Beispiel #1
    def _add_one_continuum_state(self):
        Add two continuum state to the basis set, depending on the
        already existing continuum states.

        This is an overriding of the inherited
        method to account for the parity of the continuum states in the
        1D SWP case.

            The same basis set with one more continuum state.
        cont = self.continuum
        kmax = cont[-1].wavenumber
        hk = cont[1].wavenumber - cont[0].wavenumber
        # Add a continuum state to the basis set
        self += SWPContinuum(
            kmax + hk,
        return self
Beispiel #2
 def test_scal_prod_raises_TypeError(self):
     # Scalar product with continuum1DSWP not implemented
     c = SWPContinuum(1.0, "e", bnd1.potential)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
     # Scalar product not implemented for SWPSiegert, even if
     # bound state
     # (TODO: make the bound states scalar product possible ?)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Beispiel #3
    def _evaluate_integrand(q, k, test, eta, potential):
        Evaluate the integrand used to compute the strength function

        q: float
            Wavenumber of the continuum state considered.
        k: float
            Wavenumber for which the strength function is evaluated.
        test: Function
            Test function.
        eta: float
            Infinitesimal for integration (if ``None``, default to 10
            times the value of the grid-step of the continuum basis
        potential: Potential
            Potential of the currently studied analytical case.

            Value of the integrand.
        # Even states contribution
        c_p = SWPContinuum(q, "e", potential)
        sp_p = c_p.scal_prod(test)
        # Odd states contribution
        if not test.is_even:
            c_m = SWPContinuum(q, "o", potential)
            sp_m = c_m.scal_prod(test)
            sp_m = 0.0
        # Add both contributions
        cont_contrib = abs(sp_p)**2 + abs(sp_m)**2
        # Return the evaluation of the integrand
        return eta * cont_contrib / ((q**2 / 2.0 - k**2 / 2.0)**2 + eta**2)
Beispiel #4
    def find_continuum_states(cls,
        Initialize a BasisSet instance made of SWPContinuum instances.
        The basis set has :math:`2*n_k` elements if ``even_only=False``,
        :math:`n_k` elements otherwise (where :math:`n_k` is the number
        of continuum states defined by the grid step ``hk`` and the
        minimal and maximal values of the wavenumber grid ``kmin`` and

        pot: SWPotential
            1D Square-Well Potential for which we look for the continuum
        kmax: float
            Wavenumber of the last continuum state.
        hk: float
            Grid step of the wavenumber grid.
        kmin: float
            Wavenumber of the first continuum state (optional)
        even_only: bool
            If ``True``, only even continuum states are created (default
            to ``False``)
        analytic: bool
            If ``True``, the scalar products will be computed
            analytically (default to ``True``).
        grid: numpy array or list or set
            Discretization grid of the wavefunctions of the continuum
            states (optional).

            Basis set of all continuum states defined by the grid of

            If ``hk``, ``kmin`` or ```kmax`` is not strictly positive.


        Let us start by defining a potential:

        >>> from siegpy.swpbasisset import SWPBasisSet
        >>> bs_ref = SWPBasisSet.from_file("doc/notebooks/siegerts.dat")
        >>> pot = bs_ref.potential

        The continuum states are found, given a potential and a grid
        of initial wavenumbers (note that the minimal and maximal
        wavenumber cannot be 0)

        >>> hk = 1; kmax = 3
        >>> bs = SWPBasisSet.find_continuum_states(pot, kmax, hk)
        >>> bs.wavenumbers
        [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0]

        It is possible to find only the even continuum states:

        >>> p = pot
        >>> bs = SWPBasisSet.find_continuum_states(p, kmax, hk, even_only=True)
        >>> bs.wavenumbers
        [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
        >>> assert len(bs.even) == 3 and bs.odd.is_empty

        The minimal wavenumber can set:

