Beispiel #1
	def initialize(self):
		Initializes the Component.

		:return: Method success.
		:rtype: bool

		LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = IblSetsScanner_worker(self)

		if not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly:
			if not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads:
				# Signals / Slots.
			else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
				self.__class__.__name__, "deactivateWorkerThreads"))
		else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
			self.__class__.__name__, "databaseReadOnly"))

		self.initialized = True
		return True
	def initialize(self):
		This method initializes the Component.

		:return: Method success. ( Boolean )

		LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = IblSetsScanner_worker(self)

		if not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly:
			if not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads:
				# Signals / Slots.
			else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
				self.__class__.__name__, "deactivateWorkerThreads"))
		else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
			self.__class__.__name__, "databaseReadOnly"))

		self.initialized = True
		return True
class IblSetsScanner(QObjectComponent):
	| This class is the :mod:`sibl_gui.components.addons.iblSetsScanner.iblSetsScanner` Component Interface class.
	| It instantiates the :class:`IblSetsScanner` class on Application startup which will gather new Ibl Sets
		from Database registered directories parents.

	def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
		This method initializes the class.

		:param parent: Object parent. ( QObject )
		:param name: Component name. ( String )
		:param \*args: Arguments. ( \* )
		:param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments. ( \*\* )

		LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		QObjectComponent.__init__(self, parent, name, *args, **kwargs)

		# --- Setting class attributes. ---
		self.deactivatable = True

		self.__engine = None

		self.__collectionsOutliner = None
		self.__iblSetsOutliner = None

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = None

	#***	Attributes properties.
	def engine(self):
		This method is the property for **self.__engine** attribute.

		:return: self.__engine. ( QObject )

		return self.__engine

	def engine(self, value):
		This method is the setter method for **self.__engine** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value. ( QObject )

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "engine"))

	def engine(self):
		This method is the deleter method for **self.__engine** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "engine"))

	def collectionsOutliner(self):
		This method is the property for **self.__collectionsOutliner** attribute.

		:return: self.__collectionsOutliner. ( QWidget )

		return self.__collectionsOutliner

	def collectionsOutliner(self, value):
		This method is the setter method for **self.__collectionsOutliner** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value. ( QWidget )

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "collectionsOutliner"))

	def collectionsOutliner(self):
		This method is the deleter method for **self.__collectionsOutliner** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "collectionsOutliner"))

	def iblSetsOutliner(self):
		This method is the property for **self.__iblSetsOutliner** attribute.

		:return: self.__iblSetsOutliner. ( QWidget )

		return self.__iblSetsOutliner

	def iblSetsOutliner(self, value):
		This method is the setter method for **self.__iblSetsOutliner** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value. ( QWidget )

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsOutliner"))

	def iblSetsOutliner(self):
		This method is the deleter method for **self.__iblSetsOutliner** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsOutliner"))

	def iblSetsScannerWorkerThread(self):
		This method is the property for **self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread** attribute.

		:return: self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread. ( QThread )

		return self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread

	def iblSetsScannerWorkerThread(self, value):
		This method is the setter method for **self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value. ( QThread )

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsScannerWorkerThread"))

	def iblSetsScannerWorkerThread(self):
		This method is the deleter method for **self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsScannerWorkerThread"))

	#***	Class methods.
	def activate(self, engine):
		This method activates the Component.

		:param engine: Engine to attach the Component to. ( QObject )
		:return: Method success. ( Boolean )

		LOGGER.debug("> Activating '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__engine = engine

		self.__collectionsOutliner = self.__engine.componentsManager["core.collectionsOutliner"]
		self.__iblSetsOutliner = self.__engine.componentsManager["core.iblSetsOutliner"]

		self.activated = True
		return True

	def deactivate(self):
		This method deactivates the Component.

		:return: Method success. ( Boolean )

		LOGGER.debug("> Deactivating '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__engine = None

		self.__collectionsOutliner = None
		self.__iblSetsOutliner = None

		self.activated = False
		return True

	def initialize(self):
		This method initializes the Component.

