def das(tup, x0, from_t=0.4, uniform_fil=None, plot_result=True, fit_kws=None): out = namedtuple('das_result', field_names=[ 'fitter', 'result', 'minimizer']) ti = dv.make_fi(tup.t) if uniform_fil is not None: tupf = filter.uniform_filter(tup, uniform_fil) else: tupf = tup if fit_kws is None: fit_kws = {} import numpy as np #ct = dv.tup(np.hstack((wl, wl)), tup.t[ti(t0):], np.hstack((pa[ti(t0):, :], se[ti(t0):, :]))) ct = dv.tup(tup.wl, tup.t[ti(from_t):],[ti(from_t):, :]) f = fitter.Fitter(ct, model_coh=0, model_disp=0) f.lsq_method = 'ridge' kws = dict(full_model=0, lower_bound=0.2, fixed_names=['w']) kws.update(fit_kws) lm = f.start_lmfit(x0, **kws) res = lm.leastsq() import lmfit lmfit.report_fit(res) if plot_result: plt.figure(figsize=(4, 7)) plt.subplot(211) if is_montone(f.wl): monotone = False # Assume wl is repeated N = len(f.wl) else: monotone = True N = len(f.wl) // 2 print(N) l = plt.plot(f.wl[:N], f.c[:N, :], lw=3) if monotone: l2 = plt.plot(f.wl[:N], f.c[N:, :], lw=1) for i, j in zip(l, l2): j.set_color(i.get_color()) plot_helpers.lbl_spec() lbls = ['%.1f' % i for i in f.last_para[1:-1]] + ['const'] plt.legend(lbls) plt.subplot(212) wi = dv.make_fi(tup.wl) for i in range(N)[::6]: l, = plt.plot(tup.t,[:, i], '-o', lw=0.7, alpha=0.5, label='%.1f cm-1' % f.wl[i], mec='None', ms=3) plt.plot(f.t, f.model[:, i], lw=3, c=l.get_color()) if monotone: l, = plt.plot(tup.t,[:, i+N], '-o', lw=0.7, alpha=0.5, label='%.1f cm-1' % f.wl[i], mec='None', ms=3) plt.plot(f.t, f.model[:, i+N], lw=3, c=l.get_color()) plt.xlim(-1) plt.xscale('symlog', linthreshx=1, linscalex=0.5) plot_helpers.lbl_trans() plt.legend(loc='best') return out(f, res, lm)
def plot_freqs(tup, wl, from_t, to_t, taus=[1]): ti = dv.make_fi(tup.t) wi = dv.make_fi(tup.wl) tl = tup.t[ti(from_t):ti(to_t)] trans =[ti(from_t):ti(to_t), wi(wl)] #ax1 = plt.subplot(311) #ax1.plot(tl, trans) dt = dv.exp_detrend(trans, tl, taus) #ax1.plot(tl, -dt+trans) #ax2 = plt.subplot(312) ax3 = plt.subplot(111) f = abs(np.fft.fft(np.kaiser(2 * dt.size, 2) * dt, dt.size * 2))**2 freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(dt.size * 2, tup.t[ti(from_t) + 1] - tup.t[ti(from_t)]) n = freqs.size // 2 ax3.plot(dv.fs2cm(1000 / freqs[1:n]), f[1:n]) ax3.set_xlabel('freq / cm$^{-1}$') return dv.fs2cm(1000 / freqs[1:n]), f[1:n]
def plot_freqs(tup, wl, from_t, to_t, taus=[1]): ti = dv.make_fi(tup.t) wi = dv.make_fi(tup.wl) tl = tup.t[ti(from_t):ti(to_t)] trans =[ti(from_t):ti(to_t), wi(wl)] #ax1 = plt.subplot(311) #ax1.plot(tl, trans) dt = dv.exp_detrend(trans, tl, taus) #ax1.plot(tl, -dt+trans) #ax2 = plt.subplot(312) ax3 = plt.subplot(111) f = abs(np.fft.fft(np.kaiser(2*dt.size, 2)*dt, dt.size*2))**2 freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(dt.size*2, tup.t[ti(from_t)+1]-tup.t[ti(from_t)]) n = freqs.size//2 ax3.plot(dv.fs2cm(1000/freqs[1:n]), f[1:n]) ax3.set_xlabel('freq / cm$^{-1}$') return dv.fs2cm(1000/freqs[1:n]), f[1:n]
def __init__( self, fname, invert_data=False, is_pol_resolved=False, pol_first_scan="unknown", valid_channel=None, ): """Class for working with data files from MessPy v1. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to open. invert_data : bool (optional) If True, invert the sign of the data. `False` by default. is_pol_resolved : bool (optional) If the dataset was recorded polarization resolved. pol_first_scan : {'magic', 'para', 'perp', 'unknown'} Polarization between the pump and the probe in the first scan. If `valid_channel` is 'both', this corresponds to the zeroth channel. valid_channel : `0`, `1`, 'both' Indicates which channels contains a real signal. For recently recorded data, it is 0 for the visible setup and 1 for the IR setup. Older IR data uses both. If `None` it guesses the valid channel from the data, assuming recent data. """ with np.load(fname) as f: self.wl = f["wl"] self.initial_wl = self.wl.copy() self.t = f["t"] / 1000.0 = f["data"] if invert_data: *= -1 self.wavenumbers = 1e7 / self.wl self.pol_first_scan = pol_first_scan self.is_pol_resolved = is_pol_resolved if valid_channel is not None: self.valid_channel = valid_channel else: self.valid_channel = 1 if self.wl.shape[0] > 32 else 0 self.num_cwl =[0] self.plot = MessPyPlotter(self) self.t_idx = make_fi(self.t)
