Beispiel #1
    def read_grid(self, name, idx=0):
        """ Reads a grid in the current file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by SIESTA
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        geom = self.read_geom().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Shorthand
        g = self.groups['GRID']

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(g.dimensions['nx'])
        ny = len(g.dimensions['ny'])
        nz = len(g.dimensions['nz'])

        # Shorthand variable name
        v = g.variables[name]

        # Create the grid, SIESTA uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.Periodic, dtype=v.dtype)

        if len(v[:].shape) == 3:
            grid.grid = v[:, :, :]
            grid.grid = v[idx, :, :, :]

            u = v.unit
            if u == 'Ry':
                # Convert to ev
                grid *= Ry2eV
            # Simply, we have no units

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        grid = grid.swapaxes(0, 2)

        return grid
Beispiel #2
    def read_grid(self, name, idx=0):
        """ Reads a grid in the current file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by SIESTA
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        geom = self.read_geom().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Shorthand
        g = self.groups['GRID']

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(g.dimensions['nx'])
        ny = len(g.dimensions['ny'])
        nz = len(g.dimensions['nz'])

        # Shorthand variable name
        v = g.variables[name]

        # Create the grid, SIESTA uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.Periodic, dtype=v.dtype)

        if len(v[:].shape) == 3:
            grid.grid = v[:, :, :]
            grid.grid = v[idx, :, :, :]

            u = v.unit
            if u == 'Ry':
                # Convert to ev
                grid *= Ry2eV
            # Simply, we have no units

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        grid = grid.swapaxes(0, 2)

        return grid
Beispiel #3
    def read_grid(self, name, spin=0):
        """ Reads a grid in the current file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by Siesta

        name : str
           name of the grid variable to read
        spin : int or array_like, optional
           the spin-index for retrieving one of the components. If a vector
           is passed it refers to the fraction per indexed component. I.e.
           ``[0.5, 0.5]`` will return sum of half the first two components.
           Default to the first component.
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        geom = self.read_geometry().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Shorthand
        g = self.groups['GRID']

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(g.dimensions['nx'])
        ny = len(g.dimensions['ny'])
        nz = len(g.dimensions['nz'])

        # Shorthand variable name
        v = g.variables[name]

        # Create the grid, Siesta uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.PERIODIC, dtype=v.dtype)

        # Unit-conversion
        BohrC2AngC = Bohr2Ang**3

        unit = {
            'Rho': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoInit': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoTot': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoDelta': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoXC': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoBader': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'Chlocal': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
        }.get(name, 1.)

        if len(v[:].shape) == 3:
            grid.grid = v[:, :, :] * unit
        elif isinstance(spin, Integral):
            grid.grid = v[spin, :, :, :] * unit
            if len(spin) > v.shape[0]:
                raise SileError(
                    self.__class__.__name__ +
                    '.read_grid requires spin to be an integer or '
                    'an array of length equal to the number of spin components.'
            grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[0, :, :, :] * (spin[0] * unit)
            for i, scale in enumerate(spin[1:]):
                grid.grid[:, :, :] += v[1 + i, :, :, :] * (scale * unit)

            if v.unit == 'Ry':
                # Convert to ev
                grid *= Ry2eV
            # Allowed pass due to pythonic reading

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        grid = grid.swapaxes(0, 2)

        return grid