Beispiel #1
def get_couch_controller_or_bust(db_name):
    Get :py:class:`djali.couchdb.CloudiControl` instance for given database.

        db_name: Database name

        djali.couchdb.CloudiControl: controller instance

        werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException: When controller cannot be instanciated
    p_url = urlparse(storage_backend)
    couch_db_pr = ParseResult(p_url.scheme, p_url.netloc,
                              '/{db_name}'.format(db_name=db_name), '', '', '')
    db_url = couch_db_pr.geturl()

        return CloudiControl(db_url)
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as hexc:
            "Cloudi error while trying to use {!r}".format(db_url))
        if hexc.response.status_code == 403:
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as cexc:
            "Cloudi error while trying to use {!r}".format(db_url))
Beispiel #2
def urlparams(url_, fragment=None, query_dict=None, **query):
    Add a fragment and/or query parameters to a URL.

    New query params will be appended to exising parameters, except duplicate
    names, which will be replaced.
    url_ = urlparse(url_)
    fragment = fragment if fragment is not None else url_.fragment

    q = url_.query
    new_query_dict = (QueryDict(smart_bytes(q), mutable=True)
                      if q else QueryDict('', mutable=True))
    if query_dict:
        for k, l in query_dict.lists():
            new_query_dict[k] = None  # Replace, don't append.
            for v in l:
                new_query_dict.appendlist(k, v)

    for k, v in query.items():
        # Replace, don't append.
        if isinstance(v, list):
            new_query_dict.setlist(k, v)
            new_query_dict[k] = v

    query_string = urlencode([(k, v) for k, l in new_query_dict.lists()
                              for v in l if v is not None])
    new = ParseResult(url_.scheme, url_.netloc, url_.path, url_.params,
                      query_string, fragment)
    return new.geturl()
Beispiel #3
def urlparams(url_, fragment=None, query_dict=None, **query):
    Add a fragment and/or query parameters to a URL.

    New query params will be appended to exising parameters, except duplicate
    names, which will be replaced.
    url_ = urlparse(url_)
    fragment = fragment if fragment is not None else url_.fragment

    q = url_.query
    new_query_dict = (QueryDict(smart_bytes(q), mutable=True) if
                      q else QueryDict('', mutable=True))
    if query_dict:
        for k, l in query_dict.lists():
            new_query_dict[k] = None  # Replace, don't append.
            for v in l:
                new_query_dict.appendlist(k, v)

    for k, v in query.items():
        # Replace, don't append.
        if isinstance(v, list):
            new_query_dict.setlist(k, v)
            new_query_dict[k] = v

    query_string = urlencode([(k, v) for k, l in new_query_dict.lists() for
                              v in l if v is not None])
    new = ParseResult(url_.scheme, url_.netloc, url_.path, url_.params, query_string, fragment)
    return new.geturl()
def clean_url(url):
    Remove params, query and fragment parts from URL so that `os.path.basename`
    and `os.path.splitext` can work correctly.
    @param url: URL to clean.
    @type url: str
    @return: Cleaned URL.
    @rtype: str
    parsed = urlparse(url.strip())
    reconstructed = ParseResult(
        parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path,
        params='', query='', fragment='')
    return reconstructed.geturl()
def handle_authcode(request, client, redirection_uri, state=None):
    parts = urlparse(redirection_uri.uri)
    qparams = dict(parse_qsl(parts.query))

    user_id = authenticated_userid(request)
    auth_code = Oauth2Code(client, user_id)

