def shapesPlot(shapes,inds,fig,ax):
    from skimage.measure import label,regionprops
    from skimage import feature
    from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation
    from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    sz = np.int32(shapes.shape)
    for i in inds:
        img = shapes[i,:,:]
        mx = img[:].max()
        test = img>0.4*mx
        test2 = binary_dilation(binary_dilation(test))
        lbls = label(test2)
        rgs = regionprops(lbls)
        if np.size(rgs)>0:
            szs = []
            for prop in rgs:
            ind = np.argmax(szs)
            if rgs[ind].area>100:
                pt = rgs[ind].centroid
                region = lbls==ind+1
                edges = find_boundaries(region)
                eln = edges.nonzero()
                ax.text(pt[1]-4,pt[0]+4,'%i' % i,fontsize=14,color='k')
    return fig,ax
def findROI(footprint):
    dims = footprint.shape
    footprint = footprint.reshape(dims[0],dims[1],-1)
    ROI = zeros(footprint.shape)
    mxs = []
    for i in range(np.size(footprint[0,0,:])):
    for i in range(np.size(footprint[0,0,:])):
        img = footprint[:,:,i].reshape(dims[0],dims[1])
        mx = mxs[i]
        thresh = img>0.4*mx
        thresh2 = binary_dilation(binary_dilation(thresh))
        lbls,marks = label(thresh2)
        rgs = regionprops(lbls)
        if np.size(rgs)>0:
            szs = []
            for prop in rgs:
            ind = np.argmax(szs)
            if rgs[ind].area>100:
                region = lbls==ind+1
                out = zeros([dims[0],dims[1]])
                out[region] = 1
                ROI[:,:,i] = out
    ROI = ROI.reshape(dims)
    return ROI
Beispiel #3
def segment_cells(frame, mask=None):
    Compute the initial segmentation based on ridge detection + watershed.
    This works reasonably well, but is not robust enough to use by itself.
    blurred = filters.gaussian_filter(frame, 2)
    ridges = enhance_ridges(frame)
    # threshold ridge image
    thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(ridges)
    thresh_factor = 0.6
    prominent_ridges = ridges > thresh_factor*thresh
    prominent_ridges = morphology.remove_small_objects(prominent_ridges, min_size=256)
    prominent_ridges = morphology.binary_closing(prominent_ridges)
    prominent_ridges = morphology.binary_dilation(prominent_ridges)
    # skeletonize
    ridge_skeleton = morphology.medial_axis(prominent_ridges)
    ridge_skeleton = morphology.binary_dilation(ridge_skeleton)
    ridge_skeleton *= mask
    ridge_skeleton -= mask
    # label
    cell_label_im = measure.label(ridge_skeleton)
    # morphological closing to fill in the cracks
    for cell_num in range(1, cell_label_im.max()+1):
        cell_mask = cell_label_im==cell_num
        cell_mask = morphology.binary_closing(cell_mask, disk(3))
        cell_label_im[cell_mask] = cell_num
    return cell_label_im 
def parasites(image, cells, voronoi):
    img = Functions.global_otsu(image)
    cells = Functions.global_otsu(cells)
    s_elem = Functions.fig(Functions.fig_size)

    # Remove cells

    for i in range(Functions.iterations):
        cells = binary_dilation(cells, s_elem)
    return_image = Functions.subtraction(img, cells)

    # Remove stuff from cells

    for i in range(Functions.iterations-1):
        return_image = binary_erosion(return_image)
    return_image = binary_opening(return_image)
    for i in range(Functions.iterations - 1):
        return_image = binary_dilation(return_image)

    # Remove bigger objects

    removal_image = return_image.copy()

    for i in range(Functions.iterations + 5):
        removal_image = binary_erosion(removal_image)
    removal_image = binary_opening(removal_image)
    for i in range(Functions.iterations + 10):
        removal_image = binary_dilation(removal_image)

    return_image = Functions.subtraction(return_image, removal_image)

    # Remove voronoi lines for better quality
    return Functions.subtraction(return_image, voronoi)
Beispiel #5
def db_eval_boundary(foreground_mask,gt_mask,bound_th=0.008):
	Compute mean,recall and decay from per-frame evaluation.
	Calculates precision/recall for boundaries between foreground_mask and
	gt_mask using morphological operators to speed it up.

		foreground_mask (ndarray): binary segmentation image.
		gt_mask         (ndarray): binary annotated image.

		F (float): boundaries F-measure
		P (float): boundaries precision
		R (float): boundaries recall
	assert np.atleast_3d(foreground_mask).shape[2] == 1

	bound_pix = bound_th if bound_th >= 1 else \

	# Get the pixel boundaries of both masks
	fg_boundary = seg2bmap(foreground_mask);
	gt_boundary = seg2bmap(gt_mask);

	from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation,disk

	fg_dil = binary_dilation(fg_boundary,disk(bound_pix))
	gt_dil = binary_dilation(gt_boundary,disk(bound_pix))

	# Get the intersection
	gt_match = gt_boundary * fg_dil
	fg_match = fg_boundary * gt_dil

	# Area of the intersection
	n_fg     = np.sum(fg_boundary)
	n_gt     = np.sum(gt_boundary)

	#% Compute precision and recall
	if n_fg == 0 and  n_gt > 0:
		precision = 1
		recall = 0
	elif n_fg > 0 and n_gt == 0:
		precision = 0
		recall = 1
	elif n_fg == 0  and n_gt == 0:
		precision = 1
		recall = 1
		precision = np.sum(fg_match)/float(n_fg)
		recall    = np.sum(gt_match)/float(n_gt)

	# Compute F measure
	if precision + recall == 0:
		F = 0
		F = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall);

	return F
Beispiel #6
def skeleton(seg):
    skel, dist = skmorph.medial_axis(seg, return_distance=True)
    node, edge, leaf = (spim.label(g, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0] for g in skel2graph(skel))

    trim_edge = (edge != 0) & ~(skmorph.binary_dilation(node != 0, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0)
    trim_edge = spim.label(trim_edge, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0]

    leaf_edge_vals = skmorph.binary_dilation(leaf != 0, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0
    leaf_edge_vals = np.unique(trim_edge[leaf_edge_vals])
    leaf_edge_vals = leaf_edge_vals[leaf_edge_vals > 0]
    leaf_edge = leaf != 0

    trim_edge = ndshm.fromndarray(trim_edge)
    leaf_edge = ndshm.fromndarray(leaf_edge)
    Parallel()(delayed(set_msk)(leaf_edge, trim_edge, l) for l in leaf_edge_vals)
    trim_edge = np.copy(trim_edge)
    leaf_edge = np.copy(leaf_edge)

    leaf_edge[(skmorph.binary_dilation(leaf_edge, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0) & (edge != 0)] = True
    leaf_edge = spim.label(leaf_edge, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0]

    leaf_edge_node = skmorph.binary_dilation(leaf_edge != 0, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0
    leaf_edge_node = ((node != 0) & leaf_edge_node) | leaf_edge
    leaf_edge_node = spim.label(leaf_edge_node, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0]

