Beispiel #1
    def genTop(self):
        # Create the Topology from it.
        top = Topology()
        # The Topology read from the prmtop infile
        self.topology = top
        # PDBFile._loadNameReplacementTables()
        for moleculeName, moleculeCount in self.molecules:
            if moleculeName not in self.moleculeTypes:
                raise ValueError("Unknown molecule type: " + moleculeName)
            moleculeType = self.moleculeTypes[moleculeName]

            # Create the specified number of molecules of this type.

            for i in range(moleculeCount):
                atoms = []
                lastResidue = None
                c = top.addChain()
                for index, fields in enumerate(moleculeType.atoms):
                    resNumber = fields[2]
                    if resNumber != lastResidue:
                        lastResidue = resNumber
                        resName = fields[3]
                        r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                    atomName = fields[4]
                    atoms.append(top.addAtom(atomName, None, r))

                # Add bonds to the topology
                for fields in moleculeType.bonds:
                    top.addBond(atoms[int(fields[0]) - 1],
                                atoms[int(fields[1]) - 1])
def generateTopologyFromOEMol(molecule):
    Generate an OpenMM Topology object from an OEMol molecule.

    molecule : openeye.oechem.OEMol
        The molecule from which a Topology object is to be generated.

    topology :
        The Topology object generated from `molecule`.

    # Create a Topology object with one Chain and one Residue.
    from import Topology
    topology = Topology()
    chain = topology.addChain()
    resname = molecule.GetTitle()
    residue = topology.addResidue(resname, chain)

    # Create atoms in the residue.
    for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        name = atom.GetName()
        element = Element.getByAtomicNumber(atom.GetAtomicNum())
        atom = topology.addAtom(name, element, residue)

    # Create bonds.
    atoms = { : atom for atom in topology.atoms() }
    for bond in molecule.GetBonds():
        topology.addBond(atoms[bond.GetBgn().GetName()], atoms[bond.GetEnd().GetName()])

    return topology
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a prmtop file."""
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the prmtop file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the prmtop file

        prmtop = amber_file_parser.PrmtopLoader(file)
        self._prmtop = prmtop

        # Add atoms to the topology

        lastResidue = None
        c = top.addChain()
        for index in range(prmtop.getNumAtoms()):
            resNumber = prmtop.getResidueNumber(index)
            if resNumber != lastResidue:
                lastResidue = resNumber
                resName = prmtop.getResidueLabel(iAtom=index).strip()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
            atomName = prmtop.getAtomName(index).strip()
            if atomName in atomReplacements:
                atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

            # Try to guess the element.

            upper = atomName.upper()
            if upper.startswith('CL'):
                element = elem.chlorine
            elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                element = elem.sodium
            elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                element = elem.magnesium
                    element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                except KeyError:
                    element = None
            top.addAtom(atomName, element, r)

        # Add bonds to the topology

        atoms = list(top.atoms())
        for bond in prmtop.getBondsWithH():
            top.addBond(atoms[bond[0]], atoms[bond[1]])
        for bond in prmtop.getBondsNoH():
            top.addBond(atoms[bond[0]], atoms[bond[1]])

        # Set the periodic box size.

        if prmtop.getIfBox():
            top.setUnitCellDimensions(tuple(x.value_in_unit(unit.nanometer) for x in prmtop.getBoxBetaAndDimensions()[1:4])*unit.nanometer)
Beispiel #4
def generateTopologyFromOEMol(molecule):
    Generate an OpenMM Topology object from an OEMol molecule.

    molecule : openeye.oechem.OEMol
        The molecule from which a Topology object is to be generated.

    topology :
        The Topology object generated from `molecule`.

    # Create a Topology object with one Chain and one Residue.
    from import Topology
    topology = Topology()
    chain = topology.addChain()
    resname = molecule.GetTitle()
    residue = topology.addResidue(resname, chain)

    # Create atoms in the residue.
    for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        name = atom.GetName()
        element = Element.getByAtomicNumber(atom.GetAtomicNum())
        atom = topology.addAtom(name, element, residue)

    # Create bonds.
    atoms = { atom for atom in topology.atoms()}
    for bond in molecule.GetBonds():

    return topology
Beispiel #5
def openmm_topology(atoms, bonds):
    '''Make OpenMM topology from ChimeraX atoms and bonds.'''
    a = atoms
    n = len(a)
    r = a.residues
    aname = a.names
    ename = a.element_names
    rname = r.names
    rnum = r.numbers
    cids = r.chain_ids
    from import Topology, Element
    top = Topology()
    cmap = {}
    rmap = {}
    atoms = {}
    for i in range(n):
        cid = cids[i]
        if not cid in cmap:
            cmap[cid] = top.addChain()  # OpenMM chains have no name.
        rid = (rname[i], rnum[i], cid)
        if not rid in rmap:
            rmap[rid] = top.addResidue(rname[i], cmap[cid])
        element = Element.getBySymbol(ename[i])
        atoms[i] = top.addAtom(aname[i], element, rmap[rid])
    a1, a2 = bonds.atoms
    for i1, i2 in zip(a.indices(a1), a.indices(a2)):
        top.addBond(atoms[i1], atoms[i2])
    return top
Beispiel #6
def openmm_topology_from_chimerax_model(model):
  Take an AtomicStructure model from ChimeraX and return an OpenMM
  topology (e.g. for use with the OpenMM Modeller class).
    a = model.atoms
    b = model.bonds
    n = len(a)
    r = a.residues
    aname = a.names
    ename = a.element_names
    rname = r.names
    rnum = r.numbers
    cids = r.chain_ids
    from import Topology, Element
    from simtk import unit
    top = Topology()
    cmap = {}
    rmap = {}
    atoms = {}
    for i in range(n):
        cid = cids[i]
        if not cid in cmap:
            cmap[cid] = top.addChain()  # OpenMM chains have no name
        rid = (rname[i], rnum[i], cid)
        if not rid in rmap:
            rmap[rid] = top.addResidue(rname[i], cmap[cid])
        element = Element.getBySymbol(ename[i])
        atoms[i] = top.addAtom(aname[i], element, rmap[rid])
    a1, a2 = b.atoms
    for i1, i2 in zip(a.indices(a1), a.indices(a2)):
        if -1 not in [i1, i2]:
            top.addBond(atoms[i1], atoms[i2])
    return top
    def _createTopology(self):
        """Build the topology of the system
        top = Topology()
        positions = []
        velocities = []

        boxVectors = []
        for x, y, z in self._conn.execute('SELECT x, y, z FROM global_cell'):
            boxVectors.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z))
        unitCellDimensions = [boxVectors[0][0], boxVectors[1][1], boxVectors[2][2]]

        atoms = {}
        lastChain = None
        lastResId = None
        c = top.addChain()
        q = """SELECT id, name, anum, resname, resid, chain, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz
        FROM particle ORDER BY id"""
        for (atomId, atomName, atomNumber, resName, resId, chain, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) in self._conn.execute(q):
            newChain = False
            if chain != lastChain:
                lastChain = chain
                c = top.addChain()
                newChain = True
            if resId != lastResId or newChain:
                lastResId = resId
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}

            if atomNumber == 0 and atomName.startswith('Vrt'):
                elem = None
                elem = Element.getByAtomicNumber(atomNumber)
            if atomName in atomReplacements:
                atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

            atoms[atomId] = top.addAtom(atomName, elem, r)
            positions.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z))

            velocities.append(mm.Vec3(vx, vy, vz))
        for p0, p1 in self._conn.execute('SELECT p0, p1 FROM bond'):
            top.addBond(atoms[p0], atoms[p1])

        positions = positions*angstrom
        velocities = velocities*angstrom/femtosecond
        return top, positions, velocities
    def _createTopology(self):
        """Build the topology of the system
        top = Topology()
        positions = []
        velocities = []

        boxVectors = []
        for x, y, z in self._conn.execute('SELECT x, y, z FROM global_cell'):
            boxVectors.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z))
        unitCellDimensions = [boxVectors[0][0], boxVectors[1][1], boxVectors[2][2]]

        atoms = {}
        lastChain = None
        lastResId = None
        c = top.addChain()
        q = """SELECT id, name, anum, resname, resid, chain, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz
        FROM particle ORDER BY id"""
        for (atomId, atomName, atomNumber, resName, resId, chain, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) in self._conn.execute(q):
            newChain = False
            if chain != lastChain:
                lastChain = chain
                c = top.addChain()
                newChain = True
            if resId != lastResId or newChain:
                lastResId = resId
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}

            if atomNumber == 0 and atomName.startswith('Vrt'):
                elem = None
                elem = Element.getByAtomicNumber(atomNumber)
            if atomName in atomReplacements:
                atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

            atoms[atomId] = top.addAtom(atomName, elem, r)
            positions.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z))

            velocities.append(mm.Vec3(vx, vy, vz))
        for p0, p1 in self._conn.execute('SELECT p0, p1 FROM bond'):
            top.addBond(atoms[p0], atoms[p1])

        positions = positions*angstrom
        velocities = velocities*angstrom/femtosecond
        return top, positions, velocities
Beispiel #9
def generateTopologyFromOEMol(molecule):
    Generate an OpenMM Topology object from an OEMol molecule.

    molecule : openeye.oechem.OEMol
        The molecule from which a Topology object is to be generated.

    topology :
        The Topology object generated from `molecule`.

    # Avoid manipulating the molecule
    mol = OEMol(molecule)

    # Create a Topology object with one Chain and one Residue.
    from import Topology
    topology = Topology()
    chain = topology.addChain()
    resname = mol.GetTitle()
    residue = topology.addResidue(resname, chain)

    # Make sure the atoms have names, otherwise bonds won't be created properly below
    if any([atom.GetName() == '' for atom in mol.GetAtoms()]):
    # Check names are unique; non-unique names will also cause a problem
    atomnames = [atom.GetName() for atom in mol.GetAtoms()]
    if any(atomnames.count(atom.GetName()) > 1 for atom in mol.GetAtoms()):
        raise Exception(
            "Error: Reference molecule must have unique atom names in order to create a Topology."

    # Create atoms in the residue.
    for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
        name = atom.GetName()
        element = elem.Element.getByAtomicNumber(atom.GetAtomicNum())
        openmm_atom = topology.addAtom(name, element, residue)

    # Create bonds.
    atoms = { atom for atom in topology.atoms()}
    for bond in mol.GetBonds():
        aromatic = None
        if bond.IsAromatic(): aromatic = 'Aromatic'
        # Add bond, preserving order assessed by OEChem

    return topology
Beispiel #10
    def delete(self, toDelete):
        """Delete chains, residues, atoms, and bonds from the model.

        You can specify objects to delete at any granularity: atoms, residues, or chains.  Passing
        in an Atom object causes that Atom to be deleted.  Passing in a Residue object causes that
        Residue and all Atoms it contains to be deleted.  Passing in a Chain object causes that
        Chain and all Residues and Atoms it contains to be deleted.

        In all cases, when an Atom is deleted, any bonds it participates in are also deleted.
        You also can specify a bond (as a tuple of Atom objects) to delete just that bond without
        deleting the Atoms it connects.

         - toDelete (list) a list of Atoms, Residues, Chains, and bonds (specified as tuples of Atoms) to delete
        newTopology = Topology()
        newAtoms = {}
        newPositions = []*nanometer
        deleteSet = set(toDelete)
        for chain in self.topology.chains():
            if chain not in deleteSet:
                needNewChain = True;
                for residue in chain.residues():
                    if residue not in deleteSet:
                        needNewResidue = True
                        for atom in residue.atoms():
                            if atom not in deleteSet:
                                if needNewChain:
                                    newChain = newTopology.addChain()
                                    needNewChain = False;
                                if needNewResidue:
                                    newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)
                                    needNewResidue = False;
                                newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)
                                newAtoms[atom] = newAtom
        for bond in self.topology.bonds():
            if bond[0] in newAtoms and bond[1] in newAtoms:
                if bond not in deleteSet and (bond[1], bond[0]) not in deleteSet:
                    newTopology.addBond(newAtoms[bond[0]], newAtoms[bond[1]])
        self.topology = newTopology
        self.positions = newPositions
    def _createTopology(self):
        '''Build the topology of the system
        top = Topology()
        positions = []

        boxVectors = []
        for x, y, z in self._conn.execute('SELECT x, y, z FROM global_cell'):
            boxVectors.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z)*angstrom)
        unitCellDimensions = [boxVectors[0][0], boxVectors[1][1], boxVectors[2][2]]

        atoms = {}
        lastChain = None
        lastResId = None
        c = top.addChain()
        q = '''SELECT id, name, anum, resname, resid, chain, x, y, z
        FROM particle'''
        for (atomId, atomName, atomNumber, resName, resId, chain, x, y, z) in self._conn.execute(q):
            if chain != lastChain:
                lastChain = chain
                c = top.addChain()
            if resId != lastResId:
                lastResId = resId
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}

            if atomName in atomReplacements:
                atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

            elem = Element.getByAtomicNumber(atomNumber)
            atoms[atomId] = top.addAtom(atomName, elem, r)
            positions.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z)*angstrom)

        for p0, p1 in self._conn.execute('SELECT p0, p1 FROM bond'):
            top.addBond(atoms[p0], atoms[p1])

        return top, positions
Beispiel #12
    def add(self, addTopology, addPositions):
        """Add chains, residues, atoms, and bonds to the model.

