Beispiel #1
    def finalize(self, context, transaction):
        Finalizes this transaction, which will verify that all states are set corectly, and print the transaction.

        context : Context
            The associated context.
        transaction : Transaction
            The transaction that should be finalized.
        if self.result is None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A transaction cannot be completed without a result status.")
        if self.result.initial_state is None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A transaction cannot be completed without an initial state.")
        if self.result.final_state is None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A transaction cannot be completed without a final state.")
        if set(self.result.initial_state.keys()) != set(
            raise LogicError(
                "Both initial and final transaction state must have the same keys."

        self.result.title = transaction.title =
        print_transaction(context, self.result)

        if not self.result.success:
            raise TransactionError(self.result)
Beispiel #2
def template(context: Context, dst: str, src: str = None, content: str = None, mode=None, owner=None, group=None):
    Templates the given src file or given content and copies the output to the remote host at dst.
    Either content or src must be specified.

    context : Context
        The context providing the execution context and templating dictionary.
    src : str, optional
        The local source file path relative to the project directory. Will be templated. Mutually exclusive with content.
    content : str, optional
        The content for the file. Will be templated. Mutually exclusive with src.
    dst : str
        The remote destination file path. Will be templated.
    mode : int, optional
        The new file mode. Defaults the current context file creation mode.
    owner : str, optional
        The new file owner. Defaults the current context owner.
    group : str, optional
        The new file group. Defaults the current context group.

        The completed transaction
    if src is not None:
        src = template_str(context, src)
    dst = template_str(context, dst)

    if content is None and src is None:
        raise LogicError("Either src or content must be given.")
    if content is not None and src is not None:
        raise LogicError("Exactly one of src or content must be given.")

    def get_content():
        if content is not None:
            return template_str(context, content)

        # Get templated content
            templ =
        except TemplateNotFound as e:
            raise LogicError("Template not found: " + str(e)) from e

            return templ.render(context.vars_dict)
        except UndefinedError as e:
            raise MessageError(f"Error while templating '{src}': " + str(e)) from e

    return remote_upload(context, get_content, title="template", name=dst, dst=dst, mode=mode, owner=owner, group=group)
Beispiel #3
def check_valid_relative_path(path):
    Asserts that a given path is non empty and relative.

    path : str
        The path to check.
    if not path:
        raise LogicError("Path must be non-empty")
    if path[0] == "/":
        raise LogicError("Path must be relative")
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, manager):
        self.manager = manager

        if self.identifier is None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A task must override the static variable 'identifier'")
        if self.description is None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A task must override the static variable 'description'")

        # Initialize variable defaults
        self.var_enabled = f"tasks.{self.identifier}.enabled"
        self.manager.set(self.var_enabled, True)
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, manager):
     if self.tracking_repo_url is None:
         raise LogicError(
             "A tracked task must override the variable 'tracking_repo_url'"
     if self.tracking_local_dst is None:
         raise LogicError(
             "A tracked task must override the variable 'tracking_local_dst'"
     if self.tracking_paths == []:
         raise LogicError(
             "A tracked task must override the variable 'tracking_paths'")
     self.tracking_id = None
Beispiel #6
def check_valid_key(key: str, msg: str = "Invalid key"):
    Asserts that a given key is a valid identifier.

    key : str
        The key to check.
    msg : str, optional
        The message to raise when the check fails.
    if not key:
        raise LogicError("Invalid empty key")
    if '..' in key or not all([k.isidentifier() for k in key.split('.')]):
        raise LogicError(f"{msg}: '{key}' is not a valid identifier")
Beispiel #7
    def set(self, key, value):
        Sets the given variable.

