Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, url, user, token):
     self.port = 8000 ## change
     if url.find(':') == -1: # Port not included
         self.url = url + ':{}'.format(self.port)
         self.url = url
     self.user = user
     self.token = token
     self.headers = {'Authorization': '{}'.format(self.token),
                     'Content-type': 'application/json', 
                     'Accept': 'text/plain'}
     shockres = requests.get('http://{}/shock'.format(self.url), headers=self.headers).text
     self.shockurl = 'http://{}/'.format(json.loads(shockres)['shockurl'])
     self.shock = Shock(self.shockurl, self.user, self.token)
Beispiel #2
	def initialize(self,  environment):
		self.environment = environment
		self.updater = Updater(self.environment)
		self.shocker = Shock()
Beispiel #3
def elast_gen(bs, shocks):

    eta = bs[0]
    alphap = bs[1]
    alphaf = bs[2]

    #wage process
    wagep_betas = np.array([bs[3], bs[4], bs[5], bs[6], bs[7]]).reshape((5, 1))

    income_male_betas = np.array([bs[8], bs[9], bs[10]]).reshape((3, 1))
    c_emp_spouse = bs[11]

    #Production function [young[cc0,cc1],old]
    gamma1 = bs[12]
    gamma2 = bs[13]
    gamma3 = bs[14]
    tfp = bs[15]
    sigma2theta = 1

    kappas = [bs[16], bs[17]]

    sigma_z = [1, bs[18]]

    rho_theta_epsilon = bs[19]

    lambdas = [1, 1]

    #Re-defines the instance with parameters
    param = util.Parameters(alphap, alphaf, mu_c, eta, gamma1, gamma2, gamma3,
                            tfp, sigma2theta, rho_theta_epsilon, wagep_betas,
                            income_male_betas, c_emp_spouse, marriagep_betas,
                            kidsp_betas, eitc_list, afdc_list, snap_list, cpi,
                            fpl_list, lambdas, kappas, pafdc, psnap, mup,

    #The estimate class
    output_ins = estimate.Estimate(nperiods, param, x_w, x_m, x_k, x_wmk,
                                   passign, agech0, nkids0, married0, D,
                                   dict_grid, M, N, moments_vector, var_cov,
                                   hours_p, hours_f, wr, cs, ws)

    hours = np.zeros(N)
    childcare = np.zeros(N)

    model_orig = util.Utility(param, N, x_w, x_m, x_k, passign, nkids0,
                              married0, hours, childcare, agech0, hours_p,
                              hours_f, wr, cs, ws)

    #Obtaining emax instance: this is fixed throughout the exercise
    emax_instance = output_ins.emax(param, model_orig)

    choices_c = {}
    models = []
    for j in range(2):
            Shock(param, N, x_w, x_m, x_k, passign, nkids0, married0, hours,
                  childcare, agech0, hours_p, hours_f, wr, cs, ws))
        choices_c['Choice_' + str(j)] = output_ins.samples(
            param, emax_instance, models[j])

    #Computing changes in % employment for control group
    h_sim_matrix = []
    employment = []
    wages = []
    full = []
    for j in range(2):
        h_sim_matrix.append(choices_c['Choice_' + str(j)]['hours_matrix'])
        employment.append(choices_c['Choice_' + str(j)]['hours_matrix'] > 0)
        full.append(choices_c['Choice_' + str(j)]['hours_matrix'] == hours_f)
        wages.append(choices_c['Choice_' + str(j)]['wage_matrix'])

    #Extensive margin
    elast_extensive = np.zeros(M)
    for j in range(M):
        elast_periods = np.zeros(nperiods)

        for t in range(nperiods):

            elast_periods[t] = (np.mean(employment[1][:, t, j], axis=0) -
                                np.mean(employment[0][:, t, j], axis=0)) / (
                                    shocks[1] * np.mean(
                                        (employment[0][:, t, j]), axis=0))

        elast_extensive[j] = np.mean(elast_periods)

    #Intensive margin
    elast_intensive = np.zeros(M)
    for j in range(M):
        elast_periods = np.zeros(nperiods)

        for t in range(nperiods):
            sample = (employment[0][:, t, j] == 1)
            elast_periods[t] = np.mean(
                (h_sim_matrix[1][sample, t, j] -
                 h_sim_matrix[0][sample, t, j]),
                axis=0) / (shocks[1] *
                           np.mean(h_sim_matrix[0][sample, t, j], axis=0))

        elast_intensive[j] = np.mean(elast_periods)

    return {'Extensive': elast_extensive, 'Intensive': elast_intensive}
Beispiel #4
 def init_shock(self):
     if self.shock is None:
         shockres = self.req_get('{}/shock'.format(self.url))
         self.shockurl = utils.verify_url(json.loads(shockres)['shockurl'])
         self.shock = Shock(self.shockurl, self.user, self.token)