Beispiel #1
 def field(self, tuple4, buffer):
     """Process a bibentry field and return tuple of name, value."""
     (tag, start, stop, subtags) = tuple4
     str = ''
     for t in subtags[1][3]:
         if (t):
             str += dispatch(self, t,
                             buffer)  # concatenate hashed together strings
     return (dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer), str)
Beispiel #2
 def name(self, tuple4, buffer):
     """Prduction function to process a single name in a nameslist"""
     tag, start, stop, subtags = tuple4
     self.names_dicts.append({})  # add new dict to list
     for part in subtags:
         dispatch(self, part, buffer)
     # Create empty lists for missing parts
     for p in nameparts:
         if p not in self.names_dicts[-1]:
             self.names_dicts[-1][p] = []
Beispiel #3
 def entry(self, tuple4, buffer):
     """Process the bibentry and its children.
     (tag, start, stop, subtags) = tuple4
     entry = BibEntry()
     entry.entry_type = dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer)
     entry.citekey = dispatch(self, subtags[1], buffer)
     for field in subtags[2][3]:
         #bibfile_logger.debug("entry: ready to add field: "+str(dispatch(self, field, buffer)))
         k, v = dispatch(self, field, buffer)
         #:note: entry will force k to lowercase
         entry[k] = v
Beispiel #4
 def macro(self, tuple4, buffer):
     """Process a macro entry and add macros to macro map"""
     (tag, start, stop, subtags) = tuple4
     name, str = dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer)
     the_type = getString(subtags[0], buffer)
     if  the_type.upper() != 'STRING' :
         # it looks like  a macro, but is not: could be a regular entry with no key
         lineno = lines(0, start, buffer)+1
         bibfile_logger.warning("Entry at line %d has macro syntax, but entry_type is %s" % (lineno ,  the_type))
         if not __strict__: # we can add a dummy key and treat this entry as a regular entry
             entry = BibEntry()
             entry.entry_type = dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer)
             entry.citekey  = 'KEY'  # dummy key -- or should we be strict?
             for field in subtags[1][3] :
                 k,v = dispatch(self, field, buffer)
                 #:note: entry will force k to lowercase
                 entry[k] = v
             bibfile_logger.warning("Dummy key added to entry at line %d" % lineno)
     else :  # otherwise it is really a macro entry
         for field in subtags[1][3]:
             name, str = dispatch(self, field, buffer)
             self._macroMap[name] = str  
     self._macroMap[name] = str
Beispiel #5
 class MyProcessorClass( DispatchProcessor ):
     def __init__(self):
         self.nodes = {}
         self._id_is_class = False
     def _generic(self,(tag,start,stop,subtags),buffer,todo):
         for subtag in subtags:
             if subtag[0] in todo:
Beispiel #6
class SLAProcessor(DispatchProcessor):
    def SLA(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        groups = []
        general_terms = []
        guarantees = []

        for x in subtags:
            if x[0] == 'ID':
                #Get the id of the SLA
                iD = buffer[x[1]:x[2]]
            elif x[0] == 'Group':
                #Add group to the groups list: NAME, List of Metrics, Goup_Metrics
                groups.append(dispatch(self, x, buffer))
            elif x[0] == 'Term':
                #Add terms to the SLA: type, source_party, consumer. If BM: BM_name, BOolean IF LM: LM_name, Elements, List_of_Alternative_Elements (list of list os elements).
                #IF NM: nm_name, Interval(lower, upper bound), OpenClosed(lower, upper), unit
                general_terms.append(dispatch(self, x, buffer))
            elif x[0] == 'Guarantee':
                guarantees.append(dispatch(self, x, buffer))

        SLA = {
            'iD': iD,
            'groups': groups,
            'terms': general_terms,
            'guarantees': guarantees
        #print 'PARSER2: ',guarantees

