Beispiel #1
    def test_invalidateReleaseDate(self):
        # Given
        sut = Product()
        givenDatetime = dtt.datetime(2028, 2, 27, 13, 5, 55)
        sut.setReleaseDate(givenDatetime, timezone="Africa/Bissau")  # See also: pytz.all_timezones

        # When

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(None, sut.releaseDateStamp)
Beispiel #2
    def test_getReleaseDate_shouldRaiseOnInvalidTimezoneString(self):
        # Given
        sut = Product()
        givenDatetime = dtt.datetime(2022, 12, 1, 8, 32, 59)
        sut.setReleaseDate(givenDatetime, timezone="Indian/Kerguelen")

        # When (forType str)
        with self.assertRaises(pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError):
            sut.getReleaseDate(forTimezone="Invalid/Something", forType=str)

        # When (forType datetime)
        with self.assertRaises(pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError):
            sut.getReleaseDate(forTimezone="EvenMoreInvalid/Stuff", forType=dtt.datetime)
Beispiel #3
    def test_getReleaseDate_shouldReturnReadableString(self):
        # Given
        sut = Product()

        givenDatetime = dtt.datetime(2023, 11, 28, 13, 30, 12)
        givenTimezoneString = "Europe/Berlin"   # See also: pytz.all_timezones
        expectedString = "28.11.2023, 13:30:12"
        sut.setReleaseDate(givenDatetime, timezone=givenTimezoneString)

        # When
        result = sut.getReleaseDate(forTimezone=givenTimezoneString, forType=str)

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expectedString, result)
Beispiel #4
    def test_setReleaseDate_shouldSetCorrectDate(self):
        # Given
        sut = Product()

        berlinZone = pytz.timezone("Pacific/Fiji")  # See also: pytz.all_timezones
        givenDatetime = dtt.datetime(2020, 4, 18, 16, 00, 00)
        # Leave datetime itself untouched, just add the timezone-data:
        berlinDatetime = berlinZone.localize(givenDatetime)
        # Convert to UTC time:
        utcDatetime: dtt.datetime = berlinDatetime.astimezone(pytz.utc)
        # Convert to UNIX epoch float:
        expectedUtcTimestamp = utcDatetime.timestamp()  # 1587218400.0

        # When
        sut.setReleaseDate(givenDatetime, timezone="Pacific/Fiji")

        self.assertEqual(expectedUtcTimestamp, sut.releaseDateStamp)
Beispiel #5
    def test_getReleaseDate_shouldReturnDatetime(self):
        # Given
        sut = Product()

        givenTimezoneString = "US/Alaska"  # See also: pytz.all_timezones
        timezone = pytz.timezone(givenTimezoneString)
        givenDatetime = dtt.datetime(2035, 7, 15, 9, 00, 00)
        # Leave datetime itself untouched, just add the timezone-data:
        expectedLocalDatetime = timezone.localize(givenDatetime)

        sut.setReleaseDate(givenDatetime, timezone=givenTimezoneString)

        # When
        result = sut.getReleaseDate(forTimezone=givenTimezoneString, forType=dtt.datetime)

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expectedLocalDatetime, result)
Beispiel #6
    def test_setReleaseDate_shouldLogOnError(self):
        # Given
        sut = Product()
        givenDatetime = dtt.datetime(2020, 1, 30, 15, 40, 00)
        invalidTimezone = "very/invalid"

        loggerName = "shop.product"
        loggerUnderTest = clog.getLogger(loggerName)
        expectedLogLevel = "ERROR"
        expectedPartOfLogMessage = "Could not set product release date"

        # When
        with self.assertLogs(loggerUnderTest, level=expectedLogLevel) as tlog:
            sut.setReleaseDate(givenDatetime, timezone=invalidTimezone)

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(1, len(tlog.output))  # expect one single log message in array
        self.assertIn(f"{expectedLogLevel}:{loggerName}:{expectedPartOfLogMessage}", tlog.output[0])
Beispiel #7
    def create2Shops(self) -> None:
        """ Caution: Do not change values as they are tested against
        :return: None
        size01 = Size()
        size01.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="1528dae6-188f-4d7e-8a6c-5af44ce5c222", version=4))
        size01.sizeEU = "40 1/3"
        size01.isInStock = True
        size01.price = 56.99
        size01.url = ""
        size01.urlAddToCart = ""

        size02 = Size()
        size02.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="5f561c62-8502-4ec1-8f46-f0adb5e8254c", version=4))
        size02.sizeEU = "43"
        size02.isInStock = False
        size02.price = 54.99
        size02.url = ""
        size02.urlAddToCart = ""

        size03 = Size()
        size03.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="e070b0c9-769d-4c13-a208-f7207f0970db", version=4))
        size03.sizeEU = "44.5"
        size03.isInStock = True
        size03.price = 189.50
        size03.url = ""
        size03.urlAddToCart = ""

        product01 = Product()
        product01.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="2857027b-cf25-4639-965e-0e22f9f4c755", version=4))
        product01.url = "" = "Biggest Corona Bottle ever"
        product01.setReleaseDate(dtt.datetime(2020, 9, 30, 13, 50, 59),
        product01.basePrice = 55.49
        product01.lastScanStamp = 1588548868.304869  # setLastScanNow()
        product01.sizes = [size01, size02]

        product02 = Product()
        product02.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="9cab557a-419a-4883-8287-f09f7244b225", version=4))
        product02.url = "" = "Neck Bottle"
        product02.setReleaseDate(dtt.datetime(2023, 1, 30, 15, 40, 35),
        product02.basePrice = 3.22
        product02.lastScanStamp = 1588548911.230381  # setLastScanNow()
        product02.sizes = []

        product03 = Product()
        product03.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="f0700293-693c-48a6-8f01-014e07151d99", version=4))
        product03.url = ""
        product03.urlThumb = "" = "Hey Bro Male"
        product03.setReleaseDate(dtt.datetime(2028, 11, 1, 8, 2, 40),
        product03.basePrice = 190
        product03.lastScanStamp = 1588548274.102859  # setLastScanNow()
        product03.sizes = [size03]

        shop01 = Shop()
        # ID is usually set by the DBMS, we explicitly set it for equality checks, too:
        shop01.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="73f9cac8-ebdc-4d9b-8163-d04d09f06cd9", version=4)) = "Bottle shop"
        shop01.url = ""
        shop01.products = [product01, product02]

        shop02 = Shop()
        # ID is usually set by the DBMS, we explicitly set it for equality checks, too:
        shop02.uid = str(
            uuid.UUID(hex="69ec8e1b-8812-4413-ad72-b74364e2fa7a", version=4)) = "Megashop"
        shop02.url = ""
        shop02.products = [product03]

        self.shops = [shop01, shop02]