Beispiel #1
def multipanel_sim(
  CRYSTAL, DETECTOR, BEAM, Famp, energies, fluxes,
  background_wavelengths=None, background_wavelength_weights=None,
  background_total_flux=None, background_sample_thick_mm=None,
  density_gcm3=1, molecular_weight=18,
  cuda=False, oversample=0, Ncells_abc=(50, 50, 50),
  mos_dom=1, mos_spread=0, mosaic_method="double_uniform",
  mos_aniso=None, beamsize_mm=0.001,
  verbose=0, default_F=0, interpolate=0, profile="gauss",
  spot_scale_override=None, show_params=False, time_panels=False,
  add_water = False, add_air=False, water_path_mm=0.005, air_path_mm=0,
  adc_offset=0, readout_noise=3, psf_fwhm=0, gain=1, mosaicity_random_seeds=None,
  include_background=True, mask_file="",skip_numpy=False,relevant_whitelist_order=None):

  from simtbx.nanoBragg.nanoBragg_beam import NBbeam
  from simtbx.nanoBragg.nanoBragg_crystal import NBcrystal
  from simtbx.nanoBragg.sim_data import SimData
  from simtbx.nanoBragg.utils import get_xray_beams
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  from scipy import constants
  import numpy as np
  ENERGY_CONV = 10000000000.0 * constants.c * constants.h / constants.electron_volt
  assert cuda # disallow the default

  nbBeam = NBbeam()
  nbBeam.size_mm = beamsize_mm
  nbBeam.unit_s0 = BEAM.get_unit_s0()
  wavelengths = ENERGY_CONV / np.array(energies)
  nbBeam.spectrum = list(zip(wavelengths, fluxes))

  nbCrystal = NBcrystal(False)
  nbCrystal.dxtbx_crystal = CRYSTAL
  #nbCrystal.miller_array = None # use the gpu_channels_singleton mechanism instead
  nbCrystal.Ncells_abc = Ncells_abc
  nbCrystal.symbol = CRYSTAL.get_space_group().info().type().lookup_symbol()
  nbCrystal.thick_mm = crystal_size_mm
  nbCrystal.xtal_shape = profile
  nbCrystal.n_mos_domains = mos_dom
  nbCrystal.mos_spread_deg = mos_spread
  nbCrystal.anisotropic_mos_spread_deg = mos_aniso

  pid = 0 # remove the loop, use C++ iteration over detector panels
  use_exascale_api = True
  if use_exascale_api:

    S = SimData(use_default_crystal = False)
    S.detector = DETECTOR
    S.beam = nbBeam
    S.crystal = nbCrystal
    S.panel_id = pid
    S.add_air = add_air
    S.air_path_mm = air_path_mm
    S.add_water = add_water
    S.water_path_mm = water_path_mm
    S.readout_noise = readout_noise
    S.gain = gain
    S.psf_fwhm = psf_fwhm
    S.include_noise = False
    S.Umats_method = dict(double_random=0, double_uniform=5)[mosaic_method]

    if mosaicity_random_seeds is not None:
      S.mosaic_seeds = mosaicity_random_seeds

    S.instantiate_nanoBragg(verbose=verbose, oversample=oversample, interpolate=interpolate,
      device_Id=Famp.get_deviceID(),default_F=default_F, adc_offset=adc_offset)

    SIM = S.D # the nanoBragg instance
    assert Famp.get_deviceID()==SIM.device_Id
    if spot_scale_override is not None:
      SIM.spot_scale = spot_scale_override
    assert Famp.get_nchannels() == 1 # non-anomalous scenario

    from simtbx.gpu import exascale_api
    gpu_simulation = exascale_api(nanoBragg = SIM)
    gpu_simulation.allocate() # presumably done once for each image

    from simtbx.gpu import gpu_detector as gpud
    gpu_detector = gpud(deviceId=SIM.device_Id, detector=DETECTOR,

