Beispiel #1
    def acknowledgeFileIssue(self, fileHash, rationale):
        """Acknowledges an issue of a file.

        This URL *must* be behind SSO and only in the admin group can call this.

        Called from offline, by the shifter normally.

        logging.debug("server::acknowledgeFileIssue(%s, %s)", fileHash, rationale)

        dropBox.acknowledgeFileIssue(fileHash, shibboleth.getUsername(), rationale)
Beispiel #2
    def acknowledgeFileIssue(self, fileHash, rationale):
        '''Acknowledges an issue of a file.

        This URL *must* be behind SSO and only in the admin group can call this.

        Called from offline, by the shifter normally.

        logging.debug('server::acknowledgeFileIssue(%s, %s)', fileHash,

        dropBox.acknowledgeFileIssue(fileHash, shibboleth.getUsername(),
Beispiel #3
    def signInSSO(self):
        '''Signs in a user via the CERN SSO: this URL *must* be behind it.

        Called from offline by the upload script, as the first authentication
        method. If SSO fails, the script fallbacks to the winservices SOAP one.


        username = shibboleth.getUsername()

        cherrypy.session['username'] = username'signInSSO(): User %s signed in.', username)
Beispiel #4
    def signInSSO(self):
        """Signs in a user via the CERN SSO: this URL *must* be behind it.

        Called from offline by the upload script, as the first authentication
        method. If SSO fails, the script fallbacks to the winservices SOAP one.


        username = shibboleth.getUsername()

        cherrypy.session["username"] = username"signInSSO(): User %s signed in.", username)
Beispiel #5
 def index(self):
     return self.templates['index'].render(
         username = shibboleth.getUsername(),
Beispiel #6
 def index(self):
     return self.templates['index'].render(
         username=shibboleth.getUsername(), )
Beispiel #7
def getDefaultTabs():
    # In the userLog:
    #   If the user receives all the notifications, by default show all the entries.
    #   If not, by default show only those for him.
    defaultUserLogSearch = ''
    if 'cms-cond-dropbox-notifications' not in shibboleth.getGroups():
        defaultUserLogSearch = shibboleth.getUsername()

    sortedTabs = ['userLog', 'runLog', 'fileLog', 'fileAcks', 'files', 'emails']
    tabs = {
        'userLog': {
            'title': 'Log with the most useful information for users (last week)',
            'headers': [
                'Hash', 'Last update', 'User', 'File', 'Status', 'Acknowledged', 'Metadata', 'User Text', 'Backend', 'Log',
            'dataTablesInit': '''
                "aaSorting": [[1, 'desc']],
                "oSearch": {
                    "sSearch": "%s"
            ''' % defaultUserLogSearch,
            'transform': {
                'Hash': getShortHash,
                'File': getShortFile,
                'Status': getStatusCodeHumanStringUser,
                'Acknowledged': getAcknowledged,
                'Metadata': getShortText,
                'User Text': getShortText,
                'Log': getFileLogLink,
            'table': getUserLogs(),

        'runLog': {
            'title': 'Logs of each run of the dropBox (last week)',
            'headers': [
                'creationTimestamp', 'backend', 'statusCode', 'fcsRun', 'hltRun',
                'modificationTimestamp', 'downloadLog', 'globalLog',
            'transform': {
                'statusCode': getStatusCodeHumanString,
                'downloadLog': getRunDownloadLogLink,
                'globalLog': getRunGlobalLogLink,
            'table': getRunLogs(),

        'fileLog': {
            'title': 'Logs of each file (request) processed by the dropBox (last week)',
            'headers': [
                'fileHash', 'statusCode', 'metadata', 'userText', 'runLogCreationTimestamp',
                'creationTimestamp', 'modificationTimestamp', 'log',
            'dataTablesInit': '''
                "aaSorting": [[5, 'desc']]
            'transform': {
                'statusCode': getStatusCodeHumanString,
                'log': getFileLogLink,
            'table': getFileLogs(),

        'fileAcks': {
            'title': 'Logs of acknowledges for issues in files (requests) processed by the dropBox (last week)',
            'headers': [
                'fileHash', 'username', 'rationale', 'creationTimestamp', 'modificationTimestamp'
            'dataTablesInit': '''
                "aaSorting": [[3, 'desc']]
            'table': getFileAcks(),

        'files': {
            'title': 'All files (requests) of the dropBox (last week)',
            'headers': [
                'fileHash', 'state', 'backend', 'username', 'fileName',
                'creationTimestamp', 'modificationTimestamp'
            'dataTablesInit': '''
                "aaSorting": [[5, 'desc']]
            'table': getFiles(),

        'emails': {
            'title': 'Queue of emails to be sent by the dropBox (last week)',
            'headers': [
                'id', 'subject', 'fromAddress', 'toAddresses', 'ccAddresses', 'creationTimestamp', 'modificationTimestamp'
            'table': getEmails(),

    return (sortedTabs, tabs)