def test_main(self): mock_trading = mock.create_autospec(simulate.TradingSimulate) with mock.patch.object(tradeapi, 'REST', return_value=self.alpaca) as alpaca_init, \ mock.patch.object(simulate, 'TradingSimulate', return_value=mock_trading) as trading_init, \ mock.patch.object( argparse.ArgumentParser, 'parse_args', return_value=argparse.Namespace(start_date=None, end_date=None, api_key='fake_api_key', api_secret='fake_api_secret')): simulate.main() alpaca_init.assert_called_once_with('fake_api_key', 'fake_api_secret', utils.ALPACA_PAPER_API_BASE_URL, 'v2') trading_init.assert_called_once()
def _pushButtonclick(self): self.reset_data() a1, a2, a3 = simulate.main(self.RF,self.RFPLL,self.TF,self.TFPLL,self.IFPLL,self.BASE,self.SPAN,self.CLK) for i in range(len(a2)): if (len(a1[i]) != 0): message = str(a2[i]) + " " + str(len(a1[i])) self.threads.run_(message) str_name = a2[i] str_name = str_name.split('_') if len(str_name) == 2: str_name = str_name[1] for j in range(len(a1[i])): message = str(j + 1) + " " + str(str_name) + " " + '*' + " " + str(a3[i][j]) + " " + '=' + " " + str(a1[i][j]) self.threads.run_(message) self.threads.terminate() elif len(str_name) == 3: str_name1 = str_name[1] str_name2 = str_name[2] for j in range(len(a1[i])): message = str(j + 1) + " " + str(str_name1) + " " + '*' + " " + str(a3[i][j][0]) + " " + '+' + " " + str(str_name2) + " " + '*' + " " + str(a3[i][j][1]) + " " + '=' + " " + str(a1[i][j]) self.threads.run_(message) self.threads.terminate() else: continue else: continue
def Qfunc(theta): ''' This is a function that calculates the distance between simulated moments and the actual moments for the setup used for table 2 ''' import kgrid import zgrid import z_markov import simulate as sim import VFI # getting the grid space for capital kgrid, sizek = kgrid.main(params,w,a_k) # getting the grid space for shocks z_grid, pi = zgrid.main(sigma, mu, rho, sizez) # getting firm's optimal decision rule V, PF = VFI.main(theta, params, z_grid, kgrid, sizek, sizez, pi, a_k, w, psi) # simulate the data k_sim, I_sim, V_sim, pi_sim = sim.main(theta, params, kgrid, pi, V, PF, N, T, z_grid) # define variables of interest I_K = (I_sim/k_sim).reshape((N*T, 1)) Qav = (V_sim/k_sim).reshape((N*T, 1)) PI_K = (pi_sim/k_sim).reshape((N*T, 1)) # get the necessary statistics I_Kr = I_K.reshape((1, N*T)) sc = np.corrcoef(I_Kr[0][1:], I_Kr[0][:N*T-1])[0,1] sd = np.std(PI_K) qbar = V_sim.sum() / k_sim.sum() # run the q-regression Y = np.matrix(I_K) X = np.matrix(np.concatenate((np.ones((N*T, 1)), Qav, PI_K), axis = 1)) a0, a1, a2 = np.linalg.inv(X.T * X) * X.T * Y # construct the vectors mu_sim = np.array((a1[0, 0], a2[0, 0], sc, sd, qbar)) mu_real = np.array((.03, .24, .4, .25, 3)) # identity matrix Wmat = np.eye(len(mu_sim)) # get the distance between simulated statistics and the actual statistics dist = np.matrix((mu_real - mu_sim)) * np.linalg.inv(Wmat) * np.matrix((mu_real - mu_sim)).T return dist
def get_sim(theta): ''' This is a function that returns the simulated moments to be used to obtain the standard errors ''' import kgrid import zgrid import z_markov import simulate as sim import VFI # getting the grid space for capital kgrid, sizek = kgrid.main(params,w,a_k) # getting the grid space for shocks z_grid, pi = zgrid.main(sigma, mu, rho, sizez) # getting firm's optimal decision rule V, PF = VFI.main(theta, params, z_grid, kgrid, sizek, sizez, pi, a_k, w, psi) # simulate the data k_sim, I_sim, V_sim, pi_sim = sim.main(theta, params, kgrid, pi, V, PF, N, T, z_grid) # define variables of interest I_K = (I_sim/k_sim).reshape((N*T, 1)) Qav = (V_sim/k_sim).reshape((N*T, 1)) PI_K = (pi_sim/k_sim).reshape((N*T, 1)) # get the necessary statistics I_Kr = I_K.reshape((1, N*T)) sc = np.corrcoef(I_Kr[0][1:], I_Kr[0][:N*T-1])[0,1] sd = np.std(PI_K) qbar = V_sim.sum() / k_sim.sum() # run the q-regression Y = np.matrix(I_K) X = np.matrix(np.concatenate((np.ones((N*T, 1)), Qav, PI_K), axis = 1)) a0, a1, a2 = np.linalg.inv(X.T * X) * X.T * Y # construct the vectors mu_sim = np.array((a1[0, 0], a2[0, 0], sc, sd, qbar)) return mu_sim
def main(): global buttonPlay_rect, buttonQuit_rect, BASICFONT, DISPLAYWINDOW, bgColor, buttonPlay, buttonQuit pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load('assets/gameicon.png')) DISPLAYWINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Insanity') # Load the sound files """BEEP1 = pygame.mixer.Sound('beep1.ogg') BEEP2 = pygame.mixer.Sound('beep2.ogg') BEEP3 = pygame.mixer.Sound('beep3.ogg') BEEP4 = pygame.mixer.Sound('beep4.ogg')""" # Initialize some variables lastClickTime = 0 # timestamp of the player's last button push score = 0 bgColor = pygame.image.load("assets/menubackground.jpg").convert() # Load images of the buttons init_button_img() init_img() # Create buttons for the menu buttonPlay = pygame.image.load("assets/menubutton_play.bmp").convert_alpha() buttonQuit = pygame.image.load("assets/menubutton_quit.bmp").convert_alpha() BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 16) isPlaying = False while True: # main game loop checkForQuit() if isPlaying == False: isPlaying = menu() lives = 3 difficulty = 0 result = 0 gamesPlayed = [] while isPlaying and lives > 0: resetGameFrame() checkForQuit() difficulty = random.randint(0,2) gameChoice = random.choice(('Arinoid','Tetris', 'Maze','Simulate','Inkspill')) if(gameChoice not in gamesPlayed): difficulty = 0 print(gameChoice + ", difficulty : " + str(difficulty)) if(gameChoice == "Simulate"): result = simulate.main(difficulty) elif(gameChoice == "Arinoid"): continue # Not implemented elif(gameChoice == "Tetris"): continue # Not implemented elif(gameChoice == "Maze"): result = bipo_main.main(difficulty) elif(gameChoice == "Inkspill"): result = inkspill.main(difficulty) gamesPlayed.append(gameChoice) # 'result' is either 0 (if the game has been won) or -1 (if the game has been lost) lives = lives + result score = score + result +1 if lives > 0: displayScore(score,lives) pygame.time.wait(2000) isPlaying = gameOver(score) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)
print("Case {} not found".format(i)) # Running print("Starting case {}".format(case)) # Completing data if 'initial_condition' not in case: case['initial_condition'] = "" filename = case["input"] directory = os.path.dirname(filename) if case['initial_condition'] == -1: initial_condition_file = os.path.join(directory, "preparation.output.json") if os.path.isfile(initial_condition_file): case['initial_condition'] = initial_condition_file # Simulating try: simulate.main( input=case['input'], format='json', initial_condition=case['initial_condition'], output='', name='' ) except: print("Not converged") print("End") # end
old_groups[group_id] = {"id": group["id"], "name": group["name"]} new_config["groups"] = old_groups print("Group ID written to config") if not "simulation_id" in old_groups[group_id]: print("Creating the simulation group") data = {"name": group["name"] + " Simulation"} headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} res = util.post_rest('groups', data=data, headers=headers) if res is None: print("Creating simulation groupme failed") else: old_groups[group_id]["simulation_id"] = res["id"] util.write_config(new_config) if not os.path.exists("groups"): os.mkdir("groups") if not os.path.exists("groups/" + group_id): os.mkdir("groups/" + group_id) os.mkdir("groups/" + group_id + '/members') print("Loading group information for first run") load_messages.main(group_id, "reset") print("Done loading group information") print("Setup Complete") run = input("Would you like to run the simulation? (y/n): ") if run == 'y': simulate.main(group_id)
from simulate import main cases = [ # {'name': "colesoncove_pre", # 'input': "notebooks/colesoncove_pre.json", # 'output': "notebooks/colesoncove_pre.out.json", # "reporting_interval": 1, # "time_horizon": 1, # "relative_tolerance": 1e-3, # "MaxStep": 1, # "MaxNumSteps": 1000000, # }, {'name': "colesoncove", 'input': "notebooks/colesoncove.json", 'output': "notebooks/colesoncove.out.json", 'initial_condition': "notebooks/colesoncove_pre.out.json", "reporting_interval": 1, "time_horizon": 1, "relative_tolerance": 1e-3, "MaxStep": 1, "MaxNumSteps": 1000000, }, ] if __name__ == "__main__": for case in cases: main( **case )
console.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Set a format which is simpler for console use formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') # Tell the handler to use this format console.setFormatter(formatter) # Add the handler to the root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) # Create a logger log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # # RUN SELECTED COMMAND # if cliArgs.command == "simulate": # Run simulate.main(cliArgs) elif cliArgs.command == "list": # Run list.main() elif cliArgs.command == "convert": # Run convert.main(cliArgs) elif cliArgs.command == "extract": # Run extract.main(cliArgs)
"Ca": Cai, }) with open("mc/{}_{}_pumped.json".format(filename, suffix), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data_mc, outfile, indent=4) output_filename = "mc/{}_{}_pumped_{}.out.json".format( filename, suffix, id) simulate.main( name=filename, input="mc/{}_{}_pumped.json".format(filename, suffix), output=output_filename, initial_condition="notebooks/{}_{}_fixedW.out.json".format( filename, "cs"), init="notebooks/{}_{}_fixedW.out.json.init".format(filename, "cs"), reporting_interval=25 * 24 * 3600, time_horizon=1000 * 24 * 3600, relative_tolerance=1e-3, MaxStep=10 * 24 * 3600, MaxNumSteps=100, ) os.remove(output_filename + ".init") with open(output_filename) as f: json_data = output = json.loads(json_data) output2 = output.copy() for key in output.keys(): if key in ("condenser.Rf", "condenser.Alc", "condenser.Ca",