    cand_node = leaf_edge_node * (node != 0)
    cand_node = cand_node.nonzero()
    cand_node = np.transpose((leaf_edge_node[cand_node],) + cand_node + (2 * dist[cand_node],))

    cand_leaf = leaf_edge_node * (leaf != 0)
    cand_leaf = cand_leaf.nonzero()
    cand_leaf = np.transpose((leaf_edge_node[cand_leaf],) + cand_leaf)

    if len(cand_node) > 0 and len(cand_leaf) > 0:
        cand_leaf = ndshm.fromndarray(cand_leaf)
        cand_node = ndshm.fromndarray(cand_node)
        pruned = Parallel()(delayed(prune_leaves)(cand_leaf, cand_node, j) for j in np.unique(cand_node[:, 0]))
        cand_leaf = np.copy(cand_leaf)
        cand_node = np.copy(cand_node)

        pruned_ind = []
        for p in pruned:
        pruned_ind = tuple(np.transpose(pruned_ind))

        pruned = ~skel

        pruned = ndshm.fromndarray(pruned)
        leaf_edge = ndshm.fromndarray(leaf_edge)
        Parallel()(delayed(set_msk)(pruned, leaf_edge, l) for l in np.unique(leaf_edge[pruned_ind]))
        pruned = np.copy(pruned)
        leaf_edge = np.copy(leaf_edge)

        pruned = ~pruned
        pruned = skel

    return pruned
def dilating3D(data, selem=skimor.disk(3), slicewise=False, sliceId=0):
    if slicewise:
        if sliceId == 0:
            for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                data[i, :, :] = skimor.binary_dilation(data[i, :, :], selem)
        elif sliceId == 2:
            for i in range(data.shape[2]):
                data[:, :, i] = skimor.binary_dilation(data[:, :, i], selem)
        data = scindimor.binary_dilation(data, selem)
    return data
def process_cell(img):

    # la binariza en caso de que sea escala de grises
    if not img.dtype == 'bool':
        img = img > 0  # Binarizar

    # Calcular mΓ‘scaras para limpiar lineas largas verticales
    h_k = 0.8
    sum0 = np.sum(img, 0)  # Aplastar la matriz a una fila con las sumas de los valores de cada columna.
    thr0 = sum0 < h_k * img.shape[0]
    thr0 = thr0.reshape(len(thr0), 1) # Convertirlo a vector de una dimensiΓ³n

    # Calcular mΓ‘scaras para limpiar lineas largas horizontales
    w_k = 0.5
    sum1 = np.sum(img, 1)
    thr1 = sum1 < w_k * img.shape[1]
    thr1 = thr1.reshape(len(thr1), 1)

    mask = thr0.transpose() * thr1 # Generar mΓ‘scara final para la celda
    mask_lines = mask.copy()

    elem = morphology.square(5)
    mask = morphology.binary_erosion(mask, elem) # Eliminar ruido

    img1 = np.bitwise_and(mask, img) # Imagen filtrada

    # segmentaciΓ³n del bloque de nΓΊmeros
    kerw = 5  # Kernel width
    thr_k = 0.8

    # Calcular mascara para marcar inicio y fin de regiΓ³n con dΓ­gitos horizontalmente
    sum0 = np.sum(img1, 0)
    sum0 = signal.medfilt(sum0, kerw)
    thr0 = sum0 > thr_k * np.median(sum0)
    thr0 = np.bitwise_and(thr0.cumsum() > 0, np.flipud(np.flipud(thr0).cumsum() > 0))
    thr0 = thr0.reshape(len(thr0), 1)

    # Calcular mascara para marcar inicio y fin de regiΓ³n con dΓ­gitos verticalmente
    sum1 = np.sum(img1, 1)
    sum1 = signal.medfilt(sum1, kerw)
    thr1 = sum1 > thr_k * np.median(sum1)
    thr1 = np.bitwise_and(thr1.cumsum() > 0, np.flipud(np.flipud(thr1).cumsum() > 0))
    thr1 = thr1.reshape(len(thr1), 1)

    # Mascara final para inicio y fin de caracteres (bounding box of digit region)
    mask = thr0.transpose() * thr1
    mask = morphology.binary_dilation(mask, morphology.square(2))

    img = np.bitwise_and(mask_lines.astype(img.dtype), img)  # Aplicar mΓ‘scara para quitar lineas
    img = morphology.binary_dilation(img, morphology.disk(1)) # DilataciΓ³n para unir nΓΊmeros quebrados por la mΓ‘scara anterior
    img = morphology.binary_erosion(img, morphology.disk(1)) # Volver a la fomorma 'original' con los bordes unidos

    return np.bitwise_and(mask, img)
Beispiel #9
    def compute_fluor_baseline(self, mask, fluor, margin):
        """mask and fluor are the global images
           NOTE: mask is 0 (black) at cells and 1 (white) outside

        x0, y0, x1, y1 =
        wid, hei = mask.shape
        x0 = max(x0 - margin, 0)
        y0 = max(y0 - margin, 0)
        x1 = min(x1 + margin, wid - 1)
        y1 = min(y1 + margin, hei - 1)
        mask_box = mask[x0:x1, y0:y1]

        count = 0

        inverted_mask_box = 1 - mask_box

        while count < 5:
            inverted_mask_box = morphology.binary_dilation(inverted_mask_box)
            count += 1

        mask_box = 1 - inverted_mask_box

        fluor_box = fluor[x0:x1, y0:y1]
        self.stats["Baseline"] = np.median(mask_box[mask_box > 0] * fluor_box[mask_box > 0])
Beispiel #10
def calculate_masked_stats():
    plate_no = "59798"
    parsed = get_plate_files(plate_no)
    for w in ['w2']:
        files = filter(lambda f: f.wave == w[1], parsed)
        # accum = np.zeros((2160, 2160), dtype=np.uint32)
        # files = filter(lambda x: 's1' not in x and 's7' not in x, all_files)
        nof = len(files)
        for i, frame in enumerate(files[0:5], 1):
            img = imread(frame.fullpath)
            t = filters.threshold_yen(img)
            b1 = img > t
            b2 = binary_erosion(b1, square(2))
            b3 = binary_dilation(b2, square(10))
            b4 = binary_closing(b3, square(3))
            imm =, img)
            mn, mx = np.percentile(imm, (1, 99))
                '%3d of %d, %4d-%4d-%4d-%5d, %.0f-%.0f'
                % (i, nof, imm.min(), mn, mx, imm.max(), imm.mean(), imm.std())
            im2 = imm.filled(int(imm.mean()))
            out_name = "{0}\\{5}-{1}{2}-{3}-{4}.tif".format(ROOT_DIR, frame.row, frame.column,, LogHelper.init_ts, frame.experiment)
            imsave(out_name, im2)
Beispiel #11
def draw_gray_tree(frame):
    use a grayscale copy of the frame to draw a quadtree on the original frame
    tree = trees.tree_edges(grayscale(frame))
    tree = morphology.binary_dilation(tree)
    return color_mask(frame, np.logical_not(tree))
Beispiel #12
def draw_tree(frame):
    draw the edges of a quadtree on the frame
    tree = trees.tree_edges(frame)
    tree = morphology.binary_dilation(tree)
    return color_mask(frame, np.logical_not(tree))
Beispiel #13
def neg_tree(frame):
    draw a tree in negative
    tree = trees.tree_edges(frame)
    tree = morphology.binary_dilation(tree)
    return color_mask(frame, tree)
def double_dilation(binary, selem):
    '''Returns the result of two sequential binary dilations'''

    for i in (1,2):
        binary = binary_dilation(binary, selem)

    return binary
Beispiel #15
def estimate_rotation(img):
    assert(img.dtype == 'bool')

