Beispiel #1
def test_subdomain_facet_assembly():
    def subdomain(x):
        return np.logical_and(
            np.logical_and(x[0] > .25, x[0] < .75),
            np.logical_and(x[1] > .25, x[1] < .75),

    m, e = MeshTri().refined(4), ElementTriP2()
    cbasis = CellBasis(m, e)
    cbasis_p0 = cbasis.with_element(ElementTriP0())

    sfbasis = FacetBasis(m, e, facets=m.facets_around(subdomain, flip=True))
    sfbasis_p0 = sfbasis.with_element(ElementTriP0())
    sigma = cbasis_p0.zeros() + 1

    def laplace(u, v, w):
        return dot(w.sigma * grad(u), grad(v))

    A = laplace.assemble(cbasis, sigma=cbasis_p0.interpolate(sigma))
    u0 = cbasis.zeros()
    u0[cbasis.get_dofs(elements=subdomain)] = 1
    u0_dofs = cbasis.get_dofs() + cbasis.get_dofs(elements=subdomain)
    A, b = enforce(A, D=u0_dofs, x=u0)
    u = solve(A, b)

    def measure_current(w):
        return dot(w.n, w.sigma * grad(w.u))

    meas = measure_current.assemble(sfbasis,

    assert_almost_equal(meas, 9.751915526759191)
Beispiel #2
def test_periodic_loading(m, mdgtype, e):
    def _sort(ix):
        # sort index arrays so that ix[0] matches
        return ix[np.argsort(np.sum(m.p, axis=0)[ix])]

    mp = mdgtype.periodic(m, _sort(m.nodes_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] == 0)),
                          _sort(m.nodes_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] == 1)))
    basis = Basis(mp, e)
    A = laplace.assemble(basis)
    M = mass.assemble(basis)

    def linf(v, w):
        return np.sin(2. * np.pi * w.x[0]) * v

    f = linf.assemble(basis)
    x = solve(A + 1e-6 * M, f)

    def uexact(x):
        return (1. / (2. * np.pi)**2) * np.sin(2. * np.pi * x[0])

    def func(w):
        uexact = (1. / (2. * np.pi)**2) * np.sin(2. * np.pi * w.x[0])
        return (uexact - w['u'])**2

    assert_almost_equal(func.assemble(basis, u=x), 0, decimal=5)
Beispiel #3
def test_solving_inhomogeneous_laplace(mesh_elem, impose):
    """Adapted from example 14."""

    mesh, elem = mesh_elem

    m = mesh().refined(4)
    basis = Basis(m, elem)
    boundary_basis = FacetBasis(m, elem)
    boundary_dofs = boundary_basis.get_dofs().flatten()

    def dirichlet(x):
        """return a harmonic function"""
        return ((x[0] + 1.j * x[1])**2).real

    u = basis.zeros()
    A = laplace.assemble(basis)
    u[boundary_dofs] = projection(dirichlet, boundary_basis, I=boundary_dofs)
    u = solve(*impose(A, x=u, D=boundary_dofs))

    def gradu(w):
        gradu = w['sol'].grad
        return dot(gradu, gradu)

                                   8 / 3,
Beispiel #4
    def runTest(self):
        m = self.mesh().refined(4)
        basis = InteriorBasis(m, self.elem)
        boundary_basis = FacetBasis(m, self.elem)
        boundary_dofs = boundary_basis.get_dofs().flatten()

        def dirichlet(x):
            """return a harmonic function"""
            return ((x[0] + 1.j * x[1])**2).real

        u = basis.zeros()
        A = laplace.assemble(basis)
        u[boundary_dofs] = projection(dirichlet,
        u = solve(*enforce(A, x=u, D=boundary_dofs))

        def gradu(w):
            gradu = w['sol'].grad
            return dot(gradu, gradu)

            gradu.assemble(basis, sol=basis.interpolate(u)),
            8 / 3,
Beispiel #5
    def runTest(self):
        def load(v, w):
            x = w.x
            return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                    (2.0 * np.pi**2) * v)

        m = self.mesh
        Nitrs = 9
        L2s = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        H1s = np.zeros(Nitrs)

        for itr in range(Nitrs):
            ib = self.create_basis(m, itr + 2)

            A = asm(laplace, ib)
            b = asm(load, ib)

            D = ib.find_dofs()

            x = solve(*condense(A, b, D=D))

