Beispiel #1
 def setup(cls):
     bdc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_bdc_te1550, [0, 1, 2, 3])
     term1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_terminator_te1550, [2])
     y1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550, [4, 0, 1])
     gc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_gc_te1550, [3, -2])
     wg1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, [4, -1],
                                  extras={'length': 40e-6})
     cls.components = [bdc1, term1, y1, gc1, wg1] = core.Netlist(components=cls.components)
Beispiel #2
 def test_parsing_listoflists(self):
     bdc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_bdc_te1550)
     term1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_terminator_te1550)
     y1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550)
     gc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_gc_te1550)
     c1 = [bdc1, bdc1, bdc1, bdc1]
     p1 = [0, 1, 2, 3]
     c2 = [y1, y1, term1, gc1]
     p2 = [0, 1, 0, 0]
     data = zip(c1, p1, c2, p2)
     nl = core.Netlist()
     nl.load(data, formatter='ll')
Beispiel #3
    def test_Simulation_MatchPorts(self):
        bdc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_bdc_te1550, [0, 1, 2, 3])
        term1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_terminator_te1550, [2])
        y1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550, [-1, 0, 1])
        gc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_gc_te1550, [3, -2])
        components = [bdc1, term1, y1, gc1]

        nl = core.Netlist(components=components)
        c1, n1, c2, n2 = sim.match_ports(3, nl.components)
        assert c1 == 0
        assert n1 == 3
        assert c2 == 3
        assert n2 == 0
Beispiel #4
 def test_netlist_InstancesFromComponentModels(self):
     class RingResonator(core.ComponentModel):
         ports = 4
         s_parameters = ([1500, 1550, 1600], [0,0,0])
         cachable = True
     nl = core.Netlist()
     c1 = core.ComponentInstance(RingResonator, [0,1,2,3], {'lay_x':3.1, 'lay_y':4})
     c2 = core.ComponentInstance(RingResonator, [4,1,2,5])
     assert len(nl.components) == 2
Beispiel #5
    def test_mzi(self):
        y1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550)
        y2 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550)
        wg1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':50e-6})
        wg2 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':150e-6})

        c1 = [y1, y1, y2, y2]
        p1 = [1, 2, 2, 1]
        c2 = [wg1, wg2, wg1, wg2]
        p2 = [0, 0, 1, 1]
        con = zip(c1, p1, c2, p2)

        nl = core.Netlist()
        nl.load(con, formatter='ll')
        simu = sim.Simulation(nl)

        freq = simu.freq_array
        zero2zero = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 0, 0])**2
        zero2one = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 0, 1])**2
        one2zero = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 1, 0])**2
        one2one = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 1, 1])**2

        # np.savez('test_simphony_test_mzi', freq=freq, zero2zero=zero2zero, zero2one=zero2one, one2zero=one2zero, one2one=one2one)
        expected = np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'benchmarks', 'test_simphony_test_mzi.npz'))
        assert np.all(freq == expected['freq'])
        assert np.all(zero2zero == expected['zero2zero'])
        assert np.all(zero2one == expected['zero2one'])
        assert np.all(one2zero == expected['one2zero'])
        assert np.all(one2one == expected['one2one'])

        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # plt.subplot(221)
        # plt.plot(freq, zero2zero)
        # plt.subplot(222)
        # plt.plot(freq, zero2one)
        # plt.subplot(223)
        # plt.plot(freq, one2zero)
        # plt.subplot(224)
        # plt.plot(freq, one2one)
        # plt.suptitle("MZI")
Beispiel #6
def spice_netlist_export(self) -> (str, str, core.Netlist):
    This function gathers information from the current top cell in Klayout into
    a netlist for a photonic circuit. This netlist is used in simulations.

    Code for this function is taken and adapted from a function in 
    which does the same thing, but to create a netlist for 
    Lumerical INTERCONNECT. This function has parts of that one removed 
    since they are not needed for this toolbox.

    import SiEPIC
    from SiEPIC import _globals
    from time import strftime
    from SiEPIC.utils import eng_str

    from SiEPIC.utils import get_technology
    TECHNOLOGY = get_technology()
    if not TECHNOLOGY['technology_name']:
        v = pya.MessageBox.warning(
            "SiEPIC-Tools requires a technology to be chosen.  \n\nThe active technology is displayed on the bottom-left of the KLayout window, next to the T. \n\nChange the technology using KLayout File | Layout Properties, then choose Technology and find the correct one (e.g., EBeam, GSiP).",
        return 'x', 'x', 0, [0]
    # get the netlist from the entire layout
    nets, components = self.identify_nets()

    if not components:
        v = pya.MessageBox.warning("Errors", "No components found.",
        return 'no', 'components', 0, ['found']

    text_subckt = '* Spice output from KLayout SiEPIC-Tools v%s, %s.\n\n' % (
        SiEPIC.__version__, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

    circuit_name ='.', '')  # remove "."
    if '_' in circuit_name[0]:
        circuit_name = ''.join(circuit_name.split('_', 1))  # remove leading _

    ioports = -1
    for c in components:
        # optical nets: must be ordered electrical, optical IO, then optical
        nets_str = ''
        for p in c.pins:
            if p.type == _globals.PIN_TYPES.ELECTRICAL:
                nets_str += " " + c.component + '_' + str(
                    c.idx) + '_' + p.pin_name
        for p in c.pins:
            if p.type == _globals.PIN_TYPES.OPTICALIO:
                nets_str += " N$" + str(ioports)
                ioports -= 1
        #pinIOtype = any([p for p in c.pins if p.type == _globals.PIN_TYPES.OPTICALIO])
        for p in c.pins:
            if p.type == _globals.PIN_TYPES.OPTICAL:
                if != None:
                    nets_str += " N$" + str(
                #if != None:
                #    nets_str += " N$" + str(
                    nets_str += " N$" + str(ioports)
                    ioports -= 1