    # elimina bloques rellenos para acelerar la deteccion de lineas
    elem = morphology.square(2)
    aux = morphology.binary_dilation(img, elem) - morphology.binary_erosion(img, elem)

    # DetecciΓ³n de lineas usando transformada de Hough probabilΓ­stica
    thres = 50
    minlen = 0.1 * min(aux.shape)
    maxgap = 0.01 * minlen
    lines = transform.probabilistic_hough(aux, threshold=thres, line_length=minlen, line_gap=maxgap)

    # me aseguro que el primer punto de cada lΓ­nea sea el mΓ‘s prΓ³ximo al origen
    for lin in lines:
        (x0,y0), (x1,y1) = lin
        if x1*x1+y1*y1 < x0*x0+y0*y0:
            (x0, x1) = (x1, x0)
            (y0, y1) = (y1, y0)

    # orientaciΓ³n dominante
    angle_half_range = np.math.pi / 4
    nbins = int(2 * angle_half_range * (180./np.math.pi) / 0.2)

    orient = []
    for lin in lines:
        (x0,y0), (x1,y1) = lin
        orient.append(np.math.atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0))

    (h, binval) = np.histogram(orient, range=(-angle_half_range, angle_half_range), bins=nbins)
    alpha = binval[h.argmax()] * (180./ np.math.pi)
    return alpha + 0.5 * (binval[1] - binval[0]) * (180./ np.math.pi)
def detect_edges(image_array):
    """ Detect edges in a given image
    Takes a numpy.array representing an image,
    apply filters and edge detection and return a numpy.array

    image_array : ndarray (2D)
        Image data to be processed. Detect edges on this 2D array representing the image

    edges : ndarray (2D)
        Edges of an image.
    #Transform image into grayscale
    img = rgb2gray(image_array)
    #Remove some noise from the image
    img = denoise_tv_chambolle(img, weight=0.55)
    #Apply canny
    edges = filter.canny(img, sigma=3.2)
    #Clear the borders
    clear_border(edges, 15)
    #Dilate edges to make them more visible and connected
    edges = binary_dilation(edges, selem=diamond(3))
    return edges
Beispiel #17
    def mask(self, dims=None, binary=True, outline=False):
        Construct a mask from a source, either locally or within a larger image.

        dims : list or tuple, optional, default = None
            Dimensions of large image in which to draw mask. If none, will restrict
            to the bounding box of the region.

        binary : boolean, optional, deafult = True
            Whether to incoporate values or only show a binary mask

        outline : boolean, optional, deafult = False
            Whether to only show outlines (derived using binary dilation)
        coords = self.coordinates

        if dims is None:
            extent = self.bbox[len(] - self.bbox[0:len(] + 1
            m = zeros(extent)
            coords = (coords - self.bbox[0:len(])
            m = zeros(dims)

        if hasattr(self, 'values') and self.values is not None and binary is False:
            m[coords.T.tolist()] = self.values
            m[coords.T.tolist()] = 1

        if outline:
            from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation
            m = binary_dilation(m, ones((3, 3))) - m

        return m
Beispiel #18
def split_image_into_sudoku_pieces_adaptive_global(image, otsu_local=False, apply_gaussian=False):
    L = image.shape[0]
    d = int(np.ceil(L / 9))
    dd = d // 5
    output = []
    if apply_gaussian:
        image = gaussian_filter(image, sigma=1.0)
    if not otsu_local:
        image = to_binary_adaptive(image)
    for k in range(9):
        this_row = []
        start_row_i = max([k * d - dd, 0])
        stop_row_i = min([(k + 1) * d + dd, L])
        for kk in range(9):
            start_col_i = max([kk * d - dd, 0])
            stop_col_i = min([(kk + 1) * d + dd, L])
            i = image[start_row_i:stop_row_i, start_col_i:stop_col_i].copy()
            if otsu_local:
                i = to_binary_otsu(i)
            i = binary_opening(i)
            i = to_binary_otsu(i)
            if apply_gaussian:
                i = to_binary_otsu(binary_dilation(i))
    return output, image
Beispiel #19
    def separate_segments(self):
        Perform image segmentation on the "segment image", and remove any
        segments that aren't the right part of the track.

        # binary image
        binary_segment_image = (
            self.end_segment_image > self.options.low_threshold_kev)
        # segmentation: labeled regions, 8-connectivity
        labels = morph.label(binary_segment_image, connectivity=2)
        x1 = self.end_coordinates[0] - self.end_segment_offsets[0]
        y1 = self.end_coordinates[1] - self.end_segment_offsets[1]
        x2 = self.start_coordinates[0] - self.end_segment_offsets[0]
        y2 = self.start_coordinates[1] - self.end_segment_offsets[1]
        chosen_label = labels[x1, y1]
        if labels[x2, y2] != chosen_label:
            # this happens with 4-connectivity. need to use 8-connectivity
            raise RuntimeError('What the heck happened?')
        binary_again = (labels == chosen_label)
        # dilate this region, in order to capture information below threshold
        #  (it won't include the other regions, because there must be a gap
        #   between)
        pix_to_keep = morph.binary_dilation(binary_again)
        self.end_segment_image[np.logical_not(pix_to_keep)] = 0
Beispiel #20
def binarize_canny(pic_source, sensitivity = 5.):

    ht = 5. + ((10 - sensitivity)/5.)*20.

#    print ht

    edges = canny_filter(pic_source, sigma = 3, high_threshold = ht, low_threshold = 2.)

    selem_morph = np.array([0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0], dtype=bool).reshape((3,3))

    for i in (1,2):
        edges = binary_dilation(edges, selem_morph)

#    misc.imsave('/home/varnivey/Data/Biophys/Burnazyan/Experiments/fluor_calc/test/edges.jpg', edges)

#    binary = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(edges)

    labels = measure_label(edges)

    labelcount = np.bincount(labels.ravel())

    bg = np.argmax(labelcount)

    edges[labels != bg] = 255

    selem_med = np.ones((3,3), dtype = bool)

    binary = median_filter(edges, selem_med)

    for i in (1,2,3):
        binary = binary_erosion(edges, selem_morph)

    return edges
def single_out_annotation(base_image, small_cc_image):
    """ extracting individual annotations :
    starting from potential annotation + noise, we remove the noise and
     consolidate annotation area, then return the coordinates of center of
     potential annotations"""
    import numpy as np

    # remove small stuff
    filtered_small_cc, removed_small_cc_small = remove_small_ccomponents(
        small_cc_image, size_closing=5, hist_thres=120)
    # plot_image(removed_small_cc_small)