        #print 'ID: ', iD
        #print 'Groups: '
        #for group in groups:
        #print '\tGroup Name'
        #print '\t\t', group['Group_Name']
        #print '\tGroup Metrics:'
        #for metric in group['Terms']:
        #print '\t\tMetric: ', metric
        #print 'General Terms: '
        #for term in general_terms:
        #print '\tTerms', term
        return SLA
Beispiel #7
class MonitoringDataProcessor(DispatchProcessor):
    def SLAMonitoring(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        metrics = []

        for x in subtags:
            if x[0] == 'ID':
                #Get the id of the SLA
                sla_iD = buffer[x[1]:x[2]]
            elif x[0] == 'Metric':
                metrics.append(dispatch(self, x, buffer))

        monitoring = {'iD': sla_iD, 'metrics': metrics}

        #print 'ID: ', sla_iD
        #print 'Metrics: '
        #for metric in metrics:
        #print '\t\tMetric: ', metric

        return monitoring
Beispiel #8
class BibName(simpleparse.dispatchprocessor.DispatchProcessor):
    """Processes a bibtex names entry (author, editor, etc) and
	stores the resulting raw_names_parts.
	:note: a BibName object should be bibstyle independent.
    def __init__(self,
                 ):  #:note: 2006-07-25 add initialization based on raw name
        """initialize a BibName instance
			`raw_names` : str
				the raw names (e.g., unparsed author field of a BibEntry instance)
			`from_field` : str
				the entry field for the raw name

		:note: 2006-08-02 add `from_field` argument (set by `BibEntry.make_names`)
        self.from_field = from_field
        self.raw_names = raw_names
        self.names_dicts = []
        #populate self.names_dicts from raw_names
        if raw_names:

    ###############  PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS  #######################
    # Handle each name by adding new dict to list "names_dicts", then
    # handle each name part by adding to last dict in names_dict list.

    def name(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        """Prduction function to process a single name in a nameslist"""
        self.names_dicts.append({})  # add new dict to list
        for part in subtags:
            dispatch(self, part, buffer)
        # Create empty lists for missing parts
        for p in nameparts:
            if not self.names_dicts[-1].has_key(p):
                self.names_dicts[-1][p] = []
Beispiel #9
 def tableline(self, tup, prsbuf):
     print "###", tup[3][0]
     self.table = dispatchprocessor.dispatch(self, tup[3][0], prsbuf)
Beispiel #10
	def key( self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		"""Return the entry key"""
		return getString((tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer)

	# macro name
	def name(self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		"""Return lookup on name or name if not in map."""
		return self._macroMap.get(buffer[start:stop],buffer[start:stop])

	def field(self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		"""Process a bibentry field and return tuple of name, value."""
		str = ''
		for t in subtags[1][3]:
			if(t) :
				str += dispatch(self, t, buffer) # concatenate hashed together strings
		return (dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer), str)
	def entry( self, (tag,start,stop,subtags), buffer ):
		"""Process the bibentry and its children.
		entry = BibEntry()
		entry.entry_type = dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer)
		entry.citekey  = dispatch(self, subtags[1], buffer)
		for field in subtags[2][3] :
			#bibfile_logger.debug("entry: ready to add field: "+str(dispatch(self, field, buffer)))
			k,v = dispatch(self, field, buffer)
			#:note: entry will force k to lowercase
			entry[k] = v
Beispiel #11
 def ruleline(self, tup, prsbuf):
     rule = dispatchprocessor.dispatch(self, tup[3][0], prsbuf)
Beispiel #12
        return SLA

    def Group(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        terms = []
        for x in subtags:
            if x[0] == 'GroupName':
                #Get the name of the group
                #TODO Remove old group name after verifing where it is used
                group = {'Group_Name': buffer[x[1]:x[2]]}
                specific = {
                    'Metric_Name': buffer[x[1]:x[2]],
                    'Original_Name': buffer[x[1]:x[2]]
                group['specific'] = specific
            elif x[0] == 'Term':
                terms.append(dispatch(self, x, buffer))
        group['Terms'] = terms

        return group

    def Term(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        for x in subtags:
            if x[0] == 'Standard_Term':
                return dispatch(self, x, buffer)
            if x[0] == 'Group_Metric':
                return dispatch(self, x, buffer)

    def Standard_Term(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        term = dict()
        for x in subtags:
            if x[0] == 'Party':
Beispiel #13
        monitoring = {'iD': sla_iD, 'metrics': metrics}

