def main(_): tl.files.exists_or_mkdir(FLAGS.save_dir) img_paths = get_img_paths(FLAGS.dataset_dir) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, None, None, 3], name='input_tensor') o_Y, o_UV, net_out = a2net(x, is_train=False, reuse=False) out_tensor = net_out.outputs config = tf.ConfigProto() config.allow_soft_placement = True sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.weights_path) ssim_list = [] psnr_list = [] for r, g in img_paths: rain_img = load_and_process_image(r) gt_img = load_and_process_image(g) out =, feed_dict={x: np.expand_dims(rain_img, 0)}) out_img = out[0] rain_img = yuv2rgb(rain_img) out_img = yuv2rgb(out_img) gt_img = yuv2rgb(gt_img) ssim = compare_ssim(rgb2gray(gt_img), rgb2gray(out_img)) psnr = compare_psnr(rgb2gray(gt_img), rgb2gray(out_img)) ssim_list.append(ssim) psnr_list.append(psnr) print('SSIM: {:.5f}'.format(ssim)) print('PSNR: {:.5f}'.format(psnr)) gen_img = np.array([rain_img, out_img, gt_img]) num = r.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0] tl.visualize.save_images( gen_img, [1, 3], path.join(FLAGS.save_dir, 'out_{}.png'.format(num))) sess.close() print('SSIM: {:.5f}'.format(np.mean(ssim_list))) print('PSNR: {:.5f}'.format(np.mean(psnr_list)))
def test_yuv_roundtrip(self): img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16] assert_array_almost_equal(yuv2rgb(rgb2yuv(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(yiq2rgb(rgb2yiq(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(ypbpr2rgb(rgb2ypbpr(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(ycbcr2rgb(rgb2ycbcr(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(ydbdr2rgb(rgb2ydbdr(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
def gen_pencil_drawing(img, kernel_size, stroke_width=0, num_of_directions=8, smooth_kernel="gauss", gradient_method=0, rgb=False, w_group=0, pencil_texture_path="", stroke_darkness=1, tone_darkness=1): if not rgb: # Grayscale image: im = img else: # RGB image: yuv_img = color.rgb2yuv(img) im = yuv_img[:,:,0] # Generate the Stroke Map: S = gen_stroke_map(im, kernel_size, stroke_width=stroke_width, num_of_directions=num_of_directions, smooth_kernel=smooth_kernel, gradient_method=gradient_method) S = np.power(S, stroke_darkness) # Generate the Tone Map: J = gen_tone_map(im, w_group=w_group) # Read the pencil texture: if not pencil_texture_path: pencil_texture = io.imread('./pencils/pencil0.jpg', as_gray=True) else: pencil_texture = io.imread(pencil_texture_path, as_gray=True) # Generate the Pencil Texture Map: T = gen_pencil_texture(im, pencil_texture, J) T = np.power(T, tone_darkness) # The final Y channel: R = np.multiply(S, T) if not rgb: return R else: yuv_img[:,:,0] = R return exposure.rescale_intensity(color.yuv2rgb(yuv_img), in_range=(0, 1))
def process_frame(self, n, filename, frame): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') frame = img_as_float( resize(frame, (self.height, self.width), mode='constant')) frame = img_as_float(color.rgb2gray(color.yuv2rgb(frame))) misc.imsave('{}_{}_{}_0.jpg'.format(filename, n, self.hash_type()), frame) return frame
def show_yuv(yuv_original, yuv_pred): rgb_original = np.clip(color.yuv2rgb(yuv_original), 0, 1) rgb_pred = np.clip(np.abs(color.yuv2rgb(yuv_pred)), 0, 1) grey = color.rgb2grey(yuv_original) fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1).set_title('greyscale') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(grey, cmap='gray') fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2).set_title('original') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(rgb_original) fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3).set_title('gan') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(rgb_pred)