        >>> bs = SWPBasisSet.find_continuum_states(pot, kmax, hk, kmin=3)
        >>> bs.wavenumbers
        [3.0, 3.0]
        # Check the given values
        if kmax <= 0.0:
            raise WavenumberError(
                "The maximal wavenumber must be strictly positive.")
        if hk <= 0.0:
            raise WavenumberError(
                "The wavenumber grid step must be striclty positive")
        if kmin is None:
            kmin = hk
        elif kmin <= 0.0:
            raise WavenumberError(
                "The minimal wavenumber must be strictly positive.")
        # Initialize the grid of wavenumbers
        kgrid = np.arange(kmin, kmax + hk / 2, hk)
        # Initialize the basis set with the even states
        cont = [
            SWPContinuum(k, "e", pot, grid=grid, analytic=analytic)
            for k in kgrid
        # Add the odd continuum states to the basis set, if required
        if not even_only:
            cont += [
                SWPContinuum(k, "o", pot, grid=grid, analytic=analytic)
                for k in kgrid
        # Return a basis set made of the continuum states
        return cls(states=cont)
Beispiel #5
 def test_compute_wavefunction_raises_ValueError(self):
     # wrong grid: complex grid
     cplx_grid = 0.0j * np.zeros(len(xgrid))
     cplx_grid[0] = 1.0j  # Now it will raise an error
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         SWPContinuum(k, "e", pot, grid=cplx_grid)
Beispiel #6
 def test_parity_raises_ParityError(self, wrong_parity):
     # All other value than the correct parity (here, 'e') raise a
     # ParityError.
     with pytest.raises(ParityError):
         SWPContinuum(1, wrong_parity, pot)
Beispiel #7
 def test_init_raises_WavenumberError(self):
     # Due to a complex wavenumber
     with pytest.raises(WavenumberError):
         SWPContinuum(1j, "o", pot)
Beispiel #8
class TestSWPContinuum:
    def test_init_raises_WavenumberError(self):
        # Due to a complex wavenumber
        with pytest.raises(WavenumberError):
            SWPContinuum(1j, "o", pot)

        "value, expected",
            (c_e == SWPContinuum(k, "e", pot, grid=xgrid), True),
            (c_e == c_o, False),
            (c_e == Rectangular(-2.0, 2.0), False),
            (c_e != 1, True),
    def test_eq(self, value, expected):
        assert value == expected

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("wrong_parity", [1, "toto", None])
    def test_parity_raises_ParityError(self, wrong_parity):
        # All other value than the correct parity (here, 'e') raise a
        # ParityError.
        with pytest.raises(ParityError):
            SWPContinuum(1, wrong_parity, pot)

        "value, expected",
            (c_e.is_even, True),
            (c_o.is_even, False),
            (c_e.is_odd, False),
            (c_o.is_odd, True),
    def test_is_parity(self, value, expected):
        assert value == expected

        "state, expected",
        [(c_e_with_grid, c_e_expected), (c_o_with_grid, c_o_expected)],
    def test_compute_wavefunction(self, state, expected):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(state.values, expected)

    def test_compute_wavefunction_raises_ValueError(self):
        # wrong grid: complex grid
        cplx_grid = 0.0j * np.zeros(len(xgrid))
        cplx_grid[0] = 1.0j  # Now it will raise an error
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            SWPContinuum(k, "e", pot, grid=cplx_grid)

        "value, expected",
            (c_e.scal_prod(r1), -0.90635923273823826 - 1.0929535715333105j),
            (c_o.scal_prod(r1), 0.0j),
            (c_e.scal_prod(r1p), 8.1518896862942469 + 0.90334965979254944j),
            (c_o.scal_prod(r1p), 0.044058371125370144 - 0.091660394131671374j),
            (c_e.scal_prod(r1m), -0.62073133482877063 + 8.1782662389604024j),
             -0.044058371125370144 + 0.091660394131671374j),
            (c_e.scal_prod(r2p), -0.46402741449617413 - 0.53088816154466156j),
            (c_o.scal_prod(r2p), 0.30059494527010172 - 0.58538480308246721j),
            (c_e.scal_prod(r2m), -0.43585286304346693 - 0.55425261681753712j),
            (c_o.scal_prod(r2m), -0.26937227999135543 + 0.60039259120519894j),
            (c_e.scal_prod(g1), -0.072629271280681904 - 0.087581632731056958j),
            (c_o.scal_prod(g1), 0.0j),
            (c_e.scal_prod(g2), -0.044201378011213856 - 0.053301221214571481j),
            (c_o.scal_prod(g2), -0.077013178199935931 - 0.037017898720824186j),
    def test_analytical_scal_prod(self, value, expected):
        decimal = 14
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(value, expected, decimal=decimal)