    # dilate
    from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
    dilation_radius = 10
    small_cc_cleaned_mask = binary_dilation(filtered_small_cc, disk(dilation_radius))
    # plot_image(small_cc_cleaned_mask)

    # label connected compoenents
    from skimage.morphology import label
    from skimage.measure import regionprops

    markers, n_label = label(small_cc_cleaned_mask, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True)

    # for each cc, defines a region
    image_for_region = (base_image*255).astype(np.uint8)
    region_prop = regionprops(markers, image_for_region)

    # for each region, do something

    return region_prop
Beispiel #22
def segment_roi(roi):
    # step 1. phase congruency (edge detection)
    Mm = phasecong_Mm(roi)
    # step 2. hysteresis thresholding (of edges)
    B = hysthresh(Mm,HT_T1,HT_T2)
    # step 3. trim pixels off border
    # step 4. threshold to find dark areas
    dark = dark_threshold(roi, DARK_THRESHOLD_ADJUSTMENT)
    # step 5. add dark areas back to blob
    B = B | dark
    # step 6. binary closing
    B = binary_closing(B,SE3)
    # step 7. binary dilation
    B = binary_dilation(B,SE2)
    # step 8. thinning
    B = bwmorph_thin(B,3)
    # step 9. fill holes
    B = binary_fill_holes(B)
    # step 10. remove blobs smaller than BLOB_MIN
    B = remove_small_objects(B,BLOB_MIN,connectivity=2)
    # done.
    return B
Beispiel #23
    def dilate(self, size):
        Dilate a source using morphological operators.

        size : int
            Size of dilation in pixels
        if size == 0:
            newcoords = self.coordinates

            size = (size * 2) + 1

            if hasattr(self, "values") and self.values is not None:
                raise AttributeError("Cannot dilate sources with values")

            from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation

            coords = self.coordinates
            extent = self.bbox[len( :] - self.bbox[0 : len(] + 1 + size * 2
            m = zeros(extent)
            coords = coords - self.bbox[0 : len(] + size
            m[coords.T.tolist()] = 1
            m = binary_dilation(m, ones((size, size)))
            newcoords = asarray(where(m)).T + self.bbox[0 : len(] - size
            newcoords = [c for c in newcoords if all(c >= 0)]

        newid = if hasattr(self, "id") else None

        return Source(coordinates=newcoords, id=newid)
def single_out_annotation(base_image, small_cc_image):
    """ extracting individual annotations :
    starting from potential annotation + noise, we remove the noise and 
     consolidate annotation area, then return the coordinates of center of 
     potential annotations""" 
    #  remove small stuff
    filtered_small_cc, removed_small_cc_small = remove_small_ccomponents(small_cc_image, size_closing=5, hist_thres=120)
    # dilate 
    from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
    dilation_radius = 10
    small_cc_cleaned_mask = binary_dilation(filtered_small_cc, disk(dilation_radius))
    #label connected compoenents
    from skimage.morphology import label
    from skimage.measure import regionprops
    from import imsave
    markers, n_label = label(small_cc_cleaned_mask, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True)
    #for each cc, defines a region    
    region_prop = regionprops(markers, (base_image*255).astype(np.uint8))
    #for each region, do something
    base_path = '/media/sf_RemiCura/PROJETS/belleepoque/extract_data_from_old_paris_map/jacoubet/results/annotations/'
    for region in region_prop: 
        #print(region.bbox, region.area)
        imsave(base_path+str(region.bbox)+'.png', region.intensity_image) 
    return region_prop
Beispiel #25
def detect_glare(im):
    """Detect pixels in the image where all channels have values above 0.95.
    These pixels are dilated with a disk with radius 5
    saturated_pixels = np.all(im>0.95*np.iinfo(im.dtype).max,axis=2)
    glare_mask = morph.binary_dilation(saturated_pixels, morph.disk(5)).astype('bool')
    return glare_mask
Beispiel #26
def draw_dot_tree(frame):
    use a grayscale copy of the frame to draw a quadtree and put a dot at centers of nodes
    tree = trees.tree_dots(grayscale(frame))
    selem = morphology.diamond(4, dtype=np.bool)
    tree = morphology.binary_dilation(tree, selem=selem)
    return color_mask(frame, np.logical_not(tree))
Beispiel #27
def cells(image):
    img = Functions.global_otsu(image)
    s_elem = Functions.fig(Functions.fig_size)
    for i in range(Functions.iterations):
        img = binary_erosion(img, s_elem)
    for i in range(Functions.iterations):
        img = binary_dilation(img, s_elem)

    return Functions.watershed_separation(img, s_elem)
Beispiel #28
 def seg_sect(self, img):
     img_canny = canny(img, sigma=self.sigma,
     img_dilate = binary_dilation(img_canny, square(3))
     img_erode = binary_erosion(img_dilate, square(3))
     img_fill = binary_fill_holes(img_erode)
     return img_fill
Beispiel #29
def rotate_blob(blob, theta):
    """rotate a blob and smooth out rotation artifacts"""
    blob = rotate(blob,-1*theta,resize=True)
    blob = binary_closing(blob,SE3)
    blob = binary_dilation(blob,SE2)
    # note that H Sosik's version does one iteration
    # of thinning but 3 is closer to area-preserving
    blob = bwmorph_thin(blob,3)
    return blob
def structure_factor(positions, m=4, margin=0):
    """return the 2d structure factor"""
    raise StandardError, "um this isn't finished"
    #center = 0.5*(positions.max(0) + positions.min(0))
    inds = np.round(positions - positions.min()).astype(int)
    f = np.zeros(inds.max(0)+1)
    f[inds[:,0], inds[:,1]] = 1
    f = binary_dilation(f, disk(ss/2))
    return fft2(f, overwrite_x=True)
def binarizacion(thresholds, out2, arreq, orig_array):
    """Binarize the image array to extract the ash object."""
    # rso = morp(np.logical_and(out2 < thr, out2>tl))
    thresh = thresholds[0]
    thr = thresh(out2)
    rso = morp(out2 < thr)
    rso = np.logical_or(morphology.binary_opening(arreq < 5,
                                                  diamond(2)), rso)
    rso = morphology.binary_dilation(rso, diamond(2))
    rso = morphology.binary_closing(rso, diamond(7))
    v1a = masked_array(arreq, rso)
    v1b = masked_array(orig_array, np.logical_not(rso))
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.imshow(v1a, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
    plt.imshow(v1b, cmap='Reds', interpolation='nearest')
    plt.title('Pluma Popocatepetl')
    return fig
Beispiel #32
    def plotPhaseBoundaryMap(self, dilate=False, **kwargs):
        """Plot phase boundary map

