def test_daisy_normalization(): img = img_as_float(data.lena()[:64, :64].mean(axis=2)) descs = daisy(img, normalization='l1') for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): assert_almost_equal(np.sum(descs[i, j, :]), 1) descs_ = daisy(img) assert_almost_equal(descs, descs_) descs = daisy(img, normalization='l2') for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): assert_almost_equal(sqrt(np.sum(descs[i, j, :]**2)), 1) orientations = 8 descs = daisy(img, orientations=orientations, normalization='daisy') desc_dims = descs.shape[2] for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): for k in range(0, desc_dims, orientations): assert_almost_equal( sqrt(np.sum(descs[i, j, k:k + orientations]**2)), 1) img = np.zeros((50, 50)) descs = daisy(img, normalization='off') for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): assert_almost_equal(np.sum(descs[i, j, :]), 0) assert_raises(ValueError, daisy, img, normalization='does_not_exist')
def setUpClass(cls): cls.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cls.db_name = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=cls.tmpdir) cls.db = _.DbCreator(cls.db_name, 'lmdb') _handle, cls.lena_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=cls.tmpdir, suffix='.jpg') with open(cls.lena_path, 'w') as outfile: PIL.Image.fromarray(data.lena()).save(outfile, format='JPEG', quality=100)
def lena(gray=True, small=True): im = data.lena() if small: im = imresize(im, size=(im.shape[0] / 4, im.shape[1] / 4)) if gray: im = im.mean(axis=2) return im
def test_fast_homography(): img = rgb2gray(data.lena()).astype(np.uint8) img = img[:, :100] theta = np.deg2rad(30) scale = 0.5 tx, ty = 50, 50 H = np.eye(3) S = scale * np.sin(theta) C = scale * np.cos(theta) H[:2, :2] = [[C, -S], [S, C]] H[:2, 2] = [tx, ty] for mode in ('constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'): p0 = homography(img, H, mode=mode, order=1) p1 = fast_homography(img, H, mode=mode) p1 = np.round(p1) ## import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ## f, (ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 4) ## ax0.imshow(img) ## ax1.imshow(p0, ## ax2.imshow(p1, ## ax3.imshow(np.abs(p0 - p1), ## d = np.mean(np.abs(p0 - p1)) assert d < 0.2
def test_binary_descriptors_lena_rotation_crosscheck_true(): """Verify matched keypoints and their corresponding masks results between lena image and its rotated version with the expected keypoint pairs with cross_check enabled.""" img = data.lena() img = rgb2gray(img) tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1, rotation=0.15, translation=(0, 0)) rotated_img = tf.warp(img, tform) extractor = BRIEF(descriptor_size=512) keypoints1 = corner_peaks(corner_harris(img), min_distance=5) extractor.extract(img, keypoints1) descriptors1 = extractor.descriptors keypoints2 = corner_peaks(corner_harris(rotated_img), min_distance=5) extractor.extract(rotated_img, keypoints2) descriptors2 = extractor.descriptors matches = match_descriptors(descriptors1, descriptors2, cross_check=True) exp_matches1 = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45]) exp_matches2 = np.array([33, 0, 35, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 9, 11, 10, 7, 8, 5, 14, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 23, 26, 27, 25, 28, 29, 30]) assert_equal(matches[:, 0], exp_matches1) assert_equal(matches[:, 1], exp_matches2)
def test_theano_overfeat_against_binary(): layer_correspondence = dict( normal=dict( large=[(0, 0, None), (1, 2, None), (2, 3, None), (3, 5, None), (4, 6, None), (5, 9, None), (6, 12, None), (7, 15, None), (8, 18, None), (9, 19, None), (10, 21, None), (11, 23, None), (12, 24, None)], small=[(0, 0, None), (1, 2, None), (2, 3, None), (3, 5, None), (4, 6, None), (5, 9, None), (6, 12, None), (7, 15, None), (8, 16, None), (9, 18, None), (10, 20, None), (11, 21, None)]), detailed=dict( large=[(i, i, None) for i in range(25)], small=[(i, i, None) for i in range(22)] ) ) rng = np.random.RandomState(42) image = (rng.rand(320, 320, 3) * 255).astype(np.uint8) from import lena image = lena() for detailed, correspondences in layer_correspondence.items(): for net_size, correspondence in correspondences.items(): for theano_layer, binary_layer, cropping in correspondence: _check_overfeat_layer(image, theano_layer, binary_layer, net_size == 'large', detailed == 'detailed', cropping=cropping)