        #print 'ID: ', sla_iD
        #print 'Metrics: '
        #for metric in metrics:
        #print '\t\tMetric: ', metric

        return monitoring

    def Metric(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        metric = dict()
        for x in subtags:
            if x[0] == 'Constraint':
                metric['Metric_Name'] = buffer[x[1]:x[2]]
            elif x[0] == 'Type':
                metric['Value'], metric['type'] = dispatch(self, x, buffer)
        return metric

    def Type(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        for x in subtags:
            return dispatch(self, x, buffer)

    def Boolean(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        boolean = buffer[start:stop]
        if boolean.lower() == 'true':
            boolean = True
        elif boolean == 'false':
            boolean = False
            print 'Error: Boolean must be true or false'
        return boolean, 'BM'
Beispiel #14
	def ruleline(self, tup, prsbuf):
		rule = dispatchprocessor.dispatch(self, tup[3][0], prsbuf) 
Beispiel #15
	def tableline(self, tup, prsbuf):
		print "###", tup[3][0]
		self.table = dispatchprocessor.dispatch(self, tup[3][0], prsbuf)
Beispiel #16
def read_dnet2(fobj,get_positions=False):
    """Return CPTs of a Bayesian net in
    Netica 'dnet' format

    Does not work if inheritance is being used in the dnet file!
    @param fobj: File or name of file containing the input
    @type fobj: File or String
    @return: A dictionary. Each key is a node name each value is again
    a dictionary mapping fields to values. Fields typically include 'states',
    'probs', etc
    @rtype: Dictionary
    from simpleparse.parser import Parser
    from simpleparse.dispatchprocessor import DispatchProcessor, dispatch
    dnet_bnf_grammar = r'''
    file :=         ws*, (bnet, ws*, ";")+, ws*
    bnet :=         "bnet", ws*, idname, ws*, "{", ws*, netstmt*, ws*, "}", ws*
    netstmt :=      (netequality/bnode/param/visnet/define), ws*, ";", ws*
    define :=       "define", whitespace, bnode
    netequality :=  netfield, ws*, "=", ws*, value, ws*
    bnode :=        "node", whitespace,  idname, ws*,  list?, "{", ws*,  nodestmt*, ws*,  "}", ws*
    list :=         "(", idname, ")", ws*     # only deal with single element lists
    nodestmt :=     (nodeequality/visnode), ws*, ";", ws*
    nodeequality := nodefield, ws*, "=", ws*, value, ws*, ws*
    param :=        "param", whitespace, idname, ws*, "{", ws*, paramstmt*, ws*, "}", ws*
    paramstmt :=    paramfield, ws*, "=", ws*, value, ws*, ";", ws*
    visnet :=       "visual", whitespace, idname, ws*, "{", ws*, vnetstmt*, ws*, "}", ws*
    vnetstmt :=     (vnetstmt1/vnetstmt2)
    vnetstmt1 :=     vnetfield, ws*, "=", ws*,  value, ws*, ";", ws*
    vnetstmt2 :=     -"{"+, "{", ws*, vnetstmt1*, ws*, "}", ws*, ";"  #workaround
    visnode :=      "visual", whitespace, idname, ws*, "{", ws*, vnodestmt*, ws*, "}", ws*
    vnodestmt :=    (vnodestmt1/vnodestmt2/vnodestmt3), ws*
    vnodestmt1 :=    vnodefield, ws*, "=", ws*, value, ";"
    vnodestmt2 :=    vislink, ws*, ";"
    vnodestmt3 :=   "font", -[\n]+       # work around, since this value has embedded semi-colons
    vislink :=      "link", whitespace, idname, ws*, "{", ws*, vlinkstmt*, ws*, "}", ws*
    vlinkstmt :=    vlinkfield, ws*,  "=", ws*,  value, ws*,  ";", ws*
    netfield :=     ("numdimensions"/"eqncontext"/"user"/
    nodefield :=    ("kind"/"discrete"/"measure"/"chance"/"numstates"/"states"/
    paramfield :=  ("discrete"/"measure"/"numstates"/"states"/"levels"/"units")
    vnetfield :=   [A-Za-z0-9_]+   #since lots of extras now!
    vnodefield :=  ("center"/"size"/"dispform"/"hidden"/"height"/"links"/"user"/"parts")
    vlinkfield :=  ("path"/"labelposn"/"linewidth"/"hidden"/"shareseg"/"user")
    idname :=      [A-Za-z0-9_]+ # since 1 is apparently OK as an idname
    ws := (whitespace/comment1/comment2/comment3)
    comment1 := "//", -[\n]*, [\n]
    comment2 := "/*", -"*/"*, "*/"
    comment3 := "/", hash, -(hash, "/")*, hash, "/"
    whitespace :=         [ \t\n\r]+
    hash :=        "\x23"
    value :=       -";"+