		:return: Method success. ( Boolean )

		LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = IblSetsScanner_worker(self)

		if not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly:
			if not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads:
				# Signals / Slots.
			else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
				self.__class__.__name__, "deactivateWorkerThreads"))
		else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
			self.__class__.__name__, "databaseReadOnly"))

		self.initialized = True
		return True

	def uninitialize(self):
		This method uninitializes the Component.

		:return: Method success. ( Boolean )

		LOGGER.debug("> Uninitializing '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		if not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly:
			if not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads:
				# Signals / Slots.
				not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly and \

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = None

		self.initialized = False
		return True

	def onStartup(self):
		This method is triggered on Framework startup.

		:return: Method success. ( Boolean )		

		LOGGER.debug("> Calling '{0}' Component Framework 'onStartup' method.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly and \
		not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads and self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread.start()
		return True

	def __iblSetsScannerWorkerThread__iblSetsRetrieved(self, iblSets):
		This method is triggered by the **IblSetsScanner_worker** when the Database has changed.

		:param iblSets: Retrieve Ibl Sets. ( Dictionary )

		if messageBox.messageBox("Question", "Question",
		"One or more neighbor Ibl Sets have been found! Would you like to add that content: '{0}' to the Database?".format(
		", ".join(map(foundations.strings.getSplitextBasename, iblSets))),
		 buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes:
			self.__engine.startProcessing("Adding Retrieved Ibl Sets ...", len(iblSets))
			for path in iblSets:
				iblSet = foundations.strings.getSplitextBasename(path)"{0} | Adding '{1}' Ibl Set to the Database!".format(self.__class__.__name__, iblSet))
				if not sibl_gui.components.core.database.operations.addIblSet(
				iblSet, path, self.__collectionsOutliner.getCollectionId(self.__collectionsOutliner.defaultCollection)):
					LOGGER.error("!> {0} | Exception raised while adding '{1}' Ibl Set to the Database!".format(
					self.__class__.__name__, iblSet))

Beispiel #4
class IblSetsScanner(QObjectComponent):
	| Defines the :mod:`sibl_gui.components.addons.iblSetsScanner.iblSetsScanner` Component Interface class.
	| It instantiates the :class:`IblSetsScanner` class on Application startup which will gather new Ibl Sets
		from Database registered directories parents.

	def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
		Initializes the class.

		:param parent: Object parent.
		:type parent: QObject
		:param name: Component name.
		:type name: unicode
		:param \*args: Arguments.
		:type \*args: \*
		:param \*\*kwargs: Keywords arguments.
		:type \*\*kwargs: \*\*

		LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}()' class.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		QObjectComponent.__init__(self, parent, name, *args, **kwargs)

		# --- Setting class attributes. ---
		self.deactivatable = True

		self.__engine = None

		self.__collectionsOutliner = None
		self.__iblSetsOutliner = None

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = None

	#***	Attributes properties.
	def engine(self):
		Property for **self.__engine** attribute.

		:return: self.__engine.
		:rtype: QObject

		return self.__engine

	def engine(self, value):
		Setter for **self.__engine** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value.
		:type value: QObject

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "engine"))

	def engine(self):
		Deleter for **self.__engine** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "engine"))

	def collectionsOutliner(self):
		Property for **self.__collectionsOutliner** attribute.

		:return: self.__collectionsOutliner.
		:rtype: QWidget

		return self.__collectionsOutliner

	def collectionsOutliner(self, value):
		Setter for **self.__collectionsOutliner** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value.
		:type value: QWidget

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "collectionsOutliner"))

	def collectionsOutliner(self):
		Deleter for **self.__collectionsOutliner** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "collectionsOutliner"))

	def iblSetsOutliner(self):
		Property for **self.__iblSetsOutliner** attribute.