        key : str
            The key that should be read.
        value : Any, optional
            The value to be stored. Must be json (de-)serializable.
        d = self.vars
        cs = []
        keys = key.split('.')
        for k in keys[:-1]:
            if k not in d:
                d[k] = {}
            d = d[k]

            if not isinstance(d, dict):
                csname = '.'.join(cs)
                raise LogicError(f"Cannot set variable '{key}' because existing variable '{csname}' is not a dictionary")

        if self.warn_on_redefinition and keys[-1] in d:
            print(f"warning: Redefinition of variable '{key}': previous={d[keys[-1]]} new={value}")

        d[keys[-1]] = value
Beispiel #8
    def failure(self, reason, set_final_state=False, **kwargs):
        Completes the transaction, marking it as failed with the given reason.
        If reason is a RemoteExecError, additional information will be printed.

        reason : str
            The reason for the failure.
        set_final_state : bool
            If true, the final transaction state will be set. Defaults to false.
            Final state assocations

            The completed transaction.
        if isinstance(reason, RemoteExecError):
            e = reason
            reason = f"{type(e).__name__}: {str(e)}\n"
            reason += e.ret.stderr

        if set_final_state:

        if self.result is not None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A transaction cannot be completed multiple times.")
        self.result = CompletedTransaction(self,
        return self.result
Beispiel #9
 def __enter__(self):
     Begins a new transaction
     if self.transaction_context is not None:
         raise LogicError("A transaction may only be started once.")
     self.transaction_context = ActiveTransaction()
     return self.transaction_context
Beispiel #10
def generic_package(context: Context, atom: str, state: str, is_installed,
                    install, uninstall):
    Installs or uninstalls (depending if state == "present" or "absent") the given
    package atom. Additional options to emerge can be passed via opts, and will be appended
    before the package atom. opts will be templated.

    context : Context
        The context providing the execution context and templating dictionary.
    atom : str
        The package name to be installed or uninstalled. Will be templated.
    state : str
        The desired state, either "present" or "absent".
    is_installed : Callable[[Context, str], bool]
        Callback used to determine if a given package is installed.
    install : Callable[[Context, str], None]
        Callback used to install a package on the remote.
    uninstall : Callable[[Context, str], None]
        Callback used to uninstall a package on the remote.

        The completed transaction
    # pylint: disable=R0801
    if state not in ["present", "absent"]:
        raise LogicError(f"Invalid package state '{state}'")

    atom = template_str(context, atom)

    with context.transaction(title="package", name=atom) as action:
        # Query current state
        installed = is_installed(context, atom)

        # Record this initial state, and return early
        # if there is nothing to do
        should_install = (state == "present")
        if installed == should_install:
            return action.unchanged()

        # Record the final state

        # Apply actions to reach new state, if we aren't in pretend mode
        if not context.pretend:
            if should_install:
                install(context, atom)
                uninstall(context, atom)

        # Return success
        return action.success()
Beispiel #11
def directory(context: Context, path: str, mode=None, owner=None, group=None):
    Creates the given directory on the remote.

    context : Context
        The context providing the execution context and templating dictionary.
    path : str
        The directory path to create (will be templated). Parent directory must exist.
    mode : int, optional
        The new directory mode. Defaults the current context directory creation mode.
    owner : str, optional
        The new directory owner. Defaults the current context owner.
    group : str, optional
        The new directory group. Defaults the current context group.

        The completed transaction
    path = template_str(context, path)
    with context.transaction(title="dir", name=path) as action:
        mode, owner, group = resolve_mode_owner_group(context, mode, owner, group, context.dir_mode)

        # Get current state
        (cur_ft, cur_mode, cur_owner, cur_group) = remote_stat(context, path)
        # Record this initial state
        if cur_ft is None:
            action.initial_state(exists=False, mode=None, owner=None, group=None)
        elif cur_ft == "directory":
            action.initial_state(exists=True, mode=cur_mode, owner=cur_owner, group=cur_group)
            if mode == cur_mode and owner == cur_owner and group == cur_group:
                return action.unchanged()
            raise LogicError("Cannot create directory on remote: Path already exists and is not a directory")

