def mean_shift(image_rgb, radius=20, bandwidth=4, eps=1, proc_count=4):
    start = time.time()

    print("Mean Shift: Radius =", radius, ", Bandwidth =", bandwidth, ", EPS =", eps)
    print("Initializing ...")
    image = color.rgb2luv(image_rgb)
    coords = np.rollaxis(np.indices(image.shape[:2]), 0, 3).reshape(-1, 2)

    print("Iterating Points ...")
    partial_iterate = partial(_do_mean_shift, image=image, radius=radius, bandwidth=bandwidth, eps=eps)

    pool = Pool(proc_count)
    segmentation = np.array(, coords))

    print("Post Processing ...")
    sys.setrecursionlimit(image.shape[0] * image.shape[1] + 100)
    segmentation = segmentation.reshape(image.shape)
    _floodfill_compression(segmentation, bandwidth)

    print("Ending ...")
    segmentation = color.luv2rgb(segmentation)

    end = time.time()
    print("Time elapsed:", end - start, "s")

    return segmentation
def read_image(filename):
    """Read an image from the disk and output data arrays."""
    image_array_rgb = misc.imread(filename, mode='RGB')
    #  image_array_grey = misc.imread(filename, flatten=True, mode='F')
    image_array_grey = color.rgb2grey(image_array_rgb)*255
    image_array_luv = color.rgb2luv(image_array_rgb)
    return image_array_rgb, image_array_grey, image_array_luv
Beispiel #3
 def test_rgb2luv_brucelindbloom(self):
     Test the RGB->Lab conversion by comparing to the calculator on the
     authoritative Bruce Lindbloom
     # Obtained with D65 white point, sRGB model and gamma
     gt_for_colbars = np.array([
         [100, 0, 0],
         [97.1393, 7.7056, 106.7866],
         [91.1132, -70.4773, -15.2042],
         [87.7347, -83.0776, 107.3985],
         [60.3242, 84.0714, -108.6834],
         [53.2408, 175.0151, 37.7564],
         [32.2970, -9.4054, -130.3423],
         [0, 0, 0]]).T
     gt_array = np.swapaxes(gt_for_colbars.reshape(3, 4, 2), 0, 2)
                               gt_array, decimal=2)
def salvarcombinacoes(img):
    img_rgb = color.convert_colorspace(img, 'RGB', 'RGB')
    img_hsv = color.convert_colorspace(img_rgb, 'RGB', 'HSV')
    img_lab = color.rgb2lab(img_rgb)
    img_hed = color.rgb2hed(img_rgb)
    img_luv = color.rgb2luv(img_rgb)
    img_rgb_cie = color.convert_colorspace(img_rgb, 'RGB', 'RGB CIE')
    img_xyz = color.rgb2xyz(img_rgb)
    img_cmy = rgb2cmy(img_rgb)

    lista = [img_rgb, img_hsv, img_lab, img_hed, img_luv, img_rgb_cie, img_xyz, img_cmy]
    lista2 = ["rgb", "hsv", "lab", "hed", "luv", "rgb_cie", "xyz", "cmy"]
    for i in range(len(lista)):
        for j in range(len(lista)):
            for k in range(3):
                for l in range(3):
                    nome = lista2[i] + str(k) + lista2[j] + str(l) + ".jpg"
                    io.imsave(nome, juntarcanais(lista[i][:, :,k], lista[j][:, :, l]), )

Beispiel #5
def calc_temperature_distance(image, percentiles, max_distance):
    Calculates the temperature of the center 25% of an image based on percentiles,
    and returns the mean distance of these percentiles from the 'Planckian Locus'. This
    distance is useful for flagging images that were improperly saved or processed by the
    camera. Temperature and distance are based on the method of Robertson (1968).