        Specify what to add by providing a new Topology object and the corresponding atomic positions.
        All chains, residues, atoms, and bonds contained in the Topology are added to the model.

         - addTopoology (Topology) a Topology whose contents should be added to the model
         - addPositions (list) the positions of the atoms to add
        # Copy over the existing model.

        newTopology = Topology()
        newAtoms = {}
        newPositions = []*nanometer
        for chain in self.topology.chains():
            newChain = newTopology.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues():
                newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)
                for atom in residue.atoms():
                    newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)
                    newAtoms[atom] = newAtom
        for bond in self.topology.bonds():
            newTopology.addBond(newAtoms[bond[0]], newAtoms[bond[1]])

        # Add the new model

        newAtoms = {}
        for chain in addTopology.chains():
            newChain = newTopology.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues():
                newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)
                for atom in residue.atoms():
                    newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)
                    newAtoms[atom] = newAtom
        for bond in addTopology.bonds():
            newTopology.addBond(newAtoms[bond[0]], newAtoms[bond[1]])
        self.topology = newTopology
        self.positions = newPositions
Beispiel #13
 def add_moltype_to_omm_topology(molecule_type: MoleculeType,
                                 topology: app.Topology):
     gmx_to_omm_index = {}
     atom_index = topology.getNumAtoms() - 1
     chain = topology.addChain()
     residue_iterator = itertools.groupby(
         key=lambda x: (x[1].residue_number, x[1].residue_name),
     for (residue_index, residue_name), residue_atoms in residue_iterator:
         residue = topology.addResidue(name=residue_name, chain=chain)
         for atom_index, (_, atom) in enumerate(residue_atoms,
                                                start=atom_index + 1):
             topology.addAtom(atom_index, atom.type_, residue)
             gmx_to_omm_index[atom.index] = atom_index
     for interaction in molecule_type.interactions['bonds']:
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a prmtop file."""
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the prmtop file
        self.topology = top
        self.elements = []

        # Load the prmtop file

        prmtop = amber_file_parser.PrmtopLoader(file)
        self._prmtop = prmtop

        # Add atoms to the topology

        lastResidue = None
        c = top.addChain()
        for index in range(prmtop.getNumAtoms()):
            resNumber = prmtop.getResidueNumber(index)
            if resNumber != lastResidue:
                lastResidue = resNumber
                resName = prmtop.getResidueLabel(iAtom=index).strip()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
            atomName = prmtop.getAtomName(index).strip()
            if atomName in atomReplacements:
                atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

            # Get the element from the prmtop file if available
            if prmtop.has_atomic_number:
                    element = elem.Element.getByAtomicNumber(
                except KeyError:
                    element = None
                # Try to guess the element from the atom name.

                upper = atomName.upper()
                if upper.startswith('CL'):
                    element = elem.chlorine
                elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                    element = elem.sodium
                elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                    element = elem.magnesium
                elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                    element = elem.zinc
                        element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                    except KeyError:
                        element = None

            top.addAtom(atomName, element, r)

        # Add bonds to the topology

        atoms = list(top.atoms())
        for bond in prmtop.getBondsWithH():
            top.addBond(atoms[bond[0]], atoms[bond[1]])
        for bond in prmtop.getBondsNoH():
            top.addBond(atoms[bond[0]], atoms[bond[1]])

        # Set the periodic box size.

        if prmtop.getIfBox():
                    for x in prmtop.getBoxBetaAndDimensions()[1:4]) *
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, file, extraParticleIdentifier='EP'):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

        file : string
            the name of the file to load
        extraParticleIdentifier : string='EP'
            if this value appears in the element column for an ATOM record, the Atom's element will be set to None to mark it as an extra particle

        metalElements = [
            'Al', 'As', 'Ba', 'Ca', 'Cd', 'Ce', 'Co', 'Cs', 'Cu', 'Dy', 'Fe',
            'Gd', 'Hg', 'Ho', 'In', 'Ir', 'K', 'Li', 'Mg', 'Mn', 'Mo', 'Na',
            'Ni', 'Pb', 'Pd', 'Pt', 'Rb', 'Rh', 'Sm', 'Sr', 'Te', 'Tl', 'V',
            'W', 'Yb', 'Zn'

        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            own_handle = False
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
                own_handle = True
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile,
            if own_handle:

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain(chain.chain_id)
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c, str(residue.number),
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.iter_atoms():
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element == 'EP':
                        element = None
                    elif element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        while len(upper) > 1 and upper[0].isdigit():
                            upper = upper[1:]
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                            element = elem.zinc
                        elif (len(residue) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA')):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(upper[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r,
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.iter_atoms():
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
            self._positions.append(coords * nanometers)
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records. Bonds between metals of elements specified in metalElements and residues in standardResidues are not added.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[-1].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:
                    if atomByNumber[i].element is not None and atomByNumber[
                            j].element is not None:
                        if atomByNumber[
                                i].element.symbol not in metalElements and atomByNumber[
                                    j].element.symbol not in metalElements:
                                (atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
                        elif atomByNumber[
                                i].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[
                                    j] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                                (atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
                        elif atomByNumber[
                                j].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[
                                    i] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                                (atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
                        connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (
                        bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

        file : string
            the name of the file to load
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            own_handle = False
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
                own_handle = True
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile, load_all_models=True)
            if own_handle:

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain(chain.chain_id)
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c, str(residue.number))
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                            element = elem.zinc
                        elif( len( residue ) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA') ):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r, str(atom.serial_number))
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.atoms:
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[0].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:
                    connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
    def _createTopology(self):
        """Build the topology of the system
        top = Topology()
        positions = []
        velocities = []
        boxVectors = []

        #assume cell dimensions are set in the first file
        #the other molecules inherit the same cell
        conn = self._conn[0]
        self.pbc = False
        if self._hasTable('global_cell', self._tables[0]):
            for x, y, z in conn.execute('SELECT x, y, z FROM global_cell'):
                boxVectors.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z))
            unitCellDimensions = [boxVectors[0][0], boxVectors[1][1], boxVectors[2][2]]
            self.pbc = True
        #process each file
        nfiles = len(self._conn)
        for (fcounter, conn, tables) in zip(range(0,nfiles),self._conn,self._tables):
            resdb = {}
            chaindb = {}
            atoms = {}
            lastChain = None
            lastResId = None
            c = top.addChain()
            q = """SELECT id, name, anum, resname, resid, chain, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz
                FROM particle ORDER BY id"""
            for (atomId, atomName, atomNumber, resName, resId, chain, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) in conn.execute(q):
                #more elegant way to assign atoms to residues
                #but it works only if atoms in residues are contiguous
                #due to the fact that openmm does not support non-contiguous residues
                resuid = "%s:%s:%s" % (resName, resId, chain)
                if resuid in resdb.keys():
                    r = resdb[resuid]
                    c = chaindb[chain]
                    if chain in chaindb.keys():
                        c = chaindb[chain]
                        c = top.addChain()
                        chaindb[chain] = c
                    r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                    resdb[resuid] = r

                newChain = False
                if chain != lastChain:
                    lastChain = chain
                    c = top.addChain()
                    newChain = True
                if resId != lastResId or newChain:
                    lastResId = resId
                    if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                        resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                    r = top.addResidue(resName, c)

                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}

                if atomNumber == 0 and atomName.startswith('Vrt'):
                    elem = None
                    elem = Element.getByAtomicNumber(atomNumber)

                if atomName in atomReplacements:
                    atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

                atoms[atomId] = top.addAtom(atomName, elem, r)
                positions.append(mm.Vec3(x, y, z))

                velocities.append(mm.Vec3(vx, vy, vz))

            self._natoms[fcounter] = len(atoms)

            for p0, p1 in conn.execute('SELECT p0, p1 FROM bond'):
                top.addBond(atoms[p0], atoms[p1])

        positions = positions*angstrom
        velocities = velocities*angstrom/picosecond
        return top, positions, velocities
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self,
        """Load a top file.

         - file (string) the name of the file to load
         - unitCellDimensions (Vec3=None) the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell
         - includeDir (string=/usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top) a directory in which to look for other files
           included from the top file
         - defines (map={}) preprocessor definitions that should be predefined when parsing the file
        self._includeDirs = (os.path.dirname(file), includeDir)
        self._defines = defines

        # Parse the file.

        self._currentCategory = None
        self._ifStack = []
        self._moleculeTypes = {}
        self._molecules = []
        self._currentMoleculeType = None
        self._atomTypes = {}
        self._bondTypes = {}
        self._angleTypes = {}
        self._dihedralTypes = {}
        self._implicitTypes = {}
        self._pairTypes = {}
        self._cmapTypes = {}

        # Create the Topology from it.

        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the prmtop file
        self.topology = top
        for moleculeName, moleculeCount in self._molecules:
            if moleculeName not in self._moleculeTypes:
                raise ValueError("Unknown molecule type: " + moleculeName)
            moleculeType = self._moleculeTypes[moleculeName]

            # Create the specified number of molecules of this type.

            for i in range(moleculeCount):
                atoms = []
                lastResidue = None
                c = top.addChain()
                for index, fields in enumerate(moleculeType.atoms):
                    resNumber = fields[2]
                    if resNumber != lastResidue:
                        lastResidue = resNumber
                        resName = fields[3]
                        if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                            resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                        r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                        if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                            atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[
                            atomReplacements = {}
                    atomName = fields[4]
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

                    # Try to guess the element.

                    upper = atomName.upper()
                    if upper.startswith('CL'):
                        element = elem.chlorine
                    elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                        element = elem.sodium
                    elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                        element = elem.magnesium
                            element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                        except KeyError:
                            element = None
                    atoms.append(top.addAtom(atomName, element, r))

                # Add bonds to the topology

                for fields in moleculeType.bonds:
                    top.addBond(atoms[int(fields[0]) - 1],
                                atoms[int(fields[1]) - 1])
Beispiel #19
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a PDBx/mmCIF file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

         - file (string) the name of the file to load.  Alternatively you can pass an open file object.
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDBx/mmCIF file
        self.topology = top
        self._positions = []

        # Load the file.

        inputFile = file
        if isinstance(file, str):
            inputFile = open(file)
        reader = PdbxReader(inputFile)
        data = []
        block = data[0]

        # Build the topology.

        atomData = block.getObj('atom_site')
        atomNameCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('label_atom_id')
        atomIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('id')
        resNameCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('label_comp_id')
        resIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('label_seq_id')
        resNumCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('auth_seq_id')
        asymIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('label_asym_id')
        chainIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('label_entity_id')
        elementCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('type_symbol')
        altIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('label_alt_id')
        modelCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('pdbx_PDB_model_num')
        xCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('Cartn_x')
        yCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('Cartn_y')
        zCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('Cartn_z')
        lastChainId = None
        lastResId = None
        lastAsymId = None
        atomTable = {}
        atomsInResidue = set()
        models = []
        for row in atomData.getRowList():
            atomKey = ((row[resIdCol], row[asymIdCol], row[atomNameCol]))
            model = ('1' if modelCol == -1 else row[modelCol])
            if model not in models:
            modelIndex = models.index(model)
            if row[altIdCol] != '.' and atomKey in atomTable and len(
                    self._positions[modelIndex]) > atomTable[atomKey].index:
                # This row is an alternate position for an existing atom, so ignore it.

            if modelIndex == 0:
                # This row defines a new atom.