    class MyProcessorClass( DispatchProcessor ):
        def __init__(self):
            self.nodes = {}
            self._id_is_class = False
        def _generic(self,(tag,start,stop,subtags),buffer,todo):
            for subtag in subtags:
                if subtag[0] in todo:
        def bnet(self,info,buffer):
            self._generic(info, buffer, ["netstmt"])
        def ws(self,info,buffer):
        def netstmt(self,info,buffer):
        def bnode(self,info,buffer):
            self._generic(info,buffer,["idname","list", "nodestmt"])
        def define(self,info,buffer):
        def list(self,info,buffer):
            self._id_is_class = True
            self._id_is_class = False
        def nodestmt(self,info,buffer):
        def nodeequality(self,(tag,start,stop,subtags),buffer):
            for subtag in subtags:
                if subtag[0] == 'nodefield':
                    field = dispatch(self,subtag,buffer)
                elif subtag[0] == 'value':
                    value = dispatch(self,subtag,buffer)
            self.nodes[self._current_node][field] = value
Beispiel #17
    def citekey(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        """Return the entry's citekey"""
        return getString((tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer)

    # macro name
    def name(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        """Return lookup on name or name if not in map."""
        return self._macroMap.get(buffer[start:stop], buffer[start:stop])

    def field(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        """Process a bibentry field and return tuple of name, value."""
        str = ''
        for t in subtags[1][3]:
            if (t):
                str += dispatch(self, t,
                                buffer)  # concatenate hashed together strings
        return (dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer), str)

    def entry(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
        """Process the bibentry and its children.
        entry = BibEntry()
        entry.entry_type = dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer)
        entry.citekey = dispatch(self, subtags[1], buffer)
        for field in subtags[2][3]:
            #bibfile_logger.debug("entry: ready to add field: "+str(dispatch(self, field, buffer)))
            k, v = dispatch(self, field, buffer)
            #:note: entry will force k to lowercase
            entry[k] = v
Beispiel #18
Comments = []

# Parsing infrastructure

class ACLProcessor(DispatchProcessor):

def default_processor(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
    if not subtags:
        return buffer[start:stop]
    elif len(subtags) == 1:
        return dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer)
        return dispatchList(self, subtags, buffer)

def make_nondefault_processor(action):
    if callable(action):

        def processor(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
            if tag in subtagged:
                results = [
                    getattr(self, subtag[0])(subtag, buffer)
                    for subtag in subtags
                return action(strip_comments(results))
Beispiel #19
# Temporary resting place for comments, so the rest of the parser can
# ignore them.  Yes, this makes the library not thread-safe.
Comments = []

# Parsing infrastructure

class ACLProcessor(DispatchProcessor):

def default_processor(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
    if not subtags:
        return buffer[start:stop]
    elif len(subtags) == 1:
        return dispatch(self, subtags[0], buffer)
        return dispatchList(self, subtags, buffer)

def make_nondefault_processor(action):
    if callable(action):
        def processor(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
            if tag in subtagged:
                results = [getattr(self, subtag[0])(subtag, buffer)
                           for subtag in subtags]
                return action(strip_comments(results))
                return action(buffer[start:stop])
        def processor(self, (tag, start, stop, subtags), buffer):
            return action