            # calculate error
            L2s[itr], H1s[itr] = self.compute_error(m, ib, x)

        self.assertLess(H1s[-1], 1e-10)
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], 1e-11)
Beispiel #6
def test_point_source(etype):

    mesh = MeshLine1().refined()
    basis = CellBasis(mesh, etype())
    source = np.array([0.7])
    u = solve(*condense(asm(laplace, basis), basis.point_source(source), D=basis.get_dofs()))
    exact = np.stack([(1 - source) * mesh.p, (1 - mesh.p) * source]).min(0)
    assert_almost_equal(u[basis.nodal_dofs], exact)
Beispiel #7
    def runTest(self):
        m = self.init_mesh()
        basis = InteriorBasis(m, self.element_type())

        A = laplace.assemble(basis)
        b = unit_load.assemble(basis)
        x = solve(*condense(A, b, D=basis.get_dofs()))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.max(x), self.maxval, places=3)
Beispiel #8
    def runTest(self):
        path = Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'docs' / 'examples' / 'meshes'
        m = self.mesh_type.load(path / self.filename)
        basis = InteriorBasis(m, self.element_type())

        A = laplace.assemble(basis)
        b = unit_load.assemble(basis)
        x = solve(*condense(A, b, D=basis.get_dofs()))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.max(x), 0.06261690318912218, places=3)
Beispiel #9
    def runTest(self):
        """Solve Stokes problem, try splitting and other small things."""

        m = MeshTri().refined()
        m = m.refined(3).with_boundaries({
            'up': lambda x: x[1] == 1.,
            'rest': lambda x: x[1] != 1.,

        e = ElementVectorH1(ElementTriP2()) * ElementTriP1()

        basis = CellBasis(m, e)

        def bilinf(u, p, v, q, w):
            from skfem.helpers import grad, ddot, div
            return (ddot(grad(u), grad(v)) - div(u) * q - div(v) * p
                    - 1e-2 * p * q)

        S = asm(bilinf, basis)

        D = basis.find_dofs(skip=['u^2'])
        x = basis.zeros()
        x[D['up'].all('u^1^1')] = .1

        x = solve(*condense(S, x=x, D=D))

        (u, u_basis), (p, p_basis) = basis.split(x)

        self.assertEqual(len(u), m.p.shape[1] * 2 + m.facets.shape[1] * 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(p), m.p.shape[1])

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(p - x[basis.nodal_dofs[2]]) < 1e-8)

        U, P = basis.interpolate(x)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(U.value, np.ndarray))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(P.value, np.ndarray))
        self.assertTrue(P.shape[0] == m.nelements)

        self.assertTrue((basis.doflocs[:, D['up'].all()][1] == 1.).all())

        # test blocks splitting of forms while at it
        C1 = asm(bilinf.block(1, 1), CellBasis(m, ElementTriP1()))
        C2 = S[basis.nodal_dofs[-1]].T[basis.nodal_dofs[-1]].T
        self.assertTrue(abs((C1 - C2).min()) < 1e-10)
        self.assertTrue(abs((C1 - C2).max()) < 1e-10)

        # test splitting ElementVector
        (ux, uxbasis), (uy, uybasis) = u_basis.split(u)
        assert_allclose(ux[uxbasis.nodal_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.nodal_dofs[0]])
        assert_allclose(ux[uxbasis.facet_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.facet_dofs[0]])
        assert_allclose(uy[uybasis.nodal_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.nodal_dofs[1]])
        assert_allclose(uy[uybasis.facet_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.facet_dofs[1]])
Beispiel #10
    def initOnes(self, basis):
        def mass(u, du, ddu, v, dv, ddv, w):
            return u * v

        def ones(v, dv, ddv, w):
            return 1.0 * v

        M = asm(mass, basis)
        f = asm(ones, basis)

        return solve(M, f)
Beispiel #11
    def initOnes(self, basis):
        def mass(u, v, w):
            return u * v

        def ones(v, w):
            return 1. * v

        M = asm(mass, basis)
        f = asm(ones, basis)

        return solve(M, f)
Beispiel #12
    def runTest(self):
        """Solve Stokes problem, try splitting and other small things."""

        m = MeshTri()
                          lambda x: x[0] == .5,

        e = ElementVectorH1(ElementTriP2()) * ElementTriP1()

        m.define_boundary('up', lambda x: x[1] == 1.)
        m.define_boundary('rest', lambda x: x[1] != 1.)