        # Record the final state
        action.final_state(exists=True, mode=mode, owner=owner, group=group)
        # Apply actions to reach new state, if we aren't in pretend mode
        if not context.pretend:
                # If stat failed, the directory doesn't exist and we need to create it.
                if cur_ft is None:
                    context.remote_exec(["mkdir", path], checked=True)

                # Set permissions
                context.remote_exec(["chown", f"{owner}:{group}", path], checked=True)
                context.remote_exec(["chmod", mode, path], checked=True)
            except RemoteExecError as e:
                return action.failure(e)

        # Return success
        return action.success()
Beispiel #12
    def run_task(self, registered_task_class):
        Runs the registered instance (see Manager) for the given task class.

        registered_task_class : class(Task)
            The task class that should be executed. The registered instance is found first, and then called.
        instance = self.manager.tasks.get(registered_task_class.identifier,
        if not instance:
            raise LogicError(
                f"Cannot run unregistered task {registered_task_class}")
        if not isinstance(instance, registered_task_class):
            raise LogicError(
                "Cannot run unrelated task with the same identifier as a registered task."
Beispiel #13
    def final_state(self, **kwargs):
        Records the (expected) final state of the remote.

            Final state assocations
        if self.result is not None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A transaction cannot be altered after it is completed")
        self.final_state_dict = dict(kwargs)
Beispiel #14
    def get_content():
        if content is not None:
            return template_str(context, content)

        # Get templated content
            templ =
        except TemplateNotFound as e:
            raise LogicError("Template not found: " + str(e)) from e

            return templ.render(context.vars_dict)
        except UndefinedError as e:
            raise MessageError(f"Error while templating '{src}': " + str(e)) from e
Beispiel #15
        def get_or_throw(key):
            Retrieves a variable by the given key or raises a KeyError if no such key exists.
            d = self.vars
            cs = []
            for k in key.split('.'):
                if not isinstance(d, dict):
                    csname = '.'.join(cs)
                    raise LogicError(f"Cannot access variable '{key}' because '{csname}' is not a dictionary")

                if k not in d:
                    raise KeyError(f"Variable '{key}' does not exist")
                d = d[k]
            return d
Beispiel #16
    def _assert_tracking_repo_clean(self, context):
        Asserts that the tracking repository is clean, so we will never
        confuse different changes in a commit.
        (_, dst, _) = context.cache["tracking"][self.tracking_id]

        with context.defaults(user=self.tracking_user,
            if not context.pretend:
                # Assert that the repository is clean
                remote_status = context.remote_exec(
                    ["git", "-C", dst, "status", "--porcelain"], checked=True)
                if remote_status.stdout.strip() != "":
                    raise LogicError(
                        "Refusing operation: Tracking repository is not clean!"
Beispiel #17
    def success(self, **kwargs):
        Completes the transaction with successful status.

            Final state assocations

            The completed transaction.
        if self.result is not None:
            raise LogicError(
                "A transaction cannot be completed multiple times.")
        self.result = CompletedTransaction(self, success=True, store=kwargs)
        return self.result
Beispiel #18
def template_str(context: Context, content : str) -> str:
    Renders the given string template.

    context : Context
        The context providing the templating dictionary
    content : str
        The string to template

        The templated string
    templ = Template(content)
        return templ.render(context.vars_dict)
    except UndefinedError as e:
        raise LogicError(f"Error while templating string '{content}': " + str(e)) from e
Beispiel #19
    def encrypt_content(self, plaintext: bytes) -> bytes:
        Encrypts the given plaintext.

        plaintext : bytes
            The bytes to encrypt.

