Beispiel #1
    def add_to_openmm(self, openmm_system):
        Add CMAPTorsionForce to openmm system.

        :param openmm_system:  System object to receive the force
        cmap_force = openmm.CMAPTorsionForce()
        cmap_force.addMap(self._gly_map.shape[0], self._gly_map.flatten())
        cmap_force.addMap(self._pro_map.shape[0], self._pro_map.flatten())
        cmap_force.addMap(self._ala_map.shape[0], self._ala_map.flatten())
        cmap_force.addMap(self._gen_map.shape[0], self._gen_map.flatten())

        # loop over all of the contiguous chains of amino acids
        for chain in self._iterate_cmap_chains():
            # loop over the interior residues
            n_res = len(chain)
            for i in range(1, n_res - 1):
                map_index = self._map_index[chain[i].res_name]
                # subtract one from all of these to get zero-based indexing,
                # as in openmm
                c_prev = chain[i - 1].index_C - 1
                n = chain[i].index_N - 1
                ca = chain[i].index_CA - 1
                c = chain[i].index_C - 1
                n_next = chain[i + 1].index_N - 1
                cmap_force.addTorsion(map_index, c_prev, n, ca, c, n, ca, c,
    def _addCMAPToSystem(self, sys):
        """Create the CMAP terms
        if not self._hasTable('torsiontorsion_cmap_term'):

        # Create CMAP torsion terms
        cmap = mm.CMAPTorsionForce()
        cmap_indices = {}

        for name in [k for k in self._tables.keys() if k.startswith('cmap')]:
            size2 = self._conn.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' % name).fetchone()[0]
            fsize = math.sqrt(size2)
            if fsize != int(fsize):
                raise ValueError('Non-square CMAPs are not supported')
            size = int(fsize)

            map = [0 for i in range(size2)]
            for phi, psi, energy in self._conn.execute("SELECT phi, psi, energy FROM %s" % name):
                i = int((phi % 360) / (360.0 / size))
                j = int((psi % 360) / (360.0 / size))
                map[i+size*j] = energy
            index = cmap.addMap(size, map*kilocalorie_per_mole)
            cmap_indices[name] = index

        q = """SELECT p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, cmapid
        FROM torsiontorsion_cmap_term INNER JOIN torsiontorsion_cmap_param
        for p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, cmapid in self._conn.execute(q):
            cmap.addTorsion(cmap_indices[cmapid], p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7)
Beispiel #3
    def add_interactions(self, state: interfaces.IState,
                         openmm_system: mm.System,
                         topology: app.Topology) -> mm.System:
        if not self._active:
            return openmm_system

        cmap_force = mm.CMAPTorsionForce()
        cmap_force.addMap(self._gly_map.shape[0], self._gly_map.flatten())
        cmap_force.addMap(self._pro_map.shape[0], self._pro_map.flatten())
        cmap_force.addMap(self._ala_map.shape[0], self._ala_map.flatten())
        cmap_force.addMap(self._gen_map.shape[0], self._gen_map.flatten())

        # loop over all of the contiguous chains of amino acids
        for chain in self._iterate_cmap_chains():
            # loop over the interior residues
            n_res = len(chain)
            for i in range(1, n_res - 1):
                map_index = residue_to_map[chain[i].res_name]
                c_prev = chain[i - 1].index_C
                n = chain[i].index_N
                ca = chain[i].index_CA
                c = chain[i].index_C
                n_next = chain[i + 1].index_N
                cmap_force.addTorsion(map_index, c_prev, n, ca, c, n, ca, c,
        return openmm_system
 def test_CMAP(self):
     f = mm.CMAPTorsionForce()
     energy = np.random.randn(10*10)
     f.addMap(10, energy)
     size, energy_out = f.getMapParameters(0)
     assert size == 10
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(energy, np.asarray(energy_out))
Beispiel #5
    def test_CMAP(self):
        f = mm.CMAPTorsionForce()
        energy = np.random.randn(10 * 10)
        f.addMap(10, energy)
        size, energy_out = f.getMapParameters(0)
        energy_out = energy_out.value_in_unit_system(unit.md_unit_system)