                if lastChainId != row[chainIdCol]:
                    # The start of a new chain.
                    chain = top.addChain(row[asymIdCol])
                    lastChainId = row[chainIdCol]
                    lastResId = None
                    lastAsymId = None
                if lastResId != row[resIdCol] or lastAsymId != row[
                        asymIdCol] or (lastResId == '.'
                                       and row[atomNameCol] in atomsInResidue):
                    # The start of a new residue.
                    res = top.addResidue(
                        row[resNameCol], chain,
                        None if resNumCol == -1 else row[resNumCol])
                    lastResId = row[resIdCol]
                    lastAsymId = row[asymIdCol]
                element = None
                    element = elem.get_by_symbol(row[elementCol])
                except KeyError:
                atom = top.addAtom(row[atomNameCol], element, res,
                atomTable[atomKey] = atom
                # This row defines coordinates for an existing atom in one of the later models.

                    atom = atomTable[atomKey]
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Unknown atom %s in residue %s %s for model %s' %
                        (row[atomNameCol], row[resNameCol], row[resIdCol],
                if atom.index != len(self._positions[modelIndex]):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Atom %s for model %s does not match the order of atoms for model %s'
                        % (row[atomIdCol], model, models[0]))
                Vec3(float(row[xCol]), float(row[yCol]), float(row[zCol])) *
        for i in range(len(self._positions)):
            self._positions[i] = self._positions[i] * nanometers
        ## The atom positions read from the PDBx/mmCIF file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Record unit cell information, if present.

        cell = block.getObj('cell')
        if cell is not None and cell.getRowCount() > 0:
            row = cell.getRow(0)
            (a, b, c) = [
                float(row[cell.getAttributeIndex(attribute)]) * 0.1
                for attribute in ('length_a', 'length_b', 'length_c')
            (alpha, beta, gamma) = [
                float(row[cell.getAttributeIndex(attribute)]) * math.pi / 180.0
                for attribute in ('angle_alpha', 'angle_beta', 'angle_gamma')
                computePeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma))

        # Add bonds based on struct_conn records.

        connectData = block.getObj('struct_conn')
        if connectData is not None:
            res1Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr1_label_seq_id')
            res2Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr2_label_seq_id')
            atom1Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr1_label_atom_id')
            atom2Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr2_label_atom_id')
            asym1Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr1_label_asym_id')
            asym2Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr2_label_asym_id')
            typeCol = connectData.getAttributeIndex('conn_type_id')
            connectBonds = []
            for row in connectData.getRowList():
                type = row[typeCol][:6]
                if type in ('covale', 'disulf', 'modres'):
                    key1 = (row[res1Col], row[asym1Col], row[atom1Col])
                    key2 = (row[res2Col], row[asym2Col], row[atom2Col])
                    if key1 in atomTable and key2 in atomTable:
                        connectBonds.append((atomTable[key1], atomTable[key2]))
            if len(connectBonds) > 0:
                # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
                existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
                for bond in connectBonds:
                    if bond not in existingBonds and (
                            bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                        top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Beispiel #20
    def addExtraParticles(self, forcefield):
        """Add missing extra particles to the model that are required by a force field.

        Some force fields use "extra particles" that do not represent actual atoms, but still need to be included in
        the System.  Examples include lone pairs, Drude particles, and the virtual sites used in some water models
        to adjust the charge distribution.  Extra particles can be recognized by the fact that their element is None.

        This method is primarily used to add extra particles, but it can also remove them.  It tries to match every
        residue in the Topology to a template in the force field.  If there is no match, it will both add and remove
        extra particles as necessary to make it match.

         - forcefield (ForceField) the ForceField defining what extra particles should be present
        # Create copies of all residue templates that have had all extra points removed.

        templatesNoEP = {}
        for resName, template in forcefield._templates.iteritems():
            if any(atom.element is None for atom in template.atoms):
                index = 0
                newIndex = {}
                newTemplate = ForceField._TemplateData(resName)
                for i, atom in enumerate(template.atoms):
                    if atom.element is not None:
                        newIndex[i] = index
                        index += 1
                        newTemplate.atoms.append(ForceField._TemplateAtomData(, atom.type, atom.element))
                for b1, b2 in template.bonds:
                    if b1 in newIndex and b2 in newIndex:
                        newTemplate.bonds.append((newIndex[b1], newIndex[b2]))
                for b in template.externalBonds:
                    if b in newIndex:
                templatesNoEP[template] = newTemplate

        # Record which atoms are bonded to each other atom, with and without extra particles.

        bondedToAtom = []
        bondedToAtomNoEP = []
        for atom in self.topology.atoms():
        for atom1, atom2 in self.topology.bonds():
            if atom1.element is not None and atom2.element is not None:

        # If the force field has a DrudeForce, record the types of Drude particles and their parents since we'll
        # need them for picking particle positions.

        drudeTypeMap = {}
        for force in forcefield._forces:
            if isinstance(force, DrudeGenerator):
                for type in force.typeMap:
                    drudeTypeMap[type] = force.typeMap[type][0]

        # Create the new Topology.

        newTopology = Topology()
        newAtoms = {}
        newPositions = []*nanometer
        for chain in self.topology.chains():
            newChain = newTopology.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues():
                newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)

                # Look for a matching template.

                matchFound = False
                signature = _createResidueSignature([atom.element for atom in residue.atoms()])
                if signature in forcefield._templateSignatures:
                    for t in forcefield._templateSignatures[signature]:
                        if _matchResidue(residue, t, bondedToAtom) is not None:
                            matchFound = True
                if matchFound:
                    # Just copy the residue over.

                    for atom in residue.atoms():
                        newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)
                        newAtoms[atom] = newAtom
                    # There's no matching template.  Try to find one that matches based on everything except
                    # extra points.

                    template = None
                    residueNoEP = Residue(, residue.index, residue.chain)
                    residueNoEP._atoms = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if atom.element is not None]
                    if signature in forcefield._templateSignatures:
                        for t in forcefield._templateSignatures[signature]:
                            if t in templatesNoEP:
                                matches = _matchResidue(residueNoEP, templatesNoEP[t], bondedToAtomNoEP)
                                if matches is not None:
                                    template = t;
                                    # Record the corresponding atoms.
                                    matchingAtoms = {}
                                    for atom, match in zip(residueNoEP.atoms(), matches):
                                        templateAtomName = t.atoms[match].name
                                        for templateAtom in template.atoms:
                                            if == templateAtomName:
                                                matchingAtoms[templateAtom] = atom
                    if template is None:
                        raise ValueError('Residue %d (%s) does not match any template defined by the ForceField.' % (residue.index+1,

                    # Add the regular atoms.

                    for atom in residue.atoms():
                        if atom.element is not None:
                            newAtoms[atom] = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)

                    # Add the extra points.

                    templateAtomPositions = len(template.atoms)*[None]
                    for index, atom in enumerate(template.atoms):
                        if atom in matchingAtoms:
                            templateAtomPositions[index] = self.positions[matchingAtoms[atom].index].value_in_unit(nanometer)
                    for index, atom in enumerate(template.atoms):
                        if atom.element is None:
                            newTopology.addAtom(, None, newResidue)
                            position = None
                            for site in template.virtualSites:
                                if site.index == index:
                                    # This is a virtual site.  Compute its position by the correct rule.

                                    if site.type == 'average2':
                                        position = site.weights[0]*templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[0]] + site.weights[1]*templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[1]]
                                    elif site.type == 'average3':
                                        position = site.weights[0]*templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[0]] + site.weights[1]*templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[1]] + site.weights[2]*templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[2]]
                                    elif site.type == 'outOfPlane':
                                        v1 = templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[1]] - templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[0]]
                                        v2 = templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[2]] - templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[0]]
                                        cross = Vec3(v1[1]*v2[2]-v1[2]*v2[1], v1[2]*v2[0]-v1[0]*v2[2], v1[0]*v2[1]-v1[1]*v2[0])
                                        position = templateAtomPositions[index+site.atoms[0]] + site.weights[0]*v1 + site.weights[1]*v2 + site.weights[2]*cross
                            if position is None and atom.type in drudeTypeMap:
                                # This is a Drude particle.  Put it on top of its parent atom.

                                for atom2, pos in zip(template.atoms, templateAtomPositions):
                                    if atom2.type in drudeTypeMap[atom.type]:
                                        position = deepcopy(pos)
                            if position is None:
                                # We couldn't figure out the correct position.  As a wild guess, just put it at the center of the residue
                                # and hope that energy minimization will fix it.

                                knownPositions = [x for x in templateAtomPositions if x is not None]
                                position = sum(knownPositions)/len(knownPositions)
        for bond in self.topology.bonds():
            if bond[0] in newAtoms and bond[1] in newAtoms:
                newTopology.addBond(newAtoms[bond[0]], newAtoms[bond[1]])
        self.topology = newTopology
        self.positions = newPositions
Beispiel #21
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

         - file (string) the name of the file to load
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile, load_all_models=True)

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain()
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif (len(residue) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA')):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r)
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.atoms:
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
            self._positions.append(coords * nanometers)
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[0].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:
                    connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (
                        bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Beispiel #22
    def convertWater(self, model='tip3p'):
        """Convert all water molecules to a different water model.

         - model (string='tip3p') the water model to convert to.  Supported values are 'tip3p', 'spce', 'tip4pew', and 'tip5p'.
        @deprecated Use addExtraParticles() instead.  It performs the same function but in a more general way.
        if model in ('tip3p', 'spce'):
            sites = 3
        elif model == 'tip4pew':
            sites = 4
        elif model == 'tip5p':
            sites = 5
            raise ValueError('Unknown water model: %s' % model)
        newTopology = Topology()
        newAtoms = {}
        newPositions = []*nanometer
        for chain in self.topology.chains():
            newChain = newTopology.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues():
                newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)
                if == "HOH":
                    # Copy the oxygen and hydrogens
                    oatom = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if atom.element == elem.oxygen]
                    hatoms = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if atom.element == elem.hydrogen]
                    if len(oatom) != 1 or len(hatoms) != 2:
                        raise ValueError('Illegal water molecule (residue %d): contains %d oxygen(s) and %d hydrogen(s)' % (residue.index, len(oatom), len(hatoms)))
                    o = newTopology.addAtom(oatom[0].name, oatom[0].element, newResidue)
                    h1 = newTopology.addAtom(hatoms[0].name, hatoms[0].element, newResidue)
                    h2 = newTopology.addAtom(hatoms[1].name, hatoms[1].element, newResidue)
                    newAtoms[oatom[0]] = o
                    newAtoms[hatoms[0]] = h1
                    newAtoms[hatoms[1]] = h2
                    po = deepcopy(self.positions[oatom[0].index])
                    ph1 = deepcopy(self.positions[hatoms[0].index])
                    ph2 = deepcopy(self.positions[hatoms[1].index])

                    # Add virtual sites.

                    if sites == 4:
                        newTopology.addAtom('M', None, newResidue)
                        newPositions.append(0.786646558*po + 0.106676721*ph1 + 0.106676721*ph2)
                    elif sites == 5:
                        newTopology.addAtom('M1', None, newResidue)
                        newTopology.addAtom('M2', None, newResidue)
                        v1 = (ph1-po).value_in_unit(nanometer)
                        v2 = (ph2-po).value_in_unit(nanometer)
                        cross = Vec3(v1[1]*v2[2]-v1[2]*v2[1], v1[2]*v2[0]-v1[0]*v2[2], v1[0]*v2[1]-v1[1]*v2[0])
                        newPositions.append(po - (0.34490826*v1 - 0.34490826*v2 - 6.4437903*cross)*nanometer)
                        newPositions.append(po - (0.34490826*v1 - 0.34490826*v2 + 6.4437903*cross)*nanometer)
                    # Just copy the residue over.
                    for atom in residue.atoms():
                        newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)
                        newAtoms[atom] = newAtom
        for bond in self.topology.bonds():
            if bond[0] in newAtoms and bond[1] in newAtoms:
                newTopology.addBond(newAtoms[bond[0]], newAtoms[bond[1]])
        self.topology = newTopology
        self.positions = newPositions
Beispiel #23
    def __init__(self, file, unitCellDimensions=None, includeDir='/usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top', defines={}):
        """Load a top file.