        :param dilate: Dilate boundary by one pixel
        # Set default plot parameters then update with any input
        plotParams = {
            'vmax': 1,
            'plotColourBar': True,
            'cmap': 'grey'

        boundariesImage = -self.phaseBoundaries
        if dilate:
            boundariesImage = mph.binary_dilation(boundariesImage)

        plot = MapPlot.create(self, boundariesImage, **plotParams)

        return plot
def find_neighbors(lung_slice, labels):
    vals = np.unique(labels, return_counts=False)  # count labels' values
    neighbors = np.zeros((len(vals), len(vals)))  # init neigborhood matrix

    selem = disk(2)
    for val in vals:
        temp = np.zeros(labels.shape)  # template matrix
        temp[labels == val] = 1  # set all location 'val' to 1
        temp = binary_dilation(temp, selem)  # dilate the 'val' region
        extend_region = labels[
            temp == 1]  # find the map of 'val' region after extended in labels
        neigborhood = np.unique(extend_region)  # find values in extend region
        print(val, neigborhood)
        for i in neigborhood:
            if (i > val):
                # i<val has been calculated before
                neighbors[val, i] = 1
                neighbors[i, val] = 1

    return neighbors
Beispiel #34
def filtrarImagen(image):
    filtros = []
    gauss = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (3, 3), 0)
    sobel = cv2.Sobel(gauss, cv2.CV_8U, 0, 1)
    _, otsu = cv2.threshold(sobel, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    dilation = binary_dilation(otsu)
    labels, num = label(dilation, return_num=True)
    sizes = np.bincount(labels.ravel())
    max = 0
    for size in sizes[1:]:
        if size > max:
            max = size
    largest = remove_small_objects(labels, max - 1)
    return (largest, filtros)
def dilate_mask(mask, opt):
    if opt.mode == "harmonization":
        element = morphology.disk(radius=7)
    if opt.mode == "editing":
        element = morphology.disk(radius=20)
    mask = torch2uint8(mask)
    mask = mask[:, :, 0]
    mask = morphology.binary_dilation(mask, selem=element)
    mask = filters.gaussian(mask, sigma=5)
    nc_im = opt.nc_im
    opt.nc_im = 1
    mask = np2torch(mask, opt)
    opt.nc_im = nc_im
    mask = mask.expand(1, 3, mask.shape[2], mask.shape[3])
    plt.imsave('%s/%s_mask_dilated.png' % (opt.ref_dir, opt.ref_name[:-4]),
    mask = (mask - mask.min()) / (mask.max() - mask.min())
    return mask
Beispiel #36
def get_image_area_to_sample(img):
  calculate set g_c, which has two properties
  1) They represent background pixels 
  2) They are within a certain distance to the object
  :param img: Image that represents the object instance

    #TODO: In the paper 'Deep Interactive Object Selection', they calculate g_c first based on the original object instead
    # of the dilated one.

    # Dilate the object by d_margin pixels to extend the object boundary
    img_area = np.copy(img)
    img_area = morphology.binary_dilation(
        img_area, morphology.diamond(D_MARGIN)).astype(np.uint8)

    g_c = np.logical_not(img_area).astype(int)
    g_c[np.where(distance_transform_edt(g_c) > D)] = 0

    return g_c
Beispiel #37
def create_mask(im_arr, erode=0):

    if im_arr.shape[2] == 3:
        im_arr = rgb2gray(im_arr)

    thresh = 0.05
    inv_bin = np.invert(im_arr > thresh)
    all_labels = measure.label(inv_bin)

    # Select largest object and invert
    seg_arr = all_labels == 0

    if erode > 0:
        strel = selem.disk(erode, dtype=np.bool)
        seg_arr = binary_erosion(seg_arr, selem=strel)
    elif erode < 0:
        strel = selem.disk(abs(erode), dtype=np.bool)
        seg_arr = binary_dilation(seg_arr, selem=strel)

    return seg_arr.astype(np.bool)
Beispiel #38
def get_cell_prob(lbl, dilation, erosion):
    ESP = 1e-5
    elevation_map = []
    for img in lbl:
        elevation_map += [sobel(img)]
    elevation_map = np.array(elevation_map)
    elevation_map = elevation_map > ESP
    cell_prob = ((lbl > 0) ^ elevation_map) & (lbl > 0)
    for i in range(len(cell_prob)):
        for j in range(erosion):
            cell_prob[i] = binary_erosion(cell_prob[i])
    for i in range(len(cell_prob)):
        for j in range(dilation):
            cell_prob[i] = binary_dilation(cell_prob[i])
    ret = np.array(cell_prob, dtype=np.uint8) * 255
    ret[0, 0] *= 0
    ret[0, -1] = 0
    ret[0, :, -1] = 0
    ret[0, :, 0] = 0
    return ret
Beispiel #39
def std_analysis(data_path,img_vol,img_start_num,use_crop,arbitrary_vol,seq_len):
    input the data dir and get the stable roi region using standard deviation
    :param data_path:
    :param img_vol:
    :param img_start_num:
    :param use_crop:
    :param bbox_thresh:
    :param arbitrary_vol:
    :param seq_len:
    img_stack = readin_image(readin_path=data_path, maxim_num=img_vol, start_num=img_start_num)
    if use_crop:
        img_stack = crop_image(img_stack)
    seq_multi_std = 255
    start = time.time()
    stack_length = img_vol / seq_len
    dimx, dimy, dimz = img_stack.shape
    if img_vol > dimz:
        img_vol = int(input("input a number less than {0}".format(dimz)))
    roi_sequence = np.zeros([dimx, dimy, seq_len])
    roi_std_stack = np.zeros([dimx, dimy, stack_length])

    std_stack_counter = 0

    for i in range(img_vol - seq_len * arbitrary_vol):
        for j in range(seq_len):
            roi_sequence[:, :, j] = img_stack[:, :, i + j * arbitrary_vol]
        seq_std = roi_sequence.std(axis=2)
        ret1, seq_std_norm_thresh = cv2.threshold(seq_std.astype(np.uint8), 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
        seq_std_norm_thresh_inv = 255 - seq_std_norm_thresh
        roi_std_stack[:, :, std_stack_counter] = seq_std_norm_thresh
        seq_multi_std *= seq_std_norm_thresh_inv / 255
        if std_stack_counter < stack_length - 1:
            std_stack_counter += 1
    end = time.time()
    elapsed_time = end-start
    print('std elapsed time: {0}'.format(elapsed_time))
    seq_multi_std = binary_dilation(seq_multi_std)
    return seq_multi_std
Beispiel #40
def dilation_filter(image, kernel_shape=None, kernel_size=None):
    """Apply a dilation to a 2-d image.

    image : np.ndarray
        Image with shape (y, x).
    kernel_shape : str
        Shape of the kernel used to compute the filter ('diamond', 'disk',
        'rectangle' or 'square').
    kernel_size : int or Tuple(int)
        The size of the kernel. For the rectangle we expect two integers
        (width, height).

    image_filtered : np.ndarray, np.uint
        Filtered 2-d image with shape (y, x).

