def relayout(self):

        position = 0

        for group_n, group in enumerate(self.layout):
            orientation = group["orientation"]

            if orientation == "right":
                position = self.window.get_size()[0] - group["position"]
                objects = group["objects"]
            elif orientation == "left":
                position = group["position"]
                objects = group["objects"]
            for obj_n, obj in enumerate(objects):
                if obj["type"] == "applet":
                    applet = obj["instance"]
                    if orientation == "right":
                        position -= applet.get_allocation()[0]
                        applet.set_position(position, 0)
                    elif orientation == "left":
                        applet.set_position(position, 0)
                        position += applet.get_allocation()[0]
                elif obj["type"] == "space":
                    if orientation == "right":
                        position -= obj["size"]
                    elif orientation == "left":
                        position += obj["size"]
            if orientation == "right":

            gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, self.window.get_size()[0], self.window.get_size()[1]), True
    def relayout(self):

        position = 0

        for group_n, group in enumerate(self.layout):
            orientation = group['orientation']

            if orientation == 'right':
                position = self.window.get_size()[0] - group['position']
                objects = group['objects']
            elif orientation == 'left':
                position = group['position']
                objects = group['objects']
            for obj_n, obj in enumerate(objects):
                if obj['type'] == 'applet':
                    applet = obj['instance']
                    if orientation == 'right':
                        position -= applet.get_allocation()[0]
                        applet.set_position(position, 0)
                    elif orientation == 'left':
                        applet.set_position(position, 0)
                        position += applet.get_allocation()[0]
                elif obj['type'] == 'space':
                    if orientation == 'right':
                        position -= obj['size']
                    elif orientation == 'left':
                        position += obj['size']
            if orientation == 'right':

            gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0,
                              self.window.get_size()[1]), True)
    def render_request_cb(self, applet):

        x, y = applet.get_position()
        width, height = applet.get_allocation()

            gtk.gdk.Rectangle(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height)), True)
    def get_applet_at_coords(self, x, y):

        for group_n, group in enumerate(self.layout):
            orientation = group["orientation"]
            position = group["position"]
            for obj_n, obj in enumerate(group["objects"]):
                if obj["type"] == "applet":
                    applet = obj["instance"]
                    w, h = applet.get_allocation()
                    x0, y0 = applet.get_position()
                    x1, y1 = x0 + w, y0 + h
                    if x >= x0 and x <= x1 and y >= y0 and y <= y1:
                        return applet
        return None
    def get_applet_at_coords(self, x, y):

        for group_n, group in enumerate(self.layout):
            orientation = group['orientation']
            position = group['position']
            for obj_n, obj in enumerate(group['objects']):
                if obj['type'] == 'applet':
                    applet = obj['instance']
                    w, h = applet.get_allocation()
                    x0, y0 = applet.get_position()
                    x1, y1 = x0 + w, y0 + h
                    if x >= x0 and x <= x1 and y >= y0 and y <= y1:
                        return applet
        return None
    def expose_cb(self, *args):

        ctx = self.window.window.cairo_create()

        for group_n, group in enumerate(self.layout):
            orientation = group["orientation"]
            position = group["position"]
            for obj_n, obj in enumerate(group["objects"]):
                if obj["type"] == "applet":
                    applet = obj["instance"]

                    x, y = applet.get_position()
                    width, height = applet.get_allocation()
                    ctx.translate(x, y)
                    ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)

    def expose_cb(self, *args):

        ctx = self.window.window.cairo_create()

        for group_n, group in enumerate(self.layout):
            orientation = group['orientation']
            position = group['position']
            for obj_n, obj in enumerate(group['objects']):
                if obj['type'] == 'applet':
                    applet = obj['instance']

                    x, y = applet.get_position()
                    width, height = applet.get_allocation()
                    ctx.translate(x, y)
                    ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)

    def render_request_cb(self, applet):

        x, y = applet.get_position()
        width, height = applet.get_allocation()

        self.window.window.invalidate_rect(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height)), True)