def read(self, offset_frame=None): if not offset_frame == None: * self.frame_length, 0) Y = np.fromfile(self.fp, np.uint8, count=self.Y_length) U = np.fromfile(self.fp, np.uint8, count=self.Uv_length) V = np.fromfile(self.fp, np.uint8, count=self.Uv_length) if Y.size < self.Y_length or \ U.size < self.Uv_length or \ V.size < self.Uv_length: return None, False Y = np.reshape(Y, [self.w, self.h], order='F') Y = np.transpose(Y) U = np.reshape(U, [int(self.w / 2), int(self.h / 2)], order='F') U = np.transpose(U) V = np.reshape(V, [int(self.w / 2), int(self.h / 2)], order='F') V = np.transpose(V) U = imresize(U, [self.h, self.w], interp='nearest') V = imresize(V, [self.h, self.w], interp='nearest') # plt.figure(3) # plt.title("GT") # plt.imshow(np.stack((Y,Y,Y),axis=-1)) # # # plt.figure(3) # plt.title("GT") # plt.imshow(np.stack((U,U,U),axis=-1)) # # plt.figure(3) # plt.title("GT") # plt.imshow(np.stack((V,V,V),axis=-1)) # if self.toRGB: Y = Y / 255.0 U = U / 255.0 - 0.5 V = V / 255.0 - 0.5 self.YUV = np.stack((Y, U, V), axis=-1) self.RGB = (255.0 * np.clip(yuv2rgb(self.YUV), 0.0, 1.0)).astype('uint8') # plt.figure(3) # plt.title("GT") # plt.imshow(self.RGB) # self.YUV = None return self.RGB, True else: self.YUV = np.stack((Y, U, V), axis=-1) return self.YUV, True
def pencil_draw_color(I, texture): if len(I.shape) == 2: return pencil_draw(I, texture) else: I_yuv = color.rgb2yuv(I) Y_gray = pencil_draw(I_yuv[:, :, 0], texture) I_yuv[:, :, 0] = Y_gray I_after = color.yuv2rgb(I_yuv) I_after = np.maximum(I_after, 0) I_after = np.minimum(I_after, 1) #I_ruv[:, :, 0] = 0.5 return I_after
def process_frame(self, n, filename, frame): frame = resize(frame, (self.height, self.width), mode='constant') misc.imsave('{}_{}_{}_0.jpg'.format(filename, n, self.hash_type()), frame) frame = gaussian(frame, sigma=5.0, multichannel=True) misc.imsave('{}_{}_{}_1.jpg'.format(filename, n, self.hash_type()), frame) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') frame = img_as_float(color.rgb2gray(color.yuv2rgb(frame))) misc.imsave('{}_{}_{}_2.jpg'.format(filename, n, self.hash_type()), frame) return frame
def save_images_from_prediction(input, output, N): outdir = 'outputs' image = np.zeros((N, PIXEL_SIZE, PIXEL_SIZE, 3)) image[:, :, :, 0] = input.eval().reshape((N, PIXEL_SIZE, PIXEL_SIZE)) image[:, :, :, 1:] = output image = color.yuv2rgb(image) # returns floats between [0,1] for i in range(N): # print(image) io.imsave(outdir + "/out" + str(i) + ".jpg", image[i], check_contrast=False)
def alterYUV(img): img = color.rgb2yuv(img) params = [] #Y img[:, :, 0] += randUnifC(-0.05, 0.05, params=params) #U img[:, :, 1] += randUnifC(-0.02, 0.02, params=params) #V img[:, :, 2] += randUnifC(-0.02, 0.02, params=params) # U & V channels can have negative values; clip only Y img[:, :, 0] = np.clip(img[:, :, 0], 0, 1.0) img = color.yuv2rgb(img) img = np.clip(img, 0, 1.0) return img
def inference(G,in_path,out_path):'RGB') img_yuv = rgb2yuv(p) H,W,_ = img_yuv.shape infimg = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(img_yuv[...,0], axis=0), axis=0) img_variable = Variable(torch.Tensor(infimg-0.5)) if args.gpu>=0: img_variable=img_variable.cuda(args.gpu) res = G(img_variable) uv=res.cpu().detach().numpy() uv[:,0,:,:] *= 0.436 uv[:,1,:,:] *= 0.615 (_,_,H1,W1) = uv.shape uv = zoom(uv,(1,1,H/H1,W/W1)) yuv = np.concatenate([infimg,uv],axis=1)[0] rgb=yuv2rgb(yuv.transpose(1,2,0)) cv2.imwrite(out_path,(rgb.clip(min=0,max=1)*256)[:,:,[2,1,0]])
def convolver_rgb(image, kernel, iterations=1): img_yuv = rgb2yuv(image) img_yuv[:, :, 0] = multi_convolver(img_yuv[:, :, 0], kernel, iterations) final_image = yuv2rgb(img_yuv) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(17, 10)) ax[0].imshow(image) ax[0].set_title(f'Original', fontsize=20) ax[1].imshow(final_image) ax[1].set_title(f'YUV Adjusted, Iterations = {iterations}', fontsize=20) [axi.set_axis_off() for axi in ax.ravel()] fig.tight_layout() return final_image
def test_yuv_roundtrip(self, channel_axis): img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16] img_rgb = np.moveaxis(img_rgb, source=-1, destination=channel_axis) assert_array_almost_equal( yuv2rgb(rgb2yuv(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( yiq2rgb(rgb2yiq(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( ypbpr2rgb(rgb2ypbpr(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( ycbcr2rgb(rgb2ycbcr(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( ydbdr2rgb(rgb2ydbdr(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb)