    # TODO check dtype
    # check parameters
    check_array(image, ndim=2, dtype=[np.uint8, np.uint16, bool])
    check_parameter(kernel_shape=(str, type(None)),
                    kernel_size=(int, tuple, list, type(None)))

    # get kernel
    if kernel_shape is None or kernel_size is None:
        kernel = None
        kernel = _define_kernel(shape=kernel_shape,

    # apply filter
    if image.dtype == bool:
        image_filtered = binary_dilation(image, kernel)
        image_filtered = dilation(image, kernel)

    return image_filtered
Beispiel #41
def watershed(image,
    Receives an image, a boolean mask containing the seeds for the watershed algorithm, the json filename to save,
    the dimensions of the image and an optional dialation radius and max/min neuron sizes for size selection,
    as well as the length/width ratio (coef).
    # sure foreground
    sure_fg = np.uint8(mask)
    sure_bg = np.uint8(
        morphology.binary_dilation(mask, morphology.disk(dial_rad)))

    # initialize
    img = np.zeros([512, 512, 3], dtype='uint8')
    img[:, :, 0] = np.ndarray.astype(norm_data(image) * 255, 'uint8')

    # unknown area
    unknown = cv.subtract(sure_bg, sure_fg)

    # check connected components and label
    ret, markers = cv.connectedComponents(sure_fg)
    del ret
    # make backgorund 1, and unknown 0
    markers += 1
    markers[unknown == 1] = 0
    # run watershed
    markers_after_WS = cv.watershed(img, markers)

    size_selected_markers = size_selection(markers_after_WS, max_neuron_size,
                                           min_neuron_size, coef)
    if size_selected_markers is not None:  # if size selection kept anything
        mask_to_json(size_selected_markers, filename, True)
        return size_selected_markers
        return None
Beispiel #42
def locate_plumes_with_fires(aod, fire_rows_plume, fire_cols_plume):
    For each fire check its nearest label.  If a label appears
    more than once it is associated with multiple fires, so
    get rid of it.

    mask = aod >= AOD_MIN_LIMIT  # update using climatological data?  Or ML approach? Pros and Cons.

    mask = binary_erosion(mask)
    mask = binary_dilation(mask)

    # label the mask
    labelled_image = label(mask)

    # find all labels associated with a fire
    all_plume_labels = []
    for r, c in zip(fire_rows_plume, fire_cols_plume):
        nearest_label_for_fire = extract_label(labelled_image, r, c)

        if nearest_label_for_fire is not None:

    # drop any labels that are duplicated
    final_plume_labels = []
    for l in all_plume_labels:
        appearences = np.sum(all_plume_labels == l)
        if appearences < 2:

    # update labelled image
    for l in np.unique(labelled_image):
        if l not in final_plume_labels:
            labelled_image[labelled_image == l] = 0
        elif (labelled_image == l).sum() > 10000:  # get rid of unreasonably large plumes
            labelled_image[labelled_image == l] = 0
        elif (labelled_image == l).sum() < 100:  # get rid of unreasonably large plumes
            labelled_image[labelled_image == l] = 0

    return labelled_image
Beispiel #43
def get_water_mask_from_S2(ndwi, canny_sigma=4, canny_threshold=0.3, selem=disk(4)):
    Make water detection on input NDWI single band image.
    # default threshold (no water detected)
    otsu_thr = 1.0
    status = 0
    # transform NDWI values to [0,1]
    ndwi_std = (ndwi - np.min(ndwi))/np.ptp(ndwi)
    if len(np.unique(ndwi)) > 1:
        edges = canny(ndwi_std, sigma=canny_sigma, high_threshold=canny_threshold)
        edges = binary_dilation(edges, selem)
        ndwi_masked = ma.masked_array(ndwi, mask=np.logical_not(edges))
        if len(np.unique([~ndwi_masked.mask])) > 1:
            # threshold determined using dilated canny edge + otsu
            otsu_thr = threshold_otsu([~ndwi_masked.mask])
            status = 1

            # if majority of pixels above threshold have negative NDWI values
            # change the threshold to 0.0
            fraction = np.count_nonzero(ndwi>0)/np.count_nonzero(ndwi>otsu_thr)
            if fraction < 0.9:
                otsu_thr = 0.0
                status = 3
            # theshold determined with otsu on entire image
            otsu_thr = threshold_otsu(ndwi)
            status = 2
            # if majority of pixels above threshold have negative NDWI values
            # change the threshold to 0.0
            fraction = np.count_nonzero(ndwi>0)/np.count_nonzero(ndwi>otsu_thr)
            if fraction < 0.9:
                otsu_thr = 0.0
                status = 4

    return status, (ndwi>otsu_thr).astype(np.uint8)
def dilate_contour(contour, radius=5):
    """Dilate the contour.

    contour: numpy array
            Array containing the contour

    radius: int, default 5
            Radius of ring to be extracted.

    contour = contour.astype(bool)
    radius = int(radius)
    disk = morphology.disk(radius)

    # Dilation with radius in axial direction
    for ind in range(contour.shape[0]):
        contour[ind, :, :] = morphology.binary_dilation(contour[ind, :, :],
    return contour
Beispiel #45
def get_connected_component_shape(layer, event):
    data_coordinates = layer.world_to_data(event.position)
    cords = np.round(data_coordinates).astype(int)
    val = layer.get_value(data_coordinates)
    if val is None:
    if val != 0:
        data =
        binary = data == val
        if 'Shift' in event.modifiers:
            binary_new = binary_erosion(binary)
            data[binary] = 0
            binary_new = binary_dilation(binary)
        data[binary_new] = val
        size = np.sum(binary_new) = data
        msg = (f'clicked at {cords} on blob {val} which is now {size} pixels')
        msg = f'clicked at {cords} on background which is ignored'
Beispiel #46
def fillgaps(img, iterations=1, mode='closing', sqsize=21):
    """dilation bit is 
    fills gaps in binary skeleton image
    from skimage import morphology, img_as_bool, segmentation
    from scipy import ndimage as ndi
    if mode is 'dilate':
        image = 1 - img_as_bool(img)
        out = ndi.distance_transform_edt(~image)
        out = out < 0.05 * out.max()
        out = morphology.skeletonize(out)
        out = morphology.binary_dilation(out, morphology.selem.disk(1))
        out = segmentation.clear_border(out)
        out = out | image
    elif mode is 'closing':
        out = 1 - img_as_bool(img)
        while iterations > 0:
            out = morphology.binary_closing(out, morphology.square(sqsize))
            iterations -= 1
    return out
Beispiel #47
def segmentate():
    LastMap = None
    while True:
        # i, img = segmentation_queue.get()
        i, img = segmentation_pipe_out.recv()
        print("starting Segmentation %s"%i)
        SegMap, diff = VB.segmentate(img, do_neighbours=False, return_diff=True)
        # import  matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # plt.imshow(VB.DumbStory)
        if LastMap is None:
            LastMap = np.zeros_like(SegMap, dtype=bool)
        SegMap &= ~NoMask
        VB.update(SegMap, img, do_neighbours=False)
        SegMap = binary_dilation(SegMap, selem=disk(5))
        SegMap = binary_erosion(SegMap, selem=disk(4))
        # mask = SegMap & ~ (SegMap & LastMap)
        SegMap_write_queue.put([i, SegMap])
        detection_pipe_in.send([i, SegMap, np.sum(diff, axis=0)])
        # LastMap = SegMap
        print("Segmentated Image %s"%i)
def basin(label_mask, wall):
    h, w = np.shape(label_mask)
    y, x = np.mgrid[0:h, 0:w]
    struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
    shifty, shiftx = np.mgrid[0:3, 0:3]
    shifty = (shifty - 1).flatten()
    shiftx = (shiftx - 1).flatten()

    for i in range(4):
        obdr = label_mask ^ binary_dilation(label_mask, struct)
        ibdr = label_mask ^ binary_erosion(label_mask, struct)
        yob, xob = y[obdr], x[obdr]
        ynb, xnb = yob.reshape(-1, 1) + shifty, xob.reshape(-1, 1) + shiftx

        wallnb = np.min(map_coords(wall, (ynb, xnb))*(map_coords(ibdr, (ynb, xnb))==1)+\
                        5*(map_coords(ibdr, (ynb, xnb))!=1),1)
        keep = (wall[yob, xob] > wallnb) & (wallnb <= 4)
        label_mask[yob[keep], xob[keep]] = True
        if np.sum(keep) == 0:
    return label_mask
def neighbours(watershedImg, threshold_height_cells):
    '''Return array of pairs of neighbouring cells from list of thresholded cells in whole image'''