		:return: self.__iblSetsOutliner.
		:rtype: QWidget

		return self.__iblSetsOutliner

	def iblSetsOutliner(self, value):
		Setter for **self.__iblSetsOutliner** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value.
		:type value: QWidget

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsOutliner"))

	def iblSetsOutliner(self):
		Deleter for **self.__iblSetsOutliner** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsOutliner"))

	def iblSetsScannerWorkerThread(self):
		Property for **self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread** attribute.

		:return: self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread.
		:rtype: QThread

		return self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread

	def iblSetsScannerWorkerThread(self, value):
		Setter for **self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread** attribute.

		:param value: Attribute value.
		:type value: QThread

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is read only!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsScannerWorkerThread"))

	def iblSetsScannerWorkerThread(self):
		Deleter for **self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread** attribute.

		raise foundations.exceptions.ProgrammingError(
		"{0} | '{1}' attribute is not deletable!".format(self.__class__.__name__, "iblSetsScannerWorkerThread"))

	#***	Class methods.
	def activate(self, engine):
		Activates the Component.

		:param engine: Engine to attach the Component to.
		:type engine: QObject
		:return: Method success.
		:rtype: bool

		LOGGER.debug("> Activating '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__engine = engine

		self.__collectionsOutliner = self.__engine.componentsManager["core.collectionsOutliner"]
		self.__iblSetsOutliner = self.__engine.componentsManager["core.iblSetsOutliner"]

		self.activated = True
		return True

	def deactivate(self):
		Deactivates the Component.

		:return: Method success.
		:rtype: bool

		LOGGER.debug("> Deactivating '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__engine = None

		self.__collectionsOutliner = None
		self.__iblSetsOutliner = None

		self.activated = False
		return True

	def initialize(self):
		Initializes the Component.

		:return: Method success.
		:rtype: bool

		LOGGER.debug("> Initializing '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = IblSetsScanner_worker(self)

		if not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly:
			if not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads:
				# Signals / Slots.
			else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
				self.__class__.__name__, "deactivateWorkerThreads"))
		else:"{0} | Ibl Sets scanning capabilities deactivated by '{1}' command line parameter value!".format(
			self.__class__.__name__, "databaseReadOnly"))

		self.initialized = True
		return True

	def uninitialize(self):
		Uninitializes the Component.

		:return: Method success.
		:rtype: bool

		LOGGER.debug("> Uninitializing '{0}' Component.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		if not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly:
			if not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads:
				# Signals / Slots.
				not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly and \

		self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread = None

		self.initialized = False
		return True

	def onStartup(self):
		Defines the slot triggered on Framework startup.

		:return: Method success.
		:rtype: bool

		LOGGER.debug("> Calling '{0}' Component Framework 'onStartup' method.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

		not self.__engine.parameters.databaseReadOnly and \
		not self.__engine.parameters.deactivateWorkerThreads and self.__iblSetsScannerWorkerThread.start()
		return True

	def __iblSetsScannerWorkerThread__iblSetsRetrieved(self, iblSets):
		Defines the slot triggered by **IblSetsScanner_worker** when the Database has changed.

		:param iblSets: Retrieve Ibl Sets.
		:type iblSets: dict

		if messageBox.messageBox("Question", "Question",
		"One or more neighbor Ibl Sets have been found! Would you like to add that content: '{0}' to the Database?".format(
		", ".join(map(foundations.strings.getSplitextBasename, iblSets))),
		 buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes:
			self.__engine.startProcessing("Adding Retrieved Ibl Sets ...", len(iblSets))
			for path in iblSets:
				iblSet = foundations.strings.getSplitextBasename(path)"{0} | Adding '{1}' Ibl Set to the Database!".format(self.__class__.__name__, iblSet))
				if not sibl_gui.components.core.database.operations.addIblSet(
				iblSet, path, self.__collectionsOutliner.getCollectionId(self.__collectionsOutliner.defaultCollection)):
					LOGGER.error("!> {0} | Exception raised while adding '{1}' Ibl Set to the Database!".format(
					self.__class__.__name__, iblSet))