        self.assertEqual(size, 10)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(energy, np.asarray(energy_out))
    def _addCMAPToSystem(self, sys):
        """Create the CMAP terms
        go = []

        for (fcounter, conn, tables, offset) in self._localVars():
            if not self._hasTable('torsiontorsion_cmap_term', tables):

        if any(go):
            # Create CMAP torsion terms
            cmap = mm.CMAPTorsionForce()

        cmap_indices = {}

        for (fcounter, conn, tables, offset) in self._localVars():
            if not go[fcounter]:
            for name in [
                    k for k in list(tables.keys()) if k.startswith('cmap')
                size2 = conn.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' %
                fsize = math.sqrt(size2)
                if fsize != int(fsize):
                    raise ValueError('Non-square CMAPs are not supported')
                size = int(fsize)

                map = [0 for i in range(size2)]
                for phi, psi, energy in conn.execute(
                        "SELECT phi, psi, energy FROM %s" % name):
                    i = int((phi % 360) / (360.0 / size))
                    j = int((psi % 360) / (360.0 / size))
                    map[i + size * j] = energy
                index = cmap.addMap(size, map * kilocalorie_per_mole)
                cmap_indices[name] = index

            q = """SELECT p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, cmapid
            FROM torsiontorsion_cmap_term INNER JOIN torsiontorsion_cmap_param
            for p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, cmapid in conn.execute(q):
                p0 += offset
                p1 += offset
                p2 += offset
                p3 += offset
                p4 += offset
                p5 += offset
                p6 += offset
                p7 += offset
                cmap.addTorsion(cmap_indices[cmapid], p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5,
                                p6, p7)
Beispiel #7
    def createSystem(self, nonbondedMethod=ff.NoCutoff, nonbondedCutoff=1.0*unit.nanometer,
                     constraints=None, rigidWater=True, implicitSolvent=None, soluteDielectric=1.0, solventDielectric=78.5, ewaldErrorTolerance=0.0005, removeCMMotion=True, hydrogenMass=None):
        """Construct an OpenMM System representing the topology described by this
        prmtop file.

        nonbondedMethod : object=NoCutoff
            The method to use for nonbonded interactions.  Allowed values are
            NoCutoff, CutoffNonPeriodic, CutoffPeriodic, Ewald, PME, or LJPME.
        nonbondedCutoff : distance=1*nanometer
            The cutoff distance to use for nonbonded interactions
        constraints : object=None
            Specifies which bonds and angles should be implemented with
            constraints. Allowed values are None, HBonds, AllBonds, or HAngles.
        rigidWater : boolean=True
            If true, water molecules will be fully rigid regardless of the value
            passed for the constraints argument
        implicitSolvent : object=None
            If not None, the implicit solvent model to use.  The only allowed
            value is OBC2.
        soluteDielectric : float=1.0
            The solute dielectric constant to use in the implicit solvent model.
        solventDielectric : float=78.5
            The solvent dielectric constant to use in the implicit solvent
        ewaldErrorTolerance : float=0.0005
            The error tolerance to use if nonbondedMethod is Ewald, PME, or LJPME.
        removeCMMotion : boolean=True
            If true, a CMMotionRemover will be added to the System
        hydrogenMass : mass=None
            The mass to use for hydrogen atoms bound to heavy atoms.  Any mass
            added to a hydrogen is subtracted from the heavy atom to keep their
            total mass the same.

             the newly created System
        # Create the System.

        sys = mm.System()
        boxVectors = self.topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors()
        if boxVectors is not None:
        elif nonbondedMethod in (ff.CutoffPeriodic, ff.Ewald, ff.PME, ff.LJPME):
            raise ValueError('Illegal nonbonded method for a non-periodic system')
        nb = mm.NonbondedForce()
        if implicitSolvent is OBC2:
            gb = mm.GBSAOBCForce()
        elif implicitSolvent is not None:
            raise ValueError('Illegal value for implicitSolvent')
        bonds = None
        angles = None
        periodic = None
        rb = None
        harmonicTorsion = None
        cmap = None
        mapIndices = {}
        bondIndices = []
        topologyAtoms = list(self.topology.atoms())
        exceptions = []
        fudgeQQ = float(self._defaults[4])