    #If cells aren't thresholded

    neighbours = np.empty((0, 2))

    for cel in threshold_height_cells:
        BW = segmentation.find_boundaries(watershedImg == cel)
        BW_dilated = morphology.binary_dilation(BW)
        neighs = np.unique(watershedImg[BW_dilated == 1])
        indices = np.where(neighs == 0.0)
        indices = np.append(indices, np.where(neighs == cel))
        neighs = np.delete(neighs, indices)
        for n in neighs:
            neighbours = np.append(neighbours, [(cel, n)],

    return neighbours
def task1():
    img = mimg.imread("bw1.bmp")

    new_img1 = binary_erosion(img, selem=square(width=30))
    new_img2 = binary_erosion(img, selem=rectangle(width=30, height=20))
    new_img3 = binary_erosion(img, selem=diamond(radius=5))
    new_img4 = binary_erosion(img, selem=disk(radius=15))
    new_img5 = binary_erosion(img, selem=star(a=10))
    new_img6 = binary_erosion(img, selem=octagon(m=10, n=20))
    new_img7 = binary_dilation(img, )

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 8)
    show(ax[0], img, "original")
    show(ax[1], new_img1, "BE square")
    show(ax[2], new_img2, "BE rectangle")
    show(ax[3], new_img3, "BE diamond")
    show(ax[4], new_img4, "BE disk")
    show(ax[5], new_img5, "BE star")
    show(ax[6], new_img6, "BE octagon")
    show(ax[7], new_img2, "binary_dilation")
Beispiel #51
def fill_gap(bn_img, struct='disk', dim=3):
    fill holes in binary mask
    :param bn_img: binary mask [np.array]
    :param struct: structuring element to use ['disk', 'diamond', 'square']
    :param dim: size of structuring element [int]
    :return out: filled mask [np.array]
    # set element
    if struct == 'disk':
        elm = morphology.disk(dim)
    elif struct == 'square':
        elm = morphology.square(dim)
    elif struct == 'diamond':
        elm = morphology.diamond(dim)

    # assume same structuring element for both closing stages
    out = morphology.binary_dilation(bn_img, elm)
    out = morphology.binary_erosion(out, elm)

    return out
Beispiel #52
def picasso_structure_mask(inputim,
                           dilationselem=np.ones((5, 5), dtype='float32')):
    ox = inputim.mdh['Origin.x']
    oy = inputim.mdh['Origin.y']
    vxsz = 1e3 * inputim.mdh['voxelsize.x']

    mask0 = np.zeros([0:2], dtype='float32')
    labels = []
    nsites = []
    cxa = []
    cya = []

    for label in range(0, int(struc['HandleStruct'].max() + 1)):
        strucn = struc['HandleStruct'] == label
        newim = np.zeros([0:2], dtype='float32')
        strucx = ((struc['HandleX'][strucn]) - ox) / vxsz
        strucy = ((struc['HandleY'][strucn]) - oy) / vxsz
        cx = struc['HandleX'][strucn].mean()
        cy = struc['HandleY'][strucn].mean()
        cxi = np.rint(strucx.mean()).astype('int')  # integer centroid x
        cyi = np.rint(strucy.mean()).astype('int')  # integer centroid y
        labels.append(label + 1)
        ind = (strucx < newim.shape[0]) * (strucy < newim.shape[1]) * (
            strucx >= 0) * (strucy >= 0)
        if np.any(ind):
            newim[strucx[ind].astype('i'), strucy[ind].astype('i')] = 1.0
            newim2 = morph.convex_hull_image(newim)
            for i in range(dilations):
                newim2 = morph.binary_dilation(newim2, selem=dilationselem)
            mask0[newim2 > 0.5] = label + 1

    sitesdf = pd.DataFrame(
        list(zip(labels, nsites, cxa, cya)),
        columns=['Label', 'NSites', 'CentroidX', 'CentroidY'])
    return ImageStack(mask0, mdh=inputim.mdh), sitesdf
Beispiel #53
def main():
    name = 'photos/dice30'
    image = cv2.imread(name + '.jpg')
    resized = imutils.resize(image, width=300)
    ratio = image.shape[0] / float(resized.shape[0])

    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    denoised = restoration.denoise_nl_means(gray, h=0.95)
    threshold = filters.threshold_minimum(denoised)
    thres = denoised > threshold

    canny = feature.canny(thres, sigma=3)
    dilated = mp.binary_dilation(canny, selem=selem)
    edges = to_uint8(dilated)

    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE,

    # Loop over the contours
    counter = 0
    for c, h in zip(contours, hierarchy[0]):
        c = c.astype("float")
        c *= ratio
        c = c.astype("int")
        cv2.drawContours(image, [c], -1, (0, 255, 0), 5)
        if h[0] == -1 and h[1] == -1 and h[2] == -1:
            counter += 1

    cv2.putText(image, "Total: " + str(counter),
                (int(len(image[0]) / 4), int(0.95 * len(image))),
                cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 10 / (4000 / len(image)),
                (255, 255, 255), 5)

    print_hierarchy(hierarchy[0], contours, ratio, image)

    img = Image.fromarray(image) + '_proc.jpg')
Beispiel #54
def grow_mask(anat, aseg, ants_segs=None, ww=7, zval=2.0, bw=4):
    Grow mask including pixels that have a high likelihood.
    GM tissue parameters are sampled in image patches of ``ww`` size.