def generate_layers_simple(config, back_list, objects_all, num_objects_list): max_objects = max(num_objects_list) num_objects = np.random.choice(num_objects_list) idx_back = np.random.randint(0, len(back_list)) back = back_list[idx_back] image_shape = back.shape obj_layers = np.zeros((max_objects, *image_shape), dtype=np.uint8) occ_masks = np.zeros((num_objects, *image_shape[:-1]), dtype=np.float) indices = np.random.randint(len(objects_all), size=num_objects) scales = np.random.uniform(config['range_scale'][0], config['range_scale'][1], size=num_objects) obj_images = [ rescale_image(objects_all[idx][0], scale) for idx, scale in zip(indices, scales) ] if 'range_intensity' in config: y_scales = np.random.uniform(config['range_intensity'][0], config['range_intensity'][1], size=num_objects) yuv_images = [rgb2yuv(image[..., :-1]) for image in obj_images] for image, y_scale in zip(yuv_images, y_scales): image[..., 0] *= y_scale rgb_images = [(np.clip(yuv2rgb(image), 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) for image in yuv_images] obj_images = [ np.concatenate([rgb, obj[..., -1:]], axis=-1) for rgb, obj in zip(rgb_images, obj_images) ] obj_classes = np.array([objects_all[idx][1] for idx in indices]) for idx, image in enumerate(obj_images): row1 = np.random.randint(image_shape[0] - image.shape[0] + 1) row2 = row1 + image.shape[0] col1 = np.random.randint(image_shape[1] - image.shape[1] + 1) col2 = col1 + image.shape[1] obj_layers[idx, row1:row2, col1:col2] = image occ_masks[idx, row1:row2, col1:col2] = 1 if config['overlap_bbox'] else image[..., -1] / 255 layers = np.concatenate([back[None], obj_layers]) layers = np.rollaxis(layers, -1, -3) classes = np.full(max_objects + 1, -1, dtype=np.int8) classes[1:obj_classes.shape[0] + 1] = obj_classes return layers, classes, occ_masks
def getcolor(input_image): p = np.repeat(input_image, 3, axis=2) if torch.cuda.is_available(): g_available = 1 else: g_available = -1 args = Namespace(model=baseLoc + 'neural-colorization/model.pth', gpu=g_available) G = generator() if torch.cuda.is_available(): G = G.cuda() G.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model)) else: G.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.model, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) img_yuv = rgb2yuv(p) H, W, _ = img_yuv.shape infimg = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(img_yuv[..., 0], axis=0), axis=0) img_variable = Variable(torch.Tensor(infimg - 0.5)) if args.gpu >= 0: img_variable = img_variable.cuda(args.gpu) res = G(img_variable) uv = res.cpu().detach().numpy() uv[:, 0, :, :] *= 0.436 uv[:, 1, :, :] *= 0.615 (_, _, H1, W1) = uv.shape uv = zoom(uv, (1, 1, float(H) / H1, float(W) / W1)) yuv = np.concatenate([infimg, uv], axis=1)[0] rgb = yuv2rgb(yuv.transpose(1, 2, 0)) out = (rgb.clip(min=0, max=1) * 255)[:, :, [0, 1, 2]] out = out.astype(np.uint8) return out
def next_frame(self): hdr = self.fd.readline() if hdr == b"": return [] if hdr[0:5] != b"FRAME": raise Exception("Invalid Y4M Frame") raw_y = * self.height) raw_u = * self.halfheight) raw_v = * self.halfheight) y = convert( np.frombuffer(raw_y, dtype='uint8').reshape(self.height, self.width), np.float32) u = resize( convert( np.frombuffer(raw_u, dtype='uint8').reshape(self.halfheight, self.halfwidth), np.float32), (self.height, self.width), 0, 'reflect') v = resize( convert( np.frombuffer(raw_v, dtype='uint8').reshape(self.halfheight, self.halfwidth), np.float32), (self.height, self.width), 0, 'reflect') yuv = np.array([y, u, v]) from skimage.color import yuv2rgb rgb = yuv2rgb(yuv.transpose(1, 2, 0)).transpose(2, 0, 1) #transform = np.array([[1, 0, 1.139883], [1, -0.39464233, -0.580621850], [1, 2.03206, 0]], dtype=np.float32) #rgb = yuv.transpose(1, 2, 0).dot(transform).transpose(2, 0, 1) return rgb