         - file (string) the name of the file to load
         - unitCellDimensions (Vec3=None) the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell
         - includeDir (string=/usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top) a directory in which to look for other files
           included from the top file
         - defines (map={}) preprocessor definitions that should be predefined when parsing the file
        self._includeDirs = (os.path.dirname(file), includeDir)
        self._defines = defines

        # Parse the file.

        self._currentCategory = None
        self._ifStack = []
        self._moleculeTypes = {}
        self._molecules = []
        self._currentMoleculeType = None
        self._atomTypes = {}
        self._bondTypes= {}
        self._angleTypes = {}
        self._dihedralTypes = {}
        self._implicitTypes = {}
        self._pairTypes = {}
        self._cmapTypes = {}

        # Create the Topology from it.

        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the prmtop file
        self.topology = top
        for moleculeName, moleculeCount in self._molecules:
            if moleculeName not in self._moleculeTypes:
                raise ValueError("Unknown molecule type: "+moleculeName)
            moleculeType = self._moleculeTypes[moleculeName]

            # Create the specified number of molecules of this type.

            for i in range(moleculeCount):
                atoms = []
                lastResidue = None
                c = top.addChain()
                for index, fields in enumerate(moleculeType.atoms):
                    resNumber = fields[2]
                    if resNumber != lastResidue:
                        lastResidue = resNumber
                        resName = fields[3]
                        if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                            resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                        r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                        if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                            atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                            atomReplacements = {}
                    atomName = fields[4]
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

                    # Try to guess the element.

                    upper = atomName.upper()
                    if upper.startswith('CL'):
                        element = elem.chlorine
                    elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                        element = elem.sodium
                    elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                        element = elem.magnesium
                            element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                        except KeyError:
                            element = None
                    atoms.append(top.addAtom(atomName, element, r))

                # Add bonds to the topology

                for fields in moleculeType.bonds:
                    top.addBond(atoms[int(fields[0])-1], atoms[int(fields[1])-1])
Beispiel #24
    def addSolvent(self, forcefield, model='tip3p', boxSize=None, padding=None, positiveIon='Na+', negativeIon='Cl-', ionicStrength=0*molar):
        """Add solvent (both water and ions) to the model to fill a rectangular box.

        The algorithm works as follows:
        1. Water molecules are added to fill the box.
        2. Water molecules are removed if their distance to any solute atom is less than the sum of their van der Waals radii.
        3. If the solute is charged, enough positive or negative ions are added to neutralize it.  Each ion is added by
           randomly selecting a water molecule and replacing it with the ion.
        4. Ion pairs are added to give the requested total ionic strength.

        The box size can be specified in three ways.  First, you can explicitly give a box size to use.  Alternatively, you can
        give a padding distance.  The largest dimension of the solute (along the x, y, or z axis) is determined, and a cubic
        box of size (largest dimension)+2*padding is used.  Finally, if neither a box size nor a padding distance is specified,
        the existing Topology's unit cell dimensions are used.

         - forcefield (ForceField) the ForceField to use for determining van der Waals radii and atomic charges
         - model (string='tip3p') the water model to use.  Supported values are 'tip3p', 'spce', 'tip4pew', and 'tip5p'.
         - boxSize (Vec3=None) the size of the box to fill with water
         - padding (distance=None) the padding distance to use
         - positiveIon (string='Na+') the type of positive ion to add.  Allowed values are 'Cs+', 'K+', 'Li+', 'Na+', and 'Rb+'
         - negativeIon (string='Cl-') the type of negative ion to add.  Allowed values are 'Cl-', 'Br-', 'F-', and 'I-'. Be aware
           that not all force fields support all ion types.
         - ionicString (concentration=0*molar) the total concentration of ions (both positive and negative) to add.  This
           does not include ions that are added to neutralize the system.
        # Pick a unit cell size.

        if boxSize is not None:
            if is_quantity(boxSize):
                boxSize = boxSize.value_in_unit(nanometer)
            box = Vec3(boxSize[0], boxSize[1], boxSize[2])*nanometer
        elif padding is not None:
            maxSize = max(max((pos[i] for pos in self.positions))-min((pos[i] for pos in self.positions)) for i in range(3))
            box = (maxSize+2*padding)*Vec3(1, 1, 1)
            box = self.topology.getUnitCellDimensions()
            if box is None:
                raise ValueError('Neither the box size nor padding was specified, and the Topology does not define unit cell dimensions')
        box = box.value_in_unit(nanometer)
        invBox = Vec3(1.0/box[0], 1.0/box[1], 1.0/box[2])

        # Identify the ion types.

        posIonElements = {'Cs+':elem.cesium, 'K+':elem.potassium, 'Li+':elem.lithium, 'Na+':elem.sodium, 'Rb+':elem.rubidium}
        negIonElements = {'Cl-':elem.chlorine, 'Br-':elem.bromine, 'F-':elem.fluorine, 'I-':elem.iodine}
        if positiveIon not in posIonElements:
            raise ValueError('Illegal value for positive ion: %s' % positiveIon)
        if negativeIon not in negIonElements:
            raise ValueError('Illegal value for negative ion: %s' % negativeIon)
        positiveElement = posIonElements[positiveIon]
        negativeElement = negIonElements[negativeIon]

        # Load the pre-equilibrated water box.

        vdwRadiusPerSigma = 0.5612310241546864907
        if model == 'tip3p':
            waterRadius = 0.31507524065751241*vdwRadiusPerSigma
        elif model == 'spce':
            waterRadius = 0.31657195050398818*vdwRadiusPerSigma
        elif model == 'tip4pew':
            waterRadius = 0.315365*vdwRadiusPerSigma
        elif model == 'tip5p':
            waterRadius = 0.312*vdwRadiusPerSigma
            raise ValueError('Unknown water model: %s' % model)
        pdb = PDBFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', model+'.pdb'))
        pdbTopology = pdb.getTopology()
        pdbPositions = pdb.getPositions().value_in_unit(nanometer)
        pdbResidues = list(pdbTopology.residues())
        pdbBoxSize = pdbTopology.getUnitCellDimensions().value_in_unit(nanometer)

        # Have the ForceField build a System for the solute from which we can determine van der Waals radii.

        system = forcefield.createSystem(self.topology)
        nonbonded = None
        for i in range(system.getNumForces()):
            if isinstance(system.getForce(i), NonbondedForce):
                nonbonded = system.getForce(i)
        if nonbonded is None:
            raise ValueError('The ForceField does not specify a NonbondedForce')
        cutoff = [nonbonded.getParticleParameters(i)[1].value_in_unit(nanometer)*vdwRadiusPerSigma+waterRadius for i in range(system.getNumParticles())]
        waterCutoff = waterRadius
        if len(cutoff) == 0:
            maxCutoff = waterCutoff
            maxCutoff = max(waterCutoff, max(cutoff))

        # Copy the solute over.

        newTopology = Topology()
        newAtoms = {}
        newPositions = []*nanometer
        for chain in self.topology.chains():
            newChain = newTopology.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues():
                newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)
                for atom in residue.atoms():
                    newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)
                    newAtoms[atom] = newAtom
        for bond in self.topology.bonds():
            newTopology.addBond(newAtoms[bond[0]], newAtoms[bond[1]])

        # Sort the solute atoms into cells for fast lookup.

        if len(self.positions) == 0:
            positions = []
            positions = self.positions.value_in_unit(nanometer)
        cells = {}
        numCells = tuple((max(1, int(floor(box[i]/maxCutoff))) for i in range(3)))
        cellSize = tuple((box[i]/numCells[i] for i in range(3)))
        for i in range(len(positions)):
            cell = tuple((int(floor(positions[i][j]/cellSize[j]))%numCells[j] for j in range(3)))
            if cell in cells:
                cells[cell] = [i]

        # Create a generator that loops over atoms close to a position.

        def neighbors(pos):
            centralCell = tuple((int(floor(pos[i]/cellSize[i])) for i in range(3)))
            offsets = (-1, 0, 1)
            for i in offsets:
                for j in offsets:
                    for k in offsets:
                        cell = ((centralCell[0]+i+numCells[0])%numCells[0], (centralCell[1]+j+numCells[1])%numCells[1], (centralCell[2]+k+numCells[2])%numCells[2])
                        if cell in cells:
                            for atom in cells[cell]:
                                yield atom

        # Define a function to compute the distance between two points, taking periodic boundary conditions into account.

        def periodicDistance(pos1, pos2):
            delta = pos1-pos2
            delta = [delta[i]-floor(delta[i]*invBox[i]+0.5)*box[i] for i in range(3)]
            return norm(delta)

        # Find the list of water molecules to add.

        newChain = newTopology.addChain()
        if len(positions) == 0:
            center = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
            center = [(max((pos[i] for pos in positions))+min((pos[i] for pos in positions)))/2 for i in range(3)]
            center = Vec3(center[0], center[1], center[2])
        numBoxes = [int(ceil(box[i]/pdbBoxSize[i])) for i in range(3)]
        addedWaters = []
        for boxx in range(numBoxes[0]):
            for boxy in range(numBoxes[1]):
                for boxz in range(numBoxes[2]):
                    offset = Vec3(boxx*pdbBoxSize[0], boxy*pdbBoxSize[1], boxz*pdbBoxSize[2])
                    for residue in pdbResidues:
                        oxygen = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if atom.element == elem.oxygen][0]
                        atomPos = pdbPositions[oxygen.index]+offset
                        if not any((atomPos[i] > box[i] for i in range(3))):
                            # This molecule is inside the box, so see how close to it is to the solute.

                            atomPos += center-box/2
                            for i in neighbors(atomPos):
                                if periodicDistance(atomPos, positions[i]) < cutoff[i]:
                                # Record this water molecule as one to add.

                                addedWaters.append((residue.index, atomPos))

        # There could be clashes between water molecules at the box edges.  Find ones to remove.

        upperCutoff = center+box/2-Vec3(waterCutoff, waterCutoff, waterCutoff)
        lowerCutoff = center-box/2+Vec3(waterCutoff, waterCutoff, waterCutoff)
        lowerSkinPositions = [pos for index, pos in addedWaters if pos[0] < lowerCutoff[0] or pos[1] < lowerCutoff[1] or pos[2] < lowerCutoff[2]]
        filteredWaters = []
        cells = {}
        for i in range(len(lowerSkinPositions)):
            cell = tuple((int(floor(lowerSkinPositions[i][j]/cellSize[j]))%numCells[j] for j in range(3)))
            if cell in cells:
                cells[cell] = [i]
        for entry in addedWaters:
            pos = entry[1]
            if pos[0] < upperCutoff[0] and pos[1] < upperCutoff[1] and pos[2] < upperCutoff[2]:
                if not any((periodicDistance(lowerSkinPositions[i], pos) < waterCutoff and norm(lowerSkinPositions[i]-pos) > waterCutoff for i in neighbors(pos))):
        addedWaters = filteredWaters

        # Add ions to neutralize the system.

        totalCharge = int(floor(0.5+sum((nonbonded.getParticleParameters(i)[0].value_in_unit(elementary_charge) for i in range(system.getNumParticles())))))
        if abs(totalCharge) > len(addedWaters):
            raise Exception('Cannot neutralize the system because the charge is greater than the number of available positions for ions')
        def addIon(element):
            # Replace a water by an ion.
            index = random.randint(0, len(addedWaters)-1)
            newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(element.symbol.upper(), newChain)
            newTopology.addAtom(element.symbol, element, newResidue)
            del addedWaters[index]
        for i in range(abs(totalCharge)):
            addIon(positiveElement if totalCharge < 0 else negativeElement)

        # Add ions based on the desired ionic strength.

        numIons = len(addedWaters)*ionicStrength/(55.4*molar) # Pure water is about 55.4 molar (depending on temperature)
        numPairs = int(floor(numIons/2+0.5))
        for i in range(numPairs):
        for i in range(numPairs):

