Beispiel #1
    def choose_next_option(self, sim=HurricaneSimulator()):


        precalculated_answer = self.check_if_path_ready(sim)
        if precalculated_answer != -1:
            return precalculated_answer

        best_state = self.build_full_state(sim)
        best_sim = copy.deepcopy(sim)
        tree = Node(state=best_state, sim=sim)
        best_child = tree
        best_path = list()
        nodes_not_expanded = [tree]
        current_tree_node = tree
        expands_in_this_search = 0

        while not self.is_goal(best_state, best_sim) and self.max_expands > expands_in_this_search:
            """ Expand the current node """

            """ Explore all options"""
            actions = self.get_all_possible_actions(best_sim)
            for action in actions:
                sim_emulation = copy.deepcopy(best_sim)  # Not actually required for greedy search, but for A*
                nodes_not_expanded.append(Node(state=self.build_full_state(sim_emulation), sim=sim_emulation,
                                               g=current_tree_node.g_score + action[1],
                                               h=self.calculate_heuristic_for_action(action[1], sim_emulation),

            """ Find best child """
            best_child = self.find_best_branch_to_explore(nodes_not_expanded)
            best_state = best_child.state
            best_sim = best_child.sim
            current_tree_node = best_child
            self.expanded_nodes += 1
            expands_in_this_search += 1

        """ No possible way to expand """
        if best_child == tree:
            return -1

        current_tree_node = best_child
        while current_tree_node != tree:
            best_path.insert(0, current_tree_node.state)
            current_tree_node = current_tree_node.parent
        self.path = best_path
        ans = self.path.pop(0)['state']
        return ans
Beispiel #2
 def is_goal(full_state, sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
     Is a goal reached?
     A goal is run out the clock or best goal is saved all people
     :param full_state: as built by buil_full_state() method
     :param sim:
     :return: true if goal or false
     if full_state['number_of_people_to_save'] == 0:
         """ Reached optimal goal"""
         return True
     if full_state['time_passed'] >= sim.deadline:
         """ Run out of time :( """
         return True
     return False
Beispiel #3
    def is_new_action_better(best_value,
        Adversarial (zero sum game): each agent aims to maximize its own score minus the opposing agent's score
        cur_best = best_value[sim_emulator.agent_index] - best_value[
            1 - sim_emulator.agent_index]
        if isinf(best_value[1 - sim_emulator.agent_index]
                 ) and best_value[1 - sim_emulator.agent_index] < 0:
            '" If the second score is - infinity, set the subtraction to be - infinity "'
            cur_best = -inf

        return new_value[sim_emulator.agent_index] - new_value[
            1 - sim_emulator.agent_index] > cur_best
Beispiel #4
    def calculate_heuristic_for_action(self, cost, sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
        This function calculates the heuristic for a single.
        :param vertex: the vertex to which you wish to calculate the heuristic
        :param sim: the environment
        :return: a heuristic value
        number_of_people_in_towns = sim.get_number_of_people_in_towns()
        people_unable_to_save = number_of_people_in_towns + self.people_in_vehicle
        cost_to_people = self.find_people(
            sim)  # Find costs for all vertices with people
        cost_to_shelter = self.find_sheleter(
            sim)  # Find costs for all shelter vertices

        if len(cost_to_shelter) == 0:
            """ No shelter, we are all doomed :("""
            return cost + people_unable_to_save * PEOPLE_UNSAVED_VALUE
        """ Find closest shelter """
        closest_shelter = find_closest(cost_to_shelter)[1]
        if (1 + sim.K * self.people_in_vehicle
            ) * closest_shelter + sim.get_time() < sim.deadline:
            """ People in vehicle can be saved """
            people_unable_to_save -= self.people_in_vehicle
            """ Unable to reach shelter """
            return cost + people_unable_to_save * PEOPLE_UNSAVED_VALUE
        """ Find people in towns """
        shelter_nodes = sim.get_shelter()
        time_elapsed = sim.get_time()
        for people in cost_to_people:
            path_to_shelter_for_person = find_closest(
                self.search_grid(shelter_nodes, people[2], sim))
            time_elapsed_for_person = time_elapsed + people[1] + \
                                      (1 + sim.K * sim.graph[people[2]][people[2]].num_of_people) \
                                      * path_to_shelter_for_person[1]
            if time_elapsed_for_person < sim.deadline:
                people_unable_to_save -= sim.graph[people[2]][
        return cost + people_unable_to_save * PEOPLE_UNSAVED_VALUE
Beispiel #5
 def search_grid(self, grid, starting_index, sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
     This function performs the actual search in a grid, and calculates the cost to each vertex of interest
     :param grid: people or shelter grid
     :param sim: the environment
     :return: list of tuples: (next vertex, cost to final destination, final destination)
     l_cost = []
     weight_grid = sim.get_weights()
     for i in range(sim.num_of_vertices):
         if grid[i][i]:
             path, depth_searched = dijkstra_shortest_path(
                 weight_grid, starting_index, i)
             # self.steps_explored += depth_searched
             if len(path) == 1:
                 """ Already at a shelter town """
                 l_cost.append((path[0][0], 0, path[0][0]))
             elif path[-1][1] != -1:
                     (path[1][0], path[-1][1], path[-1][0])
                 )  # set the cost for the entire path and the next step
     return l_cost
Beispiel #6
 def build_full_state(sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
     Build a full state to work with
     :param sim: the env
     :return: a dict with (state, time, list_of_vertices_with_people, number_of_people_to_save, number_of_people_in_vehicle)
     """ Create a list of people vertices """
     list_of_vertices_with_people = []
     people = sim.get_people()
     sum_of_people = 0
     for i in range(sim.num_of_vertices):
         sum_of_people += people[i][i]
         if people[i][i]:
             data = (i, people[i][i])
     """ Create the full state """
     full_state = {
         'state': sim.get_state(),
         'time_passed': sim.get_time(),
         'list_of_vertices_with_people': list_of_vertices_with_people,
         'number_of_people_to_save': sum_of_people + sim.people_in_vehicle,
         'number_of_people_in_vehicle': sim.people_in_vehicle
     return full_state
Beispiel #7
 def choose_next_option(self, sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
     print('You are at: ', self.get_state())
     next_state = input("Choose next step:")
     return int(next_state)
Beispiel #8
    def is_new_action_better(self, best_value, new_value, sim_emulator=HurricaneSimulator()):

        A fully cooperative both agents aim to maximize the sum of scores.
        return sum(new_value) > sum(best_value)
Beispiel #9
 def choose_next_option(self, sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
     raise NotImplementedError("")
Beispiel #10
 def value(sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
     """ How many people were saved by each agent """
     return [agent.people_saved for agent in sim.all_agents]
Beispiel #11
 def choose_next_option(self, sim=HurricaneSimulator()):
     if self.is_terminal(sim):
         return -1
     best = self.recursive_tree(0, self.is_zero_sum, sim)
     return best[0]