def test_corner_orientations_lena(): img = rgb2gray(data.lena()) corners = corner_peaks(corner_fast(img, 11, 0.35)) expected = np.array([-1.9195897 , -3.03159624, -1.05991162, -2.89573739, -2.61607644, 2.98660159]) actual = corner_orientations(img, corners, octagon(3, 2)) assert_almost_equal(actual, expected)
def test_lena(): from skimage import data from skimage import color from skimage.transform import resize in_shape = (200, 200) n_imgs = 1 lena = resize(color.rgb2gray(data.lena()), in_shape).astype(np.float32) lena -= lena.min() lena /= lena.max() imgs = lena.reshape((n_imgs,) + in_shape) model = cnnr.models.fg11_ht_l3_1_description extractor = cnnr.BatchExtractor(in_shape, model) feat_set, _ = extractor.extract(imgs) assert feat_set.shape == (n_imgs, 10, 10, 256) feat_set.shape = n_imgs, -1 test_chunk_computed = feat_set[0, 12798:12802] test_chunk_expected = np.array([0.03845372, 0.02469639, 0.01009409, 0.02500059], dtype=np.float32) assert_allclose(test_chunk_computed, test_chunk_expected, rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
def main(): src_rgb_img = data.lena() #src_rgb_img = io.imread('Child_input.png') src_Lab_img = color.rgb2lab(src_rgb_img) src_Lab_img_L = src_Lab_img[:, :, 0] src_Lab_img_a = src_Lab_img[:, :, 1] src_Lab_img_b = src_Lab_img[:, :, 2] #down_sampling with scale = 0.5 scale = 0.25 src = bicubic2d(src_Lab_img_L, scale) * 2.55 #up_sampling with scale = 2.0 to source image by different method dst_me = bicubic2d(src, 4.0) dst_other = imresize( src, 4.0, interp='bicubic') #this method result is int and in [0,255] #evalue different with PSNR MY result is better print psnr(dst_me / 2.55, src_Lab_img_L) print psnr(dst_other / 2.55, src_Lab_img_L) plt.imshow(dst_me, interpolation="none")
def test_lena(): from skimage import data from skimage import color from skimage.transform import resize in_shape = (200, 200) n_imgs = 1 lena = resize(color.rgb2gray(data.lena()), in_shape).astype(np.float32) lena -= lena.min() lena /= lena.max() imgs = lena.reshape((n_imgs, ) + in_shape) model = cnnr.models.fg11_ht_l3_1_description extractor = cnnr.BatchExtractor(in_shape, model) feat_set = extractor.extract(imgs) assert feat_set.shape == (n_imgs, 10, 10, 256) feat_set.shape = n_imgs, -1 test_chunk_computed = feat_set[0, 12798:12802] test_chunk_expected = np.array( [0.03845372, 0.02469639, 0.01009409, 0.02500059], dtype=np.float32) assert_allclose(test_chunk_computed, test_chunk_expected, rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
def plot_lena_overlay(): plt.figure() logo = ScipyLogo((300, 300), 180) logo.plot_snake_curve() logo.plot_circle() img = data.lena() plt.imshow(img)
def test_keypoints_orb_less_than_desired_no_of_keypoints(): img = rgb2gray(lena()) detector_extractor = ORB(n_keypoints=15, fast_n=12, fast_threshold=0.33, downscale=2, n_scales=2) detector_extractor.detect(img) exp_rows = np.array([ 67., 247., 269., 413., 435., 230., 264., 330., 372.]) exp_cols = np.array([ 157., 146., 111., 70., 180., 136., 336., 148., 156.]) exp_scales = np.array([ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 2.]) exp_orientations = np.array([-105.76503839, -96.28973044, -53.08162354, -173.4479964 , -175.64733392, -106.07927215, -163.40016243, 75.80865813, -154.73195911]) exp_response = np.array([ 0.13197835, 0.24931321, 0.44351774, 0.39063076, 0.96770745, 0.04935129, 0.21431068, 0.15826555, 0.42403573]) assert_almost_equal(exp_rows, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 0]) assert_almost_equal(exp_cols, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 1]) assert_almost_equal(exp_scales, detector_extractor.scales) assert_almost_equal(exp_response, detector_extractor.responses) assert_almost_equal(exp_orientations, np.rad2deg(detector_extractor.orientations), 5) detector_extractor.detect_and_extract(img) assert_almost_equal(exp_rows, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 0]) assert_almost_equal(exp_cols, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 1])
def test_histogram_of_oriented_gradients(): img = img_as_float(data.lena()[:256, :].mean(axis=2)) fd = feature.hog(img, orientations=9, pixels_per_cell=(8, 8), cells_per_block=(1, 1)) assert len(fd) == 9 * (256 // 8) * (512 // 8)