        basis = InteriorBasis(m, e)
            (2 + 1) * (2**(1 + 3) + 1) + 2 * 2**(1 + 3))
                         (2 + 1) * (2**(1 + 3) + 1) + 2 * 2**(1 + 3))

        def bilinf(u, p, v, q, w):
            from skfem.helpers import grad, ddot, div
            return (ddot(grad(u), grad(v)) - div(u) * q - div(v) * p -
                    1e-2 * p * q)

        S = asm(bilinf, basis)

        D = basis.find_dofs(skip=['u^2'])
        x = basis.zeros()
        x[D['up'].all('u^1^1')] = .1

        x = solve(*condense(S, basis.zeros(), x=x, D=D))

        (u, u_basis), (p, p_basis) = basis.split(x)

        self.assertEqual(len(u), m.p.shape[1] * 2 + m.facets.shape[1] * 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(p), m.p.shape[1])

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(p - x[basis.nodal_dofs[2]]) < 1e-8)

        U, P = basis.interpolate(x)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(U.value, np.ndarray))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(P.value, np.ndarray))

        self.assertTrue((basis.doflocs[:, D['up'].all()][1] == 1.).all())
Beispiel #13
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.)).refined(2)
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, self.e)

        def boundary_flux(v, w):
            return v * (w.x[0] == 1.)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        D = m.nodes_satisfying(lambda x: x == 0.0)
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)  # noqa E741
        u = solve(*condense(L, b, I=I))  # noqa E741

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[ib.nodal_dofs[0]], m.p[0], -10)
Beispiel #14
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.)).refined(2)
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, self.e)

        def boundary_flux(v, w):
            return v * (w.x[0] == 1) - v * (w.x[0] == 0)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        M = asm(mass, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        u = solve(L + 1e-6 * M, b)

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[ib.nodal_dofs[0]], m.p[0] - .5,
Beispiel #15
    def runTest(self):

        m = self.mesh().refined(3)

        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.elem())

        A = asm(laplace, ib)

        D = ib.get_dofs().all()
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)

        for X in self.funs:
            x = self.set_bc(X, ib)
            Xh = x.copy()
            x = solve(*condense(A, x=x, I=I))
            self.assertLessEqual(np.sum(x - Xh), 1e-10)
Beispiel #16
    def runTest(self):
        def load(v, w):
            x = w.x
            if x.shape[0] == 1:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * (np.pi**2) * v)
            elif x.shape[0] == 2:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                        (2.0 * np.pi**2) * v)
            elif x.shape[0] == 3:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                        np.sin(np.pi * x[2]) * (3.0 * np.pi**2) * v)
                raise Exception("The dimension not supported")

        m = self.mesh
        Nitrs = 3
        L2s = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        H1s = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        hs = np.zeros(Nitrs)

        for itr in range(Nitrs):
            if itr > 0:
                m = self.do_refined(m, itr)
            ib = self.create_basis(m)

            A = asm(laplace, ib)
            b = asm(load, ib)

            D = self.get_bc_nodes(ib)
            x = solve(*condense(A, b, D=D))

            # calculate error
            L2s[itr], H1s[itr] = self.compute_error(m, ib, x)
            hs[itr] = m.param()

        rateL2 = np.polyfit(np.log(hs), np.log(L2s), 1)[0]
        rateH1 = np.polyfit(np.log(hs), np.log(H1s), 1)[0]

        self.assertLess(np.abs(rateL2 - self.rateL2),
                        msg='observed L2 rate: {}'.format(rateL2))
        self.assertLess(np.abs(rateH1 - self.rateH1),
                        msg='observed H1 rate: {}'.format(rateH1))
        self.assertLess(H1s[-1], 0.3)
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], 0.008)
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.))
        e = ElementLineP1()
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, e)

        def boundary_flux(v, dv, w):
            return v * (w.x[0] == 1) - v * (w.x[0] == 0)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        M = asm(mass, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        u = solve(L + 1e-6 * M, b)

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(u - m.p[0, :] + 0.5)) < 1e-4)
Beispiel #18
    def runTest(self):
        m =[0]()

        hs = []
        L2s = []

        for itr in range(3):
            e =[1]()
            ib = InteriorBasis(m, e)

            def bilinf(u, v, w):
                return ddot(dd(u), dd(v))

            def linf(v, w):
                return 1. * v

            K = asm(bilinf, ib)
            f = asm(linf, ib)

            x = solve(*condense(K, f, D=ib.get_dofs().all()))

