async def test_all_group(make_engine):
    engine = await make_engine()
    sync_engine = make_engine(False)
    async with engine.acquire() as conn:
        # now check the only available group is the all group
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == 1

        result = await conn.execute(
   == GroupType.EVERYONE))
        all_group_gid = (await result.fetchone()).gid
        assert all_group_gid == 1  # it's the first group so it gets a 1
        # try removing the all group
        with pytest.raises(RaiseException):
            await conn.execute(
                groups.delete().where(groups.c.gid == all_group_gid))

        # check adding a user is automatically added to the all group
        result = await conn.execute(users.insert().values(
        user: RowProxy = await result.fetchone()

        result = await conn.execute(
            user_to_groups.c.gid == all_group_gid))
        user_to_groups_row: RowProxy = await result.fetchone()
        assert user_to_groups_row.uid ==
        assert user_to_groups_row.gid == all_group_gid

        # try removing the all group
        with pytest.raises(RaiseException):
            await conn.execute(
                groups.delete().where(groups.c.gid == all_group_gid))

        # remove the user now
        await conn.execute(users.delete().where( ==
        users_count = await conn.scalar(users.count())
        assert users_count == 0

        # check the all group still exists
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == 1
        result = await conn.execute(
   == GroupType.EVERYONE))
        all_group_gid = (await result.fetchone()).gid
        assert all_group_gid == 1  # it's the first group so it gets a 1
async def test_own_group(make_engine):
    engine = await make_engine()
    sync_engine = make_engine(False)
    async with engine.acquire() as conn:
        result = await conn.execute(users.insert().values(
        user: RowProxy = await result.fetchone()
        assert not user.primary_gid

        # now fetch the same user that shall have a primary group set by the db
        result = await conn.execute( ==
        user: RowProxy = await result.fetchone()
        assert user.primary_gid

        # now check there is a primary group
        result = await conn.execute(
   == GroupType.PRIMARY))
        primary_group: RowProxy = await result.fetchone()
        assert primary_group.gid == user.primary_gid

        groups_count = await conn.scalar(
            groups.count().where(groups.c.gid == user.primary_gid))
        assert groups_count == 1

        relations_count = await conn.scalar(user_to_groups.count())
        assert relations_count == 2  # own group + all group

        # try removing the primary group
        with pytest.raises(ForeignKeyViolation):
            await conn.execute(
                groups.delete().where(groups.c.gid == user.primary_gid))

        # now remove the users should remove the primary group
        await conn.execute(users.delete().where( ==
        users_count = await conn.scalar(users.count())
        assert users_count == 0
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == 1  # the all group is still around
        relations_count = await conn.scalar(user_to_groups.count())
        assert relations_count == (users_count + users_count)
async def test_group(make_engine):
    engine = await make_engine()
    sync_engine = make_engine(False)
    async with engine.acquire() as conn:
        rory_group = await _create_group(conn,
                                         name="Rory Storm and the Hurricanes")
        quarrymen_group = await _create_group(conn, name="The Quarrymen")
        await _create_user(conn, "John", quarrymen_group)
        await _create_user(conn, "Paul", quarrymen_group)
        await _create_user(conn, "Georges", quarrymen_group)
        pete = await _create_user(conn, "Pete", quarrymen_group)
        ringo = await _create_user(conn, "Ringo", rory_group)

        # rationale: following linux user/group system, each user has its own group (primary group) + whatever other group (secondary groups)
        # check DB contents
        users_count = await conn.scalar(users.count())
        assert users_count == 5
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == (
            users_count + 2 + 1
        )  # user primary groups, other groups, all group
        relations_count = await conn.scalar(user_to_groups.count())
        assert relations_count == (users_count + users_count + users_count)

        # change group name
        result = await conn.execute(
            groups.update().where(groups.c.gid == quarrymen_group.gid).values(
                name="The Beatles").returning(literal_column("*")))
        beatles_group = await result.fetchone()
        assert beatles_group.modified > quarrymen_group.modified

        # delete 1 user
        await conn.execute(users.delete().where( ==

        # check DB contents
        users_count = await conn.scalar(users.count())
        assert users_count == 4
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == (users_count + 2 + 1)
        relations_count = await conn.scalar(user_to_groups.count())
        assert relations_count == (users_count + users_count + users_count)

        # add one user to another group
        await conn.execute(user_to_groups.insert().values(
  , gid=beatles_group.gid))

        # check DB contents
        users_count = await conn.scalar(users.count())
        assert users_count == 4
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == (users_count + 2 + 1)
        relations_count = await conn.scalar(user_to_groups.count())
        assert relations_count == (users_count + users_count + 1 + users_count)

        # delete 1 group
        await conn.execute(
            groups.delete().where(groups.c.gid == rory_group.gid))

        # check DB contents
        users_count = await conn.scalar(users.count())
        assert users_count == 4
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == (users_count + 1 + 1)
        relations_count = await conn.scalar(user_to_groups.count())
        assert relations_count == (users_count + users_count + users_count)

        # delete the other group
        await conn.execute(
            groups.delete().where(groups.c.gid == beatles_group.gid))

        # check DB contents
        users_count = await conn.scalar(users.count())
        assert users_count == 4
        groups_count = await conn.scalar(groups.count())
        assert groups_count == (users_count + 0 + 1)
        relations_count = await conn.scalar(user_to_groups.count())
        assert relations_count == (users_count + users_count)