def plot_coef_spec(taus, wl, coefs, div): tau_coefs = coefs[:, :len(taus)] div.append(taus.max() + 1) ti = dv.make_fi(taus) last_idx = 0 non_zeros = ~(coefs.sum(0) == 0) for i in div: idx = ti(i) cur_taus = taus[last_idx:idx] cur_nonzeros = non_zeros[last_idx:idx] lbl = "%.1f - %.1f ps" % (taus[last_idx], taus[idx]) plt.plot(wl, tau_coefs[:, last_idx:idx].sum(-1), label=lbl) last_idx = ti(i) plt.plot(wl, coefs[:, -1]) plt.legend(title='Decay regions', loc='best') lbl_spec() plt.title("Spectrum of lft-parts")
def plot_coef_spec(taus, wl, coefs, div): tau_coefs = coefs[:, :len(taus)] div.append(taus.max()+1) ti = dv.make_fi(taus) last_idx = 0 non_zeros = ~(coefs.sum(0) == 0) for i in div: idx = ti(i) cur_taus = taus[last_idx:idx] cur_nonzeros = non_zeros[last_idx:idx] lbl = "%.1f - %.1f ps"%(taus[last_idx], taus[idx]) plt.plot(wl, tau_coefs[:, last_idx:idx].sum(-1), label=lbl) last_idx = ti(i) plt.plot(wl, coefs[:, -1]) plt.legend(title='Decay regions', loc='best') lbl_spec() plt.title("Spectrum of lft-parts")
def __init__(self, frequency, signal, unit_freq='nm', unit_signal='OD'): """ Class for working with steady state spectra. Parameters ---------- frequency : ndarray The frequencies of the spectrum signal : ndarray Array containing the signal. unit_freq : str Unit type of the frequencies. unit_signal : str Unit type of the signal. """ assert (frequency.shape[0] == signal.shape[0]) idx = np.argsort(frequency) self.x = frequency[idx] self.y = signal[idx, ...] self.unit_freq = unit_freq self.unit_signal = unit_signal self.back = np.zeros_like(self.x) = dv.make_fi(self.x)
def das(tup, x0, from_t=0.4, uniform_fil=None, plot_result=True, fit_kws=None): out = namedtuple('das_result', field_names=['fitter', 'result', 'minimizer']) ti = dv.make_fi(tup.t) if uniform_fil is not None: tupf = filter.uniform_filter(tup, uniform_fil) else: tupf = tup if fit_kws is None: fit_kws = {} #ct = dv.tup(np.hstack((wl, wl)), tup.t[ti(t0):], np.hstack((pa[ti(t0):, :], se[ti(t0):, :]))) ct = dv.tup(tup.wl, tup.t[ti(from_t):],[ti(from_t):, :]) f = fitter.Fitter(ct, model_coh=0, model_disp=0) f.lsq_method = 'ridge' kws = dict(full_model=0, lower_bound=0.2, fixed_names=['w']) kws.update(fit_kws) lm = f.start_lmfit(x0, **kws) res = lm.leastsq() import lmfit lmfit.report_fit(res) if plot_result: plt.figure(figsize=(4, 7)) plt.subplot(211) if is_montone(f.wl): monotone = False # Assume wl is repeated N = len(f.wl) else: monotone = True N = len(f.wl) // 2 print(N) l = plt.plot(f.wl[:N], f.c[:N, :], lw=3) if monotone: l2 = plt.plot(f.wl[:N], f.c[N:, :], lw=1) for i, j in zip(l, l2): j.set_color(i.get_color()) plot_helpers.lbl_spec() lbls = ['%.1f' % i for i in f.last_para[1:-1]] + ['const'] plt.legend(lbls) plt.subplot(212) wi = dv.make_fi(tup.wl) for i in range(N)[::6]: l, = plt.plot(tup.t,[:, i], '-o', lw=0.7, alpha=0.5, label='%.1f cm-1' % f.wl[i], mec='None', ms=3) plt.plot(f.t, f.model[:, i], lw=3, c=l.get_color()) if monotone: l, = plt.plot(tup.t,[:, i + N], '-o', lw=0.7, alpha=0.5, label='%.1f cm-1' % f.wl[i], mec='None', ms=3) plt.plot(f.t, f.model[:, i + N], lw=3, c=l.get_color()) plt.xlim(-1) plt.xscale('symlog', linthreshx=1, linscalex=0.5) plot_helpers.lbl_trans() plt.legend(loc='best') return out(f, res, lm)