            X = ib.interpolate(x)

            def exact(x):
                return (x ** 2 - 2. * x ** 3 + x ** 4) / 24.

            def error(w):
                return (w.w - exact(w.x)) ** 2

            L2 = np.sqrt(error.assemble(ib, w=X))


        hs = np.array(hs)
        L2s = np.array(L2s)
        pfit = np.polyfit(np.log10(hs), np.log10(L2s), 1)
        self.assertGreater(pfit[0], self.limits[0])
        self.assertLess(pfit[0], self.limits[1])
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], self.abs_limit)
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.))
        e = ElementLineP1()
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, e)

        def boundary_flux(v, dv, w):
            return -v * (w.x[0] == 1.)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        D = m.nodes_satisfying(lambda x: x == 0.0)
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)  # noqa E741
        u = solve(*condense(L, b, I=I))  # noqa E741

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(u + m.p[0, :])) < 1e-10)
Beispiel #20
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.)).refined(2)
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.e)
        m.define_boundary('left', lambda x: x[0] == 0.0)
        m.define_boundary('right', lambda x: x[0] == 1.0)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, self.e, facets=m.boundaries['right'])

        def boundary_flux(v, w):
            return -w.x[0] * v

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        D = ib.find_dofs()['left'].all()
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)  # noqa E741
        u = solve(*condense(L, b, I=I))  # noqa E741

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[ib.nodal_dofs[0]], -m.p[0], -10)
Beispiel #21
def test_periodic_mesh_assembly(m, mdgtype, etype, check1, check2):
    def _sort(ix):
        # sort index arrays so that ix[0] matches
        return ix[np.argsort(np.sum(m.p, axis=0)[ix])]

    mp = mdgtype.periodic(m, _sort(m.nodes_satisfying(check1)),
    basis = Basis(mp, etype())
    A = laplace.assemble(basis)

    f = unit_load.assemble(basis)
    D = basis.get_dofs()
    x = solve(*condense(A, f, D=D))

    if m.dim() == 2:
        assert_almost_equal(x.max(), 0.125)
        assert_almost_equal(x.max(), 0.07389930610869411, decimal=3)
    assert not np.isnan(x).any()
    def runTest(self):
        def dudv(u, du, v, dv, w):
            return sum(du * dv)

        m = self.mesh()

        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.elem())

        A = asm(dudv, ib)

        D = ib.get_dofs().all()
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)

        for X in self.funs:
            x = self.set_bc(X, ib)
            Xh = x.copy()
            x = solve(*condense(A, 0 * x, x=x, I=I))
            self.assertLessEqual(np.sum(x - Xh), 1e-10)
Beispiel #23
def laplace(m, **params):
    """Solve the Laplace equation using the FEM.

        A Mesh object.

    e = ElementTriP1()
    basis = CellBasis(m, e)
    A = laplacian.assemble(basis)
    b = unit_load.assemble(basis)
    u = solve(*condense(A, b, I=m.interior_nodes()))

    # evaluate the error estimators
    fbasis = [InteriorFacetBasis(m, e, side=i) for i in [0, 1]]
    w = {"u" + str(i + 1): fbasis[i].interpolate(u) for i in [0, 1]}

    def interior_residual(w):
        h = w.h
        return h**2

    eta_K = interior_residual.elemental(basis)

    def edge_jump(w):
        h = w.h
        n = w.n
        dw1 = grad(w["u1"])
        dw2 = grad(w["u2"])
        return h * ((dw1[0] - dw2[0]) * n[0] + (dw1[1] - dw2[1]) * n[1])**2

    eta_E = edge_jump.elemental(fbasis[0], **w)

    tmp = np.zeros(m.facets.shape[1]), fbasis[0].find, eta_E)
    eta_E = np.sum(0.5 * tmp[m.t2f], axis=0)

    return eta_E + eta_K
    def runTest(self):
        """Solve Stokes problem, try splitting and other small things."""

        m = MeshTri().refined()
        m = m.refined(3).with_boundaries({
            'up': lambda x: x[1] == 1.,
            'rest': lambda x: x[1] != 1.,

        e = ElementVectorH1(ElementTriP2()) * ElementTriP1()

        basis = CellBasis(m, e)

        def bilinf(u, p, v, q, w):
            from skfem.helpers import grad, ddot, div
            return (ddot(grad(u), grad(v)) - div(u) * q - div(v) * p
                    - 1e-2 * p * q)