    qparams['code'] = auth_code.authcode
    if state:
        qparams['state'] = state
    parts = ParseResult(parts.scheme, parts.netloc, parts.path, parts.params,
                        urlencode(qparams), '')
    return HTTPFound(location=parts.geturl())
Beispiel #6
 def validate(self, instance, value):
     """Check if input is valid URL"""
     value = super(URL, self).validate(instance, value)
     parsed_url = urlparse(value)
     if not parsed_url.scheme or not parsed_url.netloc:
         self.error(instance, value, extra='URL needs scheme and netloc.')
     parse_result = ParseResult(
         params='' if self.remove_parameters else parsed_url.params,
         query='' if self.remove_parameters else parsed_url.query,
         fragment='' if self.remove_fragment else parsed_url.fragment,
     parse_result = parse_result.geturl()
     return parse_result
Beispiel #7
 def __html__(self):
     '''Return a transformed URL if necessary (appending protocol and CDN)'''
     host = self.get('netloc', None)
     # Don't CDN urls with hosts we're not re-writing
     if host:
         if (context.config.STATIC_SOURCES is None
                 or host not in context.config.STATIC_SOURCES):
             return self.raw_url
     if (context.config.USE_CDN
             and (context.config.CDN_HOST or context.config.STATIC_HOSTS)):
         # get the protocol for the current request
         # this requires the custom HTTP header X-Forwarded-Proto
         # set if running behind a proxy (or if SSL is terminated
         # upstream)
             protocol = request_config().protocol
         except AttributeError:
             # are we not in a request? Use a default protocol
             protocol = context.config.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL
         # use the round robin hosts to speed download when not https
         if protocol != "https" and context.config.STATIC_HOSTS:
             self['netloc'] = context.config.STATIC_HOSTS[hashfunc(
                 self.raw_url) % len(context.config.STATIC_HOSTS)]
             self['netloc'] = context.config.CDN_HOST
         # adjust the scheme of any link with a net location
         # to match the current request so we don't have mixed link
         # protocols
         if self['netloc']:
             self['scheme'] = protocol
     return ParseResult(**self).geturl()
Beispiel #8
 def validate(self, instance, value):
     """Check if input is valid URL"""
     value = super(URL, self).validate(instance, value)
     parsed_url = urlparse(value)
     if not parsed_url.scheme or not parsed_url.netloc:
         self.error(instance, value, extra='URL needs scheme and netloc.')
     parse_result = ParseResult(
         params='' if self.remove_parameters else parsed_url.params,
         query='' if self.remove_parameters else parsed_url.query,
         fragment='' if self.remove_fragment else parsed_url.fragment,
     parse_result = parse_result.geturl()
     return parse_result
Beispiel #9
def handle_authcode(request, client, redirection_uri, state=None):
    parts = urlparse(redirection_uri.uri)
    qparams = dict(parse_qsl(parts.query))

    user_id = authenticated_userid(request)
    auth_code = Oauth2Code(client, user_id)

    qparams['code'] = auth_code.authcode
    if state:
        qparams['state'] = state
    parts = ParseResult(
        parts.scheme, parts.netloc, parts.path, parts.params,
        urlencode(qparams), '')
    return HTTPFound(location=parts.geturl())
Beispiel #10
def clean_url(url):
    Remove params, query and fragment parts from URL so that `os.path.basename`
    and `os.path.splitext` can work correctly.

    @param url: URL to clean.
    @type url: str

    @return: Cleaned URL.
    @rtype: str
    parsed = urlparse(url.strip())
    reconstructed = ParseResult(
        parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path,
        params='', query='', fragment='')
    return reconstructed.geturl()
Beispiel #11
def _unicode_urlparse(url, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
    Safely parse a URL into a :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` ensuring that
    all elements of the parse result are unicode.

    :param url:      A URL.
    :type url:       ``bytes``, ``unicode`` or :class:`urlparse.ParseResult`

    :param encoding: The string encoding assumed in the underlying ``str`` or
                     :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` (default is utf-8).
    :type encoding:  ``bytes``

    :param errors:   response from ``decode`` if string cannot be converted to
                     unicode given encoding (default is ignore).
    :type errors:    ``bytes``
    if isinstance(url, bytes):
        url = url.decode(encoding, errors)
    elif isinstance(url, ParseResult):
        # Ensure every part is unicode because we can't rely on clients to do so
        parts = list(url)
        for i in range(len(parts)):
            if isinstance(parts[i], bytes):
                parts[i] = parts[i].decode(encoding, errors)
        return ParseResult(*parts)

        return urlparse(url)
    except ValueError:
        msg = 'Malformed URL "{}" could not parse'.format(url)
        log.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
        return None
Beispiel #12
    def _fields_to_pr(cls, fields):
        """Recompose back fields dict to ParseResult"""
        netloc = fields['username'] or ''
        if fields['password']:
            netloc += ':' + fields['password']
        if netloc:
            netloc += '@'
        netloc += fields['hostname']
        if fields['port']:
            if fields['hostname'].count(':') >= 2:
                # ipv6 -- need to enclose in []
                netloc = '[%s]:%s' % (netloc, fields['port'])
                netloc += ':%s' % fields['port']

        pr_fields = {
            f: fields[f]
            for f in cls._FIELDS
            if f not in ('hostname', 'password', 'username', 'port')
        pr_fields['netloc'] = netloc
        pr_fields['params'] = ''
        # We need to quote the path
        pr_fields['path'] = urlquote(pr_fields['path'])
        # TODO: figure out what to do with query/fragment... one step at a time
        return ParseResult(**pr_fields)
def force_https(url):
    """Force ``url`` to use https as its scheme.

        url: str
            A string representation of a URL.