def __init__(self, wl, t, data, err=None, name=None, freq_unit='nm', disp_freq_unit=None, auto_plot=True): """ Class for working with time-resolved spectra. If offers methods for analyzing and pre-processing the data. To visualize the data, each `TimeResSpec` object has an instance of an `DataSetPlotter` object accessible under `plot`. Parameters ---------- wl : array of shape(n) Array of the spectral dimension t : array of shape(m) Array with the delay times. data : array of shape(n, m) Array with the data for each point. err : array of shape(n, m) or None (optional) Contains the std err of the data, can be `None`. name : str (optional) Identifier for data set. freq_unit : 'nm' or 'cm' (optional) Unit of the wavelength array, default is 'nm'. disp_freq_unit : 'nm','cm' or None (optional) Unit which is used by default for plotting, masking and cutting the dataset. If `None`, it defaults to `freq_unit`. Attributes ---------- wavelengths, wavenumbers, t, data : ndarray Arrays with the data itself. plot : TimeResSpecPlotter Helper class which can plot the dataset using `matplotlib`. t_idx : function Helper function to find the nearest index in t for a given time. wl_idx : function Helper function to search for the nearest wavelength index for a given wavelength. wn_idx : function Helper function to search for the nearest wavelength index for a given wavelength. auto_plot : bool When True, some function will display their result automatically. """ assert ((t.shape[0], wl.shape[0]) == data.shape) t = t.copy() wl = wl.copy() data = data.copy() if freq_unit == 'nm': self.wavelengths = wl self.wavenumbers = 1e7 / wl self.wl = self.wavelengths else: self.wavelengths = 1e7 / wl self.wavenumbers = wl self.wl = self.wavenumbers self.t = t = data self.err = err if name is not None: = name # Sort wavelenths and data. idx = np.argsort(self.wavelengths) self.wavelengths = self.wavelengths[idx] self.wavenumbers = self.wavenumbers[idx] =[:, idx] self.auto_plot = auto_plot self.plot = TimeResSpecPlotter(self) self.t_idx = dv.make_fi(self.t) self.wl_idx = dv.make_fi(self.wavelengths) self.wn_idx = dv.make_fi(self.wavenumbers) if disp_freq_unit is None: self.disp_freq_unit = freq_unit else: self.disp_freq_unit = disp_freq_unit self.plot.freq_unit = self.disp_freq_unit
def __init__( self, wl, t, data, err=None, name=None, freq_unit="nm", disp_freq_unit=None, auto_plot=True, ): """ Class for working with time-resolved spectra. If offers methods for analyzing and pre-processing the data. To visualize the data, each `TimeResSpec` object has an instance of an `DataSetPlotter` object accessible under `plot`. Parameters ---------- wl : array of shape(n) Array of the spectral dimension t : array of shape(m) Array with the delay times. data : array of shape(n, m) Array with the data for each point. err : array of shape(n, m) or None (optional) Contains the std err of the data, can be `None`. name : str (optional) Identifier for data set. freq_unit : 'nm' or 'cm' (optional) Unit of the wavelength array, default is 'nm'. disp_freq_unit : 'nm','cm' or None (optional) Unit which is used by default for plotting, masking and cutting the dataset. If `None`, it defaults to `freq_unit`. Attributes ---------- wavelengths, wavenumbers, t, data : ndarray Arrays with the data itself. plot : TimeResSpecPlotter Helper class which can plot the dataset using `matplotlib`. t_idx : function Helper function to find the nearest index in t for a given time. wl_idx : function Helper function to search for the nearest wavelength index for a given wavelength. wn_idx : function Helper function to search for the nearest wavelength index for a given wavelength. auto_plot : bool When True, some function will display their result automatically. """ assert (t.shape[0], wl.shape[0]) == data.shape t = t.copy() wl = wl.copy() data = data.copy() if freq_unit == "nm": self.wavelengths = wl self.wavenumbers = 1e7 / wl self.wl = self.wavelengths else: self.wavelengths = 1e7 / wl self.wavenumbers = wl self.wl = self.wavenumbers self.t = t = data self.err = err if name is not None: = name # Sort wavelenths and data. idx = np.argsort(self.wavelengths) self.wavelengths = self.wavelengths[idx] self.wavenumbers = self.wavenumbers[idx] =[:, idx] self.auto_plot = auto_plot self.plot = TimeResSpecPlotter(self) self.t_idx = dv.make_fi(self.t) self.wl_idx = dv.make_fi(self.wavelengths) self.wn_idx = dv.make_fi(self.wavenumbers) if disp_freq_unit is None: self.disp_freq_unit = freq_unit else: self.disp_freq_unit = disp_freq_unit self.plot.freq_unit = self.disp_freq_unit