        # Add the water molecules.

        for index, pos in addedWaters:
            newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)
            residue = pdbResidues[index]
            oxygen = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if atom.element == elem.oxygen][0]
            oPos = pdbPositions[oxygen.index]
            molAtoms = []
            for atom in residue.atoms():
                molAtoms.append(newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue))
            for atom1 in molAtoms:
                if atom1.element == elem.oxygen:
                    for atom2 in molAtoms:
                        if atom2.element == elem.hydrogen:
                            newTopology.addBond(atom1, atom2)
        self.topology = newTopology
        self.positions = newPositions
Beispiel #25
class OpenMMAmberParm(AmberParm):
    OpenMM-compatible subclass of AmberParm. This object should still work with
    the ParmEd API while also being compatible with OpenMM's environment
    # Define default force groups for all of the bonded terms. This allows them
    # to be turned on and off selectively. This is a way to implement per-term
    # energy decomposition to compare individual components


    def openmm_LJ(self):
        Same as fill_LJ, except it uses 0.5 for the LJ radius for H-atoms with
        no vdW parameters (per OpenMM's standard)

            list, list : The 1st list is the list of all Rmin/2 terms. The
                         2nd is the list of all epsilon (or well depth) terms.
        LJ_radius = []  # empty LJ_radii so it can be re-filled
        LJ_depth = []   # empty LJ_depths so it can be re-filled
        one_sixth = 1 / 6    # we need to raise some numbers to the 1/6th power

        ntypes = self.pointers['NTYPES']
        acoef = self.parm_data['LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF']
        bcoef = self.parm_data['LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF']

        for i in range(ntypes):
            lj_index = self.parm_data["NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX"][ntypes*i+i] - 1
            if acoef[lj_index] < 1.0e-10:
                factor = (2 * acoef[lj_index] / bcoef[lj_index])
                LJ_radius.append(pow(factor, one_sixth) * 0.5)
                LJ_depth.append(bcoef[lj_index] / 2 / factor)
        # Now check that we haven't modified any off-diagonals, since that will
        # not work with OpenMM
        for i in range(ntypes):
            for j in range(ntypes):
                idx = self.parm_data['NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX'][ntypes*i+j] - 1
                rij = LJ_radius[i] + LJ_radius[j]
                wdij = sqrt(LJ_depth[i] * LJ_depth[j])
                a = acoef[idx]
                b = bcoef[idx]
                if a == 0 or b == 0:
                    if a != 0 or b != 0 or (wdij != 0 and rij != 0):
                        raise OpenMMError('Off-diagonal LJ modifications '
                                          'detected. These are incompatible '
                                          'with the OpenMM API')
                elif (abs((a - (wdij * rij**12)) / a) > 1e-6 or
                      abs((b - (2 * wdij * rij**6)) / b) > 1e-6):
                    raise OpenMMError(
                            'Off-diagonal LJ modifications detected. These are '
                            'incompatible with the OpenMM API. Acoef=%s; '
                            'computed=%s. Bcoef=%s; computed=%s' %
                            (acoef, wdij*rij**12, bcoef, 2*wdij*rij**6)

        return LJ_radius, LJ_depth

    def openmm_14_LJ(self):
        Returns the radii and depths for the LJ interactions between 1-4 pairs.
        For Amber topology files this is the same as the normal LJ parameters,
        but is done here so that OpenMMChamberParm can inherit and override this
        behavior without having to duplicate all of the system creation code.
        return self.openmm_LJ()

    def topology(self):
        The OpenMM Topology object. Cached when possible, but any changes to the
        topology object lists results in the topology being deleted and rebuilt
        # If anything changed, rebuild the topology
        if not self._topology_changed():
                return self._topology
            except AttributeError:
        self._topology = Topology()

        # Add all of the atoms to the topology file in the same chain
        chain = self._topology.addChain()
        last_residue = None
        for i, atm in enumerate(self.atom_list):
            resnum = atm.residue.idx
            if last_residue != resnum:
                last_residue = resnum
                resname = atm.residue.resname
                res = self._topology.addResidue(resname, chain)
            elem = element.get_by_symbol(pt.Element[atm.element])
            self._topology.addAtom(atm.atname, elem, res)

        # Add bonds to the topology (both with and without hydrogen)
        atoms = list(self._topology.atoms())
        for bnd in self.bonds_inc_h + self.bonds_without_h:
        # Set the box dimensions
        if self.ptr('ifbox'):
            if hasattr(self, 'rst7'):

        return self._topology
    def _get_gb_params(self, gb_model=HCT):
        """ Gets the GB parameters. Need this method to special-case GB neck """
        if gb_model is GBn:
            screen = [0.5 for atom in self.atom_list]
            for i, atom in enumerate(self.atom_list):
                if atom.element == 6:
                    screen[i] = 0.48435382330
                elif atom.element == 1:
                    screen[i] = 1.09085413633
                elif atom.element == 7:
                    screen[i] = 0.700147318409
                elif atom.element == 8:
                    screen[i] = 1.06557401132
                elif atom.element == 16:
                    screen[i] = 0.602256336067
        elif gb_model is GBn2:
            # Add non-optimized values as defaults
            alpha = [1.0 for i in self.atom_list]
            beta = [0.8 for i in self.atom_list]
            gamma = [4.85 for i in self.atom_list]
            screen = [0.5 for i in self.atom_list]
            for i, atom in enumerate(self.atom_list):
                if atom.element == 6:
                    screen[i] = 1.058554
                    alpha[i] = 0.733756
                    beta[i] = 0.506378
                    gamma[i] = 0.205844
                elif atom.element == 1:
                    screen[i] = 1.425952
                    alpha[i] = 0.788440
                    beta[i] = 0.798699
                    gamma[i] = 0.437334
                elif atom.element == 7:
                    screen[i] = 0.733599
                    alpha[i] = 0.503364
                    beta[i] = 0.316828
                    gamma[i] = 0.192915
                elif atom.element == 8:
                    screen[i] = 1.061039
                    alpha[i] = 0.867814
                    beta[i] = 0.876635
                    gamma[i] = 0.387882
                elif atom.element == 16:
                    screen[i] = -0.703469
                    alpha[i] = 0.867814
                    beta[i] = 0.876635
                    gamma[i] = 0.387882
            screen = self.parm_data['SCREEN']

        length_conv = u.angstrom.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
        radii = [rad * length_conv for rad in self.parm_data['RADII']]

        if gb_model is GBn2:
            return zip(radii, screen, alpha, beta, gamma)
        return zip(radii, screen)

    def createSystem(self, nonbondedMethod=ff.NoCutoff,
        Construct an OpenMM System representing the topology described by the
        prmtop file.

         -  nonbondedMethod (object=NoCutoff) The method to use for nonbonded
               interactions. Allowed values are NoCutoff, CutoffNonPeriodic,
               CutoffPeriodic, Ewald, or PME.
         -  nonbondedCutoff (distance=1*nanometer) The cutoff distance to use
               for nonbonded interactions.
         -  constraints (object=None) Specifies which bonds or angles should be
               implemented with constraints. Allowed values are None, HBonds,
               AllBonds, or HAngles.
         -  rigidWater (boolean=True) If true, water molecules will be fully
               rigid regardless of the value passed for the constraints argument
         -  implicitSolvent (object=None) If not None, the implicit solvent
               model to use. Allowed values are HCT, OBC1, OBC2, or GBn
         -  implicitSolventKappa (float=None): Debye screening parameter to
               model salt concentrations in GB solvent.
         -  implicitSolventSaltConc (float=0.0*u.moles/u.liter): Salt
               concentration for GB simulations. Converted to Debye length
         -  temperature (float=298.15*u.kelvin): Temperature used in the salt
               concentration-to-kappa conversion for GB salt concentration term
         -  soluteDielectric (float=1.0) The solute dielectric constant to use
               in the implicit solvent model.
         -  solventDielectric (float=78.5) The solvent dielectric constant to
               use in the implicit solvent model.
         -  removeCMMotion (boolean=True) If true, a CMMotionRemover will be
               added to the System.
         -  hydrogenMass (mass=None) The mass to use for hydrogen atoms bound to
               heavy atoms. Any mass added to a hydrogen is subtracted from the
               heavy atom to keep their total mass the same.
         -  ewaldErrorTolerance (float=0.0005) The error tolerance to use if the
               nonbonded method is Ewald or PME.
         -  flexibleConstraints (bool=True) Are our constraints flexible or not?
         -  verbose (bool=False) Optionally prints out a running progress report
        # Rebuild the topology file if necessary, and flush the atom property
        # data to the atom list
        if self._topology_changed():
        LJ_radius, LJ_depth = self.openmm_LJ() # Get our LJ parameters
        LJ_14_radius, LJ_14_depth = self.openmm_14_LJ()

        # Set the cutoff distance in nanometers
        cutoff = None
        if nonbondedMethod is not ff.NoCutoff:
            cutoff = nonbondedCutoff
            # Remove units from cutoff
            if u.is_quantity(cutoff):
                cutoff = cutoff.value_in_unit(u.nanometers)

        if nonbondedMethod not in (ff.NoCutoff, ff.CutoffNonPeriodic,
                                   ff.CutoffPeriodic, ff.Ewald, ff.PME):
            raise ValueError('Illegal value for nonbonded method')
        if self.ptr('ifbox') == 0 and nonbondedMethod in (ff.CutoffPeriodic,
                                                          ff.Ewald, ff.PME):
            raise ValueError('Illegal nonbonded method for a '
                             'non-periodic system')
        if implicitSolvent not in (HCT, OBC1, OBC2, GBn, GBn2, None):
            raise ValueError('Illegal implicit solvent model choice.')
        if not constraints in (None, ff.HAngles, ff.HBonds, ff.AllBonds):
            raise ValueError('Illegal constraints choice')
        # Define conversion factors
        length_conv = u.angstrom.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
        _ambfrc = u.kilocalorie_per_mole/(u.angstrom*u.angstrom)
        _openmmfrc = u.kilojoule_per_mole/(u.nanometer*u.nanometer)
        bond_frc_conv = _ambfrc.conversion_factor_to(_openmmfrc)
        _ambfrc = u.kilocalorie_per_mole/(u.radians*u.radians)
        _openmmfrc = u.kilojoule_per_mole/(u.radians*u.radians)
        angle_frc_conv = _ambfrc.conversion_factor_to(_openmmfrc)
        dihe_frc_conv = u.kilocalorie_per_mole.conversion_factor_to(
        ene_conv = dihe_frc_conv
        # Create the system
        system = mm.System()
        if verbose: print('Adding particles...')
        for mass in self.parm_data['MASS']:
        # Set up the constraints
        if verbose and (constraints is not None and not rigidWater):
            print('Adding constraints...')
        if constraints in (ff.HBonds, ff.AllBonds, ff.HAngles):
            for bond in self.bonds_inc_h:
        if constraints in (ff.AllBonds, ff.HAngles):
            for bond in self.bonds_without_h:
        if rigidWater and constraints is None:
            for bond in self.bonds_inc_h:
                if (bond.atom1.residue.resname in WATNAMES and
                    bond.atom2.residue.resname in WATNAMES):
        # Add Bond forces
        if verbose: print('Adding bonds...')
        force = mm.HarmonicBondForce()
        if flexibleConstraints or (constraints not in (ff.HBonds, ff.AllBonds,
            for bond in self.bonds_inc_h:
        if flexibleConstraints or (constraints not in (ff.AllBonds,ff.HAngles)):
            for bond in self.bonds_without_h:
        # Add Angle forces
        if verbose: print('Adding angles...')
        force = mm.HarmonicAngleForce()
        if constraints is ff.HAngles:
            num_constrained_bonds = system.getNumConstraints()
            atom_constraints = [[]] * system.getNumParticles()
            for i in range(num_constrained_bonds):
                c = system.getConstraintParameters(i)
                dist = c[2].value_in_unit(u.nanometer)
                atom_constraints[c[0]].append((c[1], dist))
                atom_constraints[c[1]].append((c[0], dist))
        for angle in self.angles_inc_h:
            if constraints is ff.HAngles:
                a1 = angle.atom1.element
                a2 = angle.atom2.element
                a3 = angle.atom3.element
                nh = int(a1==1) + int(a2==1) + int(a3==1)
                constrained = (nh >= 2 or (nh == 1 and a2 == 8))
                constrained = False # no constraints
            if constrained:
                l1 = l2 = None
                for bond in angle.atom2.bonds:
                    if bond.atom1 is angle.atom1 or bond.atom2 is angle.atom1:
                        l1 = bond.bond_type.req * length_conv
                    elif bond.atom1 is angle.atom3 or bond.atom2 is angle.atom3:
                        l2 = bond.bond_type.req * length_conv
                # Compute the distance between the atoms and add a constraint
                length = sqrt(l1*l1 + l2*l2 - 2*l1*l2*
                                     bond.atom2.starting_index, length)
            if flexibleConstraints or not constrained:
        for angle in self.angles_without_h:
        # Add dihedral forces
        if verbose: print('Adding torsions...')
        force = mm.PeriodicTorsionForce()
        for tor in self.dihedrals_inc_h + self.dihedrals_without_h:

        # Add nonbonded terms now
        if verbose: print('Adding nonbonded interactions...')
        force = mm.NonbondedForce()
        if self.ptr('ifbox') == 0: # non-periodic
            if nonbondedMethod is ff.NoCutoff:
            elif nonbondedMethod is ff.CutoffNonPeriodic:
                if cutoff is None:
                    raise ValueError('No cutoff value specified')
                raise ValueError('Illegal nonbonded method for non-periodic '
        else: # periodic
            # Set up box vectors (from inpcrd if available, or fall back to
            # prmtop definitions

