDirichletBasis(sizes[0], quad=quad)
    D1 = lbases.ShenDirichletBasis(sizes[1], quad=quad)
    B0 = lbases.Basis(sizes[0], quad=quad)
    B1 = lbases.Basis(sizes[1], quad=quad)

    DD = TensorProductSpace(comm, (D0, D1))
    BD = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B0, D1))
    DB = TensorProductSpace(comm, (D0, B1))
    BB = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B0, B1))

    X = DD.local_mesh(True)
    ul = lambdify((x, y), ue, 'numpy')
    uq = Array(DD)
    uq[:] = ul(*X)
    uh = Function(DD)
    uh = DD.forward(uq, uh)

    dudx_hat = project(Dx(uh, 0, 1), BD)
    dudx = Array(BD)
    dudx = BD.backward(dudx_hat, dudx)
    duedx = ue.diff(x, 1)
    duxl = lambdify((x, y), duedx, 'numpy')
    dx = duxl(*X)
    assert np.allclose(dx, dudx)

    dudy_hat = project(Dx(uh, 1, 1), DB)
    dudy = Array(DB)
    dudy = DB.backward(dudy_hat, dudy)
    duedy = ue.diff(y, 1)
    duyl = lambdify((x, y), duedy, 'numpy')
    dy = duyl(*X)
    assert np.allclose(dy, dudy)

    us_hat = Function(BB)
    us_hat = project(uq, BB, output_array=us_hat)
    us = Array(BB)
    us = BB.backward(us_hat, us)
    assert np.allclose(us, uq)

    dudxy_hat = project(Dx(us_hat, 0, 1) + Dx(us_hat, 1, 1), BB)
    dudxy = Array(BB)
    dudxy = BB.backward(dudxy_hat, dudxy)
    duedxy = ue.diff(x, 1) + ue.diff(y, 1)
    duxyl = lambdify((x, y), duedxy, 'numpy')
    dxy = duxyl(*X)
    assert np.allclose(dxy, dudxy)
Beispiel #5
def test_shentransform(typecode, dim, ST, quad):

    for shape in product(*([sizes] * dim)):
        bases = []
        for n in shape[:-1]:
            bases.append(Basis(n, 'F', dtype=typecode.upper()))
        bases.append(Basis(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode))

        if dim < 3:
            n = min(shape)
            if typecode in 'fdg':
                n //= 2
                n += 1
            if n < comm.size:
        for axis in range(dim + 1):
            ST0 = ST(shape[-1], quad=quad)
            bases.insert(axis, ST0)
            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm, bases, dtype=typecode)
            U = random_like(fft.forward.input_array)
            F = fft.forward(U)
            Fc = F.copy()
            V = fft.backward(F)
            F = fft.forward(U)
            assert allclose(F, Fc)
Beispiel #6
def test_curl(typecode):
    K0 = Basis(N[0], 'F', dtype=typecode.upper())
    K1 = Basis(N[1], 'F', dtype=typecode.upper())
    K2 = Basis(N[2], 'F', dtype=typecode)
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2), dtype=typecode)
    X = T.local_mesh(True)
    K = T.local_wavenumbers()
    Tk = VectorTensorProductSpace(T)
    u = TrialFunction(Tk)
    v = TestFunction(Tk)

    U = Array(Tk)
    U_hat = Function(Tk)
    curl_hat = Function(Tk)
    curl_ = Array(Tk)

    # Initialize a Taylor Green vortex
    U[0] = np.sin(X[0]) * np.cos(X[1]) * np.cos(X[2])
    U[1] = -np.cos(X[0]) * np.sin(X[1]) * np.cos(X[2])
    U[2] = 0
    U_hat = Tk.forward(U, U_hat)
    Uc = U_hat.copy()
    U = Tk.backward(U_hat, U)
    U_hat = Tk.forward(U, U_hat)
    assert allclose(U_hat, Uc)

    divu_hat = project(div(U_hat), T)
    divu = Array(T)
    divu = T.backward(divu_hat, divu)
    assert allclose(divu, 0)

    curl_hat[0] = 1j * (K[1] * U_hat[2] - K[2] * U_hat[1])
    curl_hat[1] = 1j * (K[2] * U_hat[0] - K[0] * U_hat[2])
    curl_hat[2] = 1j * (K[0] * U_hat[1] - K[1] * U_hat[0])

    curl_ = Tk.backward(curl_hat, curl_)

    w_hat = Function(Tk)
    w_hat = inner(v, curl(U_hat), output_array=w_hat)
    A = inner(v, u)
    for i in range(3):
        w_hat[i] = A[i].solve(w_hat[i])

    w = Array(Tk)
    w = Tk.backward(w_hat, w)
    #from IPython import embed; embed()
    assert allclose(w, curl_)

    u_hat = Function(Tk)
    u_hat = inner(v, U, output_array=u_hat)
    for i in range(3):
        u_hat[i] = A[i].solve(u_hat[i])