    image : ndarray
        rgb image
    percentiles : float
        list of percentiles to use to calculate temperature and distance.
    max_distance : int or None
        What is the maximum distance allowed from the Planckian locus? If None, returns the distance.
        Otherwise, returns a boolean of (distance < max_distance).

    float or bool

    See also
    `colour.uv_to_CCT_Robertson1968`, `skimage.color.rgb2luv`
    luv = color.rgb2luv(_center_image(image))
    u = [np.percentile(luv[:, :, 1], i) for i in percentiles]
    v = [np.percentile(luv[:, :, 2], i) for i in percentiles]
    dist = [colour.uv_to_CCT_Robertson1968((u[i], v[i]))[1] for i in range(len(percentiles))]
    dist = np.mean(dist)

    if max_distance == None:
        out = dist
        out = dist < max_distance

print('The type of the image representation is {}'.format(im.dtype))
print('The max/min pixel values are ({}, {})'.format(im.max(), im.min()))

# Here rgb2grey calculate the luma of the original image
grey_im = color.rgb2grey(im)
print('The dimension of the grey image is {}'.format(grey_im.shape))
print('The type of the image representation is {}'.format(grey_im.dtype))
print('The max/min pixel values are ({}, {})'.format(grey_im.max(),

# Here we show the gray-scale channel in other color spaces
hsv_im = color.rgb2hsv(im)
luv_im = color.rgb2luv(im)
yuv_im = color.rgb2yuv(im)

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

plt.imshow(grey_im, cmap='gray')

plt.imshow(hsv_im[:, :, 2], cmap='gray')  # v channel

def computeFeatureVectorBatch(P,
    imgcol = io.imread_collection([img_list[k] for k in img_idx])
    if P.use_hog == 0:
        hogsz = 0
        hogsz = (P.hognumorient *
            (P.imgresize / P.hogcellsize) / P.hogcellblock))
    if P.use_lum == 0:
        lumsz = 0
        lumsz = (6 * P.m_block * P.n_block)
    featvecsize = lumsz + hogsz
    datastor = DataVec([], [], [], [], rot)
    datastor.feat = np.zeros((featvecsize, len(img_idx)))
    datastor.labels = (datastor.rot / 90) * np.ones(len(img_idx))

    for i in range(0, len(img_idx)):
        img = exposure.equalize_adapthist(imgcol[i])
        img = resize(img, P.imgresize)
        # rotate as needed
        if datastor.rot != 0:
            img = ndimage.rotate(img, datastor.rot)

        if P.use_hog == 1:
            # extract hog features
            img1 = color.rgb2gray(img)
            img1 = gaussian(img1, sigma=2)
            hogarray = hog(img1,
        if P.use_lum == 1:
            # extract LUV moment features
            img2 = color.rgb2luv(img)
            patches = image.extract_patches_2d(img2, (P.m_block, P.n_block))
            # compute mean and variance for each channel
            pmean = np.mean(patches, 0)
            pvar = np.var(patches, 0)
            # concatenate into feature vector
            feat = np.concatenate((pmean, pvar), 2)
        if P.use_hog == 1 and P.use_lum == 1:
            datastor.feat[:, i] = np.concatenate((feat.flatten(), hogarray), 0)
        elif P.use_hog == 1 and P.use_lum == 0:
            datastor.feat[:, i] = hogarray
        elif P.use_hog == 0 and P.use_lum == 1:
            datastor.feat[:, i] = feat.flatten()
    # normalize
    if P.normalize_lum == 1:
        if len(img_min) == 0:
            if P.use_lum == 0:
                img_min = np.zeros(datastor.shape[0])
                img_min = np.nanmin(datastor.feat, 1)
                if P.use_hog == 1:
                    img_min[lumsz:lumsz + hogsz] = 0
            datastor.img_min = img_min
        if len(img_max) == 0:
            if P.use_lum == 0:
                img_max = np.zeros(datastor.shape[0])
                img_max = np.nanmax(datastor.feat, 1)
                if P.use_hog == 1:
                    img_max[lumsz:lumsz + hogsz] = 0
            datastor.img_max = img_max
        tmp1 = (img_max - img_min)
        if P.use_hog == 1:
            tmp1[lumsz:lumsz + hogsz] = 1
        tmp = np.tile(tmp1, (len(img_idx), 1)).T
        datastor.feat = (datastor.feat - np.tile(img_min,
                                                 (len(img_idx), 1)).T) / tmp
    return datastor
	category_sum = 0
	category_count = 0
	x_values = []
	for file_name in glob.glob("../movie_categories/" + c + "/*.txt"):
		f = open(file_name)
		prev = [0.,0.,0.]
		count = 0
		temp_sum = 0 
		array ='\n')[:-1]
		for line in array:
			count += 1
			r,g,b = line.split()
			r,g,b = float(r), float(g), float(b)
			rgb_vec = [[[r,g,b]],[[r,g,b]]]
			luv_vec = rgb2luv(rgb_vec)
			luv_vec = luv_vec[0][0]
			diff = LA.norm(luv_vec-prev)
			temp_sum += diff
			prev = luv_vec