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.title('Raw') plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.title('adapthist') plt.imshow(img1) plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.title('hist') plt.imshow(img2) # %% img3 = color.rgb2yuv(img) img4 = img3.copy() img4[:, :, 0] = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img3[:, :, 0]) img4 = color.yuv2rgb(img4) img5 = img3.copy() img5[:, :, 0] = exposure.equalize_hist(img3[:, :, 0]) img5 = color.yuv2rgb(img5) plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.title('Raw') plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.title('adapthist') plt.imshow(img4) plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.title('hist') plt.imshow(img5)
def network_prediction_to_rgb(self, prediction, inputs): yuv = np.concatenate((inputs, prediction), axis=2) yuv[:, :, 1:] /= 2. return yuv2rgb(yuv)
def main(): ''' main function, start point ''' # 引数関連 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', type=int, default=0, help='GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)') args = parser.parse_args() # データの読み込み data_path = path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'dataset', 'demo_videos', '09_Streets_of_India_960x540_s001_image') image_list = os.listdir(data_path) # データサイズ取得 img = io.imread(path.join(data_path, image_list[0])) h, w, _ = img.shape # gray_images = np.zeros((len(image_list),1, h, w), dtype=np.float32) # cbcr_images = np.zeros((len(image_list),2, h, w), dtype=np.float32) # prepare model # model = GenEvaluator(N.SRCNN(2, [9, 5, 5])) model = GenEvaluator(N.DRLSR()) if args.gpu >= 0: chainer.cuda.get_device_from_id(args.gpu).use() model.to_gpu() serializers.load_npz(path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'models', 'drlsr'), model) for idx, image_name in tqdm(enumerate(image_list)): img = io.imread(path.join(data_path, image_name)) img = transform.rescale(transform.rescale(img, 0.5), 2) io.imsave('/media/shimo/HDD_storage/BICUBIC/bic_' + image_name, img) img = color.rgb2yuv(img).astype(np.float32) img_gray = img[:, :, 0].reshape(1, 1, h, w) img_cbcr = img[:, :, 1:].transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape(1, 2, h, w) data = img_gray data = cp.array(data) y_data = chainer.backends.cuda.to_cpu(model.generator(data).data) img_gray = np.clip(y_data, 0., 1.) img = np.concatenate((img_gray, img_cbcr), axis=1) img = img.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(h, w, 3) # print(img.dtype, img.shape, img.max(), img.min()) # print(img[:,:,0].max(), img[:,:,0].min()) # print(img[:,:,1].max(), img[:,:,1].min()) # print(img[:,:,2].max(), img[:,:,2].min()) img = np.clip(color.yuv2rgb(img) * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) # print(img.dtype, img.shape, img.max(), img.min()) # print(img[:,:,0].max(), img[:,:,0].min()) # print(img[:,:,1].max(), img[:,:,1].min()) # print(img[:,:,2].max(), img[:,:,2].min()) io.imsave('/media/shimo/HDD_storage/DRLSR_demo/drlsr_' + image_name, img.astype(np.uint8))
def shape_color(shape, color): y = rgb2yuv(shape)[:, :, :1] uv = rgb2yuv(color)[:, :, 1:] return np.clip(yuv2rgb(np.concatenate((y, uv), axis=2)) * 255, 0, 255)
def check_colorization(batch, labels, col_space, Col_Net, classifier, alex, T=1): gray = torch.tensor([0.2989 ,0.5870, 0.1140])[:,None,None].float() device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') batch_size = batch.shape[0] rgb, yuv, lab = [False]*3 if col_space == 'rgb': rgb =True elif col_space == 'lab': lab = True elif col_space == 'yuv': yuv = True if yuv or lab: Y = batch[:,:1,:,:] #build gray image if lab or yuv: X=torch.unsqueeze(batch[:,0,:,:],1).to(device) #set X to the Lightness of the image batch=batch[:,1:,:,:].to(device) #image is a and b channel else: #using the matlab formula: 0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B and load data to gpu X=(batch.clone()*gray).sum(1).to(device).view(-1,1,96,96) batch=batch.float().to(device) #if rgb: # normalize(X,(0,),(1,),True) if yuv: normalize(X,(.5,),(.5,),True) elif lab: normalize(X,(50,),(1,),True) #do colorization col_batch = Col_Net(X).detach().cpu() classes = col_batch.shape[1] #construct rgb image form network output if classes != 