Beispiel #1
def test_sim_add_numpy_array():
    "now we add an array asn specifically copy the memory"
    sim = Simulation()
    a = np.arange(3)
    sim.addQuantity('a', a, copy=False)
    assert sim.a is not a
    assert sim.a.base is a
Beispiel #2
def test_sim_add_quantity():
    "test adding quantities or numpy arrays to the simulation"

    sim = Simulation()
    a = np.arange(3)
    q = Quantity(np.ones(3))

    # 1. adding a quantity makes a new object

    sim.addQuantity('q', q)
    assert sim.q is not q

    # 2. adding a quantity can be forced to keep that object

    sim.addQuantity('q', q, copy=False)
    assert sim.q is q

    # 3. adding a numpy array will lead to a new memory buffer

    sim.addQuantity('a', a)
    assert id(sim.a) != id(a)
    assert sim.a.base is not a

    # 4. but that can also be overridden. Note: a new object
    # is created here (a Quantity from a ndarray), but the memory
    # is identical, i.e. changes in `a` will be reflected in `sim.a`.
    # use this with caution!!
    sim.addQuantity('a', a, copy=False)
    assert id(sim.a) != id(a)
    assert sim.a.base is a
Beispiel #3
def test_assigning_faulty_list():
    sim = Simulation()

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        sim.update_order = ['a', 5]

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        sim.update_order = 5
Beispiel #4
def get_defaults():
    u = Updater(func=fct)
    sim = Simulation()
    a = Quantity(5, info='a', updater=u, constant=True)
    b = Quantity(a)

    sim.addQuantity('a', a, info='newinfo')
    return sim, a, b, u
Beispiel #5
def test_assign_quantity():
    "check if assigning quantities works as desired"

    sim = Simulation()
    a = Quantity(5)
    b = Quantity(6)
    sim.a = a
    assert sim.a == a

    sim.a = b
    assert sim.a == b

    sim.a = 7
    assert sim.a == 7
Beispiel #6
from simobject import Quantity, Updater, Simulation

import numpy as np
import pytest

def fct(field):
    field.setvalue(field * 2)

sim = Simulation()
u = Updater(func=fct)

def get_defaults():
    a = Quantity(5, info='a', updater=u, constant=True, owner=sim)
    b = Quantity(a)
    return a, b

def test_quantity_copy():
    "test if the memory is not copied by default, but that we can force it"
    a = np.arange(3)
    b = Quantity(a)

    assert b.base is a

    b = Quantity(a, copy=True)

    assert b.base is not a
Beispiel #7
def test_data_object():
    sim = Simulation()

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError): = {'a': 5}
Beispiel #8
def test_simulation_repr():
    "test the string representation"
    sim = Simulation()

    sim.addQuantity('a', Quantity([1, 2, 3], info='length'))
    sim.addQuantity('dust surface density', Quantity([1, 2, 3], info='length', constant=True))
    sim.addQuantity('b', Quantity([1, 2, 3], info='length', constant=True))
    sim.addQuantity('_c', Quantity([1, 2, 3], info='length', constant=True))

    sim._quantities['d'] = 5

    string = 'Simulation\n\n           Quantity: a            (length)\n    Const. Quantity: b            (length)\n           int    : d           \n    Const. Quantity: dust surf... (length)\n'

    assert sim.__repr__() == string

    assert len(sim.__dir__()) == 53
Beispiel #9
def test_simulation():
    """run a toy simulation

    set up a dummy simulation to check if the values update as we expect.
    sim = Simulation()

    yinit = 2.0
    zinit = 3.0

    sim.addQuantity('nx', Quantity(100, 'size of x', constant=True))
    sim.addQuantity('x', Quantity(np.linspace(0, 1, sim.nx), info='x grid', constant=True))
    sim.addQuantity('y', Quantity(yinit * np.ones_like(sim.x), info='y value', constant=False))
    sim.addQuantity('z', Quantity(zinit * np.ones_like(sim.x), info='z value', constant=False))

    sim.addQuantity('time', Quantity(0.0, 'simulation time [s]'))
    sim.addQuantity('dt', Quantity(1.0, 'time step [s]'))

    def timeupdate(time):
        time += time.owner.dt

    def dummyupdate(y):
        y *= 2

    sim.time.updater = timeupdate
    sim.y.updater = dummyupdate
    sim.z.updater = dummyupdate

    sim.diastoler = DataUpdater(['time', 'y', 'z'])

    # check if the update order properties work as desired

    order = ['nx', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'time', 'dt']
    new_order = order[::-1]

    for _order in [sim.systole_order, sim.update_order, sim.diastole_order]:
        assert _order == order

    sim.systole_order = new_order
    sim.update_order = new_order
    sim.diastole_order = new_order

    for _order in [sim.systole_order, sim.update_order, sim.diastole_order]:
        assert _order == new_order

    # now check that things after the update are as expected


    # check if time and values were updated

    assert sim.time == sim.dt
    assert sim.y[0] == yinit * 2.0
    assert sim.z[1] == zinit * 2.0

    assert['y'].shape[0] == 1
    assert['y'].shape[1] == sim.nx


    assert sim.time == 2.0 * sim.dt
    assert sim.y[-2] == yinit * 4.0
    assert sim.z[-1] == zinit * 4.0

    assert['z'].shape[0] == 2
    assert['z'].shape[1] == sim.nx
Beispiel #10
def test_several_steps():
    sim = Simulation()
    sim.addQuantity('time', Quantity(0, 'simulation time'))
    sim.addQuantity('dt', Quantity(1, 'time step'))

    def timeupdate(time):
        time += time.owner.dt

    sim.time.updater = timeupdate

    sim.diastoler = DataUpdater(['time'])


    assert sim.time == 4
    assert np.all(['time'][:, 0] == [1, 2, 3, 4])