		avg_change = temp_sum / count
		category_count += 1
		category_sum += avg_change

		#### writing output to file here
		avg_change = str(avg_change)
		concat_name = file_name.rsplit('/',1)[-1]
		output = open('../movie_dynamics/'+ c + "/" + concat_name  , 'w')
Beispiel #9
    def test_rgb2luv_dtype(self):
        img = self.colbars_array.astype('float64')
        img32 = img.astype('float32')

        assert rgb2luv(img).dtype == img.dtype
        assert rgb2luv(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def createDataSet (rawDataDir, patch_size, som):
    #Create the training set from a directory  with color images
    si, sj = patch_size[0], patch_size[1]
    cantFeatures = si*sj+2
    cantData = len(os.listdir(rawDataDir)) * (256-si) * (256-sj)
    X = np.zeros((cantData, cantFeatures))    #data
    y = np.zeros((cantData, 1),    #labels
    dataRow=0                      #count data rows
    for filename in os.listdir(rawDataDir):
        if filename.endswith(".jpg"):
            img = misc.imread(rawDataDir+'/'+filename)     #load image from file
            print ('        Processing image: ' + filename + ' ' + str(img.shape))
            imgLuv = color.rgb2luv(img)                     #transform the image to CIE LUV
            codebook = som._normalizer.denormalize_by(som.data_raw, som.codebook.matrix)

            #obtain the "patches" from each figure
            for i in range(0, img.shape[0]-si):
              for j in range(0, img.shape[1]-sj):
                #print ('    Processing patch: ' + str(j) + ', ' + str (i))
                subImg = imgLuv[i:i+si, j:j+sj, :]
                #misc.imsave('/tmp/parche'+str(x)+'_'+str(y)+'.png', color.luv2rgb(subImg))
                pixelUV = subImg[si//2, sj//2, 1:]                        # obtain the center pixel, only the U and V components
                pixelGroup = mySom.getBMU(som, pixelUV.reshape(1,-1), codebook) # get the group of the pixel (the Best Matching Unit of the SOM). For y NN
                #print (pixelGroup)
                pixelPos = np.array([[i,j]])
                patchL = subImg[:,:,0]                          # get the L components of the patch. For X NN
                patchLpos = np.concatenate((patchL.reshape(1, si*sj), pixelPos),1)
                #print ('        Updating X...')
                X[dataRow] = patchLpos
                #print ('        Updating Y...')
                y[dataRow] = pixelGroup.reshape(1,-1)
                #if X is None:
                #    X = patchLpos
                #    print ('        Concatenating X...')
                #    X = np.concatenate((X, patchLpos))
                #if y is None:
                #    y = pixelGroup.reshape(1,-1)
                #    print ('        Concatenating y...')
                #    y = np.concatenate((y, pixelGroup.reshape(1,-1)))
                dataRow = dataRow+1

    return X, y
Beispiel #11
img ='images/beach-sunset-mountain.jpg')