3: #for lab/yuw and GAN net if classes == 2: if yuv or lab: col_batch =, col_batch), 1).numpy().transpose((0,2,3,1)) #for -c elif classes > 3: if yuv: col_batch = UV_from_distr(col_batch, T, Y) elif lab: col_batch = ab_from_distr(col_batch, T, Y) if yuv: rgb_batch = (color.yuv2rgb(col_batch)) elif lab: #lab2rgb doesn't support batches rgb_batch=np.zeros_like(col_batch) for k in range(len(col_batch)): rgb_batch[k] = color.lab2rgb(col_batch[k]) rgb_batch = torch.tensor(np.array(rgb_batch).transpose((0,3,1,2))).float() else: rgb_batch = col_batch rgb_batch = F.interpolate(rgb_batch, size = (224,224)) rgb_batch = normalize(rgb_batch,[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) with torch.no_grad(): class_out = alex( pred = classifier(class_out) correct_pred = (pred.argmax(1) return correct_pred, batch_size
def yuv_combine(y, u, v): yuv = cv2.merge((y, u, v)) rgb = yuv2rgb(yuv) return rgb
im = io.imread('ressources/images/poissons.jpg') plt.imshow(im,, vmin=30, vmax=200) inverted_img = util.invert(im) plt.imshow(inverted_img,, vmin=30, vmax=200) hsv_img = rgb2hsv(im) hue_img = hsv_img[:, :, 0] value_img = hsv_img[:, :, 2] fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(8, 2)) ax0.imshow(im) ax0.set_title("RGB image") ax0.axis('off') ax1.imshow(hue_img, cmap='hsv') ax1.set_title("Hue channel") ax1.axis('off') ax2.imshow(value_img) ax2.set_title("Value channel") ax2.axis('off') fig.tight_layout() yuv_img = yuv2rgb(im) value_img = yuv_img[:, :, 2] plt.imshow(value_img)
U = LU.solve(b1) V = LU.solve(b2) sol = np.zeros_like(img) sol[:, :, 0] = Y sol[:, :, 1] = U.reshape((H, W)) sol[:, :, 2] = V.reshape((H, W)) return sol # img_path = fn("samples/flag.bmp") # mark_img_path = fn("samples/flag_marked.bmp") # out_img_path = "output/flag_out_" img_path = fn("samples/baby.bmp") mark_img_path = fn("samples/baby_marked.bmp") out_img_path = "output/baby_out_" # img_path = fn("samples/smiley.bmp") # mark_img_path = fn("samples/smiley_marked.bmp") # out_img_path = "output/smiley_out_" img = np.float32(imread(img_path)) marked_img = np.float32(imread(mark_img_path)) out = colorization(img, marked_img, 5) imsave(fn(out_img_path + "kernel_5.png"), yuv2rgb(out))
result_cv = encode_decode_lightfield( data, LF_LR, LF_HR, inputs, outputs, color_space, decoder_path=decoder_path, ) cv_out = result_cv[0] mask = result_cv[3] cv_out = scale_back(cv_out, mask) if color_space == 'YUV': cv_out = yuv2rgb(cv_out.astype(np.float64)) cv_out = cv_out.astype(np.float32) elif color_space == 'YCBCR': cv_out = YCbCr2rgb(cv_out) cv_out = cv_out.astype(np.float32) elif color_space == 'LAB': cv_out = lab2rgb(cv_out.astype(np.float64)) cv_out = cv_out.astype(np.float32) PSNR_out = measure.compare_psnr(cv_gt, cv_out, data_range=1, dynamic_range=None) SSIM_out = measure.compare_ssim(cv_gt, cv_out, data_range=1,
def preprocess(img): choices = np.zeros(shape=[25]) #ABOUT TRAINING: slowly increase nums here nums = np.random.random_integers(0, 10) picked = np.random.random_integers(0, 24, nums) choices[picked] = 1 #print(picked) #Color reduction if (choices[0] == 1): scales = [ np.asscalar(np.random.random_integers(8, 200)) for x in range(3) ] multi_channel = np.random.choice(2) == 0 params = [multi_channel] + [s / 200.0 for s in scales] if multi_channel: img = np.round(img * scales[0]) / scales[0] else: for i in range(3): img[:, :, i] = np.round(img[:, :, i] * scales[i]) / scales[i] #JPEG Noise if (choices[1] == 1): quality = np.asscalar(np.random.random_integers(55, 95)) params = [quality / 100.0] pil_image = Image.fromarray((img * 255.0).astype(np.uint8)) f = BytesIO(), format='jpeg', quality=quality) jpeg_image = np.asarray(, ).