            # Set cutoff
            if cutoff is None:
                # Compute cutoff automatically
                box = self.box_lengths
                min_box_width = min((box[0]/u.nanometers,
                CLEARANCE_FACTOR = 0.97
                cutoff = u.Quantity((min_box_width*CLEARANCE_FACTOR)/2.0,
            if nonbondedMethod is not ff.NoCutoff:

            # Set nonbonded method.
            if nonbondedMethod is ff.NoCutoff:
            elif nonbondedMethod is ff.CutoffNonPeriodic:
            elif nonbondedMethod is ff.CutoffPeriodic:
            elif nonbondedMethod is ff.Ewald:
            elif nonbondedMethod is ff.PME:
                raise ValueError('Cutoff method is not understood')

            if ewaldErrorTolerance is not None:

        # Add per-particle nonbonded parameters (LJ params)
        sigma_scale = 2**(-1/6) * 2
        for i, atm in enumerate(self.atom_list):

        # Add 1-4 interactions
        excluded_atom_pairs = set() # save these pairs so we don't zero them out
        sigma_scale = 2**(-1/6)
        for tor in self.dihedrals_inc_h + self.dihedrals_without_h:
            if min(tor.signs) < 0: continue # multi-terms and impropers
            charge_prod = (tor.atom1.charge * tor.atom4.charge /
            epsilon = (sqrt(LJ_14_depth[tor.atom1.nb_idx-1] * ene_conv *
                            LJ_14_depth[tor.atom4.nb_idx-1] * ene_conv) /
            sigma = (LJ_14_radius[tor.atom1.nb_idx-1] +
                               charge_prod, sigma, epsilon)
                    min( (tor.atom1.starting_index, tor.atom4.starting_index),
                         (tor.atom4.starting_index, tor.atom1.starting_index) )

        # Add excluded atoms
        for atom in self.atom_list:
            # Exclude all bonds and angles
            for atom2 in atom.bond_partners:
                if atom2.starting_index > atom.starting_index:
                                       atom2.starting_index, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0)
            for atom2 in atom.angle_partners:
                if atom2.starting_index > atom.starting_index:
                                       atom2.starting_index, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0)
            for atom2 in atom.exclusion_partners:
                if atom2.starting_index > atom.starting_index:
                                       atom2.starting_index, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0)
            for atom2 in atom.dihedral_partners:
                if atom2.starting_index <= atom.starting_index: continue
                if ((atom.starting_index, atom2.starting_index) in
                                   atom2.starting_index, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0)

        # Add virtual sites for water
        # First tag the residues that have an extra point in them
        for res in self.residue_list: res.has_ep = False
        ep = [atom for atom in self.atom_list if atom.atname in EPNAMES]
        for atom in ep: atom.residue.has_ep = True
        if len(ep) > 0:
            numRes = ep[-1].residue.idx + 1
            waterO = [[] for i in range(numRes)]
            waterH = [[] for i in range(numRes)]
            waterEP = [[] for i in range(numRes)]
            for atom in self.atom_list:
                if atom.residue.has_ep:
                    if atom.element == 8:
                    elif atom.element == 1:
                    elif atom.element == 0:
            # Record bond lengths for faster access
            distOH = [None] * numRes
            distHH = [None] * numRes
            distOE = [None] * numRes
            for bond in self.bonds_inc_h + self.bonds_without_h:
                a1 = bond.atom1
                a2 = bond.atom2
                if a1.residue.has_ep:
                    res = a1.residue.idx
                    if a1.element == 1 or a2.element == 1:
                        if a1.element == 1 and a2.element == 1:
                            distHH[res] = bond.bond_type.req * u.angstroms
                        if a1.element == 8 or a2.element == 8:
                            distOH[res] = bond.bond_type.req * u.angstroms
                    elif ((a1.element == 8 or a2.element == 8) and
                          (a1.element == 0 or a2.element == 0)):
                        distOE[res] = bond.bond_type.req * u.angstroms
            # Loop over residues and add the virtual points
            out_of_plane_angle = 54.735 * u.degrees
            cosOOP = u.cos(out_of_plane_angle)
            sinOOP = u.sin(out_of_plane_angle)
            for residue in self.residue_list:
                if not residue.has_ep: continue
                res = residue.idx
                if len(waterO[res]) == 1 and len(waterH[res]) == 2:
                    if len(waterEP[res]) == 1:
                        # 4-point water
                        weightH = distOE[res] / sqrt(distOH[res] * distOH[res] -
                                               0.25 * distHH[res] * distHH[res])
                                waterH[res][0], waterH[res][1],
                                1-weightH, weightH/2, weightH/2)
                elif len(waterEP[res]) == 2:
                    # 5-point water
                    weightH = (cosOOP * distOE[res] /
                               sqrt(distOH[res] * distOH[res] -
                                 0.25 * distHH[res] * distHH[res])
                    angleHOH = 2 * asin(0.5 * distHH[res] / distOH[res])
                    lenCross = distOH[res] * distOH[res] * sin(angleHOH)
                    weightCross = sinOOP * distOE[res] / lenCross
                    site1 = mm.OutOfPlaneSite(waterO[res][0], waterH[res][0],
                            waterH[res][1], weightH/2, weightH/2, weightCross)
                    site2 = mm.OutOfPlaneSite(waterO[res][0], waterH[res][0],
                            waterH[res][1], weightH/2, weightH/2, -weightCross)
                    system.setVirtualSite(waterEP[res][0], site1)
                    system.setVirtualSite(waterEP[res][1], site2)

        # Add GB model if we're doing one
        if implicitSolvent is not None:
            if verbose: print('Adding GB parameters...')
            gb_parms = self._get_gb_params(implicitSolvent)

            # If implicitSolventKappa is None, compute it from salt
            # concentration
            if implicitSolventKappa is None:
                if u.is_quantity(implicitSolventSaltConc):
                    sc = implicitSolventSaltConc.value_in_unit(u.moles/u.liter)
                    implicitSolventSaltConc = sc
                if u.is_quantity(temperature):
                    temperature = temperature.value_in_unit(u.kelvin)
                # The constant is 1 / sqrt( epsilon_0 * kB / (2 * NA * q^2 *
                # 1000) ) where NA is avogadro's number, epsilon_0 is the
                # permittivity of free space, q is the elementary charge (this
                # number matches sander/pmemd's kappa conversion factor)
                implicitSolventKappa = 50.33355 * sqrt(implicitSolventSaltConc /
                                                solventDielectric / temperature)
                # Multiply by 0.73 to account for ion exclusions, and multiply
                # by 10 to convert to 1/nm from 1/angstroms
                implicitSolventKappa *= 7.3
            elif implicitSolvent is None:
                implicitSolventKappa = 0.0

            if u.is_quantity(implicitSolventKappa):
                implicitSolventKappa = implicitSolventKappa.value_in_unit(
            if implicitSolvent is HCT:
                gb = GBSAHCTForce(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, None,
                                  cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
            elif implicitSolvent is OBC1:
                gb = GBSAOBC1Force(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, None,
                                   cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
            elif implicitSolvent is OBC2:
                gb = GBSAOBC2Force(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, None,
                                   cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
            elif implicitSolvent is GBn:
                gb = GBSAGBnForce(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, None,
                                  cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
            elif implicitSolvent is GBn2:
                gb = GBSAGBn2Force(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, None,
                                   cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
            for i, atom in enumerate(self.atom_list):
                gb.addParticle([atom.charge] + list(gb_parms[i]))
            # Set cutoff method
            if nonbondedMethod is ff.NoCutoff:
            elif nonbondedMethod is ff.CutoffNonPeriodic:
            elif nonbondedMethod is ff.CutoffPeriodic:
                raise ValueError('Illegal nonbonded method for use with GBSA')
            force.setReactionFieldDielectric(1.0) # applies to NonbondedForce

        # See if we repartition the hydrogen masses
        if hydrogenMass is not None:
            for bond in self.bonds_inc_h:
                atom1, atom2 = bond.atom1, bond.atom2
                if atom1.element == 1:
                    atom1, atom2 = atom2, atom1 # now atom2 is hydrogen for sure
                if atom1.element != 1:
                    transfer_mass = hydrogenMass - atom2.mass
                    new_mass1 = (system.getParticleMass(atom1.index) -
                    system.setParticleMass(atom2.index, hydrogenMass)
                    system.setParticleMass(atom1.index, new_mass1)
        # See if we want to remove COM motion
        if removeCMMotion:

        # Cache our system for easy access
        self._system = system

        return system

    def system(self):
        Return the cached system class -- it needs to be initialized via
        "createSystem" first!
            return self._system
        except AttributeError:
            raise APIError('You must initialize the system with createSystem '
                           'before accessing the cached object.')

    def positions(self):
        Return the cached positions or create new ones from the atoms
            if len(self._positions) == len(self.atom_list):
                return self._positions
        except AttributeError:

        self._positions = tuple([Vec3(a.xx, a.xy, a.xz)
                               for a in self.atom_list]) * u.angstroms
        return self._positions

    def positions(self, stuff):
        Update the cached positions and assign the coordinates to the atoms
        self._positions = stuff
        for i, pos in enumerate(stuff.value_in_unit(u.angstroms)):
            i3 = i * 3
            atom = self.atom_list[i]
            atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = pos
            self.coords[i3], self.coords[i3+1], self.coords[i3+2] = pos

    def velocities(self):
        """ Same as for positions, but for velocities """
            if len(self._velocities) == len(self.atom_list):
                return self._velocities
        except AttributeError:

        self._velocities = tuple([Vec3(a.vx, a.vy, a.vz)
                    for a in self.atom_list]) * (u.angstroms/u.picosecond) 
        return self._velocities

    def velocities(self, stuff):
        self._velocities = stuff
        for atom, vel in zip(self.atom_list, stuff):
            atom.vx, atom.vy, atom.vz = vel.value_in_unit(

    def box_vectors(self):
        """ Return tuple of box vectors """
        if hasattr(self, 'rst7'):
            box = [x*u.angstrom for x in[:3]]
            ang = [[3],[4],[5]]
            return _box_vectors_from_lengths_angles(box[0], box[1], box[2],
                                                    ang[0], ang[1], ang[2])
            box = [x*u.angstrom for x in self.parm_data['BOX_DIMENSIONS'][1:]]
            ang = [self.parm_data['BOX_DIMENSIONS'][0]] * 3
            return _box_vectors_from_lengths_angles(box[0], box[1], box[2],
                                                    ang[0], ang[1], ang[2])

    def box_lengths(self):
        """ Return tuple of 3 units """
        if hasattr(self, 'rst7'):
            box = [x*u.angstrom for x in[:3]]
            box = [x*u.angstrom for x in self.parm_data['BOX_DIMENSIONS'][1:]]
        return tuple(box)
Beispiel #26
    def __init__(self, file, periodicBoxVectors=None, unitCellDimensions=None, includeDir=None, defines=None):
        """Load a top file.

        file : str
            the name of the file to load
        periodicBoxVectors : tuple of Vec3=None
            the vectors defining the periodic box
        unitCellDimensions : Vec3=None
            the dimensions of the crystallographic unit cell.  For
            non-rectangular unit cells, specify periodicBoxVectors instead.
        includeDir : string=None
            A directory in which to look for other files included from the
            top file. If not specified, we will attempt to locate a gromacs
            installation on your system. When gromacs is installed in
            /usr/local, this will resolve to /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top
        defines : dict={}
            preprocessor definitions that should be predefined when parsing the file
        if includeDir is None:
            includeDir = _defaultGromacsIncludeDir()
        self._includeDirs = (os.path.dirname(file), includeDir)
        # Most of the gromacs water itp files for different forcefields,
        # unless the preprocessor #define FLEXIBLE is given, don't define
        # bonds between the water hydrogen and oxygens, but only give the
        # constraint distances and exclusions.
        self._defines = OrderedDict()
        self._defines['FLEXIBLE'] = True
        self._genpairs = True
        if defines is not None:
            for define, value in defines.iteritems():
                self._defines[define] = value

        # Parse the file.

        self._currentCategory = None
        self._ifStack = []
        self._elseStack = []
        self._moleculeTypes = {}
        self._molecules = []
        self._currentMoleculeType = None
        self._atomTypes = {}
        self._bondTypes= {}
        self._angleTypes = {}
        self._dihedralTypes = {}
        self._implicitTypes = {}
        self._pairTypes = {}
        self._cmapTypes = {}