# ### Converting from RGB colorspace to CIE LUV colorspace
# Images can live in different colorspaces. Every colorspace has its advantages depending on the tasks. RGB may be good for viewing, but a colorspace that involves spatial information is better to distinguish sceneries. For this task, we use images from a colorspace called **CIE 1976 (L*, u*, v*)** or **LUV** for short. Converting images from RGB to LUV colorspace will [Boutell et. al. 2004](
#     1. remove the nonlinear dependencies among RGB values,
#     2. have better uniformities among LUV values, and
#     3. have less complexity in its mapping.

# In[ ]:

# import skimage package
from skimage.color import rgb2luv

img_luv = rgb2luv(img)

# ### Dividing images into 7x7 blocks and calculating first and second order moment for each block

# In[ ]:

(h, w, c) = img_luv.shape
# note that the image size might not be divisible by 7,
# let us remove the extra pixles in the last row/column
num_blocks_w = 7  # number of blocks in width
num_blocks_h = 7  # numbe of blocks in height
block_w = w / num_blocks_w
block_h = h / num_blocks_h
img_blocks = [[[] for _ in xrange(num_blocks_w)] for _ in xrange(num_blocks_h)]
Beispiel #12
pipeline = pickle.load(
        'pkls/grid_patch' + str(patch_size[0]) + 'x' + str(patch_size[1]) +
        '_som' + str(som_size[0]) + 'x' + str(som_size[1]) + '.pkl', 'rb'))
som = pickle.load(
        'pkls/trainedSOM' + str(som_size[0]) + 'x' + str(som_size[1]) + '.pkl',


for filename in os.listdir(image_dir):
    if filename.endswith(".jpg"):
        img = misc.imread(image_dir + '/' + filename)  #load image from file
        imgLuv = color.rgb2luv(img)
        imgGrey = imgLuv[:, :, 0]
        originalUV = imgLuv[:, :, 1:]

        img_predict_size = [
            img.shape[0] - patch_size[0] + 1, img.shape[1] - patch_size[1] + 1
        print('Predicting for ', filename, img.shape, img_predict_size)

        X_predict = np.zeros((img_predict_size[0] * img_predict_size[1],
                              patch_size[0] * patch_size[1]))

        pos = 0
        for j in range(0, 256 - patch_size[0] + 1,
                       1):  # con patch 5x5: range(0, 252, 1)
            for i in range(0, 256 - patch_size[1] + 1, 1):
 def rgb2luv(self,imageArray):
     return color.rgb2luv(imageArray)
Beispiel #14
img_blue = cv2.imread("wavelengthPairs/f6b.jpg")
img_red = cv2.imread("wavelengthPairs/f6r.jpg")
img_green = cv2.imread("wavelengthPairs/f6g.jpg")

img_height, img_width = 480, 640
n_channels = 4
transparent_img = np.zeros((img_height, img_width, n_channels), dtype=np.uint8)

# Save the image for visualization
cv2.imwrite("./transparent_img.png", transparent_img)

img = cv2.addWeighted(img_blue, 0.5, img_red, 0.5, 0)
final_img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.5, img_green, 0.5, 0)

img_xyz = rgb2xyz(final_img)
img_luv = rgb2luv(final_img)
#cv2.rectangle(img_xyz, (250, 170), (300, 220), (255,0,0), 2)
#final_img = cv2.resize(final_img,(360,360)) # resize of image
#img_xyz.convertTo(img_result, CV_8UC3, 255.0);

cv2.imwrite("mergedImg.jpg", final_img)
img_read = cv2.imread("mergedImg.jpg", 0)
img_segmented = imgSegmentation(img_read)
cv2.imshow("Segmented image", img_segmented)
image = img_as_float(img_segmented)
# pixel intensity arithmetic mean
#  pixel intensity standard deviation
Beispiel #15
        y0 = center[1]