        "value, expected",
             0.26626637332669501 + 0.32108326720237679j),
            (c_o_na.scal_prod(r_na_1), 0.0j),
             -0.52973455183891471 - 0.63879226854430993j),
             -0.49218097140147571 - 0.59350744285884549j),
             1.5309260929446813 + 0.7358697353142144j),
             0.0052031824473088156 - 0.94598903180912952j),
             -0.22338282414061131 - 0.26937117937892679j),
            (c_o_na.scal_prod(g_na_1), 0.0j),
             -0.22341030109728754 - 0.26940431308226365j),
             -0.16205020291442584 - 0.19541186501508359j),
             0.0017661284228762 + 0.0008489243609226155j),
             -0.16248453420586526 - 0.19555059652396745j),
    def test_numerical_scal_prod(self, value, expected):
        decimal = 14
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(value, expected, decimal=decimal)

    def test_scal_prod_raises_TypeError(self):
        # Scalar product not implemented for SWPSiegert,
        # even if it is known that it is zero for bound state.(TODO?)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Beispiel #9
siegerts_with_grid = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, grid=xgrid, nres=5)
siegerts_na_with_grid = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename,
bnd1 = siegerts_with_grid.bounds[0]
bnd2 = siegerts_with_grid.bounds[1]
res_na_1 = siegerts_na_with_grid.resonants[0]
res_na_2 = siegerts_na_with_grid.resonants[1]
h = 2.0
pot = bnd1.potential

# Variables for continuum states
k = 1.0
qq = q(k, pot.depth)
c_e = SWPContinuum(k, "e", pot)
c_o = SWPContinuum(k, "o", pot)
c_e_with_grid = SWPContinuum(k, "e", pot, grid=xgrid)
c_e_expected = np.array([
    -0.360072 + 0.434201j,
    -0.188472 + 0.227273j,
    0.107958 - 0.130183j,
    0.014460 - 0.017436j,
    -0.111701 + 0.134697j,
    0.014460 - 0.017436j,
    0.107958 - 0.130183j,
    -0.188472 + 0.227273j,
    -0.360072 + 0.434201j,
c_o_with_grid = SWPContinuum(k, "o", pot, grid=xgrid)
c_o_expected = np.array([
Beispiel #10
siegerts = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, nres=5)
bounds = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, bounds_only=True)
bnds = siegerts.bounds
abnds = siegerts.antibounds
res = siegerts.resonants
ares = siegerts.antiresonants
cont = siegerts.continuum
pot = siegerts.potential
l = pot.width
xgrid = np.linspace(-l / 2, l / 2, 5)
siegerts_grid = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, nres=5, grid=xgrid)

# Analytical continuum SWPBasisSet
k = 1.0
k_2 = 2.0
c_e = SWPContinuum(k, "e", pot, grid=xgrid)
c_o = SWPContinuum(k, "o", pot, grid=xgrid)
c_e_2 = SWPContinuum(k_2, "e", pot, grid=xgrid)
c_o_2 = SWPContinuum(k_2, "o", pot, grid=xgrid)
r = Rectangular.from_center_and_width(0.25, 2.0)
r_even = Rectangular(-1.0, 1.0)
bnds_grid = siegerts_grid.bounds
exact_grid = siegerts_grid.bounds + [c_e, c_o, c_e_2, c_o_2]
kgrid = np.arange(0.1, 5.2, 1.0)
time_grid = [0.0, 1.0]

class TestSWPBasisSet:
    def test_init_raises_ValueError_not_SWPEigenstate(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            SWPBasisSet(states=[Eigenstate([-1, 0, 1], [2, 1, 0], 1.0)])