        S = asm(bilinf, basis)

        D = basis.find_dofs(skip=['u^2'])
        x = basis.zeros()
        x[D['up'].all('u^1^1')] = .1

        x = solve(*condense(S, x=x, D=D))

        (u, u_basis), (p, p_basis) = basis.split(x)

        self.assertEqual(len(u), m.p.shape[1] * 2 + m.facets.shape[1] * 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(p), m.p.shape[1])

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(p - x[basis.nodal_dofs[2]]) < 1e-8)

        U, P = basis.interpolate(x)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(U.value, np.ndarray))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(P.value, np.ndarray))

        self.assertTrue((basis.doflocs[:, D['up'].all()][1] == 1.).all())
gamma = 0.4 * delta**2
beta = 1.25
lambda_ = beta
g = gamma

mesh = MeshTet.init_tensor(np.linspace(0, L, 10 + 1), np.linspace(0, W, 3 + 1),
                           np.linspace(0, W, 3 + 1))

basis = InteriorBasis(mesh, ElementVectorH1(ElementTetP1()))

clamped = basis.get_dofs(lambda x: x[0] == 0.0).all()
free = basis.complement_dofs(clamped)

K = asm(linear_elasticity(lambda_, mu), basis)

def load(v, w):
    return -rho * g * v.value[2]

f = asm(load, basis)

u = solve(*condense(K, f, I=free))

deformed = MeshTet(mesh.p + u[basis.nodal_dofs], mesh.t)"deformed.xdmf")

u_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(u.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=1)
print("min/max u:", min(u_magnitude), max(u_magnitude))
Beispiel #26
t = 0

with TimeSeriesWriter("channel.xdmf") as writer:

    writer.write_points_cells(mesh.p.T, {"triangle": mesh.t.T})

    while t < t_final:

        t += dt

        # Step 1: Momentum prediction (Ern & Guermond 2002, eq. 7.40, p. 274)

        uv = skfem.solve(*skfem.condense(
            (M / dt) @ uv_ - P @ (2 * p_ - p__),

        # Step 2: Projection (Ern & Guermond 2002, eq. 7.41, p. 274)

        dp = np.zeros(basis["p"].N)
        dp[inlet_pressure_dofs] = p_inlet - p_[inlet_pressure_dofs]

        dp = skfem.solve(*skfem.condense(L["p"], B @ uv, dp, D=dirichlet["p"]))

        # Step 3: Recover pressure and velocity (E. & G. 2002, p. 274)

        p = p_ + dp
        print(min(p), "<= p <= ", max(p))
Beispiel #27
    def runTest(self):

        dudv = laplace

        def uv(u, v, w):
            return u * v

        def F(x, y, z):
            return 2 * x**2 + 2 * y**2 - 6 * x * y * z

        def fv(v, w):
            return F(*w.x) * v

        def G(x, y, z):
            eps = 1e-6

            def circa(a, b):
                return (a - b < eps) * (a - b > -eps)

            return (circa(x, 1) * (3 - 3 * y**2 + 2 * y * z**3) + circa(x, 0) *
                    (-y * z**3) + circa(y, 1) *
                    (1 + x - 3 * x**2 + 2 * x * z**3) + circa(y, 0) *
                    (1 + x - x * z**3) + circa(z, 1) *
                    (1 + x + 4 * x * y - x**2 * y**2) + circa(z, 0) *
                    (1 + x - x**2 * y**2))

        def gv(v, w):
            return G(*w.x) * v

        hs = np.array([])
        H1err = np.array([])
        L2err = np.array([])

        for itr in range(0, 3):
            m =[0]().refined(self.preref + itr)

            ib = Basis(m,[1]())
            fb = FacetBasis(m,[1]())

            A = asm(dudv, ib)
            f = asm(fv, ib)

            B = asm(uv, fb)
            g = asm(gv, fb)

            u = solve(A + B, f + g)

