Beispiel #1
from __future__ import division
from collections import deque
import itertools

from sim import logger, sleep, simulator

log = lambda x: logger.log(x, 4) #link layer

class Packet:
	"""Represents a network packet."""
	id_counter = itertools.count()

	def __init__(self, origin, dest, message): =
		self.origin = origin
		self.dest = dest
		self.message = message

	def size(self):
		return (len(self.message) if self.message else 0) + 4

class Link:
	"""Represents a unidirectional link."""
	id_counter = itertools.count()

	def __init__(self, source, dest, prop_delay, bandwidth):
		"""Creates a Link between the specified Hosts, with the given performance.
		(This also adds the Link to the source Host's outgoing links.)""" =
		self.dest = dest
Beispiel #2
from link import Link
from sim import logger

log = lambda x: logger.log(x, 2) #transport layer

class Host:
	"""Represent a host on the Internet.
	Currently, a host may have exactly one IP address.

	def __init__(self, ip):
		"""Construct a host with the given ip address."""
		self.ip = ip
		self.routing = {} #ip address to link
		Link(self, self, 0, 100000)

	# data transfer

	def send(self, packet):
		"""Send packet."""
		except KeyError:
			log('{host.ip} has no entry for {packet.dest}', host=self, packet=packet)

	def received(self, packet):
		"""Called (by Link) to deliver a packet to this Host."""
		if packet.dest != self.ip:
			log('{host.ip} received packet for ip {packet.dest}'.format(host=self, packet=packet))
		log('{host.ip} received packet {}'.format(host=self, packet=packet))