def main(): """Plot example augmentations for Lena and an image loaded from a file.""" # try on a lena image image = data.lena() augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], hflip=True, vflip=True, scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False, rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10, translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5) augmenter.plot_image(image, 100) # check loading of images from file and augmenting them image = misc.imread("chameleon.png") augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[1], image.shape[0], hflip=True, vflip=True, scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False, rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10, translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5) augmenter.plot_image(image, 50) # move the channel from index 2 (3rd position) to index 0 (1st position) # so (y, x, rgb) becomes (rgb, y, x) # try if it still works image = np.rollaxis(image, 2, 0) augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[2], image.shape[1], hflip=True, vflip=True, scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False, rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10, translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5, channel_is_first_axis=True) augmenter.plot_image(image, 50)
def test_rotated_lena(): """ The harris filter should yield the same results with an image and it's rotation. """ im = img_as_float(data.lena().mean(axis=2)) im_rotated = im.T # Moravec results = peak_local_max(corner_moravec(im)) results_rotated = peak_local_max(corner_moravec(im_rotated)) assert (np.sort(results[:, 0]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 1])).all() assert (np.sort(results[:, 1]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 0])).all() # Harris results = peak_local_max(corner_harris(im)) results_rotated = peak_local_max(corner_harris(im_rotated)) assert (np.sort(results[:, 0]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 1])).all() assert (np.sort(results[:, 1]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 0])).all() # Shi-Tomasi results = peak_local_max(corner_shi_tomasi(im)) results_rotated = peak_local_max(corner_shi_tomasi(im_rotated)) assert (np.sort(results[:, 0]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 1])).all() assert (np.sort(results[:, 1]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 0])).all()
def test_fast_homography(): img = rgb2gray(data.lena()).astype(np.uint8) img = img[:, :100] theta = np.deg2rad(30) scale = 0.5 tx, ty = 50, 50 H = np.eye(3) S = scale * np.sin(theta) C = scale * np.cos(theta) H[:2, :2] = [[C, -S], [S, C]] H[:2, 2] = [tx, ty] tform = ProjectiveTransform(H) coords = warp_coords(tform.inverse, (img.shape[0], img.shape[1])) for order in range(4): for mode in ('constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest'): p0 = map_coordinates(img, coords, mode=mode, order=order) p1 = warp(img, tform, mode=mode, order=order) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # f, (ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 4) # ax0.imshow(img) # ax1.imshow(p0, # ax2.imshow(p1, # ax3.imshow(np.abs(p0 - p1), # d = np.mean(np.abs(p0 - p1)) assert d < 0.001
def MR_boudnary_extraction(self, img=None): if img == None: img = cv2.cvtColor(lena(), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) lab_img = self._MR_saliency__MR_readimg(img) mark_color = (1, 0, 0) labels = self._MR_saliency__MR_superpixel(lab_img) up_img = lab_img.copy() up_ids = sp.unique(labels[0, :]).astype(int) up_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool) for i in up_ids: up_mask = sp.logical_or(up_mask, labels == i) up_img[up_mask] = mark_color up_img = mark_boundaries(up_img, labels) right_img = lab_img.copy() right_ids = sp.unique(labels[:, labels.shape[1] - 1]).astype(int) right_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool) for i in right_ids: right_mask = sp.logical_or(right_mask, labels == i) right_img[right_mask] = mark_color right_img = mark_boundaries(right_img, labels) low_img = lab_img.copy() low_ids = sp.unique(labels[labels.shape[0] - 1, :]).astype(int) low_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool) for i in low_ids: low_mask = sp.logical_or(low_mask, labels == i) low_img[low_mask] = mark_color low_img = mark_boundaries(low_img, labels) left_img = lab_img.copy() left_ids = sp.unique(labels[:, 0]).astype(int) left_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool) for i in left_ids: left_mask = sp.logical_or(left_mask, labels == i) left_img[left_mask] = mark_color left_img = mark_boundaries(left_img, labels) plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.axis('off') plt.title('up') plt.imshow(up_img) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.axis('off') plt.title('bottom') plt.imshow(low_img) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.axis('off') plt.title('left') plt.imshow(left_img) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.axis('off') plt.title('right') plt.imshow(right_img)