            L2, H1 = self.compute_error(m, ib, u)
            hs = np.append(hs, m.param())
            L2err = np.append(L2err, L2)
            H1err = np.append(H1err, H1)

        pfit = np.polyfit(np.log10(hs), np.log10(np.sqrt(L2err**2 + H1err**2)),
        self.assertGreater(pfit[0], self.limits[0])
        self.assertLess(pfit[0], self.limits[1])
        self.assertLess(H1err[-1], 0.08)
        self.assertLess(L2err[-1], 0.005)
    def runTest(self):
        m =[0]().refined(self.prerefs)

        hs = []
        L2s = []

        for itr in range(3):
            e =[1]()
            ib = InteriorBasis(m, e)

            t = 1.
            E = 1.
            nu = 0.3
            D = E * t ** 3 / (12. * (1. - nu ** 2))

            def bilinf(u, v, w):

                def C(T):
                    trT = T[0, 0] + T[1, 1]
                    return E / (1. + nu) * \
                        np.array([[T[0, 0] + nu / (1. - nu) * trT, T[0, 1]],
                                  [T[1, 0], T[1, 1] + nu / (1. - nu) * trT]])

                return t ** 3 / 12.0 * ddot(C(dd(u)), dd(v))

            def load(x):
                return np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1])

            def linf(v, w):
                return load(w.x) * v

            K = asm(bilinf, ib)
            f = asm(linf, ib)

            # TODO fix boundary conditions
            # u_x should be zero on top/bottom
            # u_y should be zero on left/right
            x = solve(*condense(K, f, D=ib.get_dofs().all('u')))

            X = ib.interpolate(x)

            def exact(x):
                return 1. / (4. * D * np.pi ** 4) * load(x)

            def error(w):
                return (w.w - exact(w.x)) ** 2

            L2 = np.sqrt(error.assemble(ib, w=X))

            m = m.refined()

        hs = np.array(hs)
        L2s = np.array(L2s)
        pfit = np.polyfit(np.log10(hs), np.log10(L2s), 1)
        self.assertGreater(pfit[0], self.limits[0])
        self.assertLess(pfit[0], self.limits[1])
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], self.abs_limit)
Beispiel #29
    def runTest(self):
        def bilinf_A(sigma, tau, w):
            from skfem.models.helpers import dot
            return dot(sigma, tau)

        def bilinf_B(sigma, v, w):
            return sigma.df * v

        def load(v, w):
            x = w.x
            if x.shape[0] == 1:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * (np.pi**2) * v)
            elif x.shape[0] == 2:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                        (2.0 * np.pi**2) * v)
            elif x.shape[0] == 3:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                        np.sin(np.pi * x[2]) * (3.0 * np.pi**2) * v)
                raise Exception("The dimension not supported")

        m = self.mesh
        Nitrs = 3
        L2s = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        Hdivs = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        hs = np.zeros(Nitrs)

        for itr in range(Nitrs):
            ib1, ib2 = self.create_basis(m)

            A = asm(bilinf_A, ib1)
            B = asm(bilinf_B, ib1, ib2)
            b = np.concatenate((np.zeros(A.shape[0]), -asm(load, ib2)))

            from scipy.sparse import bmat
            K = bmat([[A, B.T], [B, None]]).tocsr()

            x = solve(K, b)

            # calculate error
            sigma, u = np.split(x, [A.shape[0]])

            L2s[itr] = self.compute_L2(m, ib2, u)
            Hdivs[itr] = self.compute_Hdiv(m, ib1, sigma)
            hs[itr] = m.param()


        rateL2 = np.polyfit(np.log(hs), np.log(L2s), 1)[0]
        rateHdiv = np.polyfit(np.log(hs), np.log(Hdivs), 1)[0]

        self.assertLess(np.abs(rateL2 - self.rateL2),
                        msg='observed L2 rate: {}'.format(rateL2))
        self.assertLess(np.abs(rateHdiv - self.rateHdiv),
                        msg='observed Hdiv rate: {}'.format(rateHdiv))
        self.assertLess(Hdivs[-1], self.Hdivbound)
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], self.L2bound)
Beispiel #30
with TimeSeriesWriter(Path(__file__).with_suffix(".xdmf").name) as writer:

    writer.write_points_cells(embed(mesh.p.T), {"triangle": mesh.t.T})

    t = 0.0
    while t < t_final:
        t += dt

        # Step 1: momentum prediction

        uv = skfem.solve(
                K_rhs @ uv_
                - P @ (2 * p_ - p__)
                - skfem.asm(acceleration, basis["u"], wind=basis["u"].interpolate(u)),

        # Step 2: pressure correction

        dp = skfem.solve(
            *skfem.condense(L["p"], (B / dt) @ uv, D=dirichlet["p"]), solver=solvers[1]

        # Step 3: velocity correction

        p = p_ + dp