Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(Kml, self).__init__()
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
     self._networklinkcontrol = None
     self._hint = None
     self._parsetext = True
     self._outputkmz = False
     self._images = []
     self._foundimages = []
     self._namespaces = ['xmlns=""', 'xmlns:gx=""']
     self._processedstyles = []
Beispiel #2
    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        0 or 1 top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document`. This property can be set to an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document` or :class:`simplekml.Folder` or to
        remove it completely set it to None


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            kml.document = simplekml.Folder(name = "Top Level Folder")
  'Document Replacement.kml')
        if self._feature is None:
            self._feature = Document()
        return self._feature
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Creates the Kml document with a [Document] as the top level feature.

        Keyword Arguments:
        name (string)            -- name of placemark (default None)
        visibility (int)         -- whether the feature is shown (default 1)
        open (int)               -- whether open or closed in Places (default 0)
        atomauthor (string)      -- author of the document (default None)
        atomlink (string)        -- URL containing this KML (default None)
        address (string)         -- standard address (default None)
        xaladdressdetails(string)-- address as xAL (default None)
        phonenumber (string)     -- phone number for Maps mobile (default None)
        snippet ([Snippet])      -- short description of feature (default None)
        description (string)     -- description shown in balloon (default None)
        camera ([Camera])        -- camera that views the scene (default None)
        lookat ([LookAt])        -- camera relative to feature (default None)
        timestamp ([TimeStamp])  -- single moment in time (default None)
        timespan ([TimeSpan])    -- period of time (default None)
        region ([Region])        -- bounding box of features (default None)

        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
     self._networklinkcontrol = None
     self._hint = None
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)