            The ciphertext
        if self.recipient is None:
            raise LogicError("GpgVault encryption requires a recipient")
            ["gpg", "--quiet", "--encrypt", "--recipient", self.recipient],
Beispiel #20
def user(context: Context,
         name: str,
         group: str = None,
         groups: list[str] = None,
         append_groups: bool = False,
         state: str = "present",
         system: bool = False,
         shell: str = None,
         password: str = None,
         home: str = None,
         create_home = True):
    # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915
    Creates or modifies a unix user. Because we interally call ``userdel``, removing a user will also remove
    it's associated primary group if no other user belongs to it.

    context : Context
        The context providing the execution context and templating dictionary.
    name : str
        The name of the user to create or modify. Will be templated.
    group: str, optional
        The primary group of the user. If given, the group must already exists. Otherwise, a group will be created with the same name as the user,
        if a user is created by this action. Will be templated.
    groups: list[str], optional
        Supplementary groups for the user.
    append_groups: bool
        If ``True``, the user will be added to all given supplementary groups. If ``False``, the user will be added to exactly the given supplementary groups and removed from other groups.
    state: str
        If "present" the user will be added / modified, if "absent" the user will be deleted ignoring all other parameters.
    system: bool
        If ``True`` the user will be created as a system user. This has no effect on existing users.
    shell: str
        Specifies the shell for the user. Defaults to ``/sbin/nologin`` if not given but a user needs to be created. Will be templated.
    password : str, optional
        Will update the password hash to the given vaule of the user. Use ``!`` to lock the account.
        Defaults to '!' if not given but a user needs to be created. Will be templated.
        You can generate a password hash by using the following script:

        >>> import crypt, getpass
        >>> crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass(), crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512))

    home: str, optional
        The home directory for the user. Will be left empty if not given but a user needs to be created. Will be templated.
    create_home: bool
        If ``True`` and home was given, create the home directory of the user if it doesn't exist.

        The completed transaction
    name     = template_str(context, name)
    group    = template_str(context, group)    if group    is not None else None
    home     = template_str(context, home)     if home     is not None else None
    password = template_str(context, password) if password is not None else None
    shell    = template_str(context, shell)    if shell    is not None else None

    # pylint: disable=R0801
    if state not in ["present", "absent"]:
        raise LogicError(f"Invalid user state '{state}'")

    if home is not None:

    with context.transaction(title="user", name=name) as action:
        pwinfo = context.remote_exec(["python", "-c", (
            'import sys,grp,pwd,spwd\n'
            '    p=pwd.getpwnam(sys.argv[1])\n'
            'except KeyError:\n'
            '    print("0:")\n'
            '    sys.exit(0)\n'
            'grps=\',\'.join([sg.gr_name for sg in grp.getgrall() if p.pw_name in sg.gr_mem])\n'
            , name], checked=True)
        exists = pwinfo.stdout.strip().startswith('1:')
        if exists:
            ( _
            , cur_group
            , cur_groups
            , cur_home
            , cur_shell
            , cur_password
            ) = pwinfo.stdout.strip().split(':')
            cur_groups = list(sorted(set([] if cur_groups == '' else cur_groups.split(','))))
            cur_group    = None
            cur_groups   = []
            cur_home     = None
            cur_shell    = None
            cur_password = None

        if state == "absent":
            if not exists:
                return action.unchanged()

            if not context.pretend:
                    context.remote_exec(["userdel", name], checked=True)
                except RemoteExecError as e:
                    return action.failure(e)
            action.initial_state(exists=exists, group=cur_group, groups=cur_groups, home=cur_home, shell=cur_shell, pw=cur_password)
            fin_group    = group or cur_group or name
            fin_groups   = cur_groups if groups is None else list(sorted(set(cur_groups + groups if append_groups else groups)))
            fin_home     = home or cur_home
            fin_shell    = shell or cur_shell or '/sbin/nologin'
            fin_password = password or cur_password or '!'
            action.final_state(exists=True, group=fin_group, groups=fin_groups, home=fin_home, shell=fin_shell, pw=fin_password)

            if not context.pretend:
                    if exists:
                        # Only apply changes to the existing user
                        if cur_group != fin_group:
                            context.remote_exec(["usermod", "--gid", fin_group, name], checked=True)