        # Build a lookup table to let us process dihedrals more quickly.

        dihedralTypeTable = {}
        for key in self._dihedralTypes:
            if key[1] != 'X' and key[2] != 'X':
                if (key[1], key[2]) not in dihedralTypeTable:
                    dihedralTypeTable[(key[1], key[2])] = []
                dihedralTypeTable[(key[1], key[2])].append(key)
                if (key[2], key[1]) not in dihedralTypeTable:
                    dihedralTypeTable[(key[2], key[1])] = []
                dihedralTypeTable[(key[2], key[1])].append(key)
        wildcardDihedralTypes = []
        for key in self._dihedralTypes:
            if key[1] == 'X' or key[2] == 'X':
                for types in dihedralTypeTable.values():

        # Loop over molecules and create the specified number of each type.

        for moleculeName, moleculeCount in self._molecules:
            moleculeType = self._moleculeTypes[moleculeName]
            for i in range(moleculeCount):

                # Record the types of all atoms.

                baseAtomIndex = sys.getNumParticles()
                atomTypes = [atom[1] for atom in moleculeType.atoms]
                    bondedTypes = [self._atomTypes[t][1] for t in atomTypes]
                except KeyError as e:
                    raise ValueError('Unknown atom type: ' + e.message)
                bondedTypes = [b if b is not None else a for a, b in zip(atomTypes, bondedTypes)]

                # Add atoms.

                for fields in moleculeType.atoms:
                    if len(fields) >= 8:
                        mass = float(fields[7])
                        mass = float(self._atomTypes[fields[1]][3])

                # Add bonds.

                atomBonds = [{} for x in range(len(moleculeType.atoms))]
                for fields in moleculeType.bonds:
                    atoms = [int(x)-1 for x in fields[:2]]
                    types = tuple(bondedTypes[i] for i in atoms)
                    if len(fields) >= 5:
                        params = fields[3:5]
                    elif types in self._bondTypes:
                        params = self._bondTypes[types][3:5]
                    elif types[::-1] in self._bondTypes:
                        params = self._bondTypes[types[::-1]][3:5]
                        raise ValueError('No parameters specified for bond: '+fields[0]+', '+fields[1])
                    # Decide whether to use a constraint or a bond.
                    useConstraint = False
                    if rigidWater and topologyAtoms[baseAtomIndex+atoms[0]] == 'HOH':
                        useConstraint = True
                    if constraints in (AllBonds, HAngles):
                        useConstraint = True
                    elif constraints is HBonds:
                        elements = [topologyAtoms[baseAtomIndex+i].element for i in atoms]
                        if elem.hydrogen in elements:
                            useConstraint = True
                    # Add the bond or constraint.
                    length = float(params[0])
                    if useConstraint:
                        sys.addConstraint(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], length)
                        if bonds is None:
                            bonds = mm.HarmonicBondForce()
                        bonds.addBond(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], length, float(params[1]))
                    # Record information that will be needed for constraining angles.
                    atomBonds[atoms[0]][atoms[1]] = length
                    atomBonds[atoms[1]][atoms[0]] = length