def test_tv_denoise_2d(self): """ Apply the TV denoising algorithm on the lena image provided by scipy """ # lena image lena = color.rgb2gray(data.lena())[:256, :256] # add noise to lena lena += 0.5 * lena.std() * np.random.randn(*lena.shape) # clip noise so that it does not exceed allowed range for float images. lena = np.clip(lena, 0, 1) # denoise denoised_lena = filter.tv_denoise(lena, weight=60.0) # which dtype? assert denoised_lena.dtype in [np.float, np.float32, np.float64] from scipy import ndimage grad = ndimage.morphological_gradient(lena, size=((3, 3))) grad_denoised = ndimage.morphological_gradient( denoised_lena, size=((3, 3))) # test if the total variation has decreased assert np.sqrt( (grad_denoised ** 2).sum()) < np.sqrt((grad ** 2).sum()) / 2 denoised_lena_int = filter.tv_denoise(img_as_uint(lena), weight=60.0, keep_type=True) assert denoised_lena_int.dtype is np.dtype('uint16')
def test_match_keypoints_brief_lena_rotation(): """Verify matched keypoints result between lena image and its rotated version with the expected keypoint pairs.""" img = data.lena() img = rgb2gray(img) img.shape tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1, rotation=0.10, translation=(0, 0)) rotated_img = tf.warp(img, tform) keypoints1 = corner_peaks(corner_harris(img), min_distance=5) descriptors1, keypoints1 = brief(img, keypoints1, descriptor_size=512) keypoints2 = corner_peaks(corner_harris(rotated_img), min_distance=5) descriptors2, keypoints2 = brief(rotated_img, keypoints2, descriptor_size=512) matched_keypoints = match_keypoints_brief(keypoints1, descriptors1, keypoints2, descriptors2, threshold=0.07) expected = np.array([[[263, 272], [234, 298]], [[271, 120], [258, 146]], [[323, 164], [305, 195]], [[414, 70], [405, 111]], [[435, 181], [415, 223]], [[454, 176], [435, 221]]]) assert_array_equal(matched_keypoints, expected)
def test(): img = skimage.img_as_float(data.lena()) img_size = img.shape[:2] trans = get_transform(20,15,1.05, 0.02, img_size) img_transformed = transform.warp(img, trans) obj_func = lambda x: transform_and_compare(img_transformed, img, x) x0 = np.array([0,0,1, 0]) results = optimize.fmin_bfgs(obj_func, x0) transform_estimated = get_simple_transform(results) transform_optimal = transform.AffineTransform(np.linalg.inv(trans._matrix)) params_optimal = np.concatenate([transform_optimal.translation, transform_optimal.scale[0:1], [transform_optimal.rotation]]) img_registered = transform.warp(img_transformed, transform_estimated) err_original = mean_sq_diff(img_transformed, img) err_optimal = transform_and_compare(img_transformed, img, params_optimal) err_actual = transform_and_compare(img_transformed, img, results) err_relative = err_optimal/err_original print "Params optimal:", params_optimal print "Params estimated:", results print "Error without registration:", err_original print "Error of optimal registration:", err_optimal print "Error of estimated transformation %f (%.2f %% of intial)" % (err_actual, err_relative*100.) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(img_transformed) plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(img_registered)
def test_corner_fast_lena(): img = rgb2gray(data.lena()) expected = np.array([[67, 157], [204, 261], [247, 146], [269, 111], [318, 158], [386, 73], [413, 70], [435, 180], [455, 177], [461, 160]]) actual = corner_peaks(corner_fast(img, 12, 0.3)) assert_array_equal(actual, expected)
def test_daisy_normalization(): img = img_as_float(data.lena()[:64, :64].mean(axis=2)) descs = daisy(img, normalization='l1') for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): assert_almost_equal(np.sum(descs[i, j, :]), 1) descs_ = daisy(img) assert_almost_equal(descs, descs_) descs = daisy(img, normalization='l2') for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): assert_almost_equal(sqrt(np.sum(descs[i, j, :] ** 2)), 1) orientations = 8 descs = daisy(img, orientations=orientations, normalization='daisy') desc_dims = descs.shape[2] for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): for k in range(0, desc_dims, orientations): assert_almost_equal(sqrt(np.sum( descs[i, j, k:k + orientations] ** 2)), 1) img = np.zeros((50, 50)) descs = daisy(img, normalization='off') for i in range(descs.shape[0]): for j in range(descs.shape[1]): assert_almost_equal(np.sum(descs[i, j, :]), 0) assert_raises(ValueError, daisy, img, normalization='does_not_exist')
