Beispiel #1
    def calc_stat_info(self):
        dep, staterror, syserror =
        model =
        stat, fvec = self.stat.calc_stat(dep, model, staterror, syserror)

        qval = None
        rstat = None
        numpoints = len(model)
        dof = numpoints - len(self.model.thawedpars)
        if (isinstance(self.stat, (CStat,Chi2)) and
            not isinstance(self.stat, LeastSq)):
            if stat >= 0.0:
                qval = igamc(dof/2., stat/2.)
            rstat = stat/dof

	name =

	if isinstance(self.stat, Chi2) and not isinstance(self.stat, LeastSq):
		isSimulFit = isinstance(, DataSimulFit)
           	if isSimulFit:
			is_error_set = [d.staterror is not None for d in]
			if all(is_error_set):
                		name = 'chi2'
		elif is not None:
            		name = 'chi2'

        return StatInfoResults(name, stat, numpoints, model,
                               dof, qval, rstat)
Beispiel #2
    def goodness_of_fit(self, statval, dof):
        """Return the reduced statistic and q value.

        The reduced statisitc is conceptually simple, as it is just
        statistic / degrees-of-freedom, but it is not meaningful for
        all statistics, and it is only valid if there are any degrees
        of freedom.

        statval : float
            The statistic value. It is assumed to be finite.
        dof : int
            The number of degrees of freedom, which may be 0 or negative.

        rstat, qval : float or NaN or None, float or NaN or None
            The reduced statistic and q value. If the statistic does not support
            a goodness of fit then the return values are None. If it does then
            NaN is returned if either the number of degrees of freedom is 0
            (or less), or the statistic value is less than 0.


        if not self._can_calculate_rstat:
            return None, None

        if dof > 0 and statval >= 0.0:
            qval = igamc(dof / 2.0, statval / 2.0)
            rstat = statval / dof
            return rstat, qval

        return numpy.nan, numpy.nan
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, fit, results, init_stat, param_warnings):
        _vals   =
        _dof    = len(_vals) - len(tuple(results[1]))
        _qval   = None
        _rstat  = None
        _covarerr = results[4].get('covarerr')
        if (isinstance(fit.stat, (CStat,Chi2)) and
            not isinstance(fit.stat, LeastSq)):
            if _dof > 0 and results[2] >= 0.0:
                _qval = igamc(_dof/2., results[2]/2.)
                _rstat = results[2]/_dof
                _rstat = nan

        self.succeeded    = results[0]
        self.parnames     = tuple(p.fullname for p in
                                  if not p.frozen)
        self.parvals      = tuple(results[1])
        self.istatval     = init_stat
        self.statval      = results[2]
        self.dstatval     = abs(results[2]-init_stat)
        self.numpoints    = len(_vals)
        self.dof          = _dof
        self.qval         = _qval
        self.rstat        = _rstat
        self.message      = results[3]
        if _covarerr is not None:
            self.covarerr      = tuple(_covarerr)
            self.covarerr      = None
        self.nfev         = results[4].get('nfev')
        self.extra_output = results[4]
        self.modelvals    = _vals
        self.methodname   = type(fit.method).__name__.lower()
        self.itermethodname = fit._iterfit.itermethod_opts['name']
        statname     = type(fit.stat).__name__.lower()
	if isinstance(fit.stat, Chi2) and not isinstance(fit.stat, LeastSq):
		isSimulFit = isinstance(, DataSimulFit)
           	if isSimulFit:
			is_error_set = [d.staterror is not None for d in]
			if all(is_error_set):
                		statname = 'chi2'
		elif is not None:
            		statname = 'chi2'
	self.statname = statname
        self.datasets     = None # To be filled by calling function
        self.param_warnings = param_warnings