    # revisit the allocate cuda for overlap with detector, sync up please
    x = 0 # only one energy channel
    if mask_file is "": # all-pixel kernel
      P = Profiler("%40s"%"from gpu amplitudes cuda")
      x, Famp, gpu_detector)
    elif type(mask_file) is flex.bool: # 1D bool array, flattened from ipanel, islow, ifast
      P = Profiler("%40s"%"from gpu amplitudes cuda with bool mask")
        channel_number = x, gpu_amplitudes = Famp, gpu_detector = gpu_detector,
        pixel_active_mask_bools = mask_file )
    elif type(mask_file) is
      # precalculated active_pixel_list
      P = Profiler("%40s"%"from gpu amplitudes cuda w/int whitelist")
        channel_number = x, gpu_amplitudes = Famp, gpu_detector = gpu_detector,
        pixel_active_list_ints = mask_file )
      assert type(mask_file) is str
      from LS49.adse13_187.adse13_221.mask_utils import mask_from_file
      boolean_mask = mask_from_file(mask_file)
      P = Profiler("%40s"%"from gpu amplitudes cuda with file mask")
      x, Famp, gpu_detector, boolean_mask )
    TIME_BRAGG = time()-P.start_el

    per_image_scale_factor = 1.
    gpu_detector.scale_in_place(per_image_scale_factor) # apply scale directly on GPU

    if include_background:
      t_bkgrd_start = time()
      SIM.beamsize_mm = beamsize_mm

      wavelength_weights = np.array(background_wavelength_weights)
      weights = wavelength_weights / wavelength_weights.sum() * background_total_flux
      spectrum = list(zip(background_wavelengths, weights))
      xray_beams = get_xray_beams(spectrum, BEAM)
      SIM.xray_beams = xray_beams
      SIM.Fbg_vs_stol = water
      SIM.amorphous_sample_thick_mm = background_sample_thick_mm
      SIM.amorphous_density_gcm3 = density_gcm3
      SIM.amorphous_molecular_weight_Da = molecular_weight
      TIME_BG = time()-t_bkgrd_start
    else: TIME_BG=0.

    if skip_numpy:
      P = Profiler("%40s"%"get short whitelist values")
      whitelist_only = gpu_detector.get_whitelist_raw_pixels(relevant_whitelist_order)
      # whitelist_only, flex_double pixel values
      # relevant_whitelist_order, flex.size_t detector addresses
      assert len(whitelist_only) == len(relevant_whitelist_order) # guard against shoebox overlap bug
      # when shoeboxes overlap, the overlapped pixels should be simulated once for each parent shoebox

      P = Profiler("%40s"%"each image free cuda")
      return whitelist_only, TIME_BG, TIME_BRAGG, S.exascale_mos_blocks or None

    packed_numpy = gpu_detector.get_raw_pixels()
    return packed_numpy.as_numpy_array(), TIME_BG, TIME_BRAGG, S.exascale_mos_blocks or None
Beispiel #2
  nbcryst.anisotropic_mos_spread_deg = ANISO_MOS_SPREAD
  assert nbcryst.has_anisotropic_mosaicity
  assert not nbcryst.has_anisotropic_mosaicity

nbcryst.n_mos_domains = N_MOS_DOMAINS
nbcryst.miller_array = miller_array_GT
print("Ground truth ncells = %f" % (nbcryst.Ncells_abc[0]))

# ground truth detector
DET_gt = SimData.simple_detector(150, 0.177, (600, 600))

# initialize the simulator
SIM = SimData()
if args.aniso is None:
  SIM.Umats_method = 2
  SIM.Umats_method = 3
SIM.detector = DET_gt
SIM.crystal = nbcryst
SIM.instantiate_diffBragg(oversample=1, verbose=0)
SIM.D.spot_scale = 100000
SIM.D.default_F = 0
SIM.D.progress_meter = False
SIM.water_path_mm = 0.15
SIM.air_path_mm = 0.1
SIM.add_air = True
SIM.add_water = True
SIM.include_noise = True