def test_binary_descriptors_lena_rotation_crosscheck_true(): """Verify matched keypoints and their corresponding masks results between lena image and its rotated version with the expected keypoint pairs with cross_check enabled.""" img = data.lena() img = rgb2gray(img) tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1, rotation=0.15, translation=(0, 0)) rotated_img = tf.warp(img, tform, clip=False) extractor = BRIEF(descriptor_size=512) keypoints1 = corner_peaks(corner_harris(img), min_distance=5) extractor.extract(img, keypoints1) descriptors1 = extractor.descriptors keypoints2 = corner_peaks(corner_harris(rotated_img), min_distance=5) extractor.extract(rotated_img, keypoints2) descriptors2 = extractor.descriptors matches = match_descriptors(descriptors1, descriptors2, cross_check=True) exp_matches1 = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45 ]) exp_matches2 = np.array([ 33, 0, 35, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 9, 11, 10, 7, 8, 5, 14, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 23, 26, 27, 25, 28, 29, 30 ]) assert_equal(matches[:, 0], exp_matches1) assert_equal(matches[:, 1], exp_matches2)
def test_keypoints_orb_less_than_desired_no_of_keypoints(): img = rgb2gray(lena()) detector_extractor = ORB(n_keypoints=15, fast_n=12, fast_threshold=0.33, downscale=2, n_scales=2) detector_extractor.detect(img) exp_rows = np.array([67., 247., 269., 413., 435., 230., 264., 330., 372.]) exp_cols = np.array([157., 146., 111., 70., 180., 136., 336., 148., 156.]) exp_scales = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 2.]) exp_orientations = np.array([ -105.76503839, -96.28973044, -53.08162354, -173.4479964, -175.64733392, -106.07927215, -163.40016243, 75.80865813, -154.73195911 ]) exp_response = np.array([ 0.13197835, 0.24931321, 0.44351774, 0.39063076, 0.96770745, 0.04935129, 0.21431068, 0.15826555, 0.42403573 ]) assert_almost_equal(exp_rows, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 0]) assert_almost_equal(exp_cols, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 1]) assert_almost_equal(exp_scales, detector_extractor.scales) assert_almost_equal(exp_response, detector_extractor.responses) assert_almost_equal(exp_orientations, np.rad2deg(detector_extractor.orientations), 5) detector_extractor.detect_and_extract(img) assert_almost_equal(exp_rows, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 0]) assert_almost_equal(exp_cols, detector_extractor.keypoints[:, 1])
def test_original_images(self): images = self.manager.original_images() n_images = sum(1 for _ in images) self.assertEqual(n_images, 1) lena = data.lena() for image in images: self.assertEqual(image.shape, lena.shape)
def MR_boundary_saliency(self,img=None): if img == None: img = cv2.cvtColor(lena(),cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) lab_img = self._MR_saliency__MR_readimg(img) labels = self._MR_saliency__MR_superpixel(lab_img) up,right,low,left = self._MR_saliency__MR_boundary_indictor(labels) aff = self._MR_saliency__MR_affinity_matrix(lab_img,labels) up_sal = 1- self._MR_saliency__MR_saliency(aff,up) up_img = self._MR_saliency__MR_fill_superpixel_with_saliency(labels,up_sal) up_img = up_img.astype(np.uint8) right_sal = 1-self._MR_saliency__MR_saliency(aff,right) right_img = self._MR_saliency__MR_fill_superpixel_with_saliency(labels,right_sal) right_img = right_img.astype(np.uint8) low_sal = 1-self._MR_saliency__MR_saliency(aff,low) low_img = self._MR_saliency__MR_fill_superpixel_with_saliency(labels,low_sal) low_img = low_img.astype(np.uint8) left_sal = 1-self._MR_saliency__MR_saliency(aff,left) left_img = self._MR_saliency__MR_fill_superpixel_with_saliency(labels,left_sal) left_img = left_img.astype(np.uint8) plt.subplot(3,2,1) plt.title('orginal') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) plt.subplot(3,2,2) plt.title('up') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(up_img,'gray') plt.subplot(3,2,3) plt.title('right') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(right_img,'gray') plt.subplot(3,2,4) plt.title('low') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(low_img,'gray') plt.subplot(3,2,5) plt.title('left') plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(left_img,'gray') plt.subplot(3,2,6) plt.title('integrated') plt.axis('off') saliency_map = MR_debuger().saliency(img).astype(np.uint8) plt.imshow( saliency_map,'gray')