            ``url`` with its scheme replaced with https.

        Any potential error thrown by the urlparse function during parsing.
    parsed = urlparse(url)
    with_https = ParseResult("https", *parsed[1:])
    return with_https.geturl()
Beispiel #14
 def _parse_uri(self):
     # MySQL connection string is a DataSourceName(DSN),
     # the username, passwd can be any character.
     pattern = r"^(\w+)://(.*):(.*)@tcp\(([.a-zA-Z0-9\-]*):?([0-9]*)\)/(\w*)(\?.*)?$"  # noqa: W605, E501
     found_result = re.findall(pattern, self.uristr)
     scheme, user, passwd, host, port, db, config = found_result[0]
     netloc = "{}:{}@{}:{}".format(user, passwd, host, port or 3306)
     return ParseResult(scheme, netloc, db, "", config.lstrip("?"), "")
Beispiel #15
 def _parse_uri(self):
     # MySQL connection string is a DataSourceName(DSN),
     # we need to do some pre-process
     pattern = r"^(\w+)://(\w*):(\w*)@tcp\(([.a-zA-Z0-9\-]*):([0-9]*)\)/(\w*)(\?.*)?$"  # noqa: W605, E501
     found_result = re.findall(pattern, self.uristr)
     scheme, user, passwd, host, port, db, config = found_result[0]
     netloc = "{}:{}@{}:{}".format(user, passwd, host, port)
     return ParseResult(scheme, netloc, db, "", config.lstrip("?"), "")
Beispiel #16
def parse(s):
    Parse a path given as a url. Accepts strings of the form:


       To avoid surprises, s3:// and file:// URLs should not
       include ;, ? or #. You should URL-encode such paths.

    Return value is a ParseResult; one of the following:

       ('s3', bucketname, valid_s3_key, ...)
       ('file', '', absolute_path_for_current_filesystem, ...)

    import re
    import six
    from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult

    if not isinstance(s, six.string_types):
        raise ValueError("An S3 path must be a string, got %s" % s.__class__.__name__)

    is_windows_path = (len(s) >= 2 and s[1] == ':')
    if is_windows_path:
        scheme, netloc, s3path = 'file', '', s
        scheme, netloc, s3path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(s)
        if any([params, query, fragment]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid URI: %s" % s)
        if any(char in ';?#' for char in s):
            raise ValueError("Invalid URI: %s" % s)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
            raise ValueError("Invalid URI (bad unicode): %s" % s)
            # If somehow something ever gets uploaded with binary in the
            # key, this seems to be the only way to fix it:
            # `s3cmd fixbucket s3://bodylabs-korper-assets`
    if re.match(r'/\w:', s3path): # urlparse, given file:///C:\foo parses us to /C:\foo, so on reconstruction (on windows) we get C:\C:\foo.
        s3path = s3path[1:]
        is_windows_path = True
    if scheme == '':
        scheme = 'file'
    if scheme == 'file' and not is_windows_path:
        if s3path.endswith(os.sep) or s3path.endswith('/'):
            # os.path.abspath strips the trailing '/' so we need to put it back
            s3path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(s3path)), '')
            s3path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(s3path))
    if scheme == 's3' and netloc == '':
        raise ValueError('s3 urls must specify the bucket')
    return ParseResult(scheme, netloc, s3path, params=None, query=None, fragment=None) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,unexpected-keyword-arg
Beispiel #17
    def _quote_path(self, path):
        """Return percent encoded path."""
        parts = urlparse(path)
        path = self._unquote(parts.path, ignore='/%')
        path = quote(path, safe='/%')

