Beispiel #1
def getWeights(s, config, badRunFile):

    # IC86 simulation files are already weighted
    if config in ['IC86','IC86-II','IC86-III']:
        return None

    sim = int(simFunctions.cfg2sim(config))
    from icecube.weighting.fluxes import Hoerandel5
    from icecube.weighting.weighting import from_simprod

    # Load bad simulation files
    with open(badRunFile, 'r') as f:
        badFiles = f.readlines()
        badFiles = [l.strip() for l in badFiles if str(sim) in l.split('/')]
        nbad = len(badFiles)

    # Make generator
    nfiles, generator = from_simprod(sim)
    nfiles -= nbad
    generator *= nfiles
    flux = Hoerandel5()

    print 'Calculating weights...'
    weights = flux(s['energy'], s['type']) / \
            generator(s['energy'], s['type'])

    # Eliminate CNO and MgSiAl components that weighting can't deal with
    weights[weights!=weights] = 0
    weights[weights==np.inf]  = 0

    return weights
Beispiel #2
    with open(badRunFile, 'r') as f:
        badFiles = f.readlines()
        badFiles = [f.strip() for f in badFiles]

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    print 'Submitting %i batches...' % len(batches)
    for batch in batches:

        # Necessary cleaner (temporary)
        if not args.check:
            batch = [f for f in batch if f not in badFiles]

        # Name outfile
        sim = simFunctions.cfg2sim(args.config)
        simBase = '%s/%s_%s' % (my.ani_sim, args.config, sim)
        start = batch[0].split('.')[-3]
        end   = batch[-1].split('.')[-3]
        out = '%s_%s_%s.npy' % (simBase, start, end)
        if args.check:
            out = out.replace('.npy', '_badFiles.npy')
        print out

        batch.insert(0, gcd)
        batch = ' '.join(batch)

        cmd  = 'python %s/%s' % (cwd, cmdScript)
        ex = ' '.join([cmd, args.config, out, batch])
        if not args.test:
            ex = ' '.join(['./', my.env, ex])