    return numpy.exp(-4*numpy.log(2) * ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2) / fwhm**2)

print("loading data...")
size = 50
images, labels, classes = loader.loadTrainingImagesPoleNumbersAndClasses()
amount = len(images)

resized = [image_operations.cropAndResize(img, 0.1,size) for img in images]

luv =  [color.rgb2luv(img) for img in resized]
hed =  [color.rgb2hed(img) for img in resized]

grayscaled =  [color.rgb2gray(img) for img in resized]

print("brightness features")
brightness = util.loading_map(extraction.calculateDarktoBrightRatio, resized)

print("luv features")

luv_features = util.loading_map(lambda x: extraction.split_image_features(
    lambda y : extraction.color_features(y, mean = True, std = True), 7, x), luv)
Beispiel #16
LUV = []
subset_indices = np.load('subset40p_indices.npy')

for count in subset_indices:
    current_image = path + str(count)
    img =
    # img = misc.imread(current_image)
    img = img.resize((128, 128), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    # print (img.shape)
    img = np.array(img)
    # if img.shape[2] != 3:
    # 	bad_indices.append(count)
    # 	good_indices.remove(count)
    # 	continue
    arr = color.rgb2luv(img)
    # IV_Current = arr[:,:,2]
    # IV.append(IV_Current)
    # IU_Current = arr[:,:,1]
    # IU.append(IU_Current)
    # IL_Current = arr[:,:,0]
    # IL.append(IL_Current)

# #'good_indices.npy', good_indices)
# #'bad_indices.npy', bad_indices)
#'LUV_L_40p.npy',IL)'LUV_40p.npy', LUV)
Beispiel #17
# normalize image if not already in correct format
if img.dtype != 'float32':
    img = cv2.normalize(img.astype('float32'), None, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)

# get dimensions of input image
x, y, z = img.shape

# store a copy of original image for comparison
img1 = np.zeros((x, y, z))
img1 = img.copy()

alpha = None

# Convert to colorspaces CIELAB, CIELUV, and CIELCH
lab = color.rgb2lab(img)  # - RGB to LAB
luv = color.rgb2luv(img)  # - RGB to LUV
LCH = color.lab2lch(img)  # - LAB to LCH

# Compute G(x, y) for image
Gx = np.zeros((x, y))   # Create empty array for Gx component
Gy = np.zeros((x, y))   # Create empty array for Gy component
for i in range(1, x-1):
    for j in range(1, y-1):
        #Calculate the Gx and Gy per pixel using color difference from Eq 3 (on pg 2 of paper)
        Gx[i, j] = color_difference(lab[i + 1, j, :], lab[i - 1, j, :], luv[i + 1, j, :], luv[i - 1, j, :], alpha)
        Gy[i, j] = color_difference(lab[i, j + 1, :], lab[i, j - 1, :], luv[i, j + 1, :], luv[i, j - 1, :], alpha)

# Assign Lightness, chroma, and hue arrays from LCH to their own respective arrays
L = LCH[:, :, 0]
C = LCH[:, :, 1]
H = LCH[:, :, 2]
Beispiel #18
 def test_luv_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
     assert_array_almost_equal(luv2rgb(rgb2luv(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
Beispiel #19
def colors(path):
    "yield x, y value from a resized image."
    img = gaussian_filter(rgb2luv(resize(imread(path), (256, 256))), sigma=0.4, multichannel=True)
    return img.reshape((256 * 256, 3))
Beispiel #20
 def __call__(self, img):
     img = np.asarray(img, np.uint8)
     img = color.rgb2luv(img)
     return img
Beispiel #21
 def to_luv(self):
     return Image(rgb2luv(self.to_rgb_from_gray()[:, :, :3])).convert_type(self.dtype)
Beispiel #22
 def trans(self, img):
     rst = color.rgb2luv(img) + 128
     #print('============', rst.min(), rst.max())
     return rst.astype(np.uint8)
Beispiel #23
import som as mySom
import sys
import pickle
import numpy as np
from scipy import misc
from skimage import color