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 img = jpeg_image #Swirl if (choices[2] == 1): strength = (2.0 - 0.01) * np.random.random(1)[0] + 0.01 c_x = np.random.random_integers(1, 256) c_y = np.random.random_integers(1, 256) radius = np.random.random_integers(10, 200) params = [strength / 2.0, c_x / 256.0, c_y / 256.0, radius / 200.0] img = transform.swirl(img, rotation=0, strength=strength, radius=radius, center=(c_x, c_y)) #Noise Injection if (choices[3] == 1): params = [] options = ['gaussian', 'poisson', 'salt', 'pepper', 's&p', 'speckle'] noise_type = np.random.choice(options, 1)[0] params.append(options.index(noise_type) / 6.0) per_channel = np.random.choice(2) == 0 params.append(per_channel) if per_channel: for i in range(3): img[:, :, i] = skimage.util.random_noise(img[:, :, i], mode=noise_type) else: img = skimage.util.random_noise(img, mode=noise_type) # FFT Perturbation if (choices[4] == 1): r, c, _ = img.shape point_factor = (1.02 - 0.98) * np.random.random((r, c)) + 0.98 randomized_mask = [np.random.choice(2) == 0 for x in range(3)] keep_fraction = [(0.95 - 0.0) * np.random.random(1)[0] + 0.0 for x in range(3)] params = randomized_mask + keep_fraction for i in range(3): im_fft = fftpack.fft2(img[:, :, i]) r, c = im_fft.shape if randomized_mask[i]: mask = np.ones(im_fft.shape[:2]) > 0 im_fft[int(r * keep_fraction[i]):int(r * (1 - keep_fraction[i]))] = 0 im_fft[:, int(c * keep_fraction[i]):int(c * (1 - keep_fraction[i]))] = 0 mask = ~mask mask = mask * ~(np.random.uniform(size=im_fft.shape[:2]) < keep_fraction[i]) mask = ~mask im_fft = np.multiply(im_fft, mask) else: im_fft[int(r * keep_fraction[i]):int(r * (1 - keep_fraction[i]))] = 0 im_fft[:, int(c * keep_fraction[i]):int(c * (1 - keep_fraction[i]))] = 0 im_fft = np.multiply(im_fft, point_factor) im_new = fftpack.ifft2(im_fft).real im_new = np.clip(im_new, 0, 1) img[:, :, i] = im_new #Zooms if (choices[5] == 1): h, w, _ = img.shape i_s = np.random.random_integers(10, 50) i_e = np.random.random_integers(10, 50) j_s = np.random.random_integers(10, 50) j_e = np.random.random_integers(10, 50) params = [i_s / 50, i_e / 50, j_s / 50, j_e / 50] i_e = h - i_e j_e = w - j_e # Crop the image... img = img[i_s:i_e, j_s:j_e, :] # scale it back up img = skimage.transform.resize(img, (h, w, 3)) if (choices[11] == 1): #DO NOTHING HERE BECAUSE SEAM_CARVE REMOVED """ h, w, _ = img.shape both_axis = np.random.choice(2) == 0 toRemove_1 = np.random.random_integers(10, 50) toRemove_2 = np.random.random_integers(10, 50) params = [both_axis, toRemove_1 / 50, toRemove_2 / 50] if both_axis: # First remove from vertical eimg = skimage.filters.sobel(skimage.color.rgb2gray(img) ) img = transform.seam_carve(img, eimg, 'vertical', toRemove_1) # Now from horizontal eimg = skimage.filters.sobel(skimage.color.rgb2gray(img) ) img = transform.seam_carve(img, eimg,'horizontal', toRemove_2) else: eimg = skimage.filters.sobel(skimage.color.rgb2gray(img) ) direction = 'horizontal' if toRemove_2 < 30: direction = 'vertical' img = transform.seam_carve(img, eimg,direction, toRemove_1) # Now scale it back up img = skimage.transform.resize(img, (h, w, 3)) """ #Color space processes if (choices[6] == 1): img = color.rgb2hsv(img) params = [] # Hue img[:, :, 0] += randUnifC(-0.05, 0.05, params=params) # Saturation img[:, :, 1] += randUnifC(-0.25, 0.25, params=params) # Value img[:, :, 2] += randUnifC(-0.25, 0.25, params=params) img = np.clip(img, 0, 1.0) img = color.hsv2rgb(img) img = (img * 2.0) - 1.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[8] == 1): img = (img + 1.0) * 0.5 img = color.rgb2xyz(img) params = [] # X img[:, :, 0] += randUnifC(-0.05, 0.05, params=params) # Y img[:, :, 1] += randUnifC(-0.05, 0.05, params=params) # Z img[:, :, 2] += randUnifC(-0.05, 0.05, params=params) img = np.clip(img, 0, 1.0) img = color.xyz2rgb(img) img = (img * 2.0) - 1.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[9] == 1): img = (img + 1.0) * 0.5 img = color.rgb2lab(img) params = [] # L img[:, :, 0] += randUnifC(-5.0, 5.0, params=params) # a img[:, :, 1] += randUnifC(-2.0, 2.0, params=params) # b img[:, :, 2] += randUnifC(-2.0, 2.0, params=params) img[:, :, 0] = np.clip(img[:, :, 0], 0, 100.0) img = color.lab2rgb(img) img = (img * 2.0) - 1.