    uu = Array(Tk)
    uu = Tk.backward(u_hat, uu)

    assert allclose(u_hat, U_hat)
def test_shentransform(typecode, dim, ST, quad):
    for shape in product(*([sizes]*dim)):
        bases = []
        for n in shape[:-1]:
            bases.append(FunctionSpace(n, 'F', dtype=typecode.upper()))
        bases.append(FunctionSpace(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode))

        for axis in range(dim+1):
            ST0 = ST(shape[-1], quad=quad)
            bases.insert(axis, ST0)
            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm, bases, dtype=typecode)
            U = random_like(fft.forward.input_array)
            F = fft.forward(U)
            Fc = F.copy()
            V = fft.backward(F)
            F = fft.forward(U)
            assert allclose(F, Fc)
Beispiel #8
def test_transform(typecode, dim):
    s = (True, )
    if comm.Get_size() > 2 and dim > 2:
        s = (True, False)

    for slab in s:
        for shape in product(*([sizes] * dim)):
            bases = []
            for n in shape[:-1]:
                bases.append(Basis(n, 'F', dtype=typecode.upper()))
            bases.append(Basis(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode))

            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm, bases, dtype=typecode, slab=slab)

            if comm.rank == 0:
                grid = [c.size for c in fft.subcomm]
                print('grid:{} shape:{} typecode:{}'.format(
                    grid, shape, typecode))

            U = random_like(fft.forward.input_array)

            F = fft.forward(U)
            V = fft.backward(F)
            assert allclose(V, U)

            # Alternative method
            fft.forward.input_array[...] = U
            V = fft.backward.output_array
            assert allclose(V, U)

            TT = VectorTensorProductSpace(fft)
            U = Array(TT)
            V = Array(TT)
            F = Function(TT)
            U[:] = random_like(U)
            F = TT.forward(U, F)
            V = TT.backward(F, V)
            assert allclose(V, U)

            TM = MixedTensorProductSpace([fft, fft])
            U = Array(TM)
            V = Array(TM)
            F = Function(TM)
            U[:] = random_like(U)
            F = TM.forward(U, F)
            V = TM.backward(F, V)
            assert allclose(V, U)


            padding = 1.5
            bases = []
            for n in shape[:-1]:
                Basis(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode, padding_factor=padding))

            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm, bases, dtype=typecode)

            if comm.rank == 0:
                grid = [c.size for c in fft.subcomm]
                print('grid:{} shape:{} typecode:{}'.format(
                    grid, shape, typecode))

            U = random_like(fft.forward.input_array)
            F = fft.forward(U)

            Fc = F.copy()
            V = fft.backward(F)
            F = fft.forward(V)
            assert allclose(F, Fc)

            # Alternative method
            fft.backward.input_array[...] = F
            V = fft.forward.output_array
            assert allclose(F, V)

Beispiel #9
if family == 'legendre':
    f_hat *= -1.

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
if family == 'chebyshev':
    matrices = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
    matrices = inner(grad(v), grad(u))

# Create Helmholtz linear algebra solver
H = Solver(**matrices)

# Solve and transform to real space
u_hat = Function(T)           # Solution spectral space
u_hat = H(u_hat, f_hat)       # Solve
uq = T.backward(u_hat)

# Compare with analytical solution
uj = ul(*X)
assert np.allclose(uj, uq)

if plt is not None and not 'pytest' in os.environ:
    plt.contourf(X[0], X[1], uq)

    plt.contourf(X[0], X[1], uj)
Beispiel #10
)  # With broadcasting=True the shape of X is local_shape, even though the number of datapoints are still the same as in 1D
u = TrialFunction(T)
v = TestFunction(T)

# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(T, buffer=fe)

# Compute right hand side
f_hat = Function(T)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Solve Poisson equation
A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
f_hat = A.solve(f_hat)

uq = T.backward(f_hat)

uj = Array(T, buffer=ue)
print(np.sqrt(dx((uj - uq)**2)))
assert np.allclose(uj, uq)

print(f_hat.commsizes, fj.commsizes)

if 'pytest' not in os.environ and comm.Get_size() == 1:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.contourf(X[0][:, :, 0, 0], X[1][:, :, 0, 0], uq[:, :, 0, 0])

    plt.contourf(X[0][:, :, 0, 0], X[1][:, :, 0, 0], uj[:, :, 0, 0])
Beispiel #11
# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(T, buffer=fl(*X))

# Compute right hand side
f_hat = Function(T)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Solve Poisson equation
u_hat = Function(T)
#A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
A = inner(grad(v), grad(u))
u_hat = A.solve(-f_hat, u_hat)

uq = Array(T)
uq = T.backward(u_hat, uq, fast_transform=True)

uj = ul(*X)
assert np.allclose(uj, uq)