        parts = ParseResult('', '', path, parts.params, parts.query,
        path = urlunparse(parts)
        return path or '/'
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self, instance_url, *args, **kwargs):
        self.log = kwargs.get("use_log", logging.getLogger(__name__))
        p_url = urlparse(instance_url)
        self._scheme = p_url.scheme
        self._netloc = p_url.netloc
        if '@' in p_url.netloc:
            self._netloc = p_url.netloc.split('@')[1]
        username = ''
        password = ''

        if p_url.username is not None:
            username = p_url.username

        if p_url.password is not None:
            password = p_url.password

        self._root_auth = (username, password)

        couch_db_pr = ParseResult(self._scheme, self._netloc, '', '', '', '')
        self.instance_url = couch_db_pr.geturl()
Beispiel #19
    def _quote_path(self, path):
        """Return percent encoded path."""
        parts = urlparse(path)
        path = self._unquote(parts.path, ignore='/%')
        # quote do not work with unicode strings in Python 2.7
        if six.PY2:
            path = quote(path.encode('utf-8'), safe='/%')
            path = quote(path, safe='/%')

        parts = ParseResult('', '', path, parts.params, parts.query, parts.fragment)
        path = urlunparse(parts)
        return path
Beispiel #20
def parse_url_to_dict(url, assume_localhost=False):
    """Parse a url and return a dict with keys for all of the parts.

    The urlparse function() returns a wacky combination of a namedtuple
    with properties.

    from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlsplit, urlunsplit, unquote_plus, ParseResult
    from six import text_type
    import re
    assert url is not None

    url = text_type(url)

    if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:', url):
        url = path2url(url)

        p = urlparse(unquote_plus(url))

        # urlparse leaves a '/' before the drive letter.
        p = ParseResult(p.scheme, p.netloc, p.path.lstrip('/'), p.params,
                        p.query, p.fragment)

        p = urlparse(url)

    #  '+' indicates that the scheme has a scheme extension
    if '+' in p.scheme:
        scheme_extension, scheme = p.scheme.split('+')
        scheme = p.scheme
        scheme_extension = None

    if scheme is '':
        scheme = 'file'

    return {
        'scheme': scheme,
        'scheme_extension': scheme_extension,
        'netloc': p.netloc,
        'hostname': p.hostname,
        'path': p.path,
        'params': p.params,
        'query': p.query,
        'fragment': unquote_plus(p.fragment) if p.fragment else None,
        'username': p.username,
        'password': p.password,
        'port': p.port
Beispiel #21
def urlparse(url, scheme='', allow_fragments=True):
    """return ParseResult where netloc is populated from path if required, no need to test .netloc anymore"""
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse as _urlparse, ParseResult
    parsed_url = _urlparse(url, scheme, allow_fragments)
    if '' != parsed_url.netloc:
        return parsed_url
    # fix occasional cases where '' == netloc and its data is in parsed_result.path
    # noinspection PyArgumentList
    fix = ParseResult(scheme=parsed_url.scheme,
    return fix
Beispiel #22
    def _quote_pattern(self, pattern):
        # Corner case for query only (e.g. '/abc?') and param only (e.g. '/abc;') URLs.
        # Save the last character otherwise, urlparse will kill it.
        last_char = ''
        if pattern[-1] == '?' or pattern[-1] == ';' or pattern[-1] == '$':
            last_char = pattern[-1]
            pattern = pattern[:-1]

        parts = urlparse(pattern)
        pattern = self._unquote(parts.path, ignore='/*$%')
        pattern = quote(pattern, safe='/*%')

        parts = ParseResult('', '', pattern + last_char, parts.params,
                            parts.query, parts.fragment)
        pattern = urlunparse(parts)
        return pattern
Beispiel #23
    def Parse(self, uri):
        parsed = urlparse(uri)
        # Work around python 2.7.3 not handling # in URIs correctly.
        if '#' in parsed.path:
            path, fragment = parsed.path.split('#', 1)
            parsed = ParseResult(scheme=parsed.scheme,

        handler = self.handlers.get(parsed.scheme.lower(), None)
        if not handler:
            raise Exception("No handler found for prefix %s" % parsed.scheme)
        return handler(parsed)
Beispiel #24
 def iter_request_log(self):
     for parsed, method, path, args, kwargs, resp in self.request_log:
         parts = parsed._asdict()
         parts['path'] = path
         full_path = ParseResult(**parts).geturl()
         args = list(args)
         log = dict(zip(('body', 'headers'), args))
             'method': method,
             'full_path': full_path,
             'parsed_path': urlparse(full_path),
             'path': path,
             'headers': CaseInsensitiveDict(log.get('headers')),
             'resp': resp,
             'status': resp.status,
         yield log
Beispiel #25
def join(base, *additions):
    Extends os.path.join so work with s3:// and file:// urls

    This inherits a quirk of os.path.join: if 'addition' is
    an absolute path, path components of base are thrown away.