        # Create the Topology from it.

        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the prmtop file
        self.topology = top
        if periodicBoxVectors is not None:
            if unitCellDimensions is not None:
                raise ValueError("specify either periodicBoxVectors or unitCellDimensions, but not both")
        for moleculeName, moleculeCount in self._molecules:
            if moleculeName not in self._moleculeTypes:
                raise ValueError("Unknown molecule type: "+moleculeName)
            moleculeType = self._moleculeTypes[moleculeName]
            if moleculeCount > 0 and moleculeType.has_virtual_sites:
                raise ValueError('Virtual sites not yet supported by Gromacs parsers')

            # Create the specified number of molecules of this type.

            for i in range(moleculeCount):
                atoms = []
                lastResidue = None
                c = top.addChain()
                for index, fields in enumerate(moleculeType.atoms):
                    resNumber = fields[2]
                    if resNumber != lastResidue:
                        lastResidue = resNumber
                        resName = fields[3]
                        if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                            resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                        r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                        if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                            atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                            atomReplacements = {}
                    atomName = fields[4]
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

                    # Try to guess the element.

                    upper = atomName.upper()
                    if upper.startswith('CL'):
                        element = elem.chlorine
                    elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                        element = elem.sodium
                    elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                        element = elem.magnesium
                            element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                        except KeyError:
                            element = None
                    atoms.append(top.addAtom(atomName, element, r))

                # Add bonds to the topology

                for fields in moleculeType.bonds:
                    top.addBond(atoms[int(fields[0])-1], atoms[int(fields[1])-1])
Beispiel #27
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a prmtop file."""
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the prmtop file
        self.topology = top
        self.elements = []

        # Load the prmtop file

        prmtop = amber_file_parser.PrmtopLoader(file)
        self._prmtop = prmtop

        # Add atoms to the topology

        lastResidue = None
        c = top.addChain()
        for index in range(prmtop.getNumAtoms()):
            resNumber = prmtop.getResidueNumber(index)
            if resNumber != lastResidue:
                lastResidue = resNumber
                resName = prmtop.getResidueLabel(iAtom=index).strip()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c)
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
            atomName = prmtop.getAtomName(index).strip()
            if atomName in atomReplacements:
                atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]

            # Get the element from the prmtop file if available
            if prmtop.has_atomic_number:
                    element = elem.Element.getByAtomicNumber(int(prmtop._raw_data['ATOMIC_NUMBER'][index]))
                except KeyError:
                    element = None
                # Try to guess the element from the atom name.

                upper = atomName.upper()
                if upper.startswith('CL'):
                    element = elem.chlorine
                elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                    element = elem.sodium
                elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                    element = elem.magnesium
                elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                    element = elem.zinc
                        element = elem.get_by_symbol(atomName[0])
                    except KeyError:
                        element = None

            top.addAtom(atomName, element, r)

        # Add bonds to the topology

        atoms = list(top.atoms())
        for bond in prmtop.getBondsWithH():
            top.addBond(atoms[bond[0]], atoms[bond[1]])
        for bond in prmtop.getBondsNoH():
            top.addBond(atoms[bond[0]], atoms[bond[1]])

        # Set the periodic box size.

        if prmtop.getIfBox():
            box = prmtop.getBoxBetaAndDimensions()
            top.setPeriodicBoxVectors(computePeriodicBoxVectors(*(box[1:4] + box[0:1]*3)))
Beispiel #28
    def __init__(self, file):
        """Load a PDBx/mmCIF file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling
        getPositions() and getTopology().

        file : string
            the name of the file to load.  Alternatively you can pass an open
            file object.
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDBx/mmCIF file
        self.topology = top
        self._positions = []

        # Load the file.

        inputFile = file
        if isinstance(file, str):
            inputFile = open(file)
        reader = PdbxReader(inputFile)
        data = []
        block = data[0]

        # Build the topology.

        atomData = block.getObj('atom_site')
        atomNameCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('auth_atom_id')
        atomIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('id')
        resNameCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('auth_comp_id')
        resNumCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('auth_seq_id')
        resInsertionCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('pdbx_PDB_ins_code')
        chainIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('auth_asym_id')
        elementCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('type_symbol')
        altIdCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('label_alt_id')
        modelCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('pdbx_PDB_model_num')
        xCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('Cartn_x')
        yCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('Cartn_y')
        zCol = atomData.getAttributeIndex('Cartn_z')
        lastChainId = None
        lastResId = None
        atomTable = {}
        atomsInResidue = set()
        models = []
        for row in atomData.getRowList():
            atomKey = ((row[resNumCol], row[chainIdCol], row[atomNameCol]))
            model = ('1' if modelCol == -1 else row[modelCol])
            if model not in models:
            modelIndex = models.index(model)
            if row[altIdCol] != '.' and atomKey in atomTable and len(self._positions[modelIndex]) > atomTable[atomKey].index:
                # This row is an alternate position for an existing atom, so ignore it.

            if modelIndex == 0:
                # This row defines a new atom.

                if lastChainId != row[chainIdCol]:
                    # The start of a new chain.
                    chain = top.addChain(row[chainIdCol])
                    lastChainId = row[chainIdCol]
                    lastResId = None
                if lastResId != row[resNumCol] or lastChainId != row[chainIdCol] or (lastResId == '.' and row[atomNameCol] in atomsInResidue):
                    # The start of a new residue.
                    resId = (None if resNumCol == -1 else row[resNumCol])
                    resIC = ('' if resInsertionCol == -1 else row[resInsertionCol])
                    res = top.addResidue(row[resNameCol], chain, resId, resIC)
                    lastResId = row[resNumCol]
                element = None
                    element = elem.get_by_symbol(row[elementCol])
                except KeyError:
                atom = top.addAtom(row[atomNameCol], element, res, row[atomIdCol])
                atomTable[atomKey] = atom
                # This row defines coordinates for an existing atom in one of the later models.

                    atom = atomTable[atomKey]
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError('Unknown atom %s in residue %s %s for model %s' % (row[atomNameCol], row[resNameCol], row[resNumCol], model))
                if atom.index != len(self._positions[modelIndex]):
                    raise ValueError('Atom %s for model %s does not match the order of atoms for model %s' % (row[atomIdCol], model, models[0]))
            self._positions[modelIndex].append(Vec3(float(row[xCol]), float(row[yCol]), float(row[zCol]))*0.1)
        for i in range(len(self._positions)):
            self._positions[i] = self._positions[i]*nanometers
        ## The atom positions read from the PDBx/mmCIF file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Record unit cell information, if present.

        cell = block.getObj('cell')
        if cell is not None and cell.getRowCount() > 0:
            row = cell.getRow(0)
            (a, b, c) = [float(row[cell.getAttributeIndex(attribute)])*0.1 for attribute in ('length_a', 'length_b', 'length_c')]
            (alpha, beta, gamma) = [float(row[cell.getAttributeIndex(attribute)])*math.pi/180.0 for attribute in ('angle_alpha', 'angle_beta', 'angle_gamma')]
            self.topology.setPeriodicBoxVectors(computePeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma))

        # Add bonds based on struct_conn records.

        connectData = block.getObj('struct_conn')
        if connectData is not None:
            res1Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr1_label_seq_id')
            res2Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr2_label_seq_id')
            atom1Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr1_label_atom_id')
            atom2Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr2_label_atom_id')
            asym1Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr1_label_asym_id')
            asym2Col = connectData.getAttributeIndex('ptnr2_label_asym_id')
            typeCol = connectData.getAttributeIndex('conn_type_id')
            connectBonds = []
            for row in connectData.getRowList():
                type = row[typeCol][:6]
                if type in ('covale', 'disulf', 'modres'):
                    key1 = (row[res1Col], row[asym1Col], row[atom1Col])
                    key2 = (row[res2Col], row[asym2Col], row[atom2Col])
                    if key1 in atomTable and key2 in atomTable:
                        connectBonds.append((atomTable[key1], atomTable[key2]))
            if len(connectBonds) > 0:
                # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
                existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
                for bond in connectBonds:
                    if bond not in existingBonds and (bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                        top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Beispiel #29
    def addHydrogens(self, forcefield, pH=7.0, variants=None, platform=None):
        """Add missing hydrogens to the model.

        Some residues can exist in multiple forms depending on the pH and properties of the local environment.  These
        variants differ in the presence or absence of particular hydrogens.  In particular, the following variants
        are supported:

        Aspartic acid:
            ASH: Neutral form with a hydrogen on one of the delta oxygens
            ASP: Negatively charged form without a hydrogen on either delta oxygen

            CYS: Neutral form with a hydrogen on the sulfur
            CYX: No hydrogen on the sulfur (either negatively charged, or part of a disulfide bond)

        Glutamic acid:
            GLH: Neutral form with a hydrogen on one of the epsilon oxygens
            GLU: Negatively charged form without a hydrogen on either epsilon oxygen

            HID: Neutral form with a hydrogen on the ND1 atom
            HIE: Neutral form with a hydrogen on the NE2 atom
            HIP: Positively charged form with hydrogens on both ND1 and NE2

            LYN: Neutral form with two hydrogens on the zeta nitrogen
            LYS: Positively charged form with three hydrogens on the zeta nitrogen

        The variant to use for each residue is determined by the following rules:

        1. The most common variant at the specified pH is selected.
        2. Any Cysteine that participates in a disulfide bond uses the CYX variant regardless of pH.
        3. For a neutral Histidine residue, the HID or HIE variant is selected based on which one forms a better hydrogen bond.

        You can override these rules by explicitly specifying a variant for any residue.  Also keep in mind that this
        function will only add hydrogens.  It will never remove ones that are already present in the model, regardless
        of the specified pH.

        Definitions for standard amino acids and nucleotides are built in.  You can call loadHydrogenDefinitions() to load
        additional definitions for other residue types.

         - forcefield (ForceField) the ForceField to use for determining the positions of hydrogens
         - pH (float=7.0) the pH based on which to select variants
         - variants (list=None) an optional list of variants to use.  If this is specified, its length must equal the number
           of residues in the model.  variants[i] is the name of the variant to use for residue i (indexed starting at 0).
           If an element is None, the standard rules will be followed to select a variant for that residue.
         - platform (Platform=None) the Platform to use when computing the hydrogen atom positions.  If this is None,
           the default Platform will be used.
        Returns: a list of what variant was actually selected for each residue, in the same format as the variants parameter
        # Check the list of variants.

        residues = list(self.topology.residues())
        if variants is not None:
            if len(variants) != len(residues):
                raise ValueError("The length of the variants list must equal the number of residues")
            variants = [None]*len(residues)
        actualVariants = [None]*len(residues)

        # Load the residue specifications.

        if not Modeller._hasLoadedStandardHydrogens:
            Modeller.loadHydrogenDefinitions(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'hydrogens.xml'))

        # Make a list of atoms bonded to each atom.

        bonded = {}
        for atom in self.topology.atoms():
            bonded[atom] = []
        for atom1, atom2 in self.topology.bonds():

        # Define a function that decides whether a set of atoms form a hydrogen bond, using fairly tolerant criteria.

        def isHbond(d, h, a):
            if norm(d-a) > 0.35*nanometer:
                return False
            deltaDH = h-d
            deltaHA = a-h
            deltaDH /= norm(deltaDH)
            deltaHA /= norm(deltaHA)
            return acos(dot(deltaDH, deltaHA)) < 50*degree

        # Loop over residues.

        newTopology = Topology()
        newAtoms = {}
        newPositions = []*nanometer
        newIndices = []
        acceptors = [atom for atom in self.topology.atoms() if atom.element in (elem.oxygen, elem.nitrogen)]
        for chain in self.topology.chains():
            newChain = newTopology.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues():
                newResidue = newTopology.addResidue(, newChain)
                isNTerminal = (residue == chain._residues[0])
                isCTerminal = (residue == chain._residues[-1])
                if in Modeller._residueHydrogens:
                    # Add hydrogens.  First select which variant to use.

                    spec = Modeller._residueHydrogens[]
                    variant = variants[residue.index]
                    if variant is None:
                        if == 'CYS':
                            # If this is part of a disulfide, use CYX.

                            sulfur = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if atom.element == elem.sulfur]
                            if len(sulfur) == 1 and any((atom.residue != residue for atom in bonded[sulfur[0]])):
                                variant = 'CYX'
                        if == 'HIS' and pH > 6.5:
                            # See if either nitrogen already has a hydrogen attached.