    This is inspired on mindboggle's solution to the problem:

    selem = sim.ball(bw)

    if ants_segs is None:
        ants_segs = np.zeros_like(aseg, dtype=np.uint8)

    aseg[aseg == 42] = 3  # Collapse both hemispheres
    gm = anat.copy()
    gm[aseg != 3] = 0

    refined = refine_aseg(aseg)
    newrefmask = sim.binary_dilation(refined, selem) - refined
    indices = np.argwhere(newrefmask > 0)
    for pixel in indices:
        # When ATROPOS identified the pixel as GM, set and carry on
        if ants_segs[tuple(pixel)] == 2:
            refined[tuple(pixel)] = 1

        window = gm[
            pixel[0] - ww:pixel[0] + ww,
            pixel[1] - ww:pixel[1] + ww,
            pixel[2] - ww:pixel[2] + ww
        if np.any(window > 0):
            mu = window[window > 0].mean()
            sigma = max(window[window > 0].std(), 1.e-5)
            zstat = abs(anat[tuple(pixel)] - mu) / sigma
            refined[tuple(pixel)] = int(zstat < zval)

    refined = sim.binary_opening(refined, selem)
    return refined
def weight_binary_ratio(label, mask=None, dilate=False):
    if label.max() == label.min():
        # uniform weights for single-label volume
        return np.ones_like(label, np.float32)

    min_ratio = 5e-2
    label = (label != 0).astype(np.float64)  # foreground
    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask.astype(label.dtype)[np.newaxis, :]
        ww = (label*mask).sum() / mask.sum()
        ww = label.sum() /
    ww = np.clip(ww, a_min=min_ratio, a_max=1-min_ratio)
    weight_factor = max(ww, 1-ww)/min(ww, 1-ww)

    if dilate:
        N = label.ndim
        assert N in [3, 4]
        struct = np.ones([1]*(N-2) + [3, 3])

        label = (label != 0)
        label = binary_dilation(label, struct).astype(np.float64)

    # Case 1 -- Affinity Map
    # In that case, ww is large (i.e., ww > 1 - ww), which means the high weight
    # factor should be applied to background pixels.

    # Case 2 -- Contour Map
    # In that case, ww is small (i.e., ww < 1 - ww), which means the high weight
    # factor should be applied to foreground pixels.

    if ww > 1-ww:
        # switch when foreground is the dominate class
        label = 1 - label
    weight = weight_factor*label + (1-label)

    if mask is not None:
        weight = weight*mask

    return weight.astype(np.float32)
Beispiel #56
def frame_diff_analysis(data_path, img_vol, img_start_num, use_crop,
                        arbitrary_vol, diff_step):
    input the data dir and get the stable roi region using frame difference
    :param data_path:
    :param img_vol:
    :param img_start_num:
    :param use_crop:
    :param bbox_thresh:
    :param arbitrary_vol:
    :param seq_len:
    :param diff_step:
    img_stack = readin_image(readin_path=data_path,
    if use_crop:
        img_stack = crop_image(img_stack)
    seq_multi_frame_diff = 255
    [dimx, dimy, _] = img_stack.shape
    start = time.time()
    diff_stack = arbitrary_frame_diff(img_stack, step=arbitrary_vol)
    diff_stack_length = diff_step
    diff_roi_sequence = np.zeros([dimx, dimy, diff_stack_length])
    for i in range(0, diff_stack.shape[2], diff_step):
        for j in range(diff_step):
            diff_roi_sequence[:, :, j] = diff_stack[:, :, i + j]
        diff_short_sum = np.sum(diff_roi_sequence, axis=2)
        diff_short_seq_diff_255 = diff_short_sum.astype(np.uint8)
        ret0, diff_short_seq_diff_thresh = cv2.threshold(
            diff_short_seq_diff_255, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
        diff_short_seq_std_norm_thresh_inv = 255 - diff_short_seq_diff_thresh
        seq_multi_frame_diff *= diff_short_seq_std_norm_thresh_inv / 255
        frame_diff_result = seq_multi_frame_diff
    frame_diff_result = binary_dilation(frame_diff_result)
    end = time.time()
    elapsed_time = end - start
    print('frame difference elapsed time: {0}'.format(elapsed_time))
    return frame_diff_result
Beispiel #57
    def addGrainBoundaries(self, colour=None, dilate=False):
        """Add grain boundaries to the plot.

        colour : str
            Colour of grain boundaries.
        dilate : bool
            If true, dilate the grain boundaries


        if colour is None:
            colour = "white"

        boundariesImage = -self.callingMap.boundaries

        if dilate:
            boundariesImage = mph.binary_dilation(boundariesImage)

        # create colourmap for boundaries going from transparent to
        # opaque of the given colour
        boundariesCmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
            'my_cmap', ['white', colour], 256)
        boundariesCmap._lut[:, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1, boundariesCmap.N + 3)

        img =,


        return img
def dilateBead(diameter, shape, factor=10):
    """Dilates a given circle based on the diameter, image shape and dilation factor


        diameter (int): The diameter of the circle.
        shape (int): The shape of the image the circle is derived from.
        factor (optional) (int): Dilation factor, determines the size of the selection element.


        diameter (int): The diameter of the dilated circle.
    temp = np.zeros(shape)

    circle =[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2, diameter / 2)

    temp[circle[0], circle[1]] = 1

    temp = morphology.binary_dilation(temp, np.ones((factor, factor)))

    return np.unique(temp, return_counts=True)[1][1:]
Beispiel #59
def cell_markers_from_mask(mask_cell, param, scale=1, vis_diag=False, fig=''):

    # use dtf to find markers for watershed
    skel, dtf = morphology.medial_axis(mask_cell, return_distance=True)
    dtf.flat[(mask_cell > 0).flatten()] += np.random.random(
        ((mask_cell > 0).sum()))
    # watershed seeds
    # TODO - add parameters to cfg
    local_maxi = feature.peak_local_max(
        threshold_abs=0.25 * param.rbcR * scale,
            (int(1.5 * param.rbcR * scale), int(1.5 * param.rbcR * scale))),
    #markers, n_RBC = measure.label(local_maxi,return_num=True)
    markers = morphology.binary_dilation(local_maxi > 0, morphology.disk(3))

    label = measure.label(markers, connectivity=markers.ndim)
    prop = measure.regionprops(label)

    return markers, prop
Beispiel #60
def find_background(image, morph_filters=True):
    Returns an index map of the pixels in input image believed to be background.

    This function first converts to HSV and then uses k-means to partition the saturation-values.
    The average of the two cluster-middle-points is used as the threshold to distinguish between
    foreground and background.
    Optionally, morphological filters may be applied to fill in gaps in the detected foreground
    (e.g., holes within detected cells) and remove background specks (debris that has the same color
    as the cells we want to detect).

    :param image: RGB image (either uint8 0-255, or float 0.0-1.0), with light background.
    :param morph_filters: boolean flag. Whether or not to apply morphological filters to
        improve background detection.
    :return: index map of pixels believed to be the background.
    if image.dtype == np.uint8:
        image = image.astype(np.float64) / 255.
    # convert to HSV
    hsv_img = color.rgb2hsv(image)

    # find background through a threshold saturation level
    # apply k-means to cluster the saturation values into two groups (foreground and background)
    S = hsv_img[:, :, 1].flatten()
    V = hsv_img[:, :, 2].flatten()
    data = np.stack((S, V), axis=1)
    mask = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit_predict(data)
    mask = mask.reshape(image.shape[0:2])
    if np.average(hsv_img[mask == 1, 2]) > np.average(
            hsv_img[mask == 0, 2]):  # ensure foreground is index 1
        mask = 1 - mask
    if morph_filters:
        mask = mask
        mask = morph.binary_closing(mask, selem=morph.disk(30))
        mask = morph.binary_dilation(mask, selem=morph.disk(5))
        mask = morph.binary_opening(mask, selem=morph.disk(30))
    background_mask = mask == 0
    return background_mask