                # Add angles.

                degToRad = math.pi/180
                for fields in moleculeType.angles:
                    atoms = [int(x)-1 for x in fields[:3]]
                    types = tuple(bondedTypes[i] for i in atoms)
                    if len(fields) >= 6:
                        params = fields[4:]
                    elif types in self._angleTypes:
                        params = self._angleTypes[types][4:]
                    elif types[::-1] in self._angleTypes:
                        params = self._angleTypes[types[::-1]][4:]
                        raise ValueError('No parameters specified for angle: '+fields[0]+', '+fields[1]+', '+fields[2])
                    # Decide whether to use a constraint or a bond.
                    useConstraint = False
                    if rigidWater and topologyAtoms[baseAtomIndex+atoms[0]] == 'HOH':
                        useConstraint = True
                    if constraints is HAngles:
                        elements = [topologyAtoms[baseAtomIndex+i].element for i in atoms]
                        if elements[0] == elem.hydrogen and elements[2] == elem.hydrogen:
                            useConstraint = True
                        elif elements[1] == elem.oxygen and (elements[0] == elem.hydrogen or elements[2] == elem.hydrogen):
                            useConstraint = True
                    # Add the bond or constraint.
                    theta = float(params[0])*degToRad
                    if useConstraint:
                        # Compute the distance between atoms and add a constraint
                        if atoms[0] in atomBonds[atoms[1]] and atoms[2] in atomBonds[atoms[1]]:
                            l1 = atomBonds[atoms[1]][atoms[0]]
                            l2 = atomBonds[atoms[1]][atoms[2]]
                            length = math.sqrt(l1*l1 + l2*l2 - 2*l1*l2*math.cos(theta))
                            sys.addConstraint(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], length)
                        if angles is None:
                            angles = mm.HarmonicAngleForce()
                        angles.addAngle(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], theta, float(params[1]))
                        if fields[3] == '5':
                            # This is a Urey-Bradley term, so add the bond.
                            if bonds is None:
                                bonds = mm.HarmonicBondForce()
                            k = float(params[3])
                            if k != 0:
                                bonds.addBond(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], float(params[2]), k)

                # Add torsions.

                for fields in moleculeType.dihedrals:
                    atoms = [int(x)-1 for x in fields[:4]]
                    types = tuple(bondedTypes[i] for i in atoms)
                    dihedralType = fields[4]
                    reversedTypes = types[::-1]+(dihedralType,)
                    types = types+(dihedralType,)
                    if (dihedralType in ('1', '2', '4', '9') and len(fields) > 7) or (dihedralType == '3' and len(fields) > 10):
                        paramsList = [fields]
                        # Look for a matching dihedral type.
                        paramsList = None
                        if (types[1], types[2]) in dihedralTypeTable:
                            dihedralTypes = dihedralTypeTable[(types[1], types[2])]
                            dihedralTypes = wildcardDihedralTypes
                        for key in dihedralTypes:
                            if all(a == b or a == 'X' for a, b in zip(key, types)) or all(a == b or a == 'X' for a, b in zip(key, reversedTypes)):
                                paramsList = self._dihedralTypes[key]
                                if 'X' not in key:
                        if paramsList is None:
                            raise ValueError('No parameters specified for dihedral: '+fields[0]+', '+fields[1]+', '+fields[2]+', '+fields[3])
                    for params in paramsList:
                        if dihedralType in ('1', '4', '9'):
                            # Periodic torsion
                            k = float(params[6])
                            if k != 0:
                                if periodic is None:
                                    periodic = mm.PeriodicTorsionForce()
                                periodic.addTorsion(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], baseAtomIndex+atoms[3], int(float(params[7])), float(params[5])*degToRad, k)
                        elif dihedralType == '2':
                            # Harmonic torsion
                            k = float(params[6])
                            if k != 0:
                                if harmonicTorsion is None:
                                    harmonicTorsion = mm.CustomTorsionForce('0.5*k*(theta-theta0)^2')
                                harmonicTorsion.addTorsion(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], baseAtomIndex+atoms[3], (float(params[5])*degToRad, k))
                            # RB Torsion
                            c = [float(x) for x in params[5:11]]
                            if any(x != 0 for x in c):
                                if rb is None:
                                    rb = mm.RBTorsionForce()
                                rb.addTorsion(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], baseAtomIndex+atoms[3], c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5])