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print('A filename is needed')

filename = sys.argv[1]
img = misc.imread(filename)
imgLUV = color.rgb2luv(img)
imgL = imgLUV[:, :, 0]
imgUV = imgLUV[:, :, 1:]

for mapsize in [[2, 2], [3, 3], [5, 5], [10, 10]]:
    somFile = open(
        'pkls/trainedSOM' + str(mapsize[0]) + 'x' + str(mapsize[1]) + '.pkl',
    som = pickle.load(somFile)

    imgCode = mySom.getCodeword(som, imgUV.reshape(256 * 256, 2))
    refImg = np.concatenate((imgL.reshape(256 * 256, 1), imgCode), 1)
    refImg = refImg.reshape(256, 256, 3)
        filename.replace('.jpg', '') + '_reference_' + str(mapsize[0]) + 'x' +
        str(mapsize[1]) + '.png', color.luv2rgb(refImg))

    return plt

#Input's Block

    #Single Reader
img = data.imread('img/nor.jpg', False,)
    #Set Reader

#Convert Block
img_rgb = color.convert_colorspace(img, 'RGB', 'RGB') #No need
img_hsv = color.convert_colorspace(img_rgb, 'RGB', 'HSV')
img_lab = color.rgb2lab(img_rgb)
img_hed = color.rgb2hed(img_rgb)
img_luv = color.rgb2luv(img_rgb)
img_rgb_cie = color.convert_colorspace(img_rgb, 'RGB', 'RGB CIE')
img_xyz = color.rgb2xyz(img_rgb)

#Save Test Block
"""io.imsave("image_hsv.jpg", img_hsv, )
io.imsave("image_lab.jpg", img_lab, )
io.imsave("image_hed.jpg", img_hed, )
io.imsave("image_luv.jpg", img_luv, )
io.imsave("image_rgb_cie.jpg", img_rgb_cie, )
io.imsave("image_xyz.jpg", img_xyz, )
#Layers Block
canalExtration(img_rgb, "RGB").show()
canalExtration(img_hsv, "HSV").show()
def luv_features(block):
    blk = rgb2luv(block)
    return [*mean(blk), *std_dev(blk), *skew_(blk), *variance(blk), *entropy_(blk)]
Beispiel #26
 def test_luv_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
     assert_array_almost_equal(luv2rgb(rgb2luv(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
Beispiel #27
# construct the model and define loss & optimizer
pred = cnn(x, weights, biases)

# define loss and optimizer
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.l2_loss(y - pred))
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost)

# load the images
print('Loading training images...')
tr_path = 'cse190-data/train/*.png'
tr_imgs = []
for fn in glob.glob(tr_path):
    tr_imgs.append(imread(fn, mode='RGB'))
# convert training images to grayscale
tr_imgs = np.array(tr_imgs)
tr_imgs = color.rgb2luv(tr_imgs)
#tr_gray = color.rgb2gray(tr_imgs)
tr_n = len(tr_imgs)
tr_x = tr_imgs[:, :, :, 0].reshape((tr_n, 64, 64, 1))
tr_y = tr_imgs[:, :, :, 1:].reshape((tr_n, 64, 64, 2))
print('%d training images loaded!' % tr_n)

print('Loading test images...')
tst_path = 'cse190-data/test/*.png'
tst_imgs = []
for fn in glob.glob(tst_path):
    tst_imgs.append(imread(fn, mode='RGB'))
# convert test images to grayscale
tst_imgs = np.array(tst_imgs)
tst_imgs = color.rgb2luv(tst_imgs)
tst_n = len(tst_imgs)