                            nd1 = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if == 'ND1']
                            ne2 = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if == 'NE2']
                            if len(nd1) != 1 or len(ne2) != 1:
                                raise ValueError('HIS residue (%d) has the wrong set of atoms' % residue.index)
                            nd1 = nd1[0]
                            ne2 = ne2[0]
                            nd1HasHydrogen = any((atom.element == elem.hydrogen for atom in bonded[nd1]))
                            ne2HasHydrogen = any((atom.element == elem.hydrogen for atom in bonded[ne2]))
                            if nd1HasHydrogen and ne2HasHydrogen:
                                variant = 'HIP'
                            elif nd1HasHydrogen:
                                variant = 'HID'
                            elif ne2HasHydrogen:
                                variant = 'HIE'
                                # Estimate the hydrogen positions.

                                nd1Pos = self.positions[nd1.index]
                                ne2Pos = self.positions[ne2.index]
                                hd1Delta = Vec3(0, 0, 0)*nanometer
                                for other in bonded[nd1]:
                                    hd1Delta += nd1Pos-self.positions[other.index]
                                hd1Delta *= 0.1*nanometer/norm(hd1Delta)
                                hd1Pos = nd1Pos+hd1Delta
                                he2Delta = Vec3(0, 0, 0)*nanometer
                                for other in bonded[ne2]:
                                    he2Delta += ne2Pos-self.positions[other.index]
                                he2Delta *= 0.1*nanometer/norm(he2Delta)
                                he2Pos = ne2Pos+he2Delta

                                # See whether either hydrogen would form a hydrogen bond.

                                nd1IsBonded = False
                                ne2IsBonded = False
                                for acceptor in acceptors:
                                    if acceptor.residue != residue:
                                        acceptorPos = self.positions[acceptor.index]
                                        if isHbond(nd1Pos, hd1Pos, acceptorPos):
                                            nd1IsBonded = True
                                        if isHbond(ne2Pos, he2Pos, acceptorPos):
                                            ne2IsBonded = True
                                if ne2IsBonded and not nd1IsBonded:
                                    variant = 'HIE'
                                    variant = 'HID'
                        elif == 'HIS':
                            variant = 'HIP'
                    if variant is not None and variant not in spec.variants:
                        raise ValueError('Illegal variant for %s residue: %s' % (, variant))
                    actualVariants[residue.index] = variant

                    # Make a list of hydrogens that should be present in the residue.

                    parents = [atom for atom in residue.atoms() if atom.element != elem.hydrogen]
                    parentNames = [ for atom in parents]
                    hydrogens = [h for h in spec.hydrogens if (variant is None and pH <= h.maxph) or (h.variants is None and pH <= h.maxph) or (h.variants is not None and variant in h.variants)]
                    hydrogens = [h for h in hydrogens if h.terminal is None or (isNTerminal and h.terminal == 'N') or (isCTerminal and h.terminal == 'C')]
                    hydrogens = [h for h in hydrogens if h.parent in parentNames]

                    # Loop over atoms in the residue, adding them to the new topology along with required hydrogens.

                    for parent in residue.atoms():
                        # Add the atom.

                        newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, parent.element, newResidue)
                        newAtoms[parent] = newAtom
                        if parent in parents:
                            # Match expected hydrogens with existing ones and find which ones need to be added.

                            existing = [atom for atom in bonded[parent] if atom.element == elem.hydrogen]
                            expected = [h for h in hydrogens if h.parent ==]
                            if len(existing) < len(expected):
                                # Try to match up existing hydrogens to expected ones.

                                matches = []
                                for e in existing:
                                    match = [h for h in expected if ==]
                                    if len(match) > 0:

                                # If any hydrogens couldn't be matched by name, just match them arbitrarily.

                                for i in range(len(matches)):
                                    if matches[i] is None:
                                        matches[i] = expected[-1]

                                # Add the missing hydrogens.

                                for h in expected:
                                    newH = newTopology.addAtom(, elem.hydrogen, newResidue)
                                    delta = Vec3(0, 0, 0)*nanometer
                                    if len(bonded[parent]) > 0:
                                        for other in bonded[parent]:
                                            delta += self.positions[parent.index]-self.positions[other.index]
                                        delta = Vec3(random.random(), random.random(), random.random())*nanometer
                                    delta *= 0.1*nanometer/norm(delta)
                                    delta += 0.05*Vec3(random.random(), random.random(), random.random())*nanometer
                                    delta *= 0.1*nanometer/norm(delta)
                                    newTopology.addBond(newAtom, newH)
                    # Just copy over the residue.

                    for atom in residue.atoms():
                        newAtom = newTopology.addAtom(, atom.element, newResidue)
                        newAtoms[atom] = newAtom
        for bond in self.topology.bonds():
            if bond[0] in newAtoms and bond[1] in newAtoms:
                newTopology.addBond(newAtoms[bond[0]], newAtoms[bond[1]])

        # The hydrogens were added at random positions.  Now use the ForceField to fix them up.

        system = forcefield.createSystem(newTopology, rigidWater=False)
        atoms = list(newTopology.atoms())
        for i in range(system.getNumParticles()):
            if atoms[i].element != elem.hydrogen:
                # This is a heavy atom, so make it immobile.
                system.setParticleMass(i, 0)
        if platform is None:
            context = Context(system, VerletIntegrator(0.0))
            context = Context(system, VerletIntegrator(0.0), platform)
        self.topology = newTopology
        self.positions = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions()
        return actualVariants
Beispiel #30
    def __init__(self, file, extraParticleIdentifier='EP'):
        """Load a PDB file.

        The atom positions and Topology can be retrieved by calling getPositions() and getTopology().

        file : string
            the name of the file to load
        extraParticleIdentifier : string='EP'
            if this value appears in the element column for an ATOM record, the Atom's element will be set to None to mark it as an extra particle
        metalElements = ['Al','As','Ba','Ca','Cd','Ce','Co','Cs','Cu','Dy','Fe','Gd','Hg','Ho','In','Ir','K','Li','Mg',
        top = Topology()
        ## The Topology read from the PDB file
        self.topology = top

        # Load the PDB file

        if isinstance(file, PdbStructure):
            pdb = file
            inputfile = file
            own_handle = False
            if isinstance(file, str):
                inputfile = open(file)
                own_handle = True
            pdb = PdbStructure(inputfile, load_all_models=True, extraParticleIdentifier=extraParticleIdentifier)
            if own_handle:

        # Build the topology

        atomByNumber = {}
        for chain in pdb.iter_chains():
            c = top.addChain(chain.chain_id)
            for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                resName = residue.get_name()
                if resName in PDBFile._residueNameReplacements:
                    resName = PDBFile._residueNameReplacements[resName]
                r = top.addResidue(resName, c, str(residue.number))
                if resName in PDBFile._atomNameReplacements:
                    atomReplacements = PDBFile._atomNameReplacements[resName]
                    atomReplacements = {}
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    atomName = atom.get_name()
                    if atomName in atomReplacements:
                        atomName = atomReplacements[atomName]
                    atomName = atomName.strip()
                    element = atom.element
                    if element == 'EP':
                        element = None
                    elif element is None:
                        # Try to guess the element.

                        upper = atomName.upper()
                        while len(upper) > 1 and upper[0].isdigit():
                            upper = upper[1:]
                        if upper.startswith('CL'):
                            element = elem.chlorine
                        elif upper.startswith('NA'):
                            element = elem.sodium
                        elif upper.startswith('MG'):
                            element = elem.magnesium
                        elif upper.startswith('BE'):
                            element = elem.beryllium
                        elif upper.startswith('LI'):
                            element = elem.lithium
                        elif upper.startswith('K'):
                            element = elem.potassium
                        elif upper.startswith('ZN'):
                            element = elem.zinc
                        elif( len( residue ) == 1 and upper.startswith('CA') ):
                            element = elem.calcium
                                element = elem.get_by_symbol(upper[0])
                            except KeyError:
                    newAtom = top.addAtom(atomName, element, r, str(atom.serial_number))
                    atomByNumber[atom.serial_number] = newAtom
        self._positions = []
        for model in pdb.iter_models(True):
            coords = []
            for chain in model.iter_chains():
                for residue in chain.iter_residues():
                    for atom in residue.atoms:
                        pos = atom.get_position().value_in_unit(nanometers)
                        coords.append(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
        ## The atom positions read from the PDB file.  If the file contains multiple frames, these are the positions in the first frame.
        self.positions = self._positions[0]
        self._numpyPositions = None

        # Add bonds based on CONECT records. Bonds between metals of elements specified in metalElements and residues in standardResidues are not added.

        connectBonds = []
        for connect in pdb.models[-1].connects:
            i = connect[0]
            for j in connect[1:]:
                if i in atomByNumber and j in atomByNumber:    
                    if atomByNumber[i].element is not None and atomByNumber[j].element is not None:
                        if atomByNumber[i].element.symbol not in metalElements and atomByNumber[j].element.symbol not in metalElements:
                            connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j])) 
                        elif atomByNumber[i].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[j] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                            connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j])) 
                        elif atomByNumber[j].element.symbol in metalElements and atomByNumber[i] not in PDBFile._standardResidues:
                            connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))     
                        connectBonds.append((atomByNumber[i], atomByNumber[j]))         
        if len(connectBonds) > 0:
            # Only add bonds that don't already exist.
            existingBonds = set(top.bonds())
            for bond in connectBonds:
                if bond not in existingBonds and (bond[1], bond[0]) not in existingBonds:
                    top.addBond(bond[0], bond[1])
Beispiel #31
    def remove_molecules(self, simulation_old, system_options, ensemble_options):
        topology_old = simulation_old.topology
        system_old = simulation_old.system
        state = simulation_old.context.getState(getPositions=True, getVelocities=True)
        positions_old = state.getPositions(asNumpy=True)
        velocities_old = state.getVelocities(asNumpy=True)
        periodic_box_vectors = state.getPeriodicBoxVectors(asNumpy=True)

        # randomly determine which molecules are removed
        removed_molecules = random.sample(range(topology_old.getNumChains()), self.numVoid)

        # create new topology and dictionary mapping old atom indices to new atom indices
        removed_atoms = []
        topology_new = Topology()
        old_to_new = {}
        atom_index_new = 0
        for chain_index, chain_old in enumerate(topology_old.chains()):
            if chain_index not in removed_molecules:
                chain_id ='-', 1)[-1]
                chain_new = topology_new.addChain(id="{}-{}".format(topology_new.getNumChains()+1, chain_id))
                for residue_old in chain_old.residues():
                    residue_new = topology_new.addResidue(, chain_new)
                    for atom_old in residue_old.atoms():
                        topology_new.addAtom(, atom_old.element, residue_new)
                        old_to_new[atom_old.index] = atom_index_new
                        atom_index_new += 1
                for atom_old in chain_old.atoms():

        # add bonds to new topology
        atoms_new = list(topology_new.atoms())
        for bond_old in topology_old.bonds():
            atom1_index_old = bond_old[0].index
            atom2_index_old = bond_old[1].index
                atom1_new = atoms_new[old_to_new[atom1_index_old]]
                atom2_new = atoms_new[old_to_new[atom2_index_old]]
                topology_new.addBond(atom1_new, atom2_new)
            except KeyError:

        # set box vectors for topology

        # create system
        system_new = system_options.create_system_with_new_topology(topology_new)

        # check if old system had barostat and add to new system if applicable
        if self._has_barostat(system_old):
            barostat_old = self._get_barostat(system_old)
            defaultPressure = barostat_old.getDefaultPressure()
            defaultTemperature = barostat_old.getDefaultTemperature()
            frequency = barostat_old.getFrequency()
            if isinstance(barostat_old, MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostat):
                scaleX = barostat_old.getScaleX()
                scaleY = barostat_old.getScaleY()
                scaleZ = barostat_old.getScaleZ()
                barostat_new = MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostat(defaultPressure, defaultTemperature,
                                                             scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, frequency)
                barostat_new = MonteCarloBarostat(defaultPressure, defaultTemperature, frequency)
            barostat_new.setForceGroup(system_new.getNumForces() - 1)

        # create integrator
        integrator = ensemble_options.create_integrator()

        # create new positions and velocities arrays
        positions_new = np.delete(positions_old, removed_atoms, axis=0)
        velocities_new = np.delete(velocities_old, removed_atoms, axis=0)

        # create new simulation
        simulation_new = Simulation(topology_new, system_new, integrator)

        # move reporters from old simulation to new simulation
        while simulation_old.reporters:

        # create pdb file if specified
        if self.file is not None:
            PDBFile.writeFile(topology_new, positions_new, open(self.file, 'w'))

        return simulation_new