#from shenfun.tensorproductspace import Convolve
#S0 = Basis(N[0], family='F', dtype='D', padding_factor=2.0)
#S1 = Basis(N[1], family='F', dtype='d', padding_factor=2.0)
#Tp = TensorProductSpace(comm, (S0, S1), axes=(0, 1))
#C0 = Convolve(Tp)
#ff_hat = C0(f_hat, f_hat)

# Test eval at point
point = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.2, 0.3], [0.3, 0.4], [0.1, 0.3]])
p = T.eval(point, u_hat)
assert np.allclose(p, ul(*point.T))
Beispiel #12
)  # With broadcasting=True the shape of X is local_shape, even though the number of datapoints are still the same as in 1D
u = TrialFunction(T)
v = TestFunction(T)

# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(T, buffer=fl(*X))

# Compute right hand side
f_hat = Function(T)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Solve Poisson equation
A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
f_hat = A.solve(f_hat)

uq = T.backward(f_hat, fast_transform=True)

uj = ul(*X)
print(abs(uj - uq).max())
assert np.allclose(uj, uq)

# Test eval at point
point = np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.2, 0.3, 0.3], [0.3, 0.4, 0.1]])
p = T.eval(point, f_hat)
assert np.allclose(p, ul(*point.T))
p2 = f_hat.eval(point)
assert np.allclose(p2, ul(*point.T))

if plt is not None and not 'pytest' in os.environ:
    plt.contourf(X[0][:, :, 0], X[1][:, :, 0], uq[:, :, 0])
Beispiel #13
# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
if family == 'legendre':
    matrices = inner(grad(v), grad(u))
    matrices = inner(v, -div(grad(u)))
matrices += inner(v, a*u)

# Create Helmholtz linear algebra solver
H = Solver(matrices)

# Solve and transform to real space
u_hat = Function(T)           # Solution spectral space
u_hat = H(f_hat, u_hat)    # Solve

uq = Array(T)
uq = T.backward(u_hat, uq)

# Compare with analytical solution
uj = ul(*X)

assert np.allclose(uj, uq)

if 'pytest' not in os.environ:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.contourf(X[0], X[1], uq)

    plt.contourf(X[0], X[1], uj)
Beispiel #14
    f_hat *= -1.

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
if family == 'chebyshev':
    matrices = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
    matrices = inner(grad(v), grad(u))

# Create Helmholtz linear algebra solver
H = Solver(**matrices)

# Solve and transform to real space
u_hat = Function(T)  # Solution spectral space
t0 = time.time()
u_hat = H(u_hat, f_hat)  # Solve
uq = T.backward(u_hat, fast_transform=False)

# Compare with analytical solution
uj = ul(*X)
error = comm.reduce(np.linalg.norm(uj - uq)**2)
if comm.Get_rank() == 0 and regtest == True:
    print("Error=%2.16e" % (np.sqrt(error)))
#assert np.allclose(uj, uq)

if plt is not None and not 'pytest' in os.environ:
    plt.contourf(X[2][0, 0, :], X[0][:, 0, 0], uq[:, 2, :])

    plt.contourf(X[2][0, 0, :], X[0][:, 0, 0], uj[:, 2, :])
Beispiel #15

N = (32, 33, 34)
K0 = ShenBiharmonicBasis(N[0])
K1 = C2CBasis(N[1])
K2 = R2CBasis(N[2])
W = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2))
u = TrialFunction(W)
v = TestFunction(W)
matrices = inner(v, div(grad(div(grad(u)))))
fj = Function(W, False)
fj[:] = np.random.random(fj.shape)

f_hat = inner(v, fj)  # Some right hand side
B = Solver(**matrices)

# Solve and transform to real space
u_hat = Function(W)  # Solution spectral space
u_hat = B(u_hat, f_hat)  # Solve
u = Function(W, False)
u = W.backward(u_hat, u)

# compute dudx of the solution
K0 = Basis(N[0])
W0 = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2))

du_hat = project(Dx(u, 0, 1), W0, uh_hat=u_hat)
du = Function(W0, False)
du = W0.backward(du_hat, du)
Beispiel #16
# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(T, buffer=fe)

# Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
f_hat = inner(v, fj)

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
matrices = inner(v, u - div(grad(u)))

# Create Helmholtz linear algebra solver
H = Solver(*matrices)

# Solve and transform to real space
u_hat = Function(T).set_boundary_dofs()  # Solution spectral space
u_hat = H(u_hat, f_hat)  # Solve
uq = T.backward(u_hat).copy()

# Compare with analytical solution
uj = Array(T, buffer=ue)
print(abs(uj - uq).max())
assert np.allclose(uj, uq)
c = H.matvec(u_hat, Function(T))
f_hat = inner(v, fj)
assert np.allclose(c, f_hat)

if 'pytest' not in os.environ:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    X = T.local_mesh(
    )  # With broadcasting=True the shape of X is local_shape, even though the number of datapoints are still the same as in 1D