Beispiel #1
def test_get_filter_is_empty():

    # Need to send in numpy arrays otherwise the code fails as it
    # assumes a numpy array. This should be addressed upstream.
    # pha = DataPHA('name', [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1])
    pha = DataPHA('name', np.asarray([1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 1])
    assert pha.get_filter() == '1:3'
    assert pha.get_filter() == 'No noticed bins'
Beispiel #2
def test_need_numpy_channels():
    """We didn't used to convert channels to a NumPy array which broke
    this logic - the ignore line would error out due to an operation on

    pha = DataPHA('name', [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1])
    assert pha.get_filter() == '1:3'

    assert pha.get_filter() == 'No noticed bins'
Beispiel #3
def test_need_numpy_channels():
    """We need to convert the  input to NumPy arrrays.

    This should be done in the constructor to DataPHA, but
    for now error out if not set.

    pha = DataPHA('name', [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1])
    assert pha.get_filter() == '1:3'
    # This errors out with a TypeError on 'elo = - 0.5'
    assert pha.get_filter() == 'No noticed bins'
Beispiel #4
def test_pha_get_xerr_all_bad_energy_group():
    """get_xerr handles all bad values [energy]

    The behavior with grouping is different, presumably because
    we assume we have grouping when we have a quality array.

    pha = DataPHA('name', [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1],
                  grouping=[1, 1, 1],
                  quality=[2, 2, 2])

    ebins = np.asarray([3.0, 5., 8.0, 12.0])
    rlo = ebins[:-1]
    rhi = ebins[1:]
    rmf = create_delta_rmf(rlo, rhi, e_min=rlo, e_max=rhi)
    pha.units = 'energy'

    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])

    assert pha.grouped

    # Should this error out or not?
    assert pha.get_filter() == ''
    # with pytest.raises(DataErr) as de:
    #     pha.get_filter()

    # assert str(de.value) == 'mask excludes all data'

    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([])
Beispiel #5
def test_pha_get_filter_checks_ungrouped(chtype, expected, args):
    """Check we get the filter we expect

    chtype is channel, energy, or wavelength
    expected is the expected response
    args is a list of 3-tuples of (flag, loval, hival) where
    flag is True for notice and False for ignore; they define
    the filter to apply

    chans = np.arange(1, 11, dtype=int)
    counts = np.ones(10, dtype=int)
    pha = DataPHA('data', chans, counts)

    # Use an ARF to create a channel to energy mapping
    # The 0.2-2.2 keV range maps to 5.636-61.992 Angstrom
    egrid = 0.2 * np.arange(1, 12)
    arf = DataARF('arf', egrid[:-1], egrid[1:], np.ones(10))

    pha.units = chtype
    for (flag, lo, hi) in args:
        if flag:
            pha.notice(lo, hi)
            pha.ignore(lo, hi)

    assert pha.get_filter(format='%.1f') == expected
Beispiel #6
def test_pha_get_xerr_all_bad_channel_no_group():
    """get_xerr handles all bad values [channel]

    It's not obvious what it is meant to be doing here.

    pha = DataPHA('name', [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1],
                  quality=[2, 2, 2])

    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([1, 1, 1])

    assert pha.get_filter() == ''
    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([1, 1, 1])
Beispiel #7
def test_pha_get_xerr_all_bad_channel_group():
    """get_xerr handles all bad values [channel]

    The behavior with grouping is different, presumably because
    we assume we have grouping when we have a quality array.

    pha = DataPHA('name', [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1],
                  grouping=[1, 1, 1],
                  quality=[2, 2, 2])

    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([1, 1, 1])

    assert pha.grouped
    assert pha.get_filter() == ''
    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([])
Beispiel #8
def test_pha_get_xerr_all_bad_energy_no_group():
    """get_xerr handles all bad values [energy]

    It's not obvious what it is meant to be doing here.

    pha = DataPHA('name', [1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1],
                  quality=[2, 2, 2])

    ebins = np.asarray([3.0, 5., 8.0, 12.0])
    rlo = ebins[:-1]
    rhi = ebins[1:]
    rmf = create_delta_rmf(rlo, rhi, e_min=rlo, e_max=rhi)
    pha.units = 'energy'

    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])

    assert pha.get_filter() == ''
    assert pha.get_xerr() == pytest.approx([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])