def m1(): #加载字典 mat ='./Dictionary/dictionary.mat') Dl_dict = np.asarray(mat['Dl'], dtype='float64') Dh_dict = np.asarray(mat['Dh'], dtype='float64') #提取出L通道进行计算其他通道使用Bicubic进行计算 #src_rgb_img = io.imread('./Data/Child_input.png') src_rgb_img = data.lena() src = src_rgb_img[:src_rgb_img.shape[0] - src_rgb_img.shape[0] % 3, :src_rgb_img.shape[1] - src_rgb_img.shape[0] % 3, :] src_rgb_img = src #需要变称散的倍数才能处理 #src_rgb_img = bicubic_2d.bicubic2d(src,1/3.0) src_rgb_img = bicubic_2d.bicubic2d(src_rgb_img, 1 / 3.0) src_rgb_img = src_rgb_img[:src_rgb_img.shape[0] - src_rgb_img.shape[0] % 3, :src_rgb_img.shape[1] - src_rgb_img.shape[0] % 3, :] #print src_rgb_img.shape src_Lab_img = color.rgb2lab(src_rgb_img) src_Lab_img_L = src_Lab_img[:, :, 0] src_Lab_img_a = src_Lab_img[:, :, 1] src_Lab_img_b = src_Lab_img[:, :, 2] #不同的L通道来源 #dst_Lab_img_L = readSR() #m = dst_Lab_img_L<0 #dst_Lab_img_L[m] = 0 #print np.max(dst_Lab_img_L),np.min(dst_Lab_img_L) #dst_Lab_img_L = SR(src_Lab_img_L,Dh_dict,Dl_dict) dst_Lab_img_L = imresize(src_Lab_img_L, 3.0, 'bicubic') #dst_Lab_img_L= dst_Lab_img_L/255.0*(np.max(src_Lab_img_L)-np.min(src_Lab_img_L))+np.min(src_Lab_img_L) dst_Lab_img_a = imresize(src_Lab_img_a, 3.0, 'bicubic') dst_Lab_img_a = dst_Lab_img_a / 255.0 * ( np.max(src_Lab_img_a) - np.min(src_Lab_img_a)) + np.min(src_Lab_img_a) dst_Lab_img_b = imresize(src_Lab_img_b, 3.0, 'bicubic') dst_Lab_img_b = dst_Lab_img_b / 255.0 * ( np.max(src_Lab_img_b) - np.min(src_Lab_img_b)) + np.min(src_Lab_img_b) img_lab = np.zeros((dst_Lab_img_L.shape[0], dst_Lab_img_L.shape[1], 3)) img_lab[:, :, 0] = dst_Lab_img_L img_lab[:, :, 1] = dst_Lab_img_a img_lab[:, :, 2] = dst_Lab_img_b dst = color.lab2rgb(img_lab) #src = src[:dst.shape[0],:dst.shape[1]] #print np.mean(dst[10:-15,10:-15]*255-src[10:-15,10:-15]) #print psnr(dst[10:-15,10:-15]*255,src[10:-15,10:-15]) plt.imshow(dst, interpolation="none")
def MR_showsuperpixel(self,img=None): if img == None: img = cv2.cvtColor(lena(),cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img = self._MR_saliency__MR_readimg(img) labels = self._MR_saliency__MR_superpixel(img) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(img,labels))
def test_is_rgb(): color = data.lena() gray = assert is_rgb(color) assert not is_gray(color) assert is_gray(gray) assert not is_gray(color)
def test_rotated_lena(self): """ The harris filter should yield the same results with an image and it's rotation. """ im = img_as_float(data.lena().mean(axis=2)) results = harris(im) im_rotated = im.T results_rotated = harris(im_rotated) assert (results[:, 0] == results_rotated[:, 1]).all()
def test_tv_denoise_float_result_range(self): # lena image lena = color.rgb2gray(data.lena())[:256, :256] int_lena = np.multiply(lena, 255).astype(np.uint8) assert np.max(int_lena) > 1 denoised_int_lena = filter.tv_denoise(int_lena, weight=60.0) # test if the value range of output float data is within [0.0:1.0] assert denoised_int_lena.dtype == np.float assert np.max(denoised_int_lena) <= 1.0 assert np.min(denoised_int_lena) >= 0.0
def test_num_peaks(): """For a bunch of different values of num_peaks, check that peak_local_max returns exactly the right amount of peaks. Test is run on Lena in order to produce a sufficient number of corners""" lena_corners = corner_harris(rgb2gray(data.lena())) for i in range(20): n = np.random.random_integers(20) results = peak_local_max(lena_corners, num_peaks=n) assert (results.shape[0] == n)
def test_num_peaks(): """For a bunch of different values of num_peaks, check that peak_local_max returns exactly the right amount of peaks. Test is run on Lena in order to produce a sufficient number of corners""" lena_corners = corner_harris(data.lena()) for i in range(20): n = np.random.random_integers(20) results = peak_local_max(lena_corners, num_peaks=n) assert (results.shape[0] == n)
def test_rotated_lena(): """ The harris filter should yield the same results with an image and it's rotation. """ im = img_as_float(data.lena().mean(axis=2)) results = harris(im) im_rotated = im.T results_rotated = harris(im_rotated) assert (np.sort(results[:, 0]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 1])).all() assert (np.sort(results[:, 1]) == np.sort(results_rotated[:, 0])).all()