    'addition' must be an absolute or relative path, not
    a URL.

    `base` and `addition` can use any path separator, but the
    result will always be normalized to os.sep.

    from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin, ParseResult

    addition = sep.join(additions)

    (scheme, netloc, _, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(addition)
    if any([scheme, netloc, params, query, fragment]):
        raise ValueError('Addition must be an absolute or relative path, not a URL')

    if islocal(base):
        return os.path.join(parse(base).path, addition.replace(sep, os.sep))
    k = parse(base)

    # Call urljoin instead of os.path.join, since it uses '/' instead of
    # os.sep, which is '\' on Windows.
    # Given disparity between os.path.join and urljoin, we prefer the
    # behavior of os.path.join:
    #   >>> os.path.join('foo/bar', 'baz')
    #   'foo/bar/baz'
    #   >>> urlparse.urljoin('foo/bar', 'baz')
    #   'foo/baz'
    # So we add a trailing slash if there is none
    if k.path.endswith(sep):
        s3path = urljoin(k.path, addition)
        s3path = urljoin(k.path + sep, addition)

    return ParseResult(k.scheme, k.netloc, s3path, k.params, k.query, k.fragment).geturl() # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,unexpected-keyword-arg
Beispiel #26
    def get(self, request):
        data = self.get_data(request)
        code = self.get_data(request, "code")
        error = self.get_data(request, "error")
        client = self.get_data(request, "client")

        # client must be properly deserialized to become a valid instance
        client = Client.deserialize(client)

        # this is an edge case that is caused by making a request with no data
        # it should only happen if this view is called manually, out of the
        # normal capture-authorize-redirect flow.
        if data is None or client is None:
            return self.error_response({
                _('Data has not been captured')

        redirect_uri = data.get('redirect_uri', None) or client.redirect_uri

        parsed = urlparse(redirect_uri)

        query = QueryDict('', mutable=True)

        if 'state' in data:
            query['state'] = data['state']

        if error is not None:
        elif code is None:
            query['error'] = 'access_denied'
            query['code'] = code

        parsed = parsed[:4] + (query.urlencode(), '')

        redirect_uri = ParseResult(*parsed).geturl()


        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_uri)
Beispiel #27
    def _quote_pattern(self, pattern):
        # Corner case for query only (e.g. '/abc?') and param only (e.g. '/abc;') URLs.
        # Save the last character otherwise, urlparse will kill it.
        last_char = ''
        if pattern[-1] == '?' or pattern[-1] == ';' or pattern[-1] == '$':
            last_char = pattern[-1]
            pattern = pattern[:-1]

        parts = urlparse(pattern)
        pattern = self._unquote(parts.path, ignore='/*$%')
        # quote do not work with unicode strings in Python 2.7
        if six.PY2:
            pattern = quote(pattern.encode('utf-8'), safe='/*%')
            pattern = quote(pattern, safe='/*%')

        parts = ParseResult('', '', pattern + last_char, parts.params, parts.query, parts.fragment)
        pattern = urlunparse(parts)
        return pattern
Beispiel #28
    def _parse_uri(self, uri):
        if not uri:

        if PY26:
            # Retrieve scheme from `uri`
            scheme_end = uri.index('://')
            scheme = uri[0:scheme_end]

            # Replace scheme in `uri` with "http" (to avoid parsing bugs)
            uri = 'http' + uri[scheme_end:]

            # Parse URI
            parsed = urlparse(uri)

            # Build parse result with original scheme
            self.uri = ParseResult(scheme, *parsed[1:])
            self.uri = urlparse(uri)

        if self.uri.query:
            self.parameters = dict(parse_qsl(self.uri.query))
Beispiel #29
    def query_build_dir_url(self, file_name):
        Resolve a file name to a potential url in the build upload directory where
        that file can be found.
        if self.test_packages_url:
            reference_url = self.test_packages_url
        elif self.installer_url:
            reference_url = self.installer_url
                "Can't figure out build directory urls without an installer_url "
                "or test_packages_url!")

        reference_url = urllib.parse.unquote(reference_url)
        parts = list(urlparse(reference_url))

        last_slash = parts[2].rfind('/')
        parts[2] = '/'.join([parts[2][:last_slash], file_name])

        url = ParseResult(*parts).geturl()

        return url
Beispiel #30
def _marshal_uri(target_uri, origin_uri):
    Translate the URL string representation into a new string which could be used as JSON keys.
    This method is needed because many JSON parsers and reference resolvers are using '/' as
    indicator of object nesting.