        # Check to see if this component is an Optical IO type.
        pinIOtype = any(
            [p for p in c.pins if p.type == _globals.PIN_TYPES.OPTICALIO])

        component1 = c.component
        params1 = c.params

        text_subckt += ' %s %s %s ' % (component1.replace(' ', '_') + "_" +
                                       str(c.idx), nets_str,
                                       component1.replace(' ', '_'))
        x, y = c.Dcenter.x, c.Dcenter.y
        text_subckt += '%s lay_x=%s lay_y=%s\n' % \
            (params1, eng_str(x * 1e-6), eng_str(y * 1e-6))

    om = NetlistParser()
    om_components = om.parse_text(text_subckt)
    nl = core.Netlist()
    nl.components = om_components

    return text_subckt, "output", nl, om.external_list
Beispiel #7
                                 'ng': 1.3
wg2 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550,
                                 'length': 150e-6,
                                 'ne': 12.15,
                                 'ng': -3.7

c1 = [y1, y1, y2, y2, bg_in, bg_out]
p1 = [1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0]
c2 = [wg1, wg2, wg1, wg2, y1, y2]
p2 = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
con = zip(c1, p1, c2, p2)

nl = core.Netlist()
nl.load(con, formatter='ll')
simu = sim.Simulation(nl)

freq = simu.freq_array
zero2zero = np.log10(abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 0, 0])**2)
zero2one = np.log10(abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 0, 1])**2)
one2zero = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 1, 0])**2
one2one = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 1, 1])**2

# assert np.all(freq == expected['freq'])
# assert np.all(zero2zero == expected['zero2zero'])
# assert np.all(zero2one == expected['zero2one'])
# assert np.all(one2zero == expected['one2zero'])
# assert np.all(one2one == expected['one2one'])
Beispiel #8
 def test_Netlist_unparameterized_initialization(self): = core.Netlist()
     for i in range(len(self.components)):[i])
     assert len( == len(self.components)
Beispiel #9
 def test_Netlist_parameterized_initialization(self): = core.Netlist(components=self.components)
     assert == 4
     assert len( == len(self.components)
Beispiel #10
    def test_4Port_Circuit(self):
        gc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_gc_te1550)
        gc2 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_gc_te1550)
        gc3 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_gc_te1550)
        gc4 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_gc_te1550)

        y1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550)
        y2 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550)
        y3 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_y_1550)

        bdc1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_bdc_te1550)
        bdc2 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_bdc_te1550)

        term1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_terminator_te1550)

        wg1 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':165.51e-6})
        wg2 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':247.73e-6})
        wg3 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':642.91e-6})
        wg4 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':391.06e-6})

        wg5 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':10.45e-6})
        wg6 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':10.45e-6})
        wg7 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':10.45e-6})
        wg8 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':10.45e-6})

        wg9 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':162.29e-6})
        wg10 = core.ComponentInstance(dev.ebeam_wg_integral_1550, extras={'length':205.47e-6})

        connections = []
        connections.append([gc1, 0, wg1, 1])
        connections.append([gc3, 0, wg2, 1])
        connections.append([bdc1, 3, wg1, 0])
        connections.append([bdc1, 2, wg2, 0])
        connections.append([gc2, 0, y1, 0])
        connections.append([y1, 1, wg3, 0])
        connections.append([y1, 2, wg4, 0])
        connections.append([y2, 0, wg4, 1])
        connections.append([y3, 0, wg3, 1])
        connections.append([y2, 1, wg5, 1])
        connections.append([bdc1, 0, wg5, 0])
        connections.append([bdc1, 1, wg6, 1])
        connections.append([y3, 2, wg6, 0])
        connections.append([y2, 2, wg7, 0])
        connections.append([y3, 1, wg8, 1])
        connections.append([bdc2, 2, wg7, 1])
        connections.append([bdc2, 3, wg8, 0])
        connections.append([bdc2, 0, wg9, 0])
        connections.append([term1, 0, wg9, 1])
        connections.append([bdc2, 1, wg10, 0])
        connections.append([gc4, 0, wg10, 1])

        nl = core.Netlist()
        nl.load(connections, formatter='ll')

        simu = sim.Simulation(nl)

        freq = simu.freq_array
        two2zero = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 2, 0])**2
        two2one = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 2, 1])**2
        two2two = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 2, 2])**2
        two2three = abs(simu.s_parameters()[:, 2, 3])**2

        # np.savez('test_simphony_test_4Port_Circuit', freq=freq, two2zero=two2zero, two2one=two2one, two2two=two2two, two2three=two2three)
        expected = np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'benchmarks', 'test_simphony_test_4Port_Circuit.npz'))
        assert np.all(freq == expected['freq'])
        assert np.all(two2zero == expected['two2zero'])
        assert np.all(two2one == expected['two2one'])
        assert np.all(two2two == expected['two2two'])
        assert np.all(two2three == expected['two2three'])