Beispiel #1
def which(command, env=None):
    """Get the full path to a command.

    command: str
        The command name or path.
    env: dict, optional
        The environment variables, defaults to `os.environ`.
    env = env or os.environ
    path = env.get('PATH') or os.defpath
    command_with_path = _which(command, path=path)

    # Allow nodejs as an alias to node.
    if command == 'node' and not command_with_path:
        command = 'nodejs'
        command_with_path = _which('nodejs', path=path)

    if not command_with_path:
        if command in ['nodejs', 'node', 'npm']:
            msg = 'Please install nodejs 5+ and npm before continuing installation. nodejs may be installed using conda or directly from the nodejs website.'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        raise ValueError('The command was not found or was not ' +
                         'executable: %s.' % command)
    return command_with_path
Beispiel #2
def which(command, env=None):
    """Get the full path to a command.

    command: str
        The command name or path.
    env: dict, optional
        The environment variables, defaults to `os.environ`.
    env = env or os.environ
    path = env.get('PATH') or os.defpath
    command_with_path = _which(command, path=path)

    # Allow nodejs as an alias to node.
    if command == 'node' and not command_with_path:
        command = 'nodejs'
        command_with_path = _which('nodejs', path=path)

    if not command_with_path:
        if command in ['nodejs', 'node', 'npm']:
            msg = 'Please install Node.js and npm before continuing installation. You may be able to install Node.js from your package manager, from conda, or directly from the Node.js website ('
            raise ValueError(msg)
        raise ValueError('The command was not found or was not ' +
                         'executable: %s.' % command)
    return os.path.abspath(command_with_path)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, sequence, database=None, executable='jackhmmer', **kwargs):

        # Empty container for parsed/validated sequences
        self.sequences = []

        self.database = database

        # Setup logging with module name
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Iterate over kwargs and define defaults if not user-provided
        _defaults = {'evalue': 1E-20,
                     'ncpus': 2,
                     'niter': 5,
                     'mock': False}

        for kwarg in _defaults:
            kwarg_val = kwargs.get(kwarg)
            if not kwarg_val:
                kwarg_val = _defaults[kwarg]
            setattr(self, kwarg, kwarg_val)

        # Validate sequence data and locate executable

        if not _which(executable):
            raise OSError("HMMER executable not found in PATH: '{}'".format(executable))
Beispiel #4
def get_external_executable(_exec):
    _exec_path = _which(_exec)
    if _exec_path:
        return _exec_path
        sys.exit("Required executable '{}' not found on this system. "
                 "Please install or add to PATH".format(_exec))
Beispiel #5
 def change_wallpaper(path: str):
     file = _which("feh")
     if file is None:
         # I did the checking here not to seem we don't support i3
         print("feh not found, you need it to set the background in i3.")
     _system(f'feh --bg-fill "{path}"')
Beispiel #6
 def _check_binary():
     Make sure that the `gsutil` cli is present
     if not _which(GCSProxy._GS_UTIL_CLI):
         raise _FlyteUserException(
             "gsutil (gcloud cli) not found! Please install.")
Beispiel #7
def get_external_executable(_exec):
    _exec_path = _which(_exec)
    if _exec_path:
        return _exec_path
        sys.exit("Required executable '{}' not found on this system. "
                 "Please install or add to PATH".format(_exec))
Beispiel #8
def _maybe_register(executable, **kw):
    if _which(executable):
        return _partial(register_terminal, **kw)

        def wrapper(fn, *args, **kwargs):
            return fn

        return wrapper
Beispiel #9
def which(file, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK):
    """A wrapper around shutil.which() that searches a predictable set of
    paths and is more verbose about what is happening. See get_path()
    for more information.
    path = get_path()
    rv = _which(file, mode, path)
    if rv:
        debug2("which() found '%s' at %s" % (file, rv))
        debug2("which() could not find '%s' in %s" % (file, path))
    return rv
Beispiel #10
def which(*args, **kw):
    # Wrapper to which() to use lazy import for 'import shutil'
    global _which

    if _which is None:
            # Python 3.3
            from shutil import which as _which
        except ImportError:
            # Backport shutil.which() from Python 3.6,
            # comments/docstring stripped
            def _which(cmd, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path=None):
                def _access_check(fn, mode):
                    return (os.path.exists(fn) and os.access(fn, mode)
                            and not os.path.isdir(fn))