    To workaround this limitation we can re-write the url representation in a way that the parsers
    will accept it, for example "#/definitions/data_type" could become "|..definitions..data_type"

    Example: Assume that you have the following JSON document
            "definitions": {
                "a/possible/def": {
                    "type": "object"
                "a": {
                    "possible": {
                        "def": {
                            "type": "string"
                "def": {
                    "$ref": "#/definitions/a/possible/def"

    Assuming that the JSON parser is not raising exception the dereferenced value of
    "#/definitions/def" could be {"type": "object"} or {"type": "string"} which is
    an undetermined condition which can lead to weird errors.
    Let's assume instead that the JSON parser will raise an exception in this case
    the JSON object will not be usable.

    To prevent this conditions we are removing possible '/' from the JSON keys.

    :param target_uri: URI to marshal
    :type target_uri: ParseResult
    :param origin_uri: URI of the root swagger spec file
    :type origin_uri: ParseResult

    :return: a string representation of the URL which could be used into the JSON keys
    :rtype: str

    marshalled_target = urlunparse(target_uri)

    if marshalled_target and target_uri.scheme == '':  # scheme is empty for relative paths. It should NOT happen!
        target_uri = ParseResult('file', *target_uri[1:])
        marshalled_target = urlunparse(target_uri)

    if not marshalled_target or target_uri.scheme not in {'file', 'http', 'https'}:
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid target: \'{target_uri}\''.format(target_uri=urlunparse(target_uri))

    if origin_uri and target_uri.scheme == 'file':
        scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = target_uri

        # Masquerade the absolute file path on the "local" server using
        # relative paths from the root swagger spec file
        spec_dir = os.path.dirname(origin_uri.path)
        scheme = 'lfile'
        path = os.path.relpath(path, spec_dir)
        marshalled_target = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment))

    for src, dst in iteritems(MARSHAL_REPLACEMENT_PATTERNS):
        marshalled_target = marshalled_target.replace(src, dst)
    return marshalled_target
Beispiel #31
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.client = None
        username = COUCHDB_USERNAME
        password = COUCHDB_PASSWORD
        db_name = COUCHDB_DB_NAME
        couch_db_url = None

        if kwargs.get("use_log"):
            self.log = kwargs['use_log']
            self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        if args:
            p_url = urlparse(args[0])
            if p_url.username is not None:
                username = p_url.username

            if p_url.password is not None:
                password = p_url.password

            if p_url.path:
                split_path = p_url.path.split("/", 2)
                    db_name = split_path[1]
                except IndexError:
                    db_name = split_path[0]

            if p_url.scheme:
                couch_db_pr = ParseResult(p_url.scheme, p_url.netloc, '', '',
                                          '', '')
                couch_db_url = couch_db_pr.geturl()

        if couch_db_url is None:
            default_p = urlparse(COUCHDB_URL)
            auth_prefix_parts = list()
            username = kwargs.get("username", COUCHDB_USERNAME)
            password = kwargs.get("password", COUCHDB_PASSWORD)
            scheme = kwargs.get("scheme", default_p.scheme)
            port = kwargs.get("port", default_p.port)
            host = kwargs.get("host", default_p.hostname)

            if not port:
                port = 5984

                if scheme == 'https':
                    port = 6984

            if username:

                if password:

            if len(auth_prefix_parts) > 0:

            netloc = "{auth_prefix}{host:s}:{port:d}".format(

            couch_db_url = ParseResult(scheme, netloc, "", "", "", "").geturl()

        if couch_db_url is None:
            couch_db_url = COUCHDB_URL

        self._auth = (username, password)
        self._couch_db_url = couch_db_url
        self._storage_db = db_name

        if kwargs.get("create"):
            except KeyError: