Beispiel #1
def test_chessboard_mono_io():

    images = []

    files = glob.glob('tests/data/laparoscope_calibration/left/*.png')
    for file in files:
        image = cv2.imread(file)

    chessboard_detector = pd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10), 3, (1, 1))
    calibrator = mc.MonoVideoCalibrationDriver(chessboard_detector, 140)
    for image in images:
        successful = calibrator.grab_data(image, np.eye(4), np.eye(3))
        assert successful > 0

    reproj_err_1, recon_err_1, params_1 = calibrator.calibrate()
    calibrator.save_data('tests/output/test_chessboard_mono_io', '')
    calibrator.save_params('tests/output/test_chessboard_mono_io', '')

    # Now, load data back in, recalibrate, should get same results.
    # Technically, you aren't running the 'grab' bit again.
    # The calibration works off the already extracted points.
    calibrator.load_data('tests/output/test_chessboard_mono_io', '')
    reproj_err_2, recon_err_2, params_2 = calibrator.calibrate()
    assert (np.isclose(reproj_err_1, reproj_err_2))
    assert (np.isclose(recon_err_1, recon_err_2))

    calibrator.load_params('tests/output/test_chessboard_mono_io', '')
    params_3 = calibrator.get_params()
    assert np.allclose(params_2.camera_matrix, params_3.camera_matrix)
    assert np.allclose(params_2.dist_coeffs, params_3.dist_coeffs)
    for i, _ in enumerate(params_3.rvecs):
        assert np.allclose(params_2.rvecs[i], params_3.rvecs[i])
        assert np.allclose(params_2.tvecs[i], params_3.tvecs[i])
Beispiel #2
def test_set_model2hand_arrays():
    """Test that model2hand arrays are set without raising an error"""
    chessboard_detector = pd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10), 3, (1, 1))

    stereo_calib = \
            chessboard_detector, chessboard_detector, 140)

    tracking_data_dir = 'tests/data/2020_01_20_storz/12_50_30'
    file_prefix = 'calib'

    stereo_calib.load_data(tracking_data_dir, file_prefix)

Beispiel #3
def test_load_data_stereo_calib():
    """ Load tracking and image data from test directory. """
    chessboard_detector = pd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10), 3, (1, 1))

    stereo_calib = \
            chessboard_detector, chessboard_detector, 140)

    tracking_data_dir = 'tests/data/2020_01_20_storz/12_50_30'
    file_prefix = 'calib'

    stereo_calib.load_data(tracking_data_dir, file_prefix)

    assert len(stereo_calib.tracking_data.device_tracking_array) == 10
    assert len(stereo_calib.tracking_data.calibration_tracking_array) == 10
    assert len(stereo_calib.video_data.left_data.images_array) == 10
    assert len(stereo_calib.video_data.right_data.images_array) == 10
    def __init__(self,
        Constructor must throw if anything at all wrong.

        :raises ValueError, RuntimeError.
        if configuration is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "You must provide a configuration file. "
                "(see config/video_chessboard_conf.json for example).")

        # Throws RuntimeError if anything wrong.
        source = vcu.validate_camera_source(source)

        # For now just doing chessboards.
        # The underlying framework works for several point detectors,
        # but each would have their own parameters etc.
        method = configuration.get("method", "chessboard")
        if method != "chessboard":
            raise ValueError("Only chessboard calibration"
                             " is currently supported")

        # The video source either defaults to whatever size OpenCV
        # gives, or you can specify the size in the config file.
        window_size = configuration.get("window size", None)
        self.cap = vcu.open_video_source(source, window_size)

        # These are the key parameters for the chessboard.
        size = configuration.get("square size in mm", 3)
        corners = configuration.get("corners", [14, 10])
        self.corners = (corners[0], corners[1])

        # .. and hence we can now create a chessboard point detector.
        self.detector = cpd.ChessboardPointDetector(corners, size)

        self.frame_ok = False
        self.frame = None

        self.key_pressed = None
Beispiel #5
def test_chessboard_stereo_io():

    left_images, right_images \
        = vtu.load_left_right_pngs('tests/data/laparoscope_calibration/', 9)

    chessboard_detector = \
        pd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10),
                                   (1, 1)

    calibrator = \
        sc.StereoVideoCalibrationDriver(chessboard_detector, chessboard_detector, 140)

    for i, _ in enumerate(left_images):
        num_left, num_right = calibrator.grab_data(left_images[i],
                                                   right_images[i], np.eye(4),
        assert num_left > 0
        assert num_right > 0

    # Then do calibration
    reproj_err_1, recon_err_1, params_1 = calibrator.calibrate()
    calibrator.save_data('tests/output/test_chessboard_stereo_io', '')
    calibrator.save_params('tests/output/test_chessboard_stereo_io', '')

    # Load data, re-do calibration, check for same result.
    calibrator.load_data('tests/output/test_chessboard_stereo_io', '')
    reproj_err_2, recon_err_2, params_2 = calibrator.calibrate()
    assert (np.isclose(reproj_err_1, reproj_err_2))
    assert (np.isclose(recon_err_1, recon_err_2))

    # Now load parameters back in.
    calibrator.load_params('tests/output/test_chessboard_stereo_io', '')
    params_2 = calibrator.get_params()

    assert np.allclose(params_1.l2r_rmat, params_2.l2r_rmat)
    assert np.allclose(params_1.l2r_tvec, params_2.l2r_tvec)
    assert np.allclose(params_1.essential, params_2.essential)
    assert np.allclose(params_1.fundamental, params_2.fundamental)
def run_video_calibration(configuration=None, save_dir=None, prefix=None):
    Performs Video Calibration using OpenCV
    source and scikit-surgerycalibration.
    Currently only chessboards are supported

    :param config_file: location of a configuration file.
    :param save_dir: optional directory name to dump calibrations to.
    :param prefix: file name prefix when saving

    :raises ValueError: if method is not supported
    if prefix is not None and save_dir is None:
        save_dir = "./"

    if configuration is None:
        configuration = {}

    # For now just doing chessboards.
    # The underlying framework works for several point detectors,
    # but each would have their own parameters etc.
    method = configuration.get("method", "chessboard")
    if method != "chessboard":
        raise ValueError("Only chessboard calibration is currently supported")

    source = configuration.get("source", 0)
    corners = configuration.get("corners", [14, 10])
    corners = (corners[0], corners[1])
    size = configuration.get("square size in mm", 3)
    window_size = configuration.get("window size", None)
    min_num_views = configuration.get("minimum number of views", 5)
    keypress_delay = configuration.get("keypress delay", 10)
    interactive = configuration.get("interactive", True)
    sample_frequency = configuration.get("sample frequency", 1)

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(source)
    if not cap.isOpened():
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to open camera.")

    if window_size is not None:
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, window_size[0])
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, window_size[1])
        print("Video feed set to (" + str(window_size[0]) + " x " +
              str(window_size[1]) + ")")
        width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
        height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
        print("Video feed defaults to (" + str(width) + " x " + str(height) +

    detector = cpd.ChessboardPointDetector(corners, size)
    calibrator = mc.MonoVideoCalibrationDriver(detector,
                                               corners[0] * corners[1])

    print("Press 'q' to quit and 'c' to capture an image.")
    print("Minimum number of views to calibrate:" + str(min_num_views))

    frames_sampled = 0
    while True:
        frame_ok, frame =

        key = None
        frames_sampled += 1

        if not frame_ok:
            print("Reached end of video source or read failure.")
            key = ord('q')
            if interactive:
                cv2.imshow("live image", frame)
                key = cv2.waitKey(keypress_delay)
                if frames_sampled % sample_frequency == 0:
                    key = ord('c')

        if key == ord('q'):
        if key == ord('c'):
            number_points = calibrator.grab_data(frame)
            if number_points > 0:
                img_pts = calibrator.video_data.image_points_arrays[-1]
                img = cv2.drawChessboardCorners(frame, corners, img_pts,
                if interactive:
                    cv2.imshow("detected points", img)

                number_of_views = calibrator.get_number_of_views()
                print("Number of frames = " + str(number_of_views))

                if number_of_views >= min_num_views:
                    proj_err, recon_err, params = calibrator.calibrate()
                    print("Reprojection (2D) error is:" + str(proj_err))
                    print("Reconstruction (3D) error is:" + str(recon_err))
                    print("Intrinsics are:")
                    print("Distortion matrix is:")

                    if save_dir is not None:
                        if not os.path.isdir(save_dir):

                        calibrator.save_data(save_dir, prefix)
                        calibrator.save_params(save_dir, prefix)
                print("Failed to detect points")

Beispiel #7
def test_chessboard_mono():

    images = []

    files = glob.glob('tests/data/laparoscope_calibration/left/*.png')
    for file in files:
        image = cv2.imread(file)

    # This illustrates that the PointDetector sub-class holds the knowledge of the model.
    chessboard_detector = \
        pd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10),    # (Width, height), number of internal corners
                                   3,           # Actual square size in mm
                                   (1, 1)       # Scale factors. Here, images are 1920x1080 so no scaling needed.
                                   )            # If images were 1920x540, you'd pass in (1920, 540),
    # and PointDetector base class would scale it up.

    # Pass a PointDetector sub-class to the calibration driver.
    calibrator = \
        mc.MonoVideoCalibrationDriver(chessboard_detector, 140)

    # Repeatedly grab data, until you have enough.
    for image in images:
        successful = calibrator.grab_data(image, np.eye(4))
        assert successful > 0
    assert calibrator.is_device_tracked()
    assert not calibrator.is_calibration_target_tracked()

    # Extra checking, as its a unit test
    assert calibrator.get_number_of_views() == 9
    assert calibrator.get_number_of_views() == 8
    successful = calibrator.grab_data(images[-1])
    assert successful
    assert calibrator.get_number_of_views() == 9

    # Then do calibration
    reproj_err, recon_err, params = calibrator.calibrate()

    # Just for a regression test, checking reprojection error, and recon error.
    # We do appear to get different performance on Linux/Mac
    assert reproj_err < 0.6
    assert recon_err < 0.3

    # Test components of iterative calibration.
    original_image = calibrator.video_data.images_array[0]
    _, _, original_pts = chessboard_detector.get_points(original_image)

    # First ensure undistorting / redistorting points works.
    undistorted_points = cv2.undistortPoints(
        original_pts, calibrator.calibration_params.camera_matrix,
        calibrator.calibration_params.dist_coeffs, None,
    distorted_pts = vu.distort_points(
            (-1, 2)), calibrator.calibration_params.camera_matrix,
    assert np.allclose(original_pts, distorted_pts, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

    rectify_map_1, rectify_map_2 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(
        calibrator.calibration_params.dist_coeffs, None,
        (original_image.shape[1], original_image.shape[0]), cv2.CV_32FC1)
    #undistorted_image = cv2.undistort(original_image, calibrator.calibration_params.camera_matrix, calibrator.calibration_params.dist_coeffs, calibrator.calibration_params.camera_matrix)
    undistorted_image = cv2.remap(original_image, rectify_map_1, rectify_map_2,

    _, _, undistorted_pts = chessboard_detector.get_points(undistorted_image)
    distorted_pts = vu.distort_points(
        undistorted_pts, calibrator.calibration_params.camera_matrix,
    assert np.allclose(original_pts, distorted_pts, rtol=1e-1, atol=1e-1)

    # Test iterative calibration.
    reference_ids, reference_points, reference_image_size = get_iterative_reference_data(

    reproj_err, recon_err, params = calibrator.iterative_calibration(
        3, reference_ids, reference_points, reference_image_size)
    assert reproj_err < 0.7
    assert recon_err < 0.4
Beispiel #8
def test_chessboard_stereo():

    left_images, right_images \
        = vtu.load_left_right_pngs('tests/data/laparoscope_calibration/', 9)

    chessboard_detector = \
        pd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10),
                                   (1, 1)

    calibrator = \
        sc.StereoVideoCalibrationDriver(chessboard_detector, chessboard_detector, 140)

    # Repeatedly grab data, until you have enough.
    for i, _ in enumerate(left_images):
        number_left, number_right = calibrator.grab_data(
            left_images[i], right_images[i])
        assert number_left > 0
        assert number_right > 0
    assert not calibrator.is_device_tracked()
    assert not calibrator.is_calibration_target_tracked()

    # Then do calibration
    reproj_err, recon_err, params = calibrator.calibrate()

    # Just for a regression test, checking reprojection error, and recon error.
    print("\nStereo, default=" + str(reproj_err) + ", " + str(recon_err))
    assert reproj_err < 0.7
    assert recon_err < 1.7

    # Test running with fixed intrinsics and fixed stereo, using existing
    # calibration parameters, thereby re-optimising the camera poses.
    reproj_err, recon_err, params = \

    # The above re-optimisation shouldn't make things worse, as its using same intrinsics and stereo.
    print("Stereo, re-optimise=" + str(reproj_err) + ", " + str(recon_err))
    assert reproj_err < 0.7
    assert recon_err < 1.7

    # Test iterative calibration.
    reference_ids, reference_points, reference_image_size = get_iterative_reference_data(

    reproj_err, recon_err, params = calibrator.iterative_calibration(
        3, reference_ids, reference_points, reference_image_size)
    print("Stereo, iterative=" + str(reproj_err) + ", " + str(recon_err))
    assert reproj_err < 0.7
    assert recon_err < 1.6

    # Now test re-optimising extrinsics, using a completely different set of calibration params.
    ov_l_c = np.loadtxt(
    ov_l_d = np.loadtxt(
    ov_r_c = np.loadtxt(
    ov_r_d = np.loadtxt(

    ov_l2r_t = np.zeros((3, 1))
    ov_l2r_t[0][0] = -4.5

    reproj_err, recon_err, params = \

    # Must check that the overrides have actually been set on the output.
    assert np.allclose(params.left_params.camera_matrix, ov_l_c)
    assert np.allclose(params.left_params.dist_coeffs, ov_l_d)
    assert np.allclose(params.right_params.camera_matrix, ov_r_c)
    assert np.allclose(params.right_params.dist_coeffs, ov_r_d)
    assert np.allclose(params.l2r_rmat, np.eye(3))
    assert np.allclose(params.l2r_tvec, ov_l2r_t)

    # Not expecting good results, as the camera parameters are completely wrong.
    print("Stereo, override=" + str(reproj_err) + ", " + str(recon_err))
    assert reproj_err < 33
    assert recon_err < 109
def run_video_calibration_checker(configuration=None,
    Application that detects a calibration pattern, runs
    solvePnP, and prints information out to enable you to
    check how accurate a calibration actually is.

    :param config_file: location of configuration file.
    :param calib_dir: the location of the calibration directory you want to
    :param prefix: the file prefix for the calibration data you want to check

    :raises ValueError: if no configuration provided.
    :raises RuntimeError: if can't open source.
    if configuration is None:
        raise ValueError("Calibration Checker requires a config file")

    source = configuration.get("source", 0)
    corners = configuration.get("corners", [14, 10])
    corners = (corners[0], corners[1])
    size = configuration.get("square size in mm", 3)
    window_size = configuration.get("window size", None)
    keypress_delay = configuration.get("keypress delay", 10)
    interactive = configuration.get("interactive", True)
    sample_frequency = configuration.get("sample frequency", 1)

    existing_calibration = MonoCalibrationParams()
    existing_calibration.load_data(calib_dir, prefix, halt_on_ioerror=False)
    intrinsics = existing_calibration.camera_matrix
    distortion = existing_calibration.dist_coeffs

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(source)
    if not cap.isOpened():
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to open camera:" + str(source))

    if window_size is not None:
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, window_size[0])
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, window_size[1])
        print("Video feed set to (" + str(window_size[0]) + " x " +
              str(window_size[1]) + ")")
        width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
        height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
        print("Video feed defaults to (" + str(width) + " x " + str(height) +

    # For detecting the chessboard points
    detector = cpd.ChessboardPointDetector(corners, size)
    num_pts = corners[0] * corners[1]
    captured_positions = np.zeros((0, 3))
    frames_sampled = 0
    while True:
        frame_ok, frame =

        key = None
        frames_sampled += 1

        if not frame_ok:
            print("Reached end of video source or read failure.")
            key = ord('q')
            undistorted = cv2.undistort(frame, intrinsics, distortion)
            if interactive:
                cv2.imshow("live image", undistorted)
                key = cv2.waitKey(keypress_delay)
                if frames_sampled % sample_frequency == 0:
                    key = ord('a')

        if key == ord('q'):

        image_points = np.array([])
        if key in [ord('c'), ord('m'), ord('t'), ord('a')]:
            _, object_points, image_points = \

        pnp_ok = False
        img = None
        tvec = None
        if image_points.shape[0] > 0:
            img = cv2.drawChessboardCorners(undistorted, corners, image_points,
            if interactive:
                cv2.imshow("detected points", img)

            pnp_ok, _, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(object_points, image_points,
                                           intrinsics, None)
        if pnp_ok:
            captured_positions = np.append(captured_positions,

        if key in [ord('t'), ord('a')] and captured_positions.shape[0] > 1:
                str(captured_positions[-1][0] - captured_positions[-2][0]) +
                " " +
                str(captured_positions[-1][1] - captured_positions[-2][1]) +
                " " +
                str(captured_positions[-1][2] - captured_positions[-2][2]) +
                " ")
        if key in [ord('m'), ord('a')] and \
                            captured_positions.shape[0] > 1:
            print("Mean:" + str(np.mean(captured_positions, axis=0)))
            print("StdDev:" + str(np.std(captured_positions, axis=0)))

        if key in [ord('c'), ord('a')] and pnp_ok:
            print("Pose" + str(tvec[0][0]) + " " + str(tvec[1][0]) + " " +

        if not pnp_ok and image_points.shape[0] > 0:
            print("Failed to solve PnP")

        if image_points.shape[0] == 0:
            print("Failed to detect points")

    def __init__(self, configuration, calib_dir, overlay_offset):

        source = configuration.get("source", 1)
        corners = configuration.get("corners")
        self.size = configuration.get("square size in mm")
        window_size = configuration.get("window size")
        self.overlay_offset = overlay_offset

        _, self.intrinsics, self.distortion, _ = \
            configure_camera(configuration, calib_dir)

        if corners is None:
            raise ValueError("You must specify the number of internal corners")

        if self.size is None:
            raise ValueError("You must specify the size of each square in mm.")

        if window_size is None:
            raise ValueError("You must specify the window size.")

        if self.intrinsics is None:
            raise ValueError("Couldn't load intrinsic parameters")

        if self.distortion is None:
            raise ValueError("Couldn't load self.distortion parameters")

        self.corners = (corners[0], corners[1])

        self.detector = cpd.ChessboardPointDetector(self.corners, self.size)
        self.num_pts = corners[0] * corners[1]

        self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(int(source))

        if not self.cap.isOpened():
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to open camera:" + str(source))

        self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, window_size[0])
        self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, window_size[1])

        print("Video feed set to (" + str(window_size[0]) + " x " +
              str(window_size[1]) + ")")

        self.vtk_overlay_window = VTKOverlayWindow()
        self.timer = None
        self.update_rate = 15

        self.ultrasound_actor = vtk.vtkImageActor()

        f_x = self.intrinsics[0, 0]
        c_x = self.intrinsics[0, 2]
        f_y = self.intrinsics[1, 1]
        c_y = self.intrinsics[1, 2]
        width, height = window_size[0], window_size[1]

            self.vtk_overlay_window.get_foreground_camera(), width, height,
            f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y, 1, 1000)
Beispiel #11
def test_triangulation():
    Testing because I need to understand the difference between triangulating
    unrectified images, and rectified images.

    left_images = []
    files = glob.glob('tests/data/chessboard/left/*.png')
    for file in files:
        image = cv2.imread(file)
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    assert (len(left_images) == 9)

    right_images = []
    files = glob.glob('tests/data/chessboard/right/*.png')
    for file in files:
        image = cv2.imread(file)
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    assert (len(right_images) == 9)

    chessboard_detector = cpd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10), 3, (1, 1))

    calibrator = \

    # Repeatedly grab data, until you have enough.
    for i, _ in enumerate(left_images):
        success_l, success_r =  \
            calibrator.grab_data(left_images[i], right_images[i])
        assert success_l > 0

    # Then do calibration
    reproj_err, recon_err, params = calibrator.calibrate()

    left_image = cv2.imread('tests/data/chessboard/left-2520.png')
    right_image = cv2.imread('tests/data/chessboard/right-2520.png')
    left_intrinsics = params.left_params.camera_matrix
    left_distortion = params.left_params.dist_coeffs
    right_intrinsics = params.right_params.camera_matrix
    right_distortion = params.right_params.dist_coeffs
    l2r_rmat = params.l2r_rmat
    l2r_tvec = params.l2r_tvec

    left_undistorted = cv2.undistort(left_image, left_intrinsics,
    right_undistorted = cv2.undistort(right_image, right_intrinsics,

    pd = cpd.ChessboardPointDetector((14, 10), 3)
    l_ud_ids, l_ud_obj, l_ud_im = pd.get_points(left_undistorted)
    r_ud_ids, r_ud_obj, r_ud_im = pd.get_points(right_undistorted)

    w = left_image.shape[1]
    h = left_image.shape[0]
    R1, R2, P1, P2, Q, vp1, vp2 = cv2.stereoRectify(left_intrinsics,
                                                    right_distortion, (w, h),
                                                    l2r_rmat, l2r_tvec)

    undistort_rectify_map_l_x, undistort_rectify_map_l_y = \
        cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(left_intrinsics, left_distortion, R1, P1, (w, h), cv2.CV_32FC1)

    undistort_rectify_map_r_x, undistort_rectify_map_r_y = \
        cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(right_intrinsics, right_distortion, R2, P2, (w, h), cv2.CV_32FC1)

    left_rectified = cv2.remap(left_image, undistort_rectify_map_l_x,
                               undistort_rectify_map_l_y, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

    right_rectified = cv2.remap(right_image, undistort_rectify_map_r_x,
                                undistort_rectify_map_r_y, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

    l_rf_ids, l_rf_obj, l_rf_im = pd.get_points(left_rectified)
    r_rf_ids, r_rf_obj, r_rf_im = pd.get_points(right_rectified)

    points_4D = cv2.triangulatePoints(P1, P2, np.transpose(l_rf_im),
    points_4D = np.transpose(points_4D)
    points_4D = points_4D[:, 0:-1] / points_4D[:, -1].reshape((140, 1))

    # Convert from first (left) camera rectified to left camera unrectified
    points_3D = np.transpose(
        np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(R1), np.transpose(points_4D)))

    # Triangulate points in undistorted, but not rectified space.
    image_points = np.zeros((l_ud_im.shape[0], 4))
    image_points[:, 0:2] = l_ud_im
    image_points[:, 2:4] = r_ud_im

    triangulated = cvcpp.triangulate_points_using_hartley(
        image_points, left_intrinsics, right_intrinsics, l2r_rmat, l2r_tvec)
    # All being well, points_3D == triangulated
    assert np.allclose(points_3D, triangulated, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)