                if os.path.dirname(cmd):
                    if _access_check(cmd, mode):
                        return cmd
                    return None

                if path is None:
                    path = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath)
                if not path:
                    return None
                path = path.split(os.pathsep)

                if sys.platform == "win32":
                    if os.curdir not in path:
                        path.insert(0, os.curdir)

                    pathext = os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep)
                    if any(cmd.lower().endswith(ext.lower())
                           for ext in pathext):
                        files = [cmd]
                        files = [cmd + ext for ext in pathext]
                    files = [cmd]

                seen = set()
                for dir in path:
                    normdir = os.path.normcase(dir)
                    if normdir not in seen:
                        for thefile in files:
                            name = os.path.join(dir, thefile)
                            if _access_check(name, mode):
                                return name
                return None

    return _which(*args, **kw)
Beispiel #11
def which(cmd):
    """Return full path to specified command, or raise OSError if missing."""
        # For Python 3
        from shutil import which as _which
    except ImportError:
        # For Python 2
        from backports.shutil_which import which as _which
    full_path = _which(cmd)
    if full_path is None:
        raise OSError('Cannot find {!r} in $PATH'.format(cmd))
    log.debug('which %r => %r', cmd, full_path)
    return full_path
Beispiel #12
def which(*args, **kw):
    # Wrapper to which() to use lazy import for 'import shutil'
    global _which

    if _which is None:
            # Python 3.3
            from shutil import which as _which
        except ImportError:
            # Backport shutil.which() from Python 3.6,
            # comments/docstring stripped
            def _which(cmd, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path=None):
                def _access_check(fn, mode):
                    return (os.path.exists(fn) and os.access(fn, mode)
                            and not os.path.isdir(fn))

                if os.path.dirname(cmd):
                    if _access_check(cmd, mode):
                        return cmd
                    return None

                if path is None:
                    path = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath)
                if not path:
                    return None
                path = path.split(os.pathsep)

                if sys.platform == "win32":
                    if os.curdir not in path:
                        path.insert(0, os.curdir)

                    pathext = os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep)
                    if any(cmd.lower().endswith(ext.lower()) for ext in pathext):
                        files = [cmd]
                        files = [cmd + ext for ext in pathext]
                    files = [cmd]

                seen = set()
                for dir in path:
                    normdir = os.path.normcase(dir)
                    if normdir not in seen:
                        for thefile in files:
                            name = os.path.join(dir, thefile)
                            if _access_check(name, mode):
                                return name
                return None

    return _which(*args, **kw)
Beispiel #13
def which(cmd, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path=None, **kwargs):
    """Given a command, mode, and a PATH string, return the path which
    conforms to the given mode on the PATH, or None if there is no such

    `mode` defaults to ``os.F_OK | os.X_OK``. `path` defaults to the result
    of ``os.environ.get("PATH")``, or can be overridden with a custom search

    Backported from :py:func:`shutil.which`
    available in Python 3.3.
    kwargs.update({'mode': mode, 'path': path})
    global _which
    if _which is not None:
        return _which(cmd, **kwargs)
    return _which_backport(cmd, **kwargs)
Beispiel #14
def which(cmd, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path=None, **kwargs):
    """Given a command, mode, and a PATH string, return the path which
    conforms to the given mode on the PATH, or None if there is no such

    `mode` defaults to ``os.F_OK | os.X_OK``. `path` defaults to the result
    of ``os.environ.get("PATH")``, or can be overridden with a custom search

    Backported from :py:func:`shutil.which`
    available in Python 3.3.
    kwargs.update({'mode': mode, 'path': path})
    global _which
    if _which is not None:
        return _which(cmd, **kwargs)
    return _which_backport(cmd, **kwargs)
def bash_command_exists(bash_command_name):
    """Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable.

    return _which(bash_command_name) is not None
Beispiel #16
def which(binary):
    path = _which(binary)
    if path:
        realpath = os.path.realpath(path)
        return realpath
    return None
Beispiel #17
def which(binary):
    path = _which(binary)
    if path:
        realpath = os.path.realpath(path)
        return realpath
    return None
Beispiel #18
 def _check_binary():
     Make sure that the AWS cli is present
     if not _which(AwsS3Proxy._AWS_CLI):
         raise _FlyteUserException('AWS CLI not found at Please install.')