                        if cur_groups != fin_groups:
                            context.remote_exec(["usermod", "--groups", ','.join(fin_groups), name], checked=True)

                        if cur_home != fin_home:
                            context.remote_exec(["usermod", "--home", fin_home, name], checked=True)

                        if cur_shell != fin_shell:
                            context.remote_exec(["usermod", "--shell", fin_shell, name], checked=True)

                        if cur_password != fin_password:
                            context.remote_exec(["usermod", "--password", fin_password, name], checked=True)
                        # Create a new user so that is results in the given final state
                        command = ["useradd"]
                        if system:

                        # Primary group
                        if group is None:
                            command.extend(["--no-user-group", "--gid", group])

                        # Supplementary groups
                        if len(fin_groups) > 0:
                            command.extend(["--groups", ','.join(fin_groups)])

                        command.extend(["--no-create-home", "--home-dir", fin_home or ''])
                        command.extend(["--shell", fin_shell])
                        command.extend(["--password", fin_password])

                        context.remote_exec(command, checked=True)
                except RemoteExecError as e:
                    return action.failure(e)

        # Remember result
        action_result = action.success()

    # Create home directory afterwards if necessary
    if state == "present" and create_home and cur_home is None and fin_home:
        directory(context, path=fin_home, mode=0o700, owner=name, group=fin_group)

    return action_result
Beispiel #21
def group(context: Context,
          name: str,
          state: str = "present",
          system: bool = False):
    Creates or deletes a unix group.

    context : Context
        The context providing the execution context and templating dictionary.
    name : str
        The name of the user to create or modify. Will be templated.
    state: str
        If "present" the user will be added / modified, if "absent" the user will be deleted ignoring all other parameters.
    system: bool
        If ``True`` the user will be created as a system user. This has no effect on existing users.

        The completed transaction
    name = template_str(context, name)

    # pylint: disable=R0801
    if state not in ["present", "absent"]:
        raise LogicError(f"Invalid user state '{state}'")

    with context.transaction(title="group", name=name) as action:
        grinfo = context.remote_exec(["python", "-c", (
            'import sys,grp\n'
            '    g=grp.getgrnam(sys.argv[1])\n'
            'except KeyError:\n'
            '    print("0")\n'
            '    sys.exit(0)\n'
            , name], checked=True)
        exists = grinfo.stdout.strip().startswith('1')

        if state == "absent":
            if not exists:
                return action.unchanged()

            if not context.pretend:
                    context.remote_exec(["groupdel", name], checked=True)
                except RemoteExecError as e:
                    return action.failure(e)
            if exists:
                return action.unchanged()

            if not context.pretend:
                    command = ["groupadd"]
                    if system:
                    context.remote_exec(command, checked=True)
                except RemoteExecError as e:
                    return action.failure(e)

        return action.success()
Beispiel #22
def resolve_mode_owner_group(context: Context, mode, owner, group, fallback_mode):
    Canonicalize mode, owner and group. If any of them is None, the respective
    variable will be replaced with the context default.

    context : Context
        The host execution context
    mode : int
        The mode to canonicalize. May be None.
    owner : str
        User id or name for the owner. User will be verified as existing on the remote.
    group : str
        Group id or name for the group. Group will be verified as existing on the remote.
    fallback_mode : int
        The fallback_mode to canonicalize in case mode = None. Usually set to either context.file_mode or context.dir_mode.