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[10] == 1): img = (img + 1.0) * 0.5 img = color.rgb2yuv(img) params = [] # Y img[:, :, 0] += randUnifC(-0.05, 0.05, params=params) # U img[:, :, 1] += randUnifC(-0.02, 0.02, params=params) # V img[:, :, 2] += randUnifC(-0.02, 0.02, params=params) # U & V channels can have negative values; clip only Y img[:, :, 0] = np.clip(img[:, :, 0], 0, 1.0) img = color.yuv2rgb(img) img = (img * 2.0) - 1.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[7] == 1): nbins = np.random.random_integers(40, 256) params = [nbins / 256.0] for i in range(3): img[:, :, i] = skimage.exposure.equalize_hist(img[:, :, i], nbins=nbins) img = (img * 2.0) - 1.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) #if(choices[12]==1): if (choices[13] == 1): per_channel = np.random.choice(2) == 0 params = [per_channel] low_precentile = [ randUnifC(0.01, 0.04, params=params) for x in range(3) ] hi_precentile = [ randUnifC(0.96, 0.99, params=params) for x in range(3) ] if per_channel: for i in range(3): p2, p98 = np.percentile( img[:, :, i], (low_precentile[i] * 100, hi_precentile[i] * 100)) img[:, :, i] = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(img[:, :, i], in_range=(p2, p98)) else: p2, p98 = np.percentile( img, (low_precentile[0] * 100, hi_precentile[0] * 100)) img = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(img, in_range=(p2, p98)) img = (img * 2.0) - 1.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[14] == 1): ratios = np.random.rand(3) ratios /= ratios.sum() params = [x for x in ratios] img_g = img[:, :, 0] * ratios[0] + img[:, :, 1] * ratios[ 1] + img[:, :, 2] * ratios[2] for i in range(3): img[:, :, i] = img_g img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[15] == 1): ratios = np.random.rand(3) ratios /= ratios.sum() prop_ratios = np.random.rand(3) params = [x for x in ratios] + [x for x in prop_ratios] img_g = img[:, :, 0] * ratios[0] + img[:, :, 1] * ratios[ 1] + img[:, :, 2] * ratios[2] for i in range(3): p = max(prop_ratios[i], 0.2) img[:, :, i] = img[:, :, i] * p + img_g * (1.0 - p) img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[16] == 1): params = [] channels = [0, 1, 2] remove_channel = np.random.choice(3) channels.remove(remove_channel) params.append(remove_channel) ratios = np.random.rand(2) ratios /= ratios.sum() params.append(ratios[0]) img_g = img[:, :, channels[0]] * ratios[0] + img[:, :, channels[1]] * ratios[1] for i in channels: img[:, :, i] = img_g img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[17] == 1): params = [] channels = [0, 1, 2] to_alter = np.random.choice(3) channels.remove(to_alter) params.append(to_alter) ratios = np.random.rand(2) ratios /= ratios.sum() params.append(ratios[0]) img_g = img[:, :, channels[0]] * ratios[0] + img[:, :, channels[1]] * ratios[1] # Lets mix it back in with the original channel p = (0.9 - 0.1) * np.random.random(1)[0] + 0.1 params.append(p) img[:, :, to_alter] = img_g * p + img[:, :, to_alter] * (1.0 - p) img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[18] == 1): if randUnifC(0, 1) > 0.5: sigma = [randUnifC(0.1, 3)] * 3 else: sigma = [randUnifC(0.1, 3), randUnifC(0.1, 3), randUnifC(0.1, 3)] img[:, :, 0] = skimage.filters.gaussian(img[:, :, 0], sigma=sigma[0]) img[:, :, 1] = skimage.filters.gaussian(img[:, :, 1], sigma=sigma[1]) img[:, :, 2] = skimage.filters.gaussian(img[:, :, 2], sigma=sigma[2]) img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[19] == 1): if randUnifC(0, 1) > 0.5: radius = [randUnifI(2, 5)] * 3 else: radius = [randUnifI(2, 5), randUnifI(2, 5), randUnifI(2, 5)] # median blur - different sigma for each channel for i in range(3): mask = skimage.morphology.disk(radius[i]) img[:, :, i] = skimage.filters.rank.median( np.clip(img[:, :, i], -1.0, 1.0), mask) / 255.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[20] == 1): if randUnifC(0, 1) > 0.5: radius = [randUnifI(2, 3)] * 3 else: radius = [randUnifI(2, 3), randUnifI(2, 3), randUnifI(2, 3)] # mean blur w/ different sigma for each channel for i in range(3): mask = skimage.morphology.disk(radius[i]) img[:, :, i] = skimage.filters.rank.mean( np.clip(img[:, :, i], -1.0, 1.0), mask) / 255.