def test_warp_identity(): lena = img_as_float(rgb2gray(data.lena())) assert len(lena.shape) == 2 assert np.allclose(lena, warp(lena, AffineTransform(rotation=0))) assert not np.allclose(lena, warp(lena, AffineTransform(rotation=0.1))) rgb_lena = np.transpose(np.asarray([lena, np.zeros_like(lena), lena]), (1, 2, 0)) warped_rgb_lena = warp(rgb_lena, AffineTransform(rotation=0.1)) assert np.allclose(rgb_lena, warp(rgb_lena, AffineTransform(rotation=0))) assert not np.allclose(rgb_lena, warped_rgb_lena) # assert no cross-talk between bands assert np.all(0 == warped_rgb_lena[:, :, 1])
def m3(): #加载字典 mat ='./Dictionary/dictionary.mat') Dl_dict = np.asarray(mat['Dl'], dtype='float64') Dh_dict = np.asarray(mat['Dh'], dtype='float64') #提取出L通道进行计算其他通道使用Bicubic进行计算 src = data.lena() src_yCrCb = colormanage.rgb2ycbcr(src) src_Ycbcr_img_Y = bicubic_2d.bicubic2d(src_yCrCb[:, :, 0], 1 / 3.0) src_Ycbcr_img_Cb = bicubic_2d.bicubic2d(src_yCrCb[:, :, 1], 1 / 3.0) src_Ycbcr_img_Cr = bicubic_2d.bicubic2d(src_yCrCb[:, :, 2], 1 / 3.0) src_Ycbcr_img_Y = src_Ycbcr_img_Y[:src_Ycbcr_img_Y.shape[0] - src_Ycbcr_img_Y.shape[0] % 3, :src_Ycbcr_img_Y.shape[1] - src_Ycbcr_img_Y.shape[0] % 3] src_Ycbcr_img_Cb = src_Ycbcr_img_Cb[:src_Ycbcr_img_Cb.shape[0] - src_Ycbcr_img_Cb.shape[0] % 3, :src_Ycbcr_img_Cb.shape[1] - src_Ycbcr_img_Cb.shape[0] % 3] src_Ycbcr_img_Cr = src_Ycbcr_img_Cr[:src_Ycbcr_img_Cr.shape[0] - src_Ycbcr_img_Cr.shape[0] % 3, :src_Ycbcr_img_Cr.shape[1] - src_Ycbcr_img_Cr.shape[0] % 3] #不同的L通道来源 #dst_Lab_img_L = readSR() #dst_Lab_img_L = imresize(src_Lab_img_L,3.0,'bicubic')/2.55 dst_YCbCr_img_Y = SR(src_Ycbcr_img_Y, Dh_dict, Dl_dict) dst_YCbCr_img_Cb = bicubic_2d.bicubic2d(src_Ycbcr_img_Cb, 3.0) dst_YCbCr_img_Cr = bicubic_2d.bicubic2d(src_Ycbcr_img_Cr, 3.0) img_YCbCr = np.zeros( (dst_YCbCr_img_Y.shape[0], dst_YCbCr_img_Y.shape[1], 3)) img_YCbCr[:, :, 0] = dst_YCbCr_img_Y img_YCbCr[:, :, 1] = dst_YCbCr_img_Cb img_YCbCr[:, :, 2] = dst_YCbCr_img_Cr dst = colormanage.ycbcr2rgb(img_YCbCr) src = src[:dst.shape[0], :dst.shape[1]] print psnr(dst[10:-15, 10:-15, 1], src[10:-15, 10:-15, 1]) print np.mean((dst[10:-15, 10:-15] - src[10:-15, 10:-15])**2) print np.mean(np.abs(dst[10:-15, 10:-15] * 255 - src[10:-15, 10:-15])) print psnr(dst[10:-15, 10:-15], src[10:-15, 10:-15]) plt.imshow(dst, interpolation="none")
def test_adapthist_grayscale(): """Test a grayscale float image """ img = skimage.img_as_float(data.lena()) img = rgb2gray(img) img = np.dstack((img, img, img)) adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img, 10, 9, clip_limit=0.01, nbins=128) assert_almost_equal = np.testing.assert_almost_equal assert img.shape == adapted.shape assert_almost_equal(peak_snr(img, adapted), 97.531, 3) assert_almost_equal(norm_brightness_err(img, adapted), 0.0313, 3) return data, adapted
def main(): """Plot example augmentations for Lena and an image loaded from a file.""" # try on a lena image print('Plotting float lena, preserve range') image = data.lena().astype(float) augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], hflip=True, vflip=True, scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False, rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10, translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5, preserve_range=True) augmenter.plot_image(image, 10) print('Plotting chameleon') # check loading of images from file and augmenting them image = misc.imread("chameleon.png") augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[1], image.shape[0], hflip=True, vflip=True, scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False, rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10, translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5) augmenter.plot_image(image / 255.0, 50) print('Plotting chameleon with channel_is_first_axis=True') # move the channel from index 2 (3rd position) to index 0 (1st position) # so (y, x, rgb) becomes (rgb, y, x) # try if it still works image = np.rollaxis(image, 2, 0) augmenter = ImageAugmenter(image.shape[2], image.shape[1], hflip=True, vflip=True, scale_to_percent=1.3, scale_axis_equally=False, rotation_deg=25, shear_deg=10, translation_x_px=5, translation_y_px=5, channel_is_first_axis=True) augmenter.plot_image(image, 50)