                # Add CMAP terms.

                for fields in moleculeType.cmaps:
                    atoms = [int(x)-1 for x in fields[:5]]
                    types = tuple(bondedTypes[i] for i in atoms)
                    if len(fields) >= 8 and len(fields) >= 8+int(fields[6])*int(fields[7]):
                        params = fields
                    elif types in self._cmapTypes:
                        params = self._cmapTypes[types]
                    elif types[::-1] in self._cmapTypes:
                        params = self._cmapTypes[types[::-1]]
                        raise ValueError('No parameters specified for cmap: '+fields[0]+', '+fields[1]+', '+fields[2]+', '+fields[3]+', '+fields[4])
                    if cmap is None:
                        cmap = mm.CMAPTorsionForce()
                    mapSize = int(params[6])
                    if mapSize != int(params[7]):
                        raise ValueError('Non-square CMAPs are not supported')
                    map = []
                    for i in range(mapSize):
                        for j in range(mapSize):
                    map = tuple(map)
                    if map not in mapIndices:
                        mapIndices[map] = cmap.addMap(mapSize, map)
                    cmap.addTorsion(mapIndices[map], baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], baseAtomIndex+atoms[3],
                                 baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], baseAtomIndex+atoms[2], baseAtomIndex+atoms[3], baseAtomIndex+atoms[4])

                # Set nonbonded parameters for particles.

                for fields in moleculeType.atoms:
                    params = self._atomTypes[fields[1]]
                    if len(fields) > 6:
                        q = float(fields[6])
                        q = float(params[4])
                    nb.addParticle(q, float(params[6]), float(params[7]))
                    if implicitSolvent is OBC2:
                        if fields[1] not in self._implicitTypes:
                            raise ValueError('No implicit solvent parameters specified for atom type: '+fields[1])
                        gbparams = self._implicitTypes[fields[1]]
                        gb.addParticle(q, float(gbparams[4]), float(gbparams[5]))
                for fields in moleculeType.bonds:
                    atoms = [int(x)-1 for x in fields[:2]]
                    bondIndices.append((baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1]))

                # Record nonbonded exceptions.

                for fields in moleculeType.pairs:
                    atoms = [int(x)-1 for x in fields[:2]]
                    types = tuple(atomTypes[i] for i in atoms)
                    if len(fields) >= 5:
                        params = fields[3:5]
                    elif types in self._pairTypes:
                        params = self._pairTypes[types][3:5]
                    elif types[::-1] in self._pairTypes:
                        params = self._pairTypes[types[::-1]][3:5]
                    elif not self._genpairs:
                        raise ValueError('No pair parameters defined for atom '
                                         'types %s and gen-pairs is "no"' % types)
                        continue # We'll use the automatically generated parameters
                    atom1params = nb.getParticleParameters(baseAtomIndex+atoms[0])
                    atom2params = nb.getParticleParameters(baseAtomIndex+atoms[1])
                    exceptions.append((baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atoms[1], atom1params[0]*atom2params[0]*fudgeQQ, params[0], params[1]))
                for fields in moleculeType.exclusions:
                    atoms = [int(x)-1 for x in fields]
                    for atom in atoms[1:]:
                        if atom > atoms[0]:
                            exceptions.append((baseAtomIndex+atoms[0], baseAtomIndex+atom, 0, 0, 0))

        # Create nonbonded exceptions.

        nb.createExceptionsFromBonds(bondIndices, fudgeQQ, float(self._defaults[3]))
        for exception in exceptions:
            nb.addException(exception[0], exception[1], exception[2], float(exception[3]), float(exception[4]), True)

        # Finish configuring the NonbondedForce.

        methodMap = {ff.NoCutoff:mm.NonbondedForce.NoCutoff,

        # Adjust masses.

        if hydrogenMass is not None:
            for atom1, atom2 in self.topology.bonds():
                if atom1.element == elem.hydrogen:
                    (atom1, atom2) = (atom2, atom1)
                if atom2.element == elem.hydrogen and atom1.element not in (elem.hydrogen, None):
                    transferMass = hydrogenMass-sys.getParticleMass(atom2.index)
                    sys.setParticleMass(atom2.index, hydrogenMass)
                    sys.setParticleMass(atom1.index, sys.getParticleMass(atom1.index)-transferMass)

        # Add a CMMotionRemover.

        if removeCMMotion:
        return sys