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[21] == 1): params = [] radius = [] ss = [] for i in range(3): radius.append(randUnifI(2, 20, params=params)) ss.append(randUnifI(5, 20, params=params)) ss.append(randUnifI(5, 20, params=params)) for i in range(3): mask = skimage.morphology.disk(radius[i]) img[:, :, i] = skimage.filters.rank.mean_bilateral( np.clip(img[:, :, i], -1.0, 1.0), mask, s0=ss[i], s1=ss[3 + i]) / 255.0 img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[22] == 1): params = [] weight = (0.25 - 0.05) * np.random.random(1)[0] + 0.05 params.append(weight) multi_channel = np.random.choice(2) == 0 params.append(multi_channel) img = skimage.restoration.denoise_tv_chambolle( img, weight=weight, multichannel=multi_channel) img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[23] == 1): wavelets = ['db1', 'db2', 'haar', 'sym9'] convert2ycbcr = np.random.choice(2) == 0 wavelet = np.random.choice(wavelets) mode_ = np.random.choice(["soft", "hard"]) denoise_kwargs = dict(multichannel=True, convert2ycbcr=convert2ycbcr, wavelet=wavelet, mode=mode_) max_shifts = np.random.choice([0, 1]) params = [ convert2ycbcr, wavelets.index(wavelet) / float(len(wavelets)), max_shifts / 5.0, (mode_ == "soft") ] img = skimage.restoration.cycle_spin( img, func=skimage.restoration.denoise_wavelet, max_shifts=max_shifts, func_kw=denoise_kwargs) img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) if (choices[24] == 1): wavelets = ['db1', 'db2', 'haar', 'sym9'] convert2ycbcr = np.random.choice(2) == 0 wavelet = np.random.choice(wavelets) mode_ = np.random.choice(["soft", "hard"]) denoise_kwargs = dict(multichannel=True, convert2ycbcr=convert2ycbcr, wavelet=wavelet, mode=mode_) max_shifts = np.random.choice([0, 1]) params = [ convert2ycbcr, wavelets.index(wavelet) / float(len(wavelets)), max_shifts / 5.0, (mode_ == "soft") ] img = skimage.restoration.cycle_spin( img, func=skimage.restoration.denoise_wavelet, max_shifts=max_shifts, func_kw=denoise_kwargs) img = np.clip(img, -1.0, 1.0) return img
test_yuv = rgb2yuv(test_img) test_inf = test_yuv[..., 0].reshape(1, 1, 256, 256) test_var = Variable(torch.Tensor(test_inf - 0.5)).cuda(args.gpu) if args.d_init is not None: D.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.d_init, map_location='cuda:0')) if args.g_init is not None: G.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.g_init, map_location='cuda:0')) # save test image for beginning if args.test_image is not None: test_res = G(test_var) uv = test_res.cpu().detach().numpy() uv[:, 0, :, :] *= 0.436 uv[:, 1, :, :] *= 0.615 test_yuv = np.concatenate([test_inf, uv], axis=1).reshape(3, 256, 256) test_rgb = yuv2rgb(test_yuv.transpose(1, 2, 0)) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(args.checkpoint_location, 'test_init.jpg'), (test_rgb.clip(min=0, max=1) * 256)[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]) i = 0 adversarial_loss = torch.nn.BCELoss() optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(G.parameters(), lr=args.g_lr, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(D.parameters(), lr=args.d_lr, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) for epoch in range(args.epoch): for y, uv in training_generator: # Adversarial ground truths valid = Variable(torch.Tensor(y.size(0), 1).fill_(1.0),
def visualize_yuv(image): """ Visualize YUV image in RGB scale """ return plt.imshow(tf.clip_by_value(yuv2rgb(image),0,1))
def test_yuv2rgb_dtype(self): img = rgb2yuv(self.colbars_array).astype('float64') img32 = img.astype('float32') assert yuv2rgb(img).dtype == img.dtype assert yuv2rgb(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
result_cv = encode_decode_lightfield( data, LF_LR, LF_HR, inputs, outputs, color_space, decoder_path=decoder_path, ) cv_out2 = result_cv[0] mask = result_cv[3] cv_out2 = scale_back(cv_out2, mask) cv_out_orig = np.concatenate((cv_out1, cv_out2), -1) cv_out_rgb = yuv2rgb(cv_out_orig) cv_out_rgb = cv_out_rgb.astype(np.float32) elif color_space == 'YCBCR': cv_gt_orig = rgb2YCbCr(cv_gt) cv_LR_orig = rgb2YCbCr(cv_LR) decoder_path = 'Y' result_cv = encode_decode_lightfield( data, LF_LR, LF_HR, inputs, outputs, color_space,