def test_adapthist_grayscale(): '''Test a grayscale float image ''' img = skimage.img_as_float(data.lena()) img = rgb2gray(img) img = np.dstack((img, img, img)) adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img, 10, 9, clip_limit=0.01, nbins=128) assert_almost_equal = np.testing.assert_almost_equal assert img.shape == adapted.shape assert peak_snr(img, adapted) > 95.0 assert norm_brightness_err(img, adapted) < 0.05 return data, adapted
def test_collection_viewer(): img = data.lena() img_collection = tuple(pyramid_gaussian(img)) view = CollectionViewer(img_collection) make_key_event(48) view.update_index('', 2), assert_equal(view.image, img_collection[2]) view.keyPressEvent(make_key_event(53)) assert_equal(view.image, img_collection[5]) view._format_coord(10, 10)
def test_adapthist_color(): '''Test an RGB color uint16 image ''' img = skimage.img_as_uint(data.lena()) adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img, clip_limit=0.01) assert_almost_equal = np.testing.assert_almost_equal assert adapted.min() == 0 assert adapted.max() == 1.0 assert img.shape == adapted.shape full_scale = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(img) assert_almost_equal(peak_snr(full_scale, adapted), 102.940, 3) assert_almost_equal(norm_brightness_err(full_scale, adapted), 0.0110, 3) return data, adapted
def test_adapthist_color(): '''Test an RGB color uint16 image ''' img = skimage.img_as_uint(data.lena()) adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img, clip_limit=0.01) assert_almost_equal = np.testing.assert_almost_equal assert adapted.min() == 0 assert adapted.max() == 1.0 assert img.shape == adapted.shape full_scale = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(img) assert peak_snr(img, adapted) > 95.0 assert norm_brightness_err(img, adapted) < 0.05 return data, adapted
def test_main(): src_rgb_img = data.lena() src_YCrCb_img = rgb2ycbcr(src_rgb_img) p = ycbcr2rgb(src_YCrCb_img) c =np.asarray(p,dtype='uint8') plt.imshow(c) print src_rgb_img.dtype,src_rgb_img.shape,np.max(src_rgb_img),np.min(src_rgb_img) print c.dtype,c.shape,np.mean((c-src_rgb_img)**2),np.max(c),np.min(c)
def test_adapthist_alpha(): """Test an RGBA color image """ img = skimage.img_as_float(data.lena()) alpha = np.ones((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float) img = np.dstack((img, alpha)) adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img) assert adapted.shape != img.shape img = img[:, :, :3] full_scale = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(img) assert img.shape == adapted.shape assert_almost_equal = np.testing.assert_almost_equal assert_almost_equal(peak_snr(full_scale, adapted), 106.86, 2) assert_almost_equal(norm_brightness_err(full_scale, adapted), 0.0509, 3)
def test_descs_shape(): img = img_as_float(data.lena()[:256, :256].mean(axis=2)) radius = 20 step = 8 descs = daisy(img, radius=radius, step=step) assert (descs.shape[0] == ceil((img.shape[0] - radius * 2) / float(step))) assert (descs.shape[1] == ceil((img.shape[1] - radius * 2) / float(step))) img = img[:-1, :-2] radius = 5 step = 3 descs = daisy(img, radius=radius, step=step) assert (descs.shape[0] == ceil((img.shape[0] - radius * 2) / float(step))) assert (descs.shape[1] == ceil((img.shape[1] - radius * 2) / float(step)))
def test_descs_shape(): img = img_as_float(data.lena()[:256, :256].mean(axis=2)) radius = 20 step = 8 descs = daisy(img, radius=radius, step=step) assert(descs.shape[0] == ceil((img.shape[0] - radius * 2) / float(step))) assert(descs.shape[1] == ceil((img.shape[1] - radius * 2) / float(step))) img = img[:-1, :-2] radius = 5 step = 3 descs = daisy(img, radius=radius, step=step) assert(descs.shape[0] == ceil((img.shape[0] - radius * 2) / float(step))) assert(descs.shape[1] == ceil((img.shape[1] - radius * 2) / float(step)))
def test_corner_fast_lena(): img = rgb2gray(data.lena()) expected = np.array([[ 67, 157], [204, 261], [247, 146], [269, 111], [318, 158], [386, 73], [413, 70], [435, 180], [455, 177], [461, 160]]) actual = corner_peaks(corner_fast(img, 12, 0.3)) assert_array_equal(actual, expected)
def test_daisy_desc_dims(): img = img_as_float(data.lena()[:128, :128].mean(axis=2)) rings = 2 histograms = 4 orientations = 3 descs = daisy(img, rings=rings, histograms=histograms, orientations=orientations) assert(descs.shape[2] == (rings * histograms + 1) * orientations) rings = 4 histograms = 5 orientations = 13 descs = daisy(img, rings=rings, histograms=histograms, orientations=orientations) assert(descs.shape[2] == (rings * histograms + 1) * orientations)