    (str, str, str)
        A tuple of (resolved_mode, resolved_owner, resolved_group)
    # Resolve mode to string
    resolved_mode = _mode_to_str(fallback_mode if mode is None else mode)

    # Resolve owner name/uid to name
    owner = context.owner if owner is None else owner

    remote_cmd_owner_id = context.remote_exec(["python", "-c", (
        'import sys,pwd\n'
        '    p=pwd.getpwnam(sys.argv[1])\n'
        'except KeyError:\n'
        '    try:\n'
        '        p=pwd.getpwuid(int(sys.argv[1]))\n'
        '    except (KeyError, ValueError):\n'
        '        sys.exit(1)\n'
        , owner])
    if remote_cmd_owner_id.return_code != 0:
        raise LogicError(f"Could not resolve remote user '{owner}'")
    resolved_owner = remote_cmd_owner_id.stdout.strip()

    # TODO use python because id -ng is wrng
    # Resolve group name/gid to name
    group = if group is None else group
    remote_cmd_group_id = context.remote_exec(["python", "-c", (
        'import sys,grp\n'
        '    g=grp.getgrnam(sys.argv[1])\n'
        'except KeyError:\n'
        '    try:\n'
        '        g=grp.getgrgid(int(sys.argv[1]))\n'
        '    except (KeyError, ValueError):\n'
        '        sys.exit(1)\n'
        , group])
    if remote_cmd_group_id.return_code != 0:
        raise LogicError(f"Could not resolve remote group '{group}'")
    resolved_group = remote_cmd_group_id.stdout.strip()

    # Return resolved tuple
    return (resolved_mode, resolved_owner, resolved_group)
Beispiel #23
def checkout(context: Context,
             url: str,
             dst: str,
             update: bool = True,
    Checkout (and optionally update) the given git repository to dst.

    context : Context
        The context providing the execution context and templating dictionary.
    url : str
        The url of the git repository to checkout. Will be templated.
    dst : str
        The remote destination path for the repository. Will be templated.
    update: bool, optional
        Also tries to update the repository if it is already cloned. Defaults to true.
    depth : str, optional
        Restrict repository cloning depth. Beware that updates might not work correctly because of forced updates.

        The completed transaction
    url = template_str(context, url)
    dst = template_str(context, dst)

    with context.transaction(title="checkout", name=dst) as action:
        # Add url as extra info

        # Query current state
        (cur_ft, _, _, _) = remote_stat(context, dst)

        # Record this initial state
        if cur_ft is None:
            action.initial_state(cloned=False, commit=None)
            cloned = False
        elif cur_ft == "directory":
            # Assert that it is a git directory
            (cur_git_ft, _, _, _) = remote_stat(context, dst + "/.git")
            if cur_git_ft != 'directory':
                raise LogicError(
                    "Cannot checkout git repository on remote: Directory already exists and is not a git repository"

            remote_commit = context.remote_exec(
                ["git", "-C", dst, "rev-parse", "HEAD"],
            if remote_commit.return_code != 0:
                raise LogicError(
                    "Cannot checkout git repository on remote: Directory already exists but 'git rev-parse HEAD' failed"

            cur_commit = remote_commit.stdout.strip()
            action.initial_state(cloned=True, commit=cur_commit)
            cloned = True
            raise LogicError(
                "Cannot checkout git repository on remote: Path already exists but isn't a directory"

        # If the repository is already cloned but we shouldn't update,
        # nothing will change and we are done.
        if cloned and not update:
            return action.unchanged()

        # Check the newest available commit
        remote_newest_commit = context.remote_exec(
            ["git", "ls-remote", "--exit-code", url, "HEAD"], checked=True)
        newest_commit = remote_newest_commit.stdout.strip().split()[0]

        # Record the final state
        action.final_state(cloned=True, commit=newest_commit)

        # Apply actions to reach new state, if we aren't in pretend mode
        if not context.pretend:
                if not cloned:
                    clone_cmd = ["git", "clone"]
                    if depth is not None:

                    context.remote_exec(clone_cmd, checked=True)
                    pull_cmd = ["git", "-C", dst, "pull", "--ff-only"]
                    if depth is not None:
                    context.remote_exec(pull_cmd, checked=True)
            except RemoteExecError as e:
                return action.failure(e)

        # Return success
        return action.success()