Beispiel #1
    def get_encrypted_message(self, message):
        """Get the encrypted message from the passed payload message.


        message : MIMEBase
            The message to encrypt (e.g. as created by :py:func:`get_octed_stream`.

        control = self.get_control_message()
        msg = MIMEMultipart(_subtype='encrypted', _subparts=[control, message])
        msg.set_param('protocol', 'application/pgp-encrypted')
        return msg
Beispiel #2
    def get_encrypted_message(self, message):
        """Get the encrypted message from the passed payload message.


        message : MIMEBase
            The message to encrypt (e.g. as created by :py:func:`get_octed_stream`.

        control = self.get_control_message()
        msg = MIMEMultipart(_subtype='encrypted', _subparts=[control, message])
        msg.set_param('protocol', 'application/pgp-encrypted')
        return msg
Beispiel #3
    def get_signed_message(self, message, signature):
        """Get a signed MIME message from the passed message and signature messages.


        message : MIMEBase
            MIME message that is signed by the signature.
        signature : MIMEBase
            MIME message containing the signature.

        msg = MIMEMultipart(_subtype='signed', _subparts=[message, signature])
        msg.set_param('protocol', 'application/pgp-signature')
        msg.set_param('micalg', 'pgp-sha256')  # TODO: Just the current default
        return msg
Beispiel #4
    def get_signed_message(self, message, signature):
        """Get a signed MIME message from the passed message and signature messages.


        message : MIMEBase
            MIME message that is signed by the signature.
        signature : MIMEBase
            MIME message containing the signature.

        msg = MIMEMultipart(_subtype='signed', _subparts=[message, signature])
        msg.set_param('protocol', 'application/pgp-signature')
        msg.set_param('micalg', 'pgp-sha256')  # TODO: Just the current default
        return msg
Beispiel #5
def rfc3156(message, recipients=None, signers=None, context=None, always_trust=False):

    message : :py:class:`email.mime.base.MIMEBase` or str
    context : :py:class:`pygpgme.Context`, optional
        If not set, a new object with default parameters will be created.
    always_trust : bool, optional
        If ``True``, always trust recipient keys.

    if (not signers and not recipients) or context and context.signers:
        raise ValueError("No signers or recipients given.")

    if isinstance(message, six.string_types):
        message = MIMEText(message + '\n\n')
        del message['MIME-Version']

    if recipients is None:
        recipients = []
    elif isinstance(recipients, six.string_types):
        recipients = [recipients]

    if signers is None:
        signers = []
    elif isinstance(signers, six.string_types):
        signers = [signers]

    if context is None:
        context = gpgme.Context()
    context.armor = True

    # signers/recpiients may either be a string or a key from the context
    signers = [(context.get_key(k) if isinstance(k, six.string_types) else k) for k in signers]
    recipients = [context.get_key(k) if isinstance(k, six.string_types) else k for k in recipients]

    if signers:
        context.signers = signers

    input_bytes = six.BytesIO(message.as_bytes())
    output_bytes = six.BytesIO()

    if recipients:  # we have recipients, so we encrypt

        # compute flags passed to encrypt/encrypt_sign
        flags = 0
        if always_trust is True:
            flags |= gpgme.ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST

        # sign message
        if context.signers:
            context.encrypt_sign(recipients, flags, input_bytes, output_bytes)
            context.encrypt(recipients, flags, input_bytes, output_bytes)

        # the control message
        control_msg = MIMEApplication(_data='Version: 1\n', _subtype='pgp-encrypted',
        control_msg.add_header('Content-Description', 'PGP/MIME version identification')
        del control_msg['MIME-Version']

        encrypted = MIMEApplication(_data=output_bytes.getvalue(),
                                    _subtype='octed-stream', name='encrypted.asc',
        encrypted.add_header('Content-Description', 'OpenPGP encrypted message')
        encrypted.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="encrypted.asc"')
        del encrypted['MIME-Version']

        msg = MIMEMultipart(_subtype='pgp-encrypted', _subparts=[control_msg, encrypted])
        msg.set_param('protocol', 'application/pgp-encrypted')
        return msg
    else:  # just signing
        del message['MIME-Version']
        for payload in message.get_payload():
            if isinstance(payload, MIMEBase):
                del payload['MIME-Version']
        message.policy = message.policy.clone(max_line_length=0)

        to_sign = message.as_bytes().replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
        context.sign(six.BytesIO(to_sign), output_bytes, gpgme.SIG_MODE_DETACH)
        signature = output_bytes.getvalue()

        sig = MIMEBase(_maintype='application', _subtype='pgp-signature', name='signature.asc')
        sig.add_header('Content-Description', 'OpenPGP digital signature')
        sig.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="signature.asc"')
        del sig['MIME-Version']
        del sig['Content-Transfer-Encoding']

        msg = MIMEMultipart(_subtype='signed', _subparts=[message, sig])
        msg.set_param('protocol', 'application/